After the Full-Level Boss Entered the Infinite Game By Mistake

Chapter 119.1 - Campus Oddities

Chapter 119.1 - Campus Oddities

Bai Lixin and Xia Chi entered the infirmary and found it empty.

There was no one in the waiting room outside, but a faint light came through the glass in front of the operating room door.

The light was on? Was there a surgery going on?

Bai Lixin beckoned Xia Chi and the two gingerly walked over to the door and saw the scene inside through the transparent glass.

There was an ongoing surgery.

The shadowless lamp overhead shone on the operating table, and several doctors in full surgical attire were busy trying to save a patient.

One of the doctors stood out. He held forceps in his hand, and his gold-rimmed glasses sat on the bridge of his nose but they didn’t obscure the concentration in his eyes.

He took a scalpel and carefully cut a small incision in the patient’s ankle. He inserted the forceps and took something out of the ankle a few moments later.

Xia Chi took a closer look and noticed that it was a small screw.

“Dr. Jia, the patient’s heart beat is slowing down!” A doctor shouted towards the doctor who had removed the screw.

The man’s head tilted slightly to the side as he looked at the instrument and then continued his actions, his hands didn’t even tremble. “Inject 0.5 of adrenaline.”

His calm, low voice came out through the glass, and even Xia Chi, who didn’t know much about the procedure, relaxed because of the other party’s calmness.

The man continued to work on the patient’s body, removing a number of the screws while delegating instructions to the others.

The whole operation went on in a tense and orderly manner.

Xia Chi held his breath. He was so fascinated that he even forgot the purpose of their visit.

It was only when the doctor took the last screw out of the patient and placed it in the tray that he remembered what he was here for.

The time on the task bar showed that only ten minutes had passed, but Xia Chi felt like it had been hours.

The surgeon in the operating room had already begun the suturing process. They only saw the colored thread and needle flying fluidly in the man’s hands, his knuckled fingers lifting and dropping without any delays.

The man did not look like he was carrying out a surgery, but more like he was playing piano.

Elegant, relaxed and confident, it seemed that all illnesses were not worth mentioning in his eyes.

The surgery ended but Xia Chi was left yearning to see more.

The doctor left the patient’s side and Xia Chi finally saw the patient’s face.

The moment he saw that face, Xia Chi’s hands trembled and he grabbed Bai Lixin’s cuff, “Brother, this is the classmate I told you about in the private chat.”

“The class teacher took him away this afternoon.” Xia Chi gritted his teeth, “He was fine when he left.”

Because of his surprise, Xia Chi forgot to keep his voice down.

In the operating room, the man who had just taken off his blood-stained rubber gloves immediately looked over with an icy gaze, and locked eyes with Bai Lixin.

The hands reaching into the water paused for a moment, then he quickly washed his own hands, pushed the door of the operating room open and walked out.

“What are you doing here at this late hour?”

The man was still wearing his surgical gown and mask.

Xia Chi stared at the man for a while, then at Bai Lixin, and an expression of understanding came on his face.

Bai Lixin got a notification from the private chat.

Xia Chi: [Brother, this is the big boss, right?]

Xia Chi: [Although I can only see the eyes, a handsome man only needs one detail to be recognized! I’m not mistaken, this is definitely the big boss.]

[Brother, what kind of fairy love is this? I keep asking you, is the big boss an NPC? How can he come after you every time? Can an NPC ignore the restrictions of a copy and go anywhere? This is too awesome right? He’s not the game mastermind, is he? If he’s the game mastermind, isn’t he a villain? Does he like you or not? If he likes you, why doesn’t he let you out and keeps you here to suffer? If he doesn’t like you, why does he come after you every time?]

Bai Lixin’s brain buzzed: [Be quiet, those are too many questions.]

Xia Chi: [Ah, okay.]

Xia Chi retreated to the corner sensibly, leaving plenty of space for Bai Lixin and Dijia.

But Bai Lixin shamelessly offered up Xia Chi: “I’m here with him, he’s got a cold.”

Xia Chi: “????”

Brother! You can’t sell me.

In the live broadcast room.

[Xia Chi is a brick that can be moved wherever it’s needed.]

[-Toolman-Xia Chi]

[I was surprised by the big boss’ actions earlier. I thought he was just a school doctor but unexpectedly, he is a surgeon.]

