After Mistakenly Binding The Matchmaker System

Chapter 8

Chapter 8

It was obviously impossible, so Xiao Tao’s little plan was destined to fail.

Regardless of her plans, Li Shu had no intention of letting her have her way.

Li Shu didn’t pay attention to her expression but took a few steps, sat down at the table, poured himself a cup of tea, and calmly asked, “Tell me, where did you go wrong?”

“N-No, this servant…” Xiao Tao hesitated, unable to guess how much Li Shu knew about her actions and, therefore, couldn’t specify what she did wrong.

“You don’t know? Or are you considering what you can say and what you can’t?” Li Shu deliberately paused. Seeing Xiao Tao’s increasingly unpleasant expression, he put down the tea cup heavily, “Things haven’t been exposed, so you can’t fall into the trap willingly, hmm?”

“This servant doesn’t dare!”

It’s over, the Eldest Young Master knew everything she did! Why? She did it so discreetly, how did the Eldest Young Master find out?

“Speak.” Li Shu glanced at Xiao Tao and asked calmly.

Facing those eyes devoid of any emotion, Xiao Tao couldn’t summon any resistance. She confessed her actions.

Two years ago, Xiao Tao was bribed by Concubine Luo and started working for her. During these two years, Xiao Tao had passed on a lot of information to the outside. Initially, Xiao Tao was timid and didn’t dare to do anything too out of line. However, as time passed without being discovered, her courage grew, and her actions became more audacious. It all escalated to the point where she tampered with Li Shu’s medicine and the subsequent frame up on Li Yang.

Xiao Tao was careful with her actions, and in the original plot, she did succeed. Concubine Luo securely sat on the throne and became the biggest winner in this matter.

After confessing her actions, Li Shu still didn’t react, but 1314 couldn’t sit still.

[Isn’t this Xiao Tao too much?] Knowing that Xiao Tao was behind everything, 1314 was very angry. Such behavior of betraying the master was utterly shameful. Moreover, Xiao Tao’s life was saved by the original owner; if not for him, she would have died in that cold winter.

Compared to 1314, Li Shu was much calmer. People could do anything for their own interests, and he had learned that a long time ago.

He didn’t ask for the reason behind Xiao Tao’s actions. Regardless of the reasons, the fact remained that the original owner died because of her, and as for the true culprit, Concubine Luo, he would handle that.

On the way back, only Qinghe remained by Li Shu’s side.

Before getting on the carriage, Li Shu sensed something. He turned around and met the resentful gaze of Concubine Zhao, who didn’t have time to retract her eyes. It was undoubtedly because of Li Yang’s matter. Li Yang didn’t return with them but was directly sent to the estate. He wouldn’t be back in a short time.

*Quick reminder, Concubine Zhao is Li Yang’s mother.

Li Shu turned indifferently and stepped onto the carriage.

When the enemy comes, we block; when the water comes, we cover the soil. He was never afraid of trouble.

The days of the spring examination were approaching. Li Shu prepared for the imperial examination while sorting out the world’s plot. Fortunately, he had experienced similar situations in his original world and had the system’s help, so preparing for the exam was not difficult.

Perhaps it was ordered by the Left Prime Minister, no one disturbed Li Shu during this period. Even Concubine Zhao, whom Li Shu thought might come to cause trouble, hadn’t shown up. According to Qinghe, Concubine Zhao moved into the temple to atone for Li Yang’s sins.

The mansion was calm, and like any scholar participating in the examination, Li Shu kept reading, quickly assimilating the knowledge of this world.

It had only been a hundred years since the founding of the Great Zhou, and the current emperor was the third in line. He was diligent and wise in his youth but started making the typical mistakes of aging emperors as he grew old—favoritism, cruelty, clinging to power, and refusing to let go, suspicious that his adult son would take his throne…

The emperor was getting old, but the position of Crown Prince remained vacant. The emperor showed no intention of appointing a Crown Prince, which made some people uneasy, especially the favored princes.

The student had already come of age and began to yearn for a broader world. Just at this time, the emperor fell seriously ill and had to relinquish some power. The favored princes, having tasted the sweetness, were unwilling to let go. Their actions grew bolder and bolder, approaching the emperor’s bottom line.

It happened that during this time, Prince Qi Mingxuan, who had been overlooked, achieved great success at the border. With the encouragement of some interested parties, the emperor summoned him back. On one hand, this move served as a wake up call to those restless princes. On the other hand, it was also because the emperor was getting wary of Qi Mingxuan’s growing reputation at the border.

Did Qi Mingxuan not know about all this?

No, he was well aware. The emperor was greedy for power, the Crown Prince was not established, and several princes, along with their backers, fought for power in the court. However, they also feared the emperor above them and dared not make significant moves. Qi Mingxuan knew that his return was part of the emperor’s balancing act. Several princes who had hopes of ascending to the throne had tried to win him over both overtly and covertly, but they had all been rejected. So he knew that the journey to the capital would undoubtedly be difficult and perilous.

Therefore, he took his loyal subordinates one step ahead of the large army and returned to the capital early. Unexpectedly, his whereabouts were exposed, and he was pursued halfway until he escaped to Xian Guo Temple, where he was saved.

“What have you found out?” Qi Mingxuan stood in front of the window with his back to the visitor, a bottomless darkness in his eyes.

