After the Full-Level Boss Entered the Infinite Game By Mistake

Chapter 118.3 - Campus Oddities

Liang Xi laughed dryly and looked at Bai Lixin with panicked eyes, only to see Bai Lixin looking up at the darkened window and saying, “I also saw a shadow behind the gate when we went to class this morning.”

Liang Xi’s expression stiffened completely.

Apple face hesitantly spoke, “Actually, it’s quite normal to have ghosts in school, right? Especially at night.”

“I used to intern at a primary school, and during the day when the students were all quite lively, everywhere was alive and well. But then at night, when I stayed to work late, I’d get that eerie feeling.”

“The classrooms that were full during the day were all empty, and there were only desks and chairs. My office and the toilets were at opposite ends of the corridor, and if I wanted to go to the toilet, I had to walk through the long corridor and the empty classrooms. Every time I walked through there, I was worried about two things.”

“I was afraid of the dark, and I was afraid that an unknown person would suddenly run out of the classroom.”

“I didn’t dare to go to the toilet, so I’d rush to finish my work and dash home.”

“And that was just a primary school.

“High school and college are even scarier.”

“Haven’t you guys heard of it? Many universities have weird school stories. Late night in building 49, the disappearing gymnastics teacher, the midnight leather ball ……”

“Fuck bro,” Baldhead’s shiny scalp developed goose bumps, “why don’t you just scare me to death and I won’t have to spend the rest of the 18 days alive?”

“Can you be a bit more virtuous?”

Apple face smiled guiltily, “Sorry, I didn’t catch on in time, I said too much.”

“But our floor really has something, so be careful.” Apple face’s voice lowered, “I’m not looking for much, I’m not looking for any points, I just want to get out of this copy alive.”

“So even if I knew something was wrong, I wouldn’t take the initiative to explore. It’s only mall points, and those aren’t tasks that must be completed. Didn’t Teacher Zhao also say it? Curiosity killed the cat.”

“Am I right, guys?” Apple face finished, looked at each individual with determination in his big eyes and said, “So, shall we go?”

Bai Lixin didn’t look at Apple face, but kept looking at the part Bald head had just pointed to.

The evening breeze blew up, and the white curtains fluttered in the wind like a girl’s sarong.

The moment the curtains were raised, a figure swayed behind them.

In the next moment, a masked face was reflected on the window without warning.

The pure white mask had a simple face painted on it. The two eyes drooped, and a red mouth was hooked up in a clownish grin.

The mask appeared for less than a second before flickering away. Apple face was intensely discussing campus oddities, so no one saw it.

On hearing Apple Face’s forceful question, Bai Lixin didn’t retort much, only giving a perfunctory, “You’re right, let’s go.”

You do your thing, and I’ll do mine.


In the live broadcast room

[Did you guys see the mask just now?]

[Not only did I see it, but I was also scared to death. Sure enough, the nightmare that I would never dare to mention is happening. I am always afraid of horror movies set in a school; I wouldn’t dare watch them, not to mention this. ]

[Speaking of being afraid of school horrors, have you forgotten someone? 】


[Our Xia Chi, I remember that he was most afraid Senior sister in red. Wasn’t she in a campus based horror? 】

[Fuck, hahaha, now the luck value is no longer good either.]


Xia Chi suddenly sneezed, which drew a frown from the tutor next to him, “Catching a cold?”

“Huh?” Xia Chi panicked a little, “No! Maybe someone missed me.”

The tutor sternly interrupted Xia Chi’s explanation, “Don’t make excuses! Do you know that you’re not the only one who could catch a cold? It’s contagious. Do you know how many viruses are in one of your sneezes?!’

Xia Chi blinked his innocent eyes and subconsciously replied, “Tens of millions?”

The tutor’s expression stiffened for a moment: “……”

“I didn’t ask you a question; I was elaborating on the seriousness of the matter.”

“Go to the infirmary right now, let the doctor see you, and come back when the cold is gone.”

Xia Chi looked out at the dark corridor and said, “Now?!”