[Not only can he do surgery, but he can also examine the body. Who wouldn’t say “powerful” after seeing that?]


“It’s just a little irritation.” In the consultation room, Dijia had taken off his surgical uniform and changed into a lab coat. He quickly wrote a prescription and handed it to Xia Chi, “Go next door and get this medicine. Take it once a day, half an hour after a meal, it will work in a day.”

“Okay, go out and wait, call in student Bai Lixin.”

Xia Chi took the prescription and immediately walked out. Ten seconds later, Bai Lixin walked in.

Dijia took off his mask and gloves and leaned back in his chair somewhat tiredly. “Did you go into the operating room after I left earlier?”

“Yes,” Bai Lixin sat down in the chair in front of Dijia, “You seem tired.”

Dijia, “Try having five surgeries a day. I’ve been busy from morning until the evening.”

“This school,” he sneered, “Heh.”

He was about to say something but swallowed it back and he sat up again, “Hold out your hand, I’ll take your pulse.”

Bai Lixin stretched out his hand, revealing his wrist to Dijia, who then carefully took his pulse. Bai Lixin spoke, “I saw Han Li’s medical sheet when I entered the operating room. It was written that the cause of death was hemorrhage.”

The cold fingers suddenly grabbed Bai Lixin’s wrist, “You’re quite bold, not only did you enter the operating room while I was away, but you also read the medical sheet.”

Bai Lixin had a guilty look on his face, “The operating room door was left open and the sheet was on the table. How could I forget once it entered my eyes?”

Cold fingers slowly slid up the wrist.

Bai Lixin was still wearing his gray school uniform. The jacket was wide, and Dijia’s hand easily went into the cuffs.

“Although you can’t forget it,” Bai Lixin’s sleeves rose up with Dijia’s hand, “but it can’t be without punishment.”

“I made a point of telling you to leave and get a good rest, and this is how you repay my trust and help?”

“How should I punish you for being so disobedient?”

The man’s voice sounded cold, the point of his shiny leather shoes made a gentle tap on the ground, and the chair slid in front of Bai Lixin.

Bai Lixin’s clothes rose and fell, and a moment later, a broad hand burrowed out of his collar and took hold of his neck.

The sleeves and clothes were stretched out because of the pull of the two men, and their arms tangled together like two intertwined snakes.

Bai Lixin had to crane back his neck, his jade neck taut to the extreme, like a swan looking up at the sky.

The doctor’s calm eyes dimmed, and the eyes hidden behind the glasses greedily took in the young man’s neck.

Bai Lixin swallowed with difficulty, his Adam’s apple rolled and the smooth line of his neck rode and fell with it.

He closed his eyes, his cheeks flushed and his expression looked slightly distressed.

On seeing Bai Lixin’s expression, Dijia subconsciously withdrew his arm, coughed lightly and said in a cold voice, “But it’s not entirely your fault, I only told you to leave after resting well, and did not explicitly tell you that the operating room was off limits.”

“I’ll spare you this time, but there won’t be a next.”

Dijia paused, “The punishment will not be so simple if there is a next time.”

Bai Lixin coughed in embarrassment, “Thank you Dr. Jia, you’re very nice.”

Dijia’s hand on the table trembled, and the ears hidden in his hair flushed a little.

His eyes went to Bai Lixin’s chest, and he suddenly recalled the feel of the young man’s skin.

The ears reddened even more.

He coughed lightly, “I probably know why you came over, what did you want to ask?”

Bai Lixin, “It was written that Han Li’s death was caused by hemorrhaging and I saw bruises all over her stomach.”

Dijia, “Han Li was a hopeless case when she was brought here, she was unmarried and pregnant, her womb and baby were already gone when she was brought here.”

“All I could do was ease her pain a little and walk away with some peace of mind.”

“Since you’ve seen Han Li’s corpse, you should have seen the others as well.” Dijia said, “The students at Wensong High School are known for being well-behaved and sensible. Naughty students are severely warned when they arrive.”

“That’s why some of the students who are too old to be disciplined are sent here.”

“In addition to that, Wensong High School is known for having good results in prestigious exams, but it is also known for being strict. Some who long for their children to get better grades send them here.”

Bai Lixin asked, “Do the parents know about the punishments in this school?”

“Yes, why not?” Dijia said, “It’s no secret what goes on in Wensong, they know about it even before the child is sent over.”

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