After Mistakenly Binding The Matchmaker System

Chapter 9

Chapter 9

The imperial examination system began during the reign of the late emperor but faced opposition from many officials, causing a delay. It was reintroduced when the current emperor had strengthened his power, and this time, it was not limited to specific regions but implemented nationwide, marking a large-scale event.

The disruptive impact of the imperial examination was significant. Initially, due to the emperor’s tough methods and the fact that most who passed the examination only held minor official positions, no one openly expressed their ideas. Majority of court officials came from aristocratic families. If the emperor was to elevate the status of scholars from humble backgrounds, it would stir up a hornet’s nest.

Although he had expected it, the emperor found the situation irritating. The princes were all supported by aristocratic families. Regardless of the future, they were currently leaning towards the aristocratic families. Upon careful consideration, Prince Qin, who had just returned to the capital and had minimal involvement with the aristocratic families, became the best candidate to promote this matter.

After the emperor announced this news, the usually calm court erupted in turmoil, especially among the princes. None had considered Qi Mingxuan a serious competitor. They were surprised by the sudden change in the emperor’s attitude towards him since his return to the capital.

Indeed, the current Qi Mingxuan was no longer the weak prince who had no power and could only stay in the cold palace, ignored by everyone. He had grown into a ruthless God of War that made enemies tremble at the mere mention of his name. He would no longer allow himself to be controlled.

“I always thought that Prince Yu would be my biggest obstacle, but now another one pops up!” The Eldest Prince kicked the chair in front of him in anger, “Look at what brilliant ideas you all have. Having Prince Yu is a headache enough, and now there is a Prince Qin!”

“Calm down, Your Highness,” a man in green attire bowed, “There’s no need to worry about Prince Qin. Due to the actions of Concubine Mu in the past, the current emperor won’t pass the crown to Prince Qin. Moreover, in this matter, Prince Yu stands to lose more. Let’s take a step back and let Prince Yu and Prince Qin fight, it might work in our favor.”

“You’re right,” the Eldest Prince took a deep breath and calmed down, “I was too impulsive. Thanks for the reminder.”

So what if he became the God of War? With a mother who has made such a grave mistake, Qi Mingxuan will never be able to climb over him in this life. He would never allow this situation!

Obviously he is the eldest son of his father, so the position of Crown Prince should belong to him, right?

“What are you going to do next, Your Highness?” As the personal adviser to the Eldest Prince, He Songwen was highly valued. The Eldest Prince confided in him for any matters, including this one.

“Since we want Prince Yu and Prince Qin to clash first, I’ll add some fuel to the fire. I remember that someone on Prince Yu’s side was attempting to tamper with the imperial examination this time? I leave this matter to you.”


He Songwen looked honorable on the surface but was ruthless at heart. As a trusted strategist, he had accomplished many tasks for the Eldest Prince. Those who fell victim to his schemes all suffered miserable fates.

In the past, he mostly dealt with officials from the opposing faction, but this time he had to deal with two princes together. It was exciting to think about it. He Songwen had a secret smile on his lips and was in a good mood as he instructed his subordinates.

After returning to his mansion with the imperial decree, the housekeeper approached and whispered something to Qi Mingxuan. He paused slightly before turning towards the study.


There was an old man standing in the study, his back straight. Hearing the voice, he turned around, “Did the old man’s sudden visit disturb you?”

“Teacher, where’s the disturbance you speak about? I’m more than happy that you came.”

“Always eager to please the old man. Is the upcoming examination falling into your jurisdiction this year?” Although the old man asked casually, his furrowed brows revealed his concern. “It’s not a good task.”

After this imperial examination, the current regime was bound to promote a group of scholars from humble backgrounds. As there were only a few official positions in the court, the rise of scholars from humble backgrounds would inevitably touch the interests of aristocratic families. Entrusting Qi Mingxuan with this task was forcing him to stand against the aristocratic families.

“I know, but it’s also an opportunity.” Qi Mingxuan spoke calmly. His influence in the capital was not stable, and this imperial decree was like giving him a chance. A chance to leverage the power in the capital.

“Yes, your foundation in the capital is not solid. This imperial decree might be a timely opportunity.” The old man stroked his white beard, his brows relaxing. Opportunities often came with various challenges, but facing this small challenge was nothing compared to the difficulties he had overcome in the past.

“But be cautious. Your years of preparation should not be ruined in a moment,” the old man advised, and changed the topic, “I heard you’ve been looking for someone?”

“Yes, I’m searching for someone who has done me a favor.” He couldn’t recall the person’s appearance clearly, only remembering those clear, indifferent eyes.

The old man didn’t delve into it further, offering a reminder instead, “Since it’s someone who has done you a favor, don’t treat them like you handle soldiers.”

His student excelled in every aspect, but he had few friends of the same age, and because he joined the military camp at a young age, he lived a life of licking blood off the blade every day, and didn’t know how to get along with others normally.

“I understand, Teacher.”

