After the Full-Level Boss Entered the Infinite Game By Mistake

Chapter 117.2 - Campus Oddities

Chapter 117.2 - Campus Oddities

While Liang Xi was torn, Bai Lixin and Su Fan had already walked in.

Some of these lockers had signs hanging above the handles.

Bai Lixin picked up the nearest one and examined it.

[Name of the deceased: Han Li

Sex of the deceased:

Date of death: September 26, s432

Cause of death: Hemorrhage

Age at death: 18 years old]

This Han Li must be the same person whose name they saw on the medical sheet outside.

Bai Lixin and Su Fan looked at each other, and Su Fan pulled the cold locker door open.

An even colder stream came out of the cooler, and inside the long locker lay a black bag. The zip was pulled from end to end, wrapping the corpse inside tightly.

Without much hesitation, Bai Lixin unzipped it, revealing the body lying inside.

It was a beautiful girl with long hair that fell to her shoulders.

Her eyes were slightly closed, and her lips slightly pursed, the skin and lips were pale. She looked as if she had just fallen asleep, and there was a faint smile at the corners of her mouth.

She looked peaceful.

The girl was wearing a bloody hospital gown, and her exposed skin was slightly bruised and red.

She hadn’t died that long ago, her body temperature had dropped, but her body hadn’t completely stiffened.

The original blue hospital gown was stained in a mottled plum color from the blood.

There were also some bruises on both of her legs, but none of them was very serious.

After a moment’s hesitation, Bai Lixin bowed to the girl with folded hands, before carefully lifting her clothes.

On the pale stomach were large bruises.

There were so many that the stomach had even turned black.

On top of the black skin were many messy scratches. The scratches were not deep, but enough to create many tiny bleeding openings.

Liang Xi drew a cold breath and couldn’t bear to look anymore. “The bruises are severe, and there are so many small wounds. This girl was still pregnant at the time, right? The black must have been caused by beatings but what about these wounds? Were there spikes or something on the object that hit her?”

Bai Lixin’s eyes were solemn as he took out the Divine whip he had acquired from the last copy out of his backpack.

“This girl was beaten with a Dragon Whip, and if I’m right, that Dragon Whip would be similar to this Divine Whip.”

“Only, it’s more domineering than the Divine Whip, there should be some small spines around its body.”

“The blows were all aimed at the abdomen, so they must have been trying to knock the child out of the stomach and make her miscarry.”

“Hiss, how heavy-handed,” Liang Xi was a little uncomfortable. “Even though they’re all NPC, it still feels so tragic.”

Dense scabs of blood lined the top of the blackened skin, a good indication of how hard the blows to the stomach had been taken at the time.

“18 years old and just coming of age, how did ……”

“There are marks on the wrists and ankles,” Bai Lixin slowly released the hospital gown and covered the girl’s body, his gaze falling on the arms, “It looks like this girl was tied up before.”

“The person who whipped her must have been her class teacher, right?” Liang Xi turned his head to the side, he couldn’t bear to look anymore.

The wrecked body, and the flowery, delicate looking face.

The stark contrast stung Liang Xi’s heart.

Bai Lixin picked up the sign and turned it up again, it did not mark the girl’s class.

Su Fan’s voice came from the side, “Come and take a look at this corpse.”

Bai Lixin looked over and found that Su Fan had already pulled another locker open.

The handle of the locker also had a sign, and when Bai Lixin walked over, Su Fan was just pulling the body bag open.

Bai Lixin looked into the drawer and saw a boy’s corpse.

He picked up the sign and read it.

[Name of the deceased: Zhang Er

Sex of the deceased: Male

Age at death: 19 years old

Cause of death: Sudden death by shock

Date of death: September 10, s432]

The boy had been dead for more than a dozen years. His body did not appear to have any wounds at first glance, only some bruising on his wrists and ankles.

But on closer look, one could see the problems.

There were some burn marks on the boy’s hair, and there was a slimy substance in his mouth and nose.

Su Fan pointed at the boy’s forehead, “It looks like he went through an electric shock of high intensity.”

Bai Lixin turned over the sign and found a small line of writing on the back.

[No Internet addiction at Wish Hall]

Was the boy being punished for his internet addiction?

No, maybe it wasn’t even an internet addiction, just a label for what they think is internet addiction.

After zipping the two corpses up and pushing them back into the locker, Bai Lixin and the others opened the other lockers one after the other.

Only the locker with signs contained bodies, and the causes of death varied.

Some for disobeying the teacher, some for cheating in exams, etc.

The punishments were also varied.

Some were electrocuted to death, some were covered with dense needle holes, and some had stab wounds.

Liang Xi sighed with sadness and fear gradually grew from the depths of his heart: “This copy is difficult, it seems that you can get punished for any reason.”

“There are black scorpions outside the campus.”

“And there are all kinds of punishments inside the school.”

He paused, “Moreover, the supernatural elements have not yet appeared.”

“This copy is so hard, God Xin.”

Bai Lixin: “As it stands, the premise of being punished requires a teacher.”

“As long as you try to circumvent the school rules and regulations, you shouldn’t have any problems. And don’t be too scared, I guess that although there are many punishments, few are this excessive.”

He stared at the closed lockers and pondered for two seconds, “Or rather, in the eyes of those who punish, it’s a kind of redemption.”

