After Mistakenly Binding The Matchmaker System

Chapter 22

Chapter 22

Li Shu didn’t deny that this courtyard was to his liking in every aspect, but…

Li Shu turned around and faced Qi Mingxuan: “I mentioned before that I saved you at someone’s request. I cannot accept this token of gratitude from you.”

Qi Mingxuan wasn’t surprised by this outcome. If Li Shu had agreed directly, he would have found it strange. Still, there was a slight sense of disappointment in his heart.

In front of Li Shu, he always found it challenging to control his emotions. All his joys and sorrows were laid bare in Li Shu’s eyes. He knew it wasn’t right, but he didn’t feel repulsed at all.

Since Li Shu declined, he wouldn’t insist: “If you like this place, you can come and visit in the future. Regardless of why you saved me, I won’t forget this favor.”

Qi Mingxuan didn’t want to ask who had entrusted Li Shu to come forward and save him whenever he was in trouble. As for why Li Shu always appeared at precisely the right moment each time, he subconsciously ignored it.

“Let me show you around again.”

They walked side by side. Qi Mingxuan was slightly taller than Li Shu, and as long as he tilted his head, he could see the young man’s eyelashes that were like butterflies, and his porcelain-like skin. However, he didn’t dare to be too presumptuous, only stealing glances when Li Shu spoke.

The courtyard wasn’t large, but its layout was exceptionally exquisite. It skirts the rockery and passes through the bridge over water. The further they walked, the brighter Li Shu’s eyes became.

It seemed that the young man really liked this place. Qi Mingxuan felt somewhat pleased; if he could get a smile from the young man, the shadows from his past memories seemed to diminish in this courtyard.

“How has this place been overlooked for so long?” As they walked, Li Shu found it strange. The courtyard wasn’t massive, but it certainly wasn’t small. How could a place so close to the capital remain undiscovered for decades or even centuries?

Qi Mingxuan didn’t conceal anything: “Our ancestors once saved a Taoist during a military expedition. This place was built by that Taoist, who said that if one day… it could become a refuge for the Mu family.”

Unfortunately, those people were ruthless, and didn’t give the Mu family any time to react. This sanctuary was reborn after being sealed for many years, and the people he wanted to protect had long turned to dust.

Unexpectedly, a question led to the male protagonist’s heartbreaking past. Li Shu pursed his lips, unsure of what to say.

After a stroll, Qi Mingxuan led him back to the main hall, where the two children were. When they saw the two coming back, the children stood up to greet them.

After 1314’s reminder, Li Shu restrained his aura. This time, the two children weren’t as afraid of him as when they first met.

“What are your names?”

The brave boy stepped forward and answered, “We don’t have names, but I gave my sister a name, Xiao Hua, hehe.”

Li Shu lifted the teacup, hiding the slight curve of his lips. “Do you have any memories of your family?”

The two children looked at each other and shook their heads blankly.

“I’ve sent people to investigate, but because it has been a long time, we haven’t found much yet.” Qi Mingxuan was sitting upright; it was a habit from his years in the military, and every move he made gave off a sharp demeanor.

Li Shu’s power had just started growing, and the male protagonist’s power surpassed his. The speed at which he could find people was naturally faster. So on hearing the answer, Li Shu temporarily set aside this matter.

He once asked 1314 about the identities of the two children. Unfortunately, these two were side characters in the plot, and the available information was scarce.


After that day, Li Shu started interacting with Qi Mingxuan under the identity of the Masked Man. With the system cleaning up, he no longer worried about issues between his two identities being discovered.

On the surface, Prince Qin’s return to the capital brought no changes to Li Shu. He continued working independently, completing each task the emperor assigned efficiently. He even targeted Prince Qin’s people, earning himself a new wave of resentment.

With a loud “bang”, the door was forcefully pushed open. A middle-aged man stared at the violently opened door, his eyes furious.

“You can’t do this, Li Shu! This official is under Prince Qin’s command. If you harm this official, Prince Qin won’t let you off!”

“Oh, really?” Li Shu stepped into the room from outside. There was a faint cold arc at the corner of his mouth, and his eyes were indifferent. “You’ve violated the laws of Great Zhou. Are you implying that Prince Qin stands above the laws of Great Zhou?”

