After the Full-Level Boss Entered the Infinite Game By Mistake

Chapter 122.1 - Campus Oddities

Chapter 122.1 - Campus Oddities

In the examination room, some metal instruments were hanging on the symbolic white walls.

On the pale blue examination bed was a young man lying helplessly there.

The young man’s arms and legs are bound to the corners of the bed for the examination, and his shirt was bunched up above his chest in a messy manner.

His chest rose and fell violently, and his fair skin had a tinge of pink.

Cold electronic devices were attached to the young man’s chest, wrists, and ankles, and the monitors attached to the devices were constantly displaying some fluctuating waves.

The doctor in the white coat saw the young man’s appearance, and he stopped what he was doing to ask in a low voice of concern, “Is it cold?”

The young man shook his head, and his eyes moistened with physiological tears.

“Is the frequency of the currents too fast?”

If one listened carefully, one could hear the subtle sound of motors from the instruments fixed to the young man’s limbs and chest.

An electronic circuit ran through the young man’s waistline and disappeared into the elastic band of his gray school uniform.

Bai Lixin bit the corner of his lip, his whole body tense and trembling, his starry eyes looking at the doctor pleadingly.

“It’s no use begging me,” the doctor said, playing with the oval remote control in his hand, “this is a necessary testing procedure.”

“I need to test the condition of your heartbeat in all conditions and find the threshold.”

The doctor’s expression was serious as he glanced towards the display, the waves on the monitor fluctuated rapidly, and the numbers rapidly soared from 90.

“The heartbeat is accelerating, but there’s still room,” the doctor said seriously. “Let’s turn it up a notch.”

Ignoring the young man’s pleading expression, the doctor pressed the remote and turned it up to the highest level.

For a moment, the young man’s eyes shrank violently.

Tears rolled down from the corners of his eyes. He struggled but failed because of the straps.

His waist and abdomen suddenly arched like springs, and his body was drawn into a rainbow shape.

The waves on the monitor fluctuated crazily, and the upper and lower points were like two dancers holding hands as they quickly and unrestrainedly swung their feet across the dance floor.

The heartbeat display began to soar, and the color changed from a healthy green to a dangerous red.

The young man bit the corner of his lip hard but couldn’t stop the sound that escaped from the back of his throat.

The doctor stood beside the bed with his hands in the pockets of his white coat, looking down at the young man on the verge of insanity.

A whimper escaped the young man’s mouth, and clear tears rolled from the corners of his eyes, sliding down his cheeks and his jawline, finally merging with the droplets of water seeping from his collarbone and chest.

Suddenly, the young man’s whole body tensed up again, and a complex expression appeared on his face.

It was showing both pain and pleasure.

The next second, his whole body relaxed, and he slumped onto the hospital bed.

His mouth was gasping for air, his eyes were dazed, and his aggrieved expression was tinged with a bit of dissatisfaction.

The doctor’s face was expressionless, but his throat was rolling hard.

It was like he was cooked.

He wanted to take a bite to see if he was really cooked.

The overhead light seemed to be broken as it flickered violently, making the room alternate between light and darkness.

It was only a slight flicker at first, then it started to jump violently at a frequency similar to the one on the display.

Just as the lights flickered to the rhythm of a disco ball, there was a soft bang, and the overhead lights went out completely, plunging the examination room into darkness.

In the darkness, the young man cried out.

The doctor’s calm voice came from beside the young man: “What’s wrong?”

A warm, soft touch invaded his neck, and the young man was helpless, “It’s like someone’s touching my neck, Dr. Jia?”

The doctor’s calm voice came, “It’s not me; please don’t question my professional ethics. I’m a doctor who saves lives, I don’t do things like that.”

“The light is out and I’m looking for an emergency light. Don’t resist, this school is full of spirits that like to make trouble in the dark. Don’t resist and it will leave on its own, the more you resist, the more likely you are to piss it off.”

As if in response to the doctor’s words, a cold touch assaulted Bai Lixin’s wrist, restricting his movements even further.

The warm, soft touch on his neck had no intention of stopping, and Bai Lixin felt a stinging pain as if he had been bitten.

The doctor said, “Don’t provoke him, