After the Full-Level Boss Entered the Infinite Game By Mistake

Chapter 115.3 - Campus Oddities

Chapter 115.3 - Campus Oddities

[Is…Is there a possibility that the big boss was his lover?]

[You can’t think that. How can you even think that? No matter how powerful the big boss is, NPCs are just data. God Xin is a real person, and his lover is definitely a real person.]

[Who says that his lover is a real person? I’ve read before that humans are even married to game characters. What if the God Xin was also married to a game character? And that person is the big boss? What if he entered this copy to get a wish and make the big boss, who is data, human? The big boss was afraid he’ll get hurt, so he forcibly widowed him.]

[Wow, brother. You have sublimated the whole plot all of a sudden. “My AI boyfriend!” You should become a screenwriter.]

[Although it doesn’t make sense, I believe it.]

[The great entertainment industry has taught us a lesson, the news you often think is fake, is actually true. Maybe the truth is what the brother above analyzed.]

[Then who is this white hair?]

[Well, isn’t he White Hair? It’s his own business to pursue Bai Lixin, and Bai Lixin can refuse to accept. God Xin has not yet agreed to it, so what’s your hurry? Besides, what if the big boss got a new face in this copy. No one said that the big boss must use that face. Didn’t he have a skull head in the undead copy? I think you guys are fighting for nothing.]

[From what you said, I now feel better when I see White Hair.]

[Come on, he’s already good-looking. I don’t think it’s a bad idea to have God Xin have two.]

[Ahem ahem, my exact thoughts, upstairs. (shy.jpg.)]

After throwing the pen into his backpack, Bai Lixin heard the sound of footsteps.

His and Su Fan’s seats were in the corner by the window, and he could see out the window as soon as he looked up.

Outside the window, the students of class B were doing exercises on the playground in the distance.

The students of class B had already changed into their uniformed blue coloured school uniforms and he soon saw Zhou Guang and Li Cancan in the crowd.

After watching them for a moment, he looked up at the clock above the blackboard.

The time on the clock had moved to just after 10 o’clock. The bell had even rang twice in between, but Teacher Zhao still hadn’t come back.

The players were fine at first, exploring the clues in the classroom, but after a while, they began to get anxious.

“Why hasn’t Teacher Zhao come back yet?”

“He’s been gone for so long, does it take so long to get the school uniforms?”

“He won’t let us leave like that, right? If he’s gone for days, do we stay in the classroom for days?”

Someone called out to Wang Xiaoming, the class monitor, “Aren’t you the class monitor? You go and look for the teacher, ah. In real classes aren’t class leaders the ones who go and call the teacher?”

Wang Xiaoming shrank his head into his neck, “I wouldn’t dare do that. I just read the school rules and regulations, and it says that you must obey the teacher’s words, or you will be punished. No one knows what the punishment is and I don’t want to be the first to test it.”

Outside the window came a roar of anger.

“You waste!”

The voice was so loud that it cut straight through the air and pierced into the eardrums of the inferior class players.

The voice instantly drew away everyone’s attention, and the players immediately padded over to the window and poked their heads out in curiosity.

There were a total of four windows by the window, and apart from that near Bai Lixin and Su Fan, the other three were filled with people.

Why not go to the free one, you ask?

They didn’t know why, but they just didn’t want to go over there. They felt like a particularly powerful aura came from that place, which made them not dare to come near.

On the far side of the playground, a tall and imposing teacher dragged a player over.

Compared to the ape-like teacher, the player was as weak as a small bb.

The ape-like teacher’s roar reached everyone’s ears, “Didn’t I tell you to keep your chest up when you run? Why don’t you listen?”

“Do you know that the test will also be used as your assessment?”

“Look at yourself. Do you know why class A doesn’t come running? There’s haze and pollution outside, class A has a special indoor running room, the room is equipped with air purifiers, the treadmill not only helps them practice their form, but also doesn’t let them get polluted by the air outside!”

“Do you know why class C doesn’t come? Because that’s the rubbish class, they don’t even have the qualifications to come and waste the air. They don’t even get a chance to practice their form and run.”