A light in his head flickered but Xia Chi ignored it. He forcefully shook his head, every cell in his body screaming rejection, “It’s already late, teacher. The doctor must be off work now.”

‘I’m afraid of ghosts, I don’t want to go, please.’

But the tutor ignored Xia Chi’s plea and easily picked him up by his collar like a chicken, lifted him and threw him into the dark corridor.

Xia Chi was in tears.

The time shown on the taskbar was already past 8 pm, and it would be 9 pm in a few moments,

He stood numbly against the wall, the stairs were not far in front of him, but he dared not take a single step.

The feeling in his head kept flickering, as if urging him to go.

So Xia Chi gritted his teeth and walked forward. He had just reached the stairway when he saw a figure flash past.

The clenched teeth immediately loosened, and his whole body went limp against the wall.

No, he really couldn’t do it.

Unexpectedly, the figure stopped, and even glanced at him in the darkness.

It was a pair of starry eyes that shone brightly in the darkness.

Why did these eyes look so familiar and friendly?

The next second, the voice was even more familiar.

“Xia Chi? What are you doing here?”

Xia Chi immediately looked up, crying and pouncing on him, “Brother, I missed you so much, I finally saw you!”

Bai Lixin looked at the disheveled Xia Chi and wanted to laugh, “Aren’t you supposed to be studying at this time of night? Why are you here?”

Xia Chi: ” I suddenly sneezed, so the teacher urged me to see the doctor. What about you, brother? You haven’t finished studying yet? How did you get here?”

Bai Lixin: “You’re going to the infirmary? Come on, I’m going to the infirmary too.”

Xia Chi was wearing a well-cut red school uniform and he looked smart. “I wondered why the light in my head kept flashing, I thought it had stopped working, but it turns out that it would lead me to meet you.”

Bai Lixin pursed his lips, wanting to say something but hesitated.

Tan Yue: I’m having a hard time.

The two of them walked down the stairs together and came to the long dark corridor on the ground floor of the infirmary building.

Xia Chi: “Brother, what made you want to go to the infirmary? Are you not feeling well?”

“That’s not true,” Bai Lixin clapped his hands and activated the sound-activated lights in the corridor, “I came to the infirmary to see something.”

“When we came to be measured during the day today, me, Liang Xi and another player went to the operating room and the morgue.”

“I found something in the morgue, but I was in a hurry and didn’t investigate much. When Teacher Zhao came just now, I pretended that I wasn’t feeling well so that I could come back.”

Xia Chi: “Oh, so that’s how it is. You want to go to the morgue……”

The voice came to a screeching halt, and Xia Chi looked up abruptly, his lips trembling, “The morgue?! Did you say there is a morgue in the infirmary?!”

‘You mean I’ll lay in bed while there is a corpse lying next door? Is that what you mean?

Holy shit.

What kind of purgatory was this?

“By the way, brother,” halfway through the walk, Xia Chi remembered, “you asked me to look into that girl called Han Li this afternoon, right? I got something.”

“She’s in the class next to mine, also a class A student.” Xia Chi told Bai Lixin what he had discovered this afternoon, “Her class teacher is female. I heard that she is a special teacher, and all her students are top talents.”

“The girl called Han Li has always done well in her studies, and I heard that she had a chance to be a top student. But she suddenly dropped out of school not long ago, I don’t know what happened.”

“Tch,” Xia Chi sighed, “this game is quite scary, but the character settings are quite rich.”

“So rich that one would think they were real, existing characters.”

Bai Lixin looked at the flickering lights overhead and didn’t say anything.

The characters who looked like they existed…

But were they real or not?

Appleface’s thoughts were not entirely wrong. There was no need to do anything dangerous in a copy as long as they survived 18 days.

But Bai Lixin knew that the NPCs that seemed to be just data were actually victims.

From the moment he stepped into this school, he could feel that there were many suffering souls there.

They were trapped in this space, helpless and in pain, crying out and begging for help.

If he did not save them himself, who else could free them from this prison?

There is a true saying;

With great power comes great responsibility.

Just made this chapter update to say this week’s chapters will all be posted on Friday, and to thank all those who supported me on Ko-Fi. I love you all!!

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