After Mistakenly Binding The Matchmaker System

Chapter 21

Chapter 21

Li Shu’s rise was so fast that he didn’t give anyone time to react. He was already like a sturdy pine tree, its roots deeply embedded in the rock beneath and growing lush branches and leaves.

Li Shu was highly efficient in his work and always gave the Emperor the most satisfactory responses. Consequently, the Emperor grew fond of using him. At first, he assigned minor tasks or had him deal with old matters. Gradually, Li Shu’s influence expanded. Despite the dissatisfaction from other ministers, Li Shu conducted his affairs with utmost precision, making it challenging to find fault.

“Master, there’s a letter for you.” Qinghe handed over the letter she received from the guards. Since Li Shu took office, he had moved out of the Left Prime Minister’s residence. Later, the Emperor promoted him and granted him a house.

When he moved out, Li Shu only planned to bring Qinghe as a maid. But at Qinghe’s recommendation, he also brought the young servant boy. After moving out and becoming independent, Qinghe no longer addressed him as “Eldest Young Master” but rather as “Master”.

“Whose letter is it this time?” Li Shu casually took the letter, scanned the envelope but didn’t see any signature. Qinghe was careful, and logically, she shouldn’t have brought a letter from an unknown source to him.

“It was delivered by a child, he only said ‘temple’.”

“I see. You may leave.”

The envelope was opened, and inside was a piece of light green letter. After reading its contents, Li Shu couldn’t help but curl his lips.

The letter was from Qi Mingxuan. After the Lu Ming Banquet, Qi Mingxuan had mentioned bringing the two children to meet him. But within a few days, he was dispatched to Jiangnan by the Emperor and had been away for several months, only returning to the capital a few days ago.

Li Shu thought Qi Mingxuan had forgotten about their arrangement.

The weather was getting hotter. In the past few days, news of droughts have been reported in various places. Fortunately, the previous years had been free from major calamities, and the imperial treasury was full. The Emperor promptly sent aid to alleviate the situation, effectively curbing the impact of the disaster.

People didn’t take the disaster seriously, attributing the exceptionally hot summer and scarce rainfall to mere weather anomalies. Little did they know, in places unseen, famine had spread like wildfire.

In Yun County, a thousand miles away from the capital, a once populous county with forty thousand residents now had less than ten thousand remaining. Unable to receive relief supplies, the emaciated and angered survivors stormed the county magistrate’s residence. After brutally killing the local magistrate and others in the residence, they looted the entire place.

The same events weren’t limited to Yun County; it’s just that these places were too remote for news to reach the capital immediately.

Dazzled by the prosperity before their eyes, the officials in the capital couldn’t fathom the tragedies unfolding in places beyond their sight.

It wouldn’t be long before the false prosperity was brutally torn apart by the harsh reality.

The weather in Great Zhou was about to change.

Li Shu arrived at his destination a bit earlier than mentioned in the letter. Qi Mingxuan chose a location outside the city. There were too many eyes and ears in the city, which was somewhat inconvenient.

He came by carriage and changed carriages midway. He had a big goal. If someone discovered that he had private dealings with Prince Qin, he didn’t know how many troubles it would cause.

Before getting off the carriage, Li Shu took out the mask he exchanged from the system store last time and wore it on his face. He couldn’t afford exposing his identity for the time being.

He arrived early, expecting to wait a while for Prince Qin. But to his surprise, Qi Mingxuan was already there with the two children when he arrived.

“I thought I’d be here before you.”

“I also just arrived a short while ago.” Qi Mingxuan walked over, his eyes filled with genuine joy and astonishment.

In their previous encounters, Li Shu had always worn light-colored clothes. However, perhaps to conceal his identity this time, he wore dark attire.

Dressed in black, the young man appeared even more slender. The masked half covering his face was adorned with subtle patterns, revealing only his lips and jaw. His eyes were hidden behind the mask, tempting one to explore.

This version of Li Shu was completely different from the one usually seen. The former resembled a seductive demon wandering in the abyss, while the latter was like a pine tree atop a snowy mountain, both made people unable to look away.

After sending the letter, he was actually a bit anxious. He feared Li Shu wouldn’t read the letter or, worse, wouldn’t come after reading it. He didn’t come early; he had come over last night, afraid Li Shu might arrive early and wait for him.

The two children hid behind Qi Mingxuan, not daring to show themselves. Compared to their initial meeting, Li Shu exuded a more imposing aura, and the children were somewhat afraid of him.