“You think it’s really that easy for them to upgrade and get into a better class?”

“Wake up! One wrong step, one wrong step from the starting line and they were finished. With the unequal resources, they are destined to become complete and utter losers.”

The ape-like teacher finished and gave a disdainful glance towards class C, “If you keep this state, you will definitely enter the inferior class in the next exam. By then, you will become the dregs of society, the losers. You will turn into a waste that everyone scorns, you will be quickly dismissed from school and thrown to those monsters. Is that what you intend to become?”

The teacher’s voice was loud, and they couldn’t hear the player’s voice.

The player bowed his head, they couldn’t hear what he said, but the teacher continued, “That’s right! Practice well, and as long as you’re not dead, practice the hell out of it! This is not a drill, it’s a practice and test to save your dignity and your lives!”

“Get into line and run for me!”

The player stumbled on his feet and soon got into the far side of the line and started sprinting hard.

He was as exuberant as if he had been hit with chicken blood all of a sudden.

The players’ songs as the run laps rang out.

“Study hard! Climb up every day! Climb to the top! Don’t be scum!”

“’Fuck! Fuck this!” The player in the white shirt raised his middle finger, “So just because one is slow, they are scum and a cancer? What bins!”

“Sooner or later, I will blow this crap school up!”

A slender player spoke up, “Brother, don’t wait for sooner or later, I want to blow it up right now. It’s not enough that the NPCs are scolding us, but now these players are also looking down on us? They take us as a negative example?”

“I’ve never been this humiliated in my life, damn it!”

“These bastards don’t even treat us like human beings!”

Bai Lixin’s private chat box buzzed.

He opened the private chat and found that it was a message from Xia Chi.

Xia Chi: [Brother, how are you doing in class C?]

Bai Lixin: [Not bad, how about you guys?]

Xia Chi: [Shit, don’t mention it! From the moment I entered the classroom, my butt was not even warmed up before class started. The most important thing is not to be lazy, as soon as you laze around, the NPC teachers notice it!]

[These teachers are no joke, each of them has a ruler in their hands. Anyone who is distracted in class and who doesn’t answer the right question will be beat down with a ruler.]

[The ruler is made of steel! Fuck, it hurts! It hurts so much, brother! Wuuu.]

Bai Lixin: [Are you being beaten?]

Xia Chi: [No, I was lost in thought. But the teacher is really good, he’s like the top teachers I used to hire. Brother, are you good? I found out that our private chat still works, so if you don’t know how to take the test, just ask me and I’ll send the answers to the group.]

Bai Lixin: [Let’s wait and see, I don’t know if this method will be considered cheating.]

Xia Chi: [Okay, I’ll listen to you.]

[I’m in class A, so I’m in the right place. I’ll be able to inform you guys first if there’s any news.]

[Alright, I’m going to run, talk to you later.]

When Bai Lixin closed the chat window with Xia Chi, he heard the sound of footsteps from the end of the corridor.

The sound of leather shoes on the ground was crisp and loud.

Hearing the footsteps, all the players hurriedly put aside their indignation and quickly returned to their seats.

A few seconds later, Teacher Zhao opened the door. His face hung with obvious anger, and his hands were devoid of any school uniform.

Teacher Zhai stood in the doorway and spoke coldly. “Go to the school infirmary for measurements. The school did not prepare clothes for you in advance so they’ll just be made.”

His huge black eyes circled the room and he nodded in satisfaction. “Good, you’re sitting just like I ordered. All right, the class monitor will take the lead, come.”

Five minutes later, they made their way through the winding staircases and long corridors and eventually arrived at the school infirmary on the ground floor.

The infirmary was large and divided into several areas.

A waiting area, an examination area, a ward area, a rest area, a doctor’s area, and so on.

Unlike other schools where there is only one doctor, this school had four doctors in the waiting area alone.

The four doctors wore white lab coats. It was two men and two women and they had cold expressions on their pale faces. Their huge black pupils looked at them, as though they were looking at corpses.

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