After the Full-Level Boss Entered the Infinite Game By Mistake

Chapter 119.2 - Campus Oddities

Chapter 119.2 - Campus Oddities

“Tricking children into coming over while working with the school and paying high tuition fees is common.”

“While the child is being punished, the parent actually knows what has happened to them at school. But they ignore it so they can get satisfactory children.”

“Take student Han Li, for example. As far as I know, she is from a single-parent family. Regardless of her daughter’s wishes, her mother sent her here in order to get good grades.”

“After that, it was a case of ignoring her daughter’s pleas. After learning that classmate Han Li was pregnant, the mother actually came over, but unfortunately, she wasn’t heartbroken about what happened to her child; she just felt embarrassed and asked the school to help make things right.”

“Now Han Li is also completely relieved.”


In the live broadcast room.

[Hey, some are parents, and some just don’t deserve to be parents.]

[In the same way, some are teachers, and some just don’t deserve to be teachers.]

[At least the teacher has to get a certificate to work, which is not necessary for parents. I’ve seen similar schools and reports of children being beaten up and begging their parents to take them out. However, the parents not only feel no pity for their child, but they also make a big show deal of thanking the school. I could die of despair if I were this child. It is ten times more painful to be betrayed and hurt by a blood relative you have trusted wholeheartedly since birth than by an enemy.]

[That’s why schools like this were banned. I’m glad I was born in the sun.]

[This copy is suffocating.]


Bai Lixin: “Who is the man? The one who got her pregnant.”

Dijia shook his head, “I don’t know about that, I’m only responsible for saving people.”

His eyes swept over Bai Lixin’s school uniform. “You’re in class C?”

“Yes, I am,” Bai Lixin nodded, “What’s wrong?”

Dijia: “Is there a locked corridor on your classroom floor?”

Bai Lixin: “Yes, do you know what’s beyond there?”

Dijia: “I’ve heard a little about it, I’ve heard that a murderous monster is held inside.”

He paused, saying, “A long time ago, when Wensong was still famous among the nobility, there were quite a lot of children from rich families coming over for classes, and of course, some ordinary children came as well.”

“Although the current class C isn’t great now, it used to be a good classroom.”

“Then I don’t know what happened. A monster suddenly appeared, and all the students in class C at the time were killed. I heard that the school authorities went to a lot of trouble to lock the monster up, right across the corridor.”

“With so many students dead, Wensong High School had to close for a while. A long time passed before it transformed into what it is now.”

Bai Lixin immediately brought up his task, “Class C seemed to have caught fire before, do you know why?”

Dijia: “I wasn’t there when it caught fire either, but I did hear some rumours about it. I think the fire started because of that monster. Remember when I said that all the students in that classroom died? A fire then broke out and the corpses of those students were almost burnt to a crisp.”

In Bai Lixin’s mind, a system prompt rang out.

[Ding! Congratulations, player! The task [Find the cause of the classroom fire in class C] is 50% complete; please pick continue working hard.]

[Ding! Congratulations player, [Find the cause of the fire in classroom C] is a series of tasks. As the progress unfolds, you will unlock new tasks. You have now successfully unlocked a new task [Find the Arsonist]. The difficulty of this task is B, and you will get 6000 mall points after completing it.]

[Friendly reminder: There is no punishment for failing to complete the task.]


Bai Lixin glanced at Dijia and pressed [Accept].

Sure enough, it is the old attacker that is powerful at a critical time.

Dijia was a little hesitant, but still to asked the question on his mind, “So which dormitory are you in?”

Bai Lixin: “501.”

Dijia froze for a second, “501? The one near the toilets?”

Bai Lixin: “Is my dorm quite famous?”

Dijia pulled up the corner of his mouth and smiled, “Heh, it’s quite famous, a dorm where someone died, how can it not be famous?”

“You’re quite unlucky.”

Bai Lixin: “……”

Is it necessary to highlight my luck value in every instance?


In the live broadcast room.

[Big boss: Unlucky to the point of heartache.

Bai Lixin: I’m going to flip out.]

[So it seems as if the ghosts, supernatural, and dead are all given to class C. Is class C not entitled to equal treatment just because it has the worst grades? Should it be other people’s dumping grounds? Peh!]

[Brother, take it easy, it’s just a game setting. You see, everything has good and bad. It’s because God Xin went to class C that we get to see so much exploration. If he had gone to class A, we would have had to follow study wars. Don’t you think that would be infuriating?]

[When you put it like that, it doesn’t seem so bad anymore! Brother, you’re quite eloquent, are you a salesman?

[Bah, fuck you.]


“I really didn’t expect the school to renovate that room when I sponsored the renovation of the dormitories.”

“501 hasn’t been inhabited for a long time since someone died.”

“There was a saying that if you wear red clothes and commit suicide at midnight, you will turn into a severe ghost.”

“About twenty years ago, a boy killed himself there. He was wearing a plain shirt and trousers when he died, but the blood stained his clothes red. By the time people found him, he was long gone, and no one ever got to know why he had so much blood on him. Not only were his clothes all stained red, but even his face and walls were blood red.”

“He had slit his wrists, and there was a letter from him in the pool of blood.”

Bai Lixin: “What was written in the letter?”

Dijia: “That he was disgraced and had no courage to face the others, so he killed himself.”

Bai Lixin: “How did he disgrace himself?”

Dijia: “It seems to be because of the uniform.”

“He had a dysphoria where he was born male but his heart was female.”

“He liked to have long hair and wear girls’ clothes. But this kind of thing is not allowed in Wensong. His parents also sent him to this school because of that.”

“I did the resuscitation, but the boy had lost a lot of blood long before he was brought in.”

“Later, I learned the cause and effect of this incident; it was said that the teacher forcefully cut off the long hair that he had kept for a long time, and to make him recognize his sex, stripped him naked in front of several males.”

“He was probably so devastated and humiliated, and as a result, he chose to leave this world.”

“When he died then, the floor was sealed up, and everyone was moved out. But strangely, people downstairs said they heard sounds of someone taking a bath on the fifth floor of the dormitory, which was supposed to be empty.”

“Taking a shower and humming a song at the same time.”

“The school leaders were also scared. I think they had someone come and perform a ritual, after which the sounds gradually died out as time went on. A few years later, when the students left one batch after another, this matter was gradually forgotten by the public. The school’s reputation started spreading, and the expansion began; the dormitories were not enough, so the fifth floor was reopened.”

Dijia paused, “You are the first occupants after it was opened.”

Was it a surprise?

Bai Lixin: “……”



In the live broadcast room.

[Tsk, that little brother was so miserable.]

[Twenty years ago? It looks like this copy was set in a more pedantic era. They didn’t accept people who were different and thought it was a disease.]

[That little brother thought he was a girl, right? I’m a girl, and I would feel nothing but despair if my hair was forcibly shaved and I was stripped of my clothes before men.]

[Hey, how desperate was he that he bled all over his body? He didn’t do anything wrong at all.]

[To his people, maybe his birth itself was a mistake ……]



Bai Lixin looked at Dijia and did not speak for a long time.

Just when Dijia thought that Bai Lixin was scared silly, the other party only spoke with a puzzled face, “Dr. Jia, can I ask you a question?”

“This case happened over twenty years ago, and you were his attending doctor at the time, right?”

“So……” Bai Lixin paused for a moment. “How old are you?”

Dijia: “……”

‘Aren’t you focusing on the wrong thing?’

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