Li Shu paid little attention to the children’s reactions. Seeing that they were well taken care of, he felt reassured. Qi Mingxuan, on the other hand, was dissatisfied with the children’s attitude. He brought them in front of him and scolded, “Didn’t we agree you would personally say thank you to your benefactor?”

The little boy had a bit more courage and thanked Li Shu. Following his lead, the girl also whispered her thanks.

The girl had a thin and weak voice, but her eyes were bright. Thinking about the plot described by 1314, Li Shu couldn’t help but glance at her a few more times.

Although she wasn’t fully grown yet, it couldn’t be denied that the girl had the potential for beauty. It’s no wonder she would later receive the male protagonist’s favor.

Seeing Li Shu’s gaze lingering on the little girl, Qi Mingxuan’s expression darkened.

Noticing the male protagonist’s mood, Li Shu withdrew his gaze. However, he couldn’t help but feel troubled; if the male protagonist really developed feelings for someone else, could he still complete his mission?

[Host, don’t worry. This dynasty doesn’t follow monogamy. The male protagonist will become the emperor, and the harem won’t consist of just the female protagonist. As long as the female protagonist becomes the empress, that’s enough. The status of other consorts and the empress is different.]

Sensing the host’s concerns, 1314 quickly explained: [The specific requirements for each small world are different.]

[Your mission is quite humane.] Li Shu sighed.

[Of course,] the system said proudly, [we are the best system.]

Li Shu couldn’t help it—the corners of his mouth curved upward slightly

Qi Mingxuan’s eyes have been fixed on Li Shu since they met. Naturally, this small gesture didn’t escape his eyes. Although he didn’t know why the young man was happy, Qi Mingxuan couldn’t hold back the smile on his lips too when he saw him smiling.

Qi Mingxuan coughed to hide his smile, and turned sideways. “Let’s go inside.”

Qi Mingxuan and Li Shu walked ahead, with the two children following. The girl held the boy’s sleeve, and slowly let out a breath.

‘So terrifying! The man in black is scary, and the prince is even scarier.’

The place Qi Mingxuan chose was secluded. It looked inconspicuous from the outside, but stepping inside revealed a hidden paradise.

Inside and outside the gate seemed like two different worlds.

Outside, there was silent wilderness, while inside, there were small bridges, flowing water, rockeries, and pavilions – all exquisitely crafted.

Being able to conceal such a place on the outskirts of the capital proved Qi Mingxuan’s capabilities.

[It’s so beautiful!]

Along the way, 1314’s exclamations never stopped, making Li Shu almost want to face palm.

[Host, this place wasn’t mentioned in the original plot. Logically speaking, such a place should have been mentioned at one point.] After expressing its amazement, 1314 remembered the main issue. It had meticulously reviewed the plot from beginning to end; if this place was mentioned, it would have been remembered.

The system didn’t know the answer, and it was even less likely for Li Shu to know what was going on.

“This is the only thing my birth mother left me, and it only came into my hands recently.” Along with it, there were the cruel truths deliberately concealed back then and the true power that the Mu family had preserved.

Qi Mingxuan stood in front of the corridor, looking into the distance. The matters of the Mu family were a long time ago, so long that everyone had almost forgotten what kind of existence the Mu family once was.

Being able to build such a place under the imperial city, commanding a million lions on the battlefield, it is no wonder that the emperor would be afraid of them and have this family exterminated in such a tragic way.

“It’s beautiful here.” Li Shu suddenly spoke, interrupting the male protagonist who was immersed in the past. It was clear that those memories weren’t pleasant, and people always had to look forward.

“Do you like it here? When I first came here, I thought you would like this place. I chose this location for our meeting just to let you come and see. For me, the existence of this place is like a gorgeous nightmare, a constant reminder of everything that happened in the past.”

Qi Mingxuan stretched out his hand, attempting to grasp something. Naturally, he couldn’t hold anything. Just like those faded memories, he desperately wanted to hold onto them, but all he could grasp was emptiness.

“I initially wanted to seal this place away.” To bury this place deep in his heart along with memories from the past, but now, he wanted to give this place to the young man.

No wonder the original plot didn’t describe it. It was probably because the male protagonist never brought anyone here, and it’s possible he never came himself.

“I’ll use this to pay for the two life-saving graces. Are you willing?”

At the same time, Li Shu heard the mechanical sound of the system:

[Ding—Congratulations to the host for receiving a courtyard gifted by the male protagonist. The courtyard can be upgraded—it is currently at level 210. Please choose to accept or reject.]

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