After the Full-Level Boss Entered the Infinite Game By Mistake

Chapter 117.1 - Campus Oddities

Chapter 117.1 - Campus Oddities

Liang Xi had already retreated to the corner, he just wanted to turn on his heels and run away from this kind of shura field.

*Shura field- interpersonal relationships where multiple characters who like the same person appear at the same time, expressing themselves and competing with each other.

‘God Xin can still stand so calmly in the heart of the storm, tsk tsk, a big boss is indeed a big boss.’

Bai Lixin pulled his hands back, took two steps back and came in front of Liang Xi.

With his back turned to Liang Xi, Bai Lixin looked at Dr. Dijia and the white haired Su Fan.

The two people in black and white stood before Bai Lixin, and the impact of the strong collision of colors made Bai Lixin speechless.

Liang Xi secretly sent a message to Bai Lixin: [God Xin, why did you retreat? ]

Bai Lixin: [Because I feel useless there.]

Liang Xi: [Huh.]

Su Fan and Dijia were both tall, and the were similar in body shape. If you look closely, their facial features were also similar by six or seven points.

The difference was that Su Fan looked a little more refined, much like a typical male protagonist in a TV drama.

As for Dijia, the ascetic black hair neatly combed back and gold rimmed glasses characteristic of sven scum made his originally sharp features a lot more gentle. He looked more like a domineering president in online web novels.

‘Tsk, tsk, tsk.’

Bai Lixin shook his head inwardly.

‘Not bad.’

S419M: [We have a heroic protagonist, and a domineering president, so what about you, Lord Host?]

[Me?] Bai Lixin made a side grin, [Of course I am the jiang.]

*Jiang- a beautiful man/woman in novels.

S419: [Oh, then be careful.]

Bai Lixin: [Why?]

S419M: [According to my years of experience in reading literature, when two protagonists come together, a certain jiang will always be the one suppressed.]

[The kind where they can never turns things around.]

Escape system: [Wow, brother, you even know such things? Are you the knowledge tree of the universe? What is there that you don’t know?]

Bai Lixin: [……]


Dijia moved his feet and walked to Bai Lixin. He pulled the collar of his black shirt on his side, and the perfect jaw line immediately resembled a beautiful and towering peak. “It’s the end of work hours, aren’t you also going out?”

Su Fan turned to face Dijia and also walked while saying without any waves: “Doctor, I’m a little uncomfortable so we will leave after I feel better.”

An excessively pale hand reached over and blocked Dijia’s view of Bai Lixin, “Or can you check me too, I don’t have any gross disease but you can give me a leave slip or something.”

Dijia avoided Su Fan’s hand, “Sorry student, I’m off duty now. And I have a cleanliness problem, I don’t like contact with people without gloves on.”

Su Fan had already stood next to Bai Lixin, “Didn’t you take Bai Lixin’s hand just now?”

Liang Xi wanted to cry without tears.

He didn’t want to get involved, so he hid in the corner.

As a result, these ancestors had all shifted this side.

Dijia smiled implicitly, “I wouldn’t have noticed if you hadn’t reminded me, I’ll pay attention next time, thank you, student.”

“In that case, wait until the guys are rested before you leave. Remember to keep the door closed when you leave, this school is not clean and some things want to come out.”

Dijia glanced at Bai Lixin again, “Remember to come and see me tomorrow.”

Bai Lixin: “……”

As the sound of footsteps faded away, Liang Xi boldly peeked out and found the end of the corridor empty and deserted.

It was also white, but this corridor was hidden in the inner room, so the lights were controlled by sound.

With Dijia’s departure, the lights in the corridor slowly went out, and the corridor returned to darkness.

Gusts of cool wind drilled in through the collar, and Lian Xi remembered shadow on his mobile phone. His scalp went numb, and he immediately shut the door and even inserted the lock.

Liang Xi: “Su Fan, you said you want to stay, do you intend to go to the operating room and explore?”

Su Fan froze, then nodded.

Liang Xi’s eyes lit up, “How clever, Su Fan. You always see the bigger picture! I am sorry for misunderstanding you, I just thought you didn’t want to do extra tasks.”

Bai Lixin looked at Liang Xi’s simple thoughts and sighed silently.

Perhaps he didn’t really misunderstand him, its just that Su Fan didn’t want to leave with Dr. Dijia.

Su Fan coughed lightly and walked to the door of the operating room, “Since there’s no one there, don’t dilly dally.”

Liang Xi: “Oh, yes, yes, let’s go, God Xin.”

There was a very muffled creak, and the door to the darkened operating theatre was opened like the mouth of a sleeping beast.

The room was pitch black and Su Fan fumbled around on the wall before he felt a switch.

When Bai Lixin and Liang Xi had just crossed through the door, the room suddenly lit up and the scene which was not visible a moment ago, immediately came into view.

There were no bloody images as expected, the room was clean.

It would be more appropriate to call it a treatment room rather than an operating theatre.

This operating theatre was not large, their was an operating table in the center of the room and a very professional shadow less lamp overhead.

There were some simple treatment instruments and apparatus around the room, all neatly arranged in their respective places in a way a person with OCD would arrange things.

There was a piece of paper on the table in the corner, and Bai Lixin walked over, picked it up and read it.

[Patient’s name: Han Li


Age: 18 years old

Cause: Trauma, tumour

Reason for punishment: Puppy love, not providing information on her partner, was confined in the small black room.

Punishment: Flogged with a dragon whip]

Liang Xi came over, “A dragon whip? What kind of punishment is that?”

“Well, as you read, its being beaten with a whip,” Bai Lixin put the information sheet back on the table and turned around to walk to the operating table.

The operating table was cleaned up, but there was a medical waste bin next to the table, and the striking yellow color was very visible in a room wrapped in silver and white.

He turned the bin over and saw a fleshy object in a plastic bag lying at the top of the bin.

It was bloodstained, and the slimy mass lay there limply.

Bai Lixin’s face changed when he saw it.

Just as he was about to reach for it, a pair of latex gloves came before his eyes.

Bai Lixin looked up and found that Su Fan had arrived in front of him at some point, and was holding a pair of latex gloves he had found from somewhere.

Su Fan: “Put these on first.”

“Thank you,” Bai Lixin took the gloves and put them on before taking the rubbish bag out of the bin and placing it on the operating table.

Liang Xi quickly came over.

He didn’t know why, but he would have been scared to death if he saw this alone.

Even when with other people.

But only by Bai Lixin’s side would his guts grow bigger than a cow’s, and he was not afraid of anything anymore.

Bai Lixin carefully lifted the rubbish bag, revealing the bloody, slimy mess inside.

“This thing,” Liang Xi hesitated a little, “is this the tumour?”

He remembered the information sheet he had just seen, “but isn’t it too big”

Fingers in latex gloves reached into the slimy fleshy object and turned it over before pulling out something small.

It was almost palm size, with a tiny head, skinny limbs and body. The whole body was soaked in blood and there was an umbilical cord attached to the navel.

It was a small foetus that had formed shape.

Liang Xi Xiang stumbled two steps back, and in his panic, his foot hit the bin. The loud bang immediately shattered the calm of the room.

“A baby?” Liang Xi covered his mouth and his eyes followed the umbilical cord to the the rubbish bag. The ball of flesh was the child’s womb.

“How cruel.” Liang Xi’s voice trembled, “How did this happen?”

“This child should be what the sheet calls a “tumor”. It looks three months old, it had already taken shape.”

Liang Xi hesitated for a few seconds and spoke hesitantly, “Xin, God Xin… Can you give me the baby’s body?”

Bai Lixin turned his head to look at Liang Xi who then said, “It will be treated as rubbish it you throw it in the bin. It’s dead but it was a little life after all. Give it to me, I’ll find a place to bury it.”

“I can’t just watch, even when I see dead animals on the road, I try to bury them in the ground.”

Bai Lixin: “Okay, give me the scissors.”

He had just finished speaking when a pair of surgical scissors were delivered, and the man’s characteristic cold voice came over, “Here.”

Bai Lixin took the scissors and carefully cut off the umbilical cord. While he was cutting, Su Fan continued, “There weren’t any surgical cloths around, I only found a diaper cloth. Use it to pad it, and put it in this surgical bag.”

For the second time, Su Fan used his actions to prove that men are reliable not with their words, but with their actions

The two men cooperated together perfectly, and within minutes, the little baby was securely placed in the transparent bag, sealed and handed over to Liang Xi.

The moment Liang Xi received the baby, the system prompt immediately rang out.

[Ding! Congratulations, player, for triggering the task. [Help the poor baby who died prematurely to be buried in peace], this task is of D level, and you can get 1000 mall points as a reward.

[Failure of the task will not lead to punishment.]


Liang Xi froze, and looked at Bai Lixin in astonishment: “God Xin, did you receive a task earlier?”

Bai Lixin’s reply was easy: “Yes.”

Liang Xi sent the bag over and apologized, “I’m sorry, I didn’t know you were issued a task. Why don’t you do it?”

Bai Lixin shook his head and politely declined, “It’s rare to have someone so thoughtful, and I think this baby would also be happier if you were the one to bury it.”

“Then, fine,” Liang Xi didn’t hesitate much longer and directly clicked [Accept].

[Ding! Congratulations to the player for accepting the quest [Help the poor baby who died prematurely to be buried in peace.] Please help the baby find a place with mountains, water, flowers and grass as its burial ground.]

[Friend reminder: Because the baby is dead, the body is judged eligible to be put into the backpack.]

Liang Xi picked the bag up and looked at it. Through the wrapped up diaper cloth, he could faintly see the red seeping through the cloth and a little head.

The little thing was roughly shaped, like a new hairless mouse, with small eyes, mouth and other features not yet fully developed.

The sex of a child this size hasn’t even been decided yet.

Liang Xi stared at the baby for a while, and in a trance, he seemed to see the little hand move and grab the diaper cloth in his hand.

He winced, blinked and looked more closely with his hand held out.

Perhaps he was so shocked that he was hallucinating.

But the blurred face was facing him, and somehow, Liang Xi suddenly had the feeling that he was being watched.

Not daring to look at it any further, he wrapped the baby up and put it in the system backpack.

When he looked up, he found that Bai Lixin and Su Fan had already cleaned up the scene.

The operating table was clean, and the bin was closed.

The two had even made their way to the few doors along the wall.

Liang Xi hurried to follow them, and saw Bai Lixin push a door open.

The doorway was still lit and it connected to the examination room that Bai Lixin had just left.

There was nothing to see in the examination room, and Bai Lixin quickly went to the second door.

On opening the door, a cold breeze immediately poured out of it.

In the dimly lit room were many long, four-sided iron cabinets neatly lined up from top to bottom, much like the hospital morgues on TV.

Liang Xi’s body suddenly froze.

Why did it look like that? It just resembled a morgue, right?

But it was so cold… the low temperature must be to freeze the corpses…it really was a morgue!

So they had opened a morgue without any precautions?

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