“You…” Yang Zhou was so angry he couldn’t speak. He didn’t mean that. He clearly wanted Li Shu to consider Prince Qin’s status and not harm him. He had already heard that Li Shu was ruthless and loyal to the emperor, a loyal dog in the emperor’s hands. Today, he witnessed it firsthand.

Beads of sweat slid down his forehead. He knew exactly what he had done. Why was he discovered even though he was so careful? And that person, that person had assured him that this matter was absolutely safe.

Where is the safety? He had just intervened, and it was already exposed. Thinking of how Li Shu had dealt with those people before, he felt like he was wrapped by a cold current even though the weather was scorching hot.

“I don’t care whose man you are. In my eyes, there are only two types of people: those who should be left alone and those like you who abuse their official position and meddle where they shouldn’t.”

Li Shu turned around, and ordered in a flat yet chilling tone: “Take him away!”

“Li Shu, leave yourself a way out. Your lack of mercy today may determine your fate tomorrow! Our present may be your future!”

After roaring these words, Yang Zhou saw the young man in front of him turning back. Although the young man’s face remained expressionless, he felt a chill rising from the soles of his feet.

Just as he was about to say something, the young man curved his lips, slightly parted his thin lips, and spoke with a hint of mockery, “Master Yang, you don’t need to worry about my future. Master Yang should first take care of himself.”

Li Shu did not join any forces, and did not leave any escape route for himself. He only followed the emperor’s orders. Like a sword in the emperor’s hand, he struck wherever the emperor pointed.

His only reliance was the emperor, which allowed the emperor to trust and use him. Consequently, he ascended faster than anyone else.

But how many loyal subjects had a good ending in the world? When the emperor felt this sword had dulled and was no longer useful, the sword lost its value.

The court remained calm for a while.

Half of the summer had passed, and the rain remained scarce, leaving the land cracked. The peasants looked at their despondent seedlings, deeply troubled.

Experienced farmers sat on the edge of the fields, shaking their heads with worry. “If this continues, I’m afraid there might be a locust plague.”

After a long drought, a locust plague was inevitable. Farmers worried about this year’s harvest, yet the ministers in the court were still deceived by the illusion of prosperity, thinking the world was peaceful.

“Your Highness, everything is arranged. Those people have secretly arrived at the outskirts of the capital with our assistance, waiting for your command.”

Qi Mingxuan shook the cup in his hand, then asked about another matter, “Regarding Yang Zhou, have they found any results?”

“We found that he had contact with people around the eldest prince before the incident,” An Yu paused and continued, “Your Highness, do you want to deal with him?”

After all, Yang Zhou belonged to Prince Qin. Committing such an offense could easily implicate Prince Qin. The person who manipulated Yang Zhou probably had this in mind. It would be best if all blame could be shifted onto Prince Qin through Yang Zhou.

Qi Mingxuan waved his hand, “No need. Relying on Yang Zhou alone won’t implicate me. If you do something suspicious, it will raise doubts.”

“Indeed, regarding Yang Zhou’s case, we should maintain an unchanging response to all changes.” The old man sitting on the other side of the chessboard calmly put down the white chess piece and glanced at Qi Mingxuan approvingly.

“But there’s Young Master Li Shu, how does His Highness think we should handle him?”

Hearing his teacher mention Li Shu, Qi Mingxuan unconsciously straightened up and answered in a steady tone, “I believe we shouldn’t be enemies with Li Shu.”

The old man was focused on the chessboard, unaware of his student’s anomaly. He nodded, “Correct. Li Shu stands neutral among the factions, and he has gained the emperor’s favor. We shouldn’t make an enemy out of him.”

Hearing this, Qi Mingxuan sighed with relief and absentmindedly placed a black piece on the board.

After several back-and-forths, Qi Mingxuan took the initiative to concede.

“Your Highness has a troubled heart, it’s natural to lose,” the old man stroked his beard. “What troubles your Highness? You might as well share it with this old man?”

A hint of hesitation flickered In Qi Mingxuan’s eyes. The old man was his teacher, and much of his success was owed to the teacher. In the past, he would seek his teacher’s help whenever he faced difficult issues. However, this matter involved Li Shu, and he had no definite conclusion in his mind about his feelings towards the young man.

Should he… say it?

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