Liang Xi: “Redemption?”

Bai Lixin pointed to the first locker.

“This girl was unmarried and pregnant, the punisher’s attack was aimed straight at the stomach and nowhere else. They were only targeting the child in her belly, or more specifically, the ‘tumor’ as labeled by the teacher.”

“Take this corpse, for example,” Bai Lixin’s finger moved and landed on the boy who had been electrocuted.

“Internet addiction, so he was punished with electric shocks. There are no other signs of corporal punishment on his body besides the electric shock.”

“And this one.”

“Needling was the form of punishment because of not paying attention in class, they were probably trying to cure this student of ADHD by using pain.”

“All of this, the harm they suffered, were all given a uniform term, ‘it’s for their good’, ‘I’m saving and correcting’, ‘this is love’. Corporal punishments in the name of love are suffocating and deadly.”

“Bullshit!” Liang Xi clenched his fists, his eyes turning bloodshot with rage and his mouth gasping for air. “Fuck this love, it’s all bullshit.”

“They say they want what’s best for others, but they use methods that torture them physically and mentally. If they want to do good to others, they have to ask their opinion first!”

Some horrible memories gradually sprang up in Liang Xi’s mind. He frantically vented his despair and anger, and his whole body seemed to have fallen into an abyss from which he could not break free.

“Liang Xi!” Bai Lixin looked towards Liang Xi, but did not look into his eyes, instead, he placed his gaze on Liang Xi’s shoulders.

His stare carried a bit of oppression as he tapped Liang Xi’s shoulder. “Wake up, Liang Xi!”

Liang Xi was instantly stunned. He was dazed for a few seconds, and numbly looked at Bai Lixin after looking around. “Bai Lixin, God Xin?”

“I just ……” Liang Xi covered his face in chagrin, “I’m sorry, I suddenly remembered some not-so-fond memories and gave you guys trouble.”

Oh no, oh no, oh no.

This was bad, he wouldn’t be able to get out of this copy alive.

Bai Lixin waved his hand over Liang Xi’s shoulder. “Relax, think of something pleasant, like a pet or something, don’t you have pets at home?”

Liang Xi’s eyes were blank for a second before he nodded woefully, “I have two British Shorthairs, a Chinchilla, a Pomeranian and a Golden Hair at home.”

“But I haven’t seen them for a long time.”

Bai Lixin: “There must be pictures of them, right? Find them and look at them, don’t lose them. They should live by themselves, right? Think about it, for those pets, you’re their god, their everything. If you can’t get back, they’re likely to starve to death.”

“The only thing that can save them now is for you to be strong.”

Liang Xi froze in place, and it took him a long time to come around.

He took his phone out of his pocket and flipped through the gallery, looking at the thousands of photos of the pets.

In that instant, all the fear and painful memories instantly dissipated.


In the live broadcast room.

[ This guy called Liang Xi doesn’t seem right, he suddenly looked evil, he looked quite normal in other copies ah.]

[Who knows, but I am more concerned about God Xin’s unusual behavior just now. He wasn’t looking at Liang Xi’s face but at his shoulder. Is there something there?]

[Yes, I saw it too. I also saw God Xin wave his hand a few times, as if he was chasing something.]

[What dirty thing did he see? Why could he see it? It didn’t even show up on video.]

[Earlier, Liang Xi saw something in the camera but we couldn’t see it either. Will it only show up at night? ]

[Or maybe they can’t show up at all? Only certain special people can see them?]

[Special? How special?]

[For example, people with very strong souls?]


Only after seeing the faint black mist floating away from Liang Xi’s shoulder did Bai Lixin let go of it.

He could see some blurred shadows from the moment he entered the operating room.

There were three or two in the operating theater, and more in the morgue.

It seemed like he was the only one who could see it, or maybe Su Fan saw them too but didn’t say anything.

But it was certain that Liang Xi couldn’t see such things.

But what were they exactly?

They were more like fragments or threads than say they were souls.

These things were vague, and were suspended in the air like jellyfish.

There was no particular consciousness, just instinctively floating.

These things didn’t really haunt him, and they stayed far away from Su Fan like he had an insulator around him.

However, it was a different case for Liang Xi, from the moment they entered the operating room, these “jellyfish” were circling him.

Just now, Liang Xi exploded when these jellyfish gathered on his shoulders and squirmed around him, as if they were gnawing on his body.

But these things were not much of a threat for the time being, they left as soon as he waved them away.

Bai Lixin asked the system: [Escape system, what are these floating things?]

Escape System: [Floating things? Oh, those, they should be the derivation of human emotions. Because of the intensity of the emotions, the derivatives are born and they float in the air.]

[These things have no consciousness so they will dissipate on their own after a while]

[There is no need not be afraid, Lord Bai Lixin, there is no threat. ]

S419M: [Black for fear, blue for melancholy, red for anger, purple for despair, yellow for lust, and pink for love …… Each color represents a kind of emotion.]

[Because of the derivation of human emotions, these fragments are attracted to those who have strong emotional fluctuations just like dust is attracted to static electricity, they cannot help but approach them.]

[Oh, in addition, the average person can’t see these kinds of things.]

The Escape system: [And there is more, Lord Bai Lixin, grab a handful and try to crush them.]

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