Li Shu was unaware that the male protagonist and his teacher had discussed how to treat him. After checking his belongings once again, he boarded the carriage parked in front of the mansion.

It was a cold spring, and Li Shu was wearing a thick cloak. He stood out among a group of scholars from humble backgrounds, so much so that Qi Mingxuan, who was sitting on the opposite second floor, noticed him at a glance.

Qi Mingxuan abruptly stood up.

He remembered.

The moment he saw the young man, memories from the time of recuperation at Xian Guo Temple unfolded like lifting fog. Despite repeated attempts to recall them in recent days, he still couldn’t vividly remember the young man’s face. The memories seemed to be shrouded in mist, and the people he sent out couldn’t determine the identity of the siblings. If not for the noticeable improvement in his old injuries, he might have started doubting the authenticity of those memories at Xian Guo Temple.

So he was one of this year’s candidates?

Feeling the gaze fixed on him, Li Shu turned around, locking eyes with Qi Mingxuan from a distance. Before he could react, Qi Mingxuan quickly averted his gaze and disappeared from the window.

Li Shu withdrew his gaze, followed the crowd and asked the system, [Why is the male lead here?]

He thought he would not be able to see the male protagonist until at least the exam was over.

[The male protagonist is responsible for the security of this exam.]

As it wasn’t relevant to the development of the main characters’ relationship, the system provided minimal details about this imperial examination. Hearing the explanation, Li Shu nodded without further inquiry.

Three days passed quickly. When they exited the examination hall, a heavy rain shower greeted them. The mansion’s carriage was already waiting outside. Seeing Li Shu coming out, Qinghe hurried forward holding an umbrella.

Li Shu’s face was somewhat pale. The original owner’s body was slightly weaker than he anticipated. The exam room was crude, with a hint of early spring chill, making it unbearable. If it weren’t for the improvement in the fusion of his soul and this body, enhancing the physique a bit, enduring three days would have been a challenge.

“Eldest Young Master?” Seeing Li Shu, whose lips even showed an unhealthy color, Qinghe couldn’t hide her concern.

Taking the umbrella handed over by Qinghe, Li Shu gave her a reassuring smile. “I’m fine, let’s go.”

[Host, are you really okay?] As the system, it could sense the host’s condition to some extent, and it clearly felt that the host wasn’t well.

There was a heater in the car. After sitting for a while, Li Shu’s frozen body gradually warmed up and he moved his limbs. He leaned against the carriage wall and replied lazily, [I’m fine, I was just a bit cold earlier.]

This body’s aversion to cold was not something new, supposedly, it was a condition inherited from the womb. It could only be gradually adjusted, and curing it was challenging.

The system store did offer a remedy for invigorating the body, but the price for that medicine was astronomical for him currently. So, he could only endure this sensitivity to cold for now.

Li Shu didn’t participate in the imperial examination with great fanfare as the son of the Left Prime Minister. Most people assumed he was a child from some wealthy household, and no one thought of his true identity. Therefore, during the exam, the Left Prime Minister’s mansion maintained its usual appearance without revealing his identity.

After returning home, Li Shu covered himself with a blanket and slept heavily. When he woke up, it was already noon on the second day.

Qinghe brought lunch to Li Shu’s room. After sleeping for so long, Li Shu was indeed hungry. After drinking some water, he started eating directly.

Qinghe stepped back towards the door, and was about to close it when she saw a figure walking this way and stopped suddenly.

As the figure approached, she greeted, “Lord Minister.”

“Hmm,” Li Cheng didn’t pause, and walked straight towards Li Shu’s room. “Is your master awake?”

“In response to the Lord Minister, the Eldest Young Master has already awakened and is having a meal,” Qinghe was somewhat puzzled. Why would the Left Prime Minister come to find the Eldest Young Master at this hour? However, as a maid, she couldn’t ask such questions.

“It’s good that he’s awake. Has Dr. Lin been summoned to check on Zi Shu?” Like any concerned father, Li Cheng’s tone carried a hint of worry.

“Dr. Lin has already checked and prescribed medicine to dispel the cold. He said as long as the young master rests properly, there won’t be any issues.”

As they spoke, the two had reached the door of the room. Qinghe pushed it open, saying, “Eldest Young Master, Master is here.”

Li Shu set down his bowl and chopsticks, standing up to bow. “Father.”

“No need for excessive courtesy. Sit, is there any discomfort in your body?” Li Cheng walked to a nearby seat. He sat down and waved his hand, signaling the attendants to withdraw. Once only the two of them were left in the room, he explained the purpose of his visit.

“During the exam, did Zi Shu notice anything unusual around him?”

“Is something wrong?” Li Shu pondered for a moment, and was very sure that nothing unusual happened around him. “There was nothing unusual.”

Li Cheng didn’t beat around the bush. “This morning, the Emperor was furious. Last night, Prince Qin discovered widespread cheating in this exam and reported it to the Emperor overnight. Preliminary assessment indicates that one of the examiners leaked the questions.”

“How could that happen?!” Li Shu exclaimed.

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