“Reporting to Your Highness, during that time in Xian Guo Temple, there was the Left Prime Minister’s family, Deputy Minister Zhang’s family…” The person knelt respectfully on the ground, speaking in a calm tone as he recounted the information he had gathered one by one.

Qi Mingxuan raised his hand, and the only sound in the room disappeared instantly.

“What about the siblings I asked you to investigate?”

“This subordinate is incompetent.”

“You still haven’t found anything?” Qi Mingxuan turned around, his gaze brushing over the subordinate’s head, “You can leave and continue…no, there’s no need to investigate this matter.”


Walking slowly to the table, he picked up the book placed on the top and opened it, revealing a piece of paper filled with writing tucked inside.

It was the prescription Li Shu had written.

Running his fingers along the edge of the paper, various emotions rolled in his eyes, but he quickly regained his composure.

Thinking back now, he realized that during his recovery in Xian Guo Temple, he was in complete isolation from the outside world. The people he saw the most were the young man and his sister. The crucial point was that during that time, he didn’t feel anything wrong with his situation.

This was abnormal.

What is the origin of those siblings?

The hand holding the prescription was unconsciously forceful, leaving creases on the fragile paper. Who was the young man? Was his appearance accidental or intentional, and what was his purpose?

Unable to determine their identities, it was all just speculation.

After coming back to his senses, Qi Mingxuan frowned at the crumpled paper in his hand and sighed. After returning, he had people investigate this prescription, and although there was nothing wrong with the formula, the effectiveness was not as astonishing as it appeared on him. It was worth noting that he had only stayed with the young man for a few days, and the hidden injuries from his previous battles had alleviated significantly.

It seemed that the key to healing was not in this prescription but in the young man.

Flattening the creases on the paper one by one, he placed it back between the pages of the book.

He was not in a hurry, he would eventually find the person.

Qi Mingxuan didn’t know that the system 1314 had discreetly treated his old injuries and the “culprit” that caused him not to find the person was also the system.

1314 just helped the host out of habit, and it didn’t expect that it would bring about such a series of consequences.

Time flew by, and the time came for the spring imperial examination.

Although the imperial examination was not highly regarded by prominent families, for small families and humble scholars, it was a path to the sky. After the New Year, scholars coming to take the exam gradually arrived in the capital. High-spirited scholars could be seen everywhere in teahouses and study rooms.

As the weather warmed up, Li Shu took a book and sat lazily on the porch to bask in the sun.

Qinghe stood not far away holding his cloak. After the incident with Xiao Tao, Qinghe became more cautious in her actions. Food, clothing — everything that Li Shu might come into contact with was carefully checked. People in the courtyard with suspicious intentions were isolated, preventing them from obtaining crucial information.

Without those people with ulterior motives jumping around, Li Shu felt at ease. With the integration of his soul and body, his cultivation also began to recover. Though far from the original level, having some cultivation was better than having none.

[How is the situation with the male protagonist?] Li Shu multitasked, he reviewed his studies while asking the system about information related to the male protagonist.

[Due to the host’s intervention, the news of the male protagonist returning to the capital early hasn’t been exposed. The abuse value has reduced by 15 points. Similar to the original plot, the male protagonist successfully returned to the capital, dealt with the traitors, and successfully turned the tables. However, this time, the operation went smoother than in the original plot, and the injuries he sustained have already recovered so the situation is no longer as severe as in the original plot.]

In the original plot, although the male protagonist ultimately succeeded in the counterattack, the process was far from as smooth as it was now—It could even be said to be full of dangers. His body suffered the consequences, leaving him with lingering health issues and making it impossible for him to return to the battlefield.

This time, the male protagonist not only recovered from his injuries but also, due to the system’s discreet intervention, began recovering from past wounds.

Qi Mingxuan returned to the capital with all his glory intact. It was unknown how many people were gritting their teeth behind the scenes, and how many people had other intentions.

[Host, the male protagonist has been searching for you and the female protagonist, but…] 1314 spoke with a hint of uncertainty, [the main focus is on finding the host.]

[Finding me? Does he know who Xinuo and I are?] Li Shu asked.

[The male protagonist sent someone to investigate, but I cleared some traces. He temporarily can’t find out. Do you want him to know?]

[Hmm…] Li Shu pondered, [Let’s wait a bit, don’t let him find out.]

The male protagonist and the Left Prime Minister belonged to different factions. Revealing Li Xinuo’s identity to the male protagonist now might extinguish any potential love between them before it even began. It was better to wait until they had a certain emotional foundation.

In the splendid and majestic hall, the emperor wearing bright yellow court attire sat high on the throne. His crown partially obscured his face, making his expression unclear.

“Xuan’er, do you know why We chose to talk to you alone?”

At this moment, only the two of them remained in the vast hall– the emperor on the throne, and Qi Mingxuan in dark robes. After returning to the capital, Qi Mingxuan was honored with the title of “Prince Qin” due to his outstanding military achievements, leaping over the Fourth Prince and Eldest Prince, and becoming the emperor’s most favored prince.

Qi Mingxuan did not answer, and the emperor didn’t need him to respond. After a couple of coughs, he continued, “Don’t think We’re unaware of their little schemes. They are opposing this because it touches their interests. Many things, I can compromise, but not this.”

The aging emperor looked down at the increasingly powerful child. He spoke with trust in his words but his eyes were devoid of any emotion. “Since your return to the capital, you haven’t undertaken any significant tasks. This time, you will be in charge of the imperial examination.”

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