After the Full-Level Boss Entered the Infinite Game By Mistake

Chapter 120.1 - Campus Oddities

Chapter 120.1 - Campus Oddities

Just as Bai Lixin was thinking of pulling the wool from Dijia’s eyes and telling him about his sleeping arrangements, Xia Chi carefully opened the door and walked in.

Under the pressure from Dijia, he managed to whisper, “Brother, it’s already 9:30 pm, the dormitory lights go out in half an hour, shouldn’t we go back?”

He finished and smiled at Dijia flatteringly, “Brother, I’m not trying to steal him, it’s just that we’ll be put in the dark room if we don’t get back on time.”

Dijia’s face relaxed instantly and he said, “It is indeed late, you need to wash up.”

With that, he stood up, took off his white coat and then picked up a black trench coat from the hook and put it on, “Let’s go, I’ll take you back. It’s dark and unsafe.”

Xia Chi’s breathing stopped and he couldn’t even breathe, but he asked the question he wanted to ask, “What happened to the person in the operating room?”

As the three walked out, Dijia said, “I heard that he was distracted so the class teacher put a nail in his body after putting him in a small dark room.”

The three of them were walking towards the house, “I heard that he was distracted and was nailed by the class teacher after being locked up in the dark room.”

Speaking of this, Dijia sneered, “There is a wonderful phrase for this act, ‘Head Cantilever, Tapered Strands’. Fortunately, this child was sent over in time or he would have died. ”

*Literally means an act where the hair is tied on the house beam and the side is jabbed with a needle inorder to stay awake and keep studying.
The idiom is used to mean painstaking efforts in one’s studies.

Xia Chi, “So when will he recover?”

Dijia, “He’ll be fine after a good night’s sleep, he just has a wound, it will heal.”

Xia Chi, “That’s great.”

Dijia, “But I do hope that neither you nor anyone else will have to use this ‘special treatment.’”

Xia Chi, “Yes, yes.”

Xia Chi was very understanding and consciously let Bai Lixin walk in the middle, deliberately keeping a distance from him. If it weren’t for the fact that the way back was really dark and scary, he would have preferred to walk back on his own.

But in the end, he had to bow to fate.

The school, which seemed quite crowded during the day, became empty at night.

The lights in several buildings were all out, and only the streetlights were faintly lit.

A cool breeze blew by Xia Chi.

Xia Chi subconsciously shrank his neck and turned his whole body into a ball.

Bai Lixin looked to Dijia, “By the way, what was the name of the boy in 501?”

“Let me think,” Dijia tried to recall, “I think he was called Yu Jing.”

Bai Lixin paused in his steps.

‘Yu Jing? Jing? Xiao Jing?

Was it a coincidence?’

Dijia also halted in his steps, “What’s wrong?”

Bai Lixin shook his head, “Nothing. By the way, was there a student called ‘Sheng’ among his classmates at that time?”

Dijia, “You really have me at a loss here.”

“I can remember Yu Jing because I was the one who worked on him, but when you asked me about that, I really can’t remember.”

“Let me go back and think about it, and if I remember, I’ll tell you.”

Bai Lixin, “Okay, thank you.”

Dijia, “You don’t look like a “waste”, how come you’re at the bottom of the test?”

Bai Lixin, “Why? You say it like I’m not as good as others. You, on the other hand, look like you’re only thirty years old, but to think that you’ve already been a doctor in this school for twenty years.”

On the way, people chatted with each other, and Xia Chi tried to reduce his presence as much as possible. He really wanted to disappear in place.

‘This atmosphere, this environment… I apologize to the audience who stayed up all night if you two didn’t kiss.

It’s all my fault for being a light bulb.

I’m a light bulb wuuu!’

The school building was not far from the dormitory, and when Dijia led the people back to the dormitory building, they found a man standing at the entrance.

The white hair was an emerald under the light.

Su Fan was leaning against the wall like a statue, his arms were crossed over his chest, and he looked at the path in the distance without any expression.

It was only when he saw the three of them approaching that Su Fan walked over like a meteor and stood in front of Bai Lixin, “It’s almost lights out, why are you only back now?”

Bai Lixin, “Dr. Jia happened to be carrying out an operation, so the wait took a little longer and there was a delay.”

“It’s 20 minutes until lights out so at least we’ve made it.”

The moment he saw Dijia, Su Fan’s entire face coalesced into a cold expression.

Xia Chi had been following behind Bai Lixin unhurriedly. He always thought that Dr. Jia was the big boss, but the moment he saw Su Fan, he suddenly had doubts.

‘Strange, why did this man look so much like the big boss?

He was wearing a gray school uniform, was he a player?

Then he shouldn’t be an NPC, right?

No, no, wasn’t Lin Jue possessed in the [Red Apple House] copy?

Which one of them was the real big boss?’

Help, he couldn’t understand it.

Xia Chi didn’t want to do anything right now, he just wanted to run for his life.

“That, brother, since I’m already back, I’ll go first haha,” Xia Chi gave a dry laugh, “Take your time chatting, I’ll leave you alone.”

Before Bai Lixin could respond, Xia Chi ran away in a flash.

Not long after Xia Chi had run into the dormitory building, Bai Lixin got a notification for a message. He opened the private chat window and found that it was a message from Xia Chi.

Xia Chi: [Brother, who is that other guy? I can’t tell the difference between the two. Are they all the big boss? Brother, take it easy. Although you are powerful, you can’t play like this. A small drink is good for your health, a big drink is bad for your body! Don’t blame me for not warning you!]

Bai Lixin: “……”

Su Fan looked at Dijia, “Thank you Dr. Jia for sending Bai Lixin back, you can go back now.”

Dijia did not look at Su Fan, but looked down at Bai Lixin, “Don’t forget to look for me for a review tomorrow, I’m usually in the infirmary. You have a really serious heart problem. Show your class teacher the leave slip when it is time to run.”

“Now that at your dorm, I’ll head back.”

“I hope you can have good dreams tonight.”

After saying goodbye to Bai Lixin, Dijia turned to leave, seemingly without any lingering interest.

When Dijia had just walked out a meter or so, he heard Su Fan’s voice coming from behind him, “Do you want to sleep on the inside? You will be fine with the quilt but I won’t, the night is cold. Maybe you can give me your clothes to cover myself.”

Dijia suddenly stopped in his tracks and turned his head to look at the person in surprise, “You two will sleep in the same bed?”

Su Fan smiled like a villain, “Who can blame us? After the renovations, the dormitories were changed from eight-person rooms to four-person rooms. When it was my turn, only one room was left. There were five people left but only four beds, so we had to squeeze in.”

Dijia: “……”

Su Fan continued, “I heard that you funded the renovation of the dormitory. I really have to thank Dr. Jia, if it wasn’t for you, I don’t know which bed I would be in tonight.”

Dijia turned his head away and poured a mouthful of Xiaoya pills into his mouth.

‘I’m so pissed off.’

Bai Lixin: “……” Childish bastard.

*A Xiaoya pill soothes the liver and spleen, and nourishes blood. It is used for depression and discomfort caused by liver stagnation, spleen deficiency, chest pain and dizziness.

Bai Lixin didn’t take a shower and just washed his face and feet.

There were minutes before the lights went out when he and Su Fan went upstairs, and there were no people walking around in the corridors.

Some of the dormitory doors were all tightly closed, and only 501 had a crack in the doorway.

Liang Xi and the others had turned in early, and Bai Lixin locked the latch and climbed onto the bed.

Su Fan was lying on his side with his head propped up on one hand, looking at Bai Lixin who had just climbed up.

The dark eyes were even darker, like a swamp with no end in sight. Once a person fell into it, they would never live to see the light again.

Bai Lixin gulped, put his clothes on the railing and shrank under the covers in his half sleeves.

The private chat window rang at that moment, and Bai Lixin opened it to find that it was a message from Liang Xi.

Liang Xi: [God Xin, call me if you have a situation at night, I’m a light sleeper].

Bai Lixin: [Okay, rest early, you have to run tomorrow. What happened to the little baby?]

Liang Xi: [Oh, I already buried it when we got out after night study. I buried it at the foot of the tree by the lake, and the job was done. To be honest, I was a bit scared when I buried it, after all, it was my first time burying a human.]

Bai Lixin: [You are very brave.]

Baldy’s voice rang out, “Brothers, I snore at night, so I hope you’ll excuse me.”

Appleface, “It’s okay, my family snores, I’m used to it.”

Liang Xi, “If the snoring isn’t heavy, I’ll be fine.”

Bai Lixin glanced at Su Fan before replying through the curtain, “I don’t mind.”

Bald head was a little embarrassed, “Thank you for being so considerate, hehe, I’ll go down and turn off the lights then.”

Some heavy footsteps landed on the floor and a few moments later, the lights beyond the curtain went out with a click of the switch.

After another burst of heavy footsteps and climbing sounds, the dormitory fell into silence.

About three minutes later, slow snores rang out in the dormitory.

They were not very loud, but they broke the peace of the room.

Bai Lixin wrapped his body in the quilt and opened the task bar.

Apart from the main task, there were three other tasks lined up in the task bar.

Finding the cause of the classroom fire and finding the legendary “monster” should actually be the same thing.

Only when the “monster” that started the fire was found could the reason for the classroom fire be solved once and for all.

As for the other task…

[Help Xiao Jing deliver the gift to his best friend, Sheng].

Was the Xiao Jing in this task the Yu Jing that Dijia talked about?

As he thought about it, his consciousness gradually became fuzzy.

He yawned and fell into a deep sleep amidst the sounds of bald head’s snores.

In the darkness, the young man’s breathing was flat and slow, and his chest rose and fell rhythmically.

The man quietly opened his dark eyes, and his cold fingers gently lifted the quilt and dug under the young man’s clothes.

A warm, silky touch immediately came to the man’s cold fingers, it felt smoother than cow milk.

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