After Maxing out all Classes

Chapter 861

Chapter 861: They’re Fine

The Sand King could see the Westwind Warriors approaching its position, and just when the reinforcements of elven druids arrived from Westwind City, they pointed towards the ground, saying, “Roots, grow!” Instantly, numerous tree roots sprouted densely from the sandy ground, crazily spreading towards the underground.

At that moment, the Sand King, who was happily burrowing underground, suddenly felt countless roots emerging from the surrounding sand. These weren’t ordinary branches that would break upon impact, but magical roots formed from condensed magic. It took considerable effort for it to break each root, and after breaking hundreds of them in succession, it began to feel a bit weak.

Then, more roots surrounded it, making it feel trapped from all sides, as if caught in a dense web of roots.

The Sand King was startled and hurriedly tried to dig upwards, emerging from the ground to find another place to burrow.

However, a group of human magicians on the surface were already prepared. They simultaneously pointed towards the ground and cast, “Spring Surge.”

Magical springs of water surged towards the ground, instantly seeping into the sand, spreading towards the underground. The sand, dampened by the water, became significantly more solid than dry sand. The Sand King suddenly found itself unable to break through the surface.

Then, another group of magicians stepped forward and cast, “Frozen Seal!”

A freezing cold aura swept across the land, and the ground rapidly froze at a visible speed. Just as the Sand King’s two large pincers and head emerged from the ground, the surface was completely frozen. Its massive body and tail were all trapped beneath the frozen ground.

The Sand King panicked! It desperately shook its head and waved its pincers, attempting to break free from the ice. However, it was futile. It suddenly remembered that it still had the ability to cause earthquakes. Perhaps by using an earthquake, it could shatter the frozen ground and escape. It quickly began to cast the spell.

But then it realized that to unleash the earthquake wave, it needed to shake its tail first. However, its tail was frozen and couldn’t move at all.

“Attack! Kill the damn thing!”

Baron Nuolun was the first to unleash a Wind Blade spell, and the nearby magicians followed suit, unleashing their full firepower.

At this moment, Xuelu finally understood what was happening and laughed, saying, “It’s quite interesting to fight alongside the army against monsters, hahaha! The army’s tactics are truly formidable. This powerful monster was instantly controlled by the army. If it were us fighting, I have no idea what we would do. Gorda, Jike, let’s join in as well.”

Gorda shrugged, saying, “No chance to not get involved, huh?”

Fireballs, ice arrows, wind blades, and falling rocks all rained down on the Sand King’s head. The immobilized Sand King had no room to dodge and was instantly bombarded, crying out in pain. Its two pincers, swinging aimlessly, weakly drooped down.

In the midst of the chaotic scene with magic flying everywhere, there was unexpectedly Kante. He charged forward while shouting, “Take my Chengguang Family’s ultimate skill, Whirlwind!”

Baron Nuolun, upon seeing this, became overjoyed. “Hahaha, look at my nephew, so brave.”

Beside them, Xuelu curiously asked, “He’s shouting about using the Whirlwind Technique, but why is he charging forward? Isn’t the Whirlwind Technique a long-range magic?”

Baron Nuolun replied, “Huh?” A sense of unease immediately arose within him.

Kante reached the scorpion, giving it a strong kick to its face. He planned to wait for the scorpion to turn around before striking it from behind with a sword. However, the scorpion was frozen in place and couldn’t move at all, rendering his kick useless.

Besides, even if the scorpion hadn’t been frozen, with Kante’s strength, it would have been impossible for him to make it turn around.

Kante sighed, “Oh no, my Whirlwind Technique can’t make it spin.”

Baron Nuolun’s gentlemanly demeanor quickly vanished as he angrily exclaimed, “Damn it! The Whirlwind Technique of my Chengguang Family isn’t like this!”

Everyone else said, “Baron Nuolun, is this the first time you’ve seen Kante use the Whirlwind Technique? My condolences, my condolences.”

Baron Nuolun fell to the ground with a thud, bowing his head in disappointment.

In the blink of an eye, the Sand King was defeated by Westwind City. The Norma people and the Desert Kingdom rebels didn’t even have time to react, let alone provide support. They all remained bewildered for quite some time until the Sand King’s body became stiff, and only then did they come to their senses.

The Commander of the Southern Sky Knights roared angrily, “Even without the Sand King’s help, my knights can still crush you bunch of trash! Knights, charge! Charge!”

The rebels’ mamlik warriors also charged forward.

On the other side, the leading generals, Motra and Elsie, waved their staffs forward, shouting, “Counterattack! Deal with this bunch of trash! Even when Godfather is absent, we can’t let ourselves be underestimated.”

Both sides rushed towards each other from two directions, intertwining in an instant.

Gorda excitedly said to Xuelu, “Let’s go back. This isn’t a place for adventurers like us to get involved. We excel in small-team operations, and we can’t even figure out how to participate in a large-scale battle like this.”

Xuelu responded, “It wouldn’t hurt to throw a few fireballs ahead randomly.”

Gorda stopped her, saying, “Hold on, you might hit our own people.”

The two of them, Gorda and Jike, approached and pulled Xuelu back, returning to the transmission gate behind the lines. They quickly found a new gate and hurriedly stepped into it. This time, when they emerged, they were finally in the right place.

Robb stood in front of the transmission gate, grinning as he looked at them. “Why did it take you so long to get here?

“I thought as soon as I opened the portal, I would see Xuelu jumping out, but it took you three so long to come.”

Xuelu laughed and skipped over, grabbing Robb by the neck. “Darling, we entered the wrong transmission portal and ended up on Elsie’s side.”

“Oh? Elsie’s side also happened to have a transmission portal open.” Robb smiled and asked, “How is the situation over there?”

Gorda stepped forward and recounted the battle that had just taken place, saying with a smile, “Things went smoothly over there. When we arrived, we happened to witness them defeating a massive monster of the enemy. We’re definitely going to win the upcoming battles on our side as well.”

Robb nodded after listening. “It seems I don’t have much to worry about over there.”

When he only controlled Westwind City, Robb could manage everything, but now that the scope of Westwind City had expanded to include the Kingdom of Gran, the New Continent, and the Desert Kingdom, it was impossible for him to handle everything. It was time to let his subordinates handle some matters on their own.

After years of development, Westwind City now had the ability to fight without Robb’s presence. There was nothing to worry about.

Robb smiled at the adventurer trio and said, “Alright, let’s proceed to the Demon King City with peace of mind. Don’t tell me you don’t know where the Demon King City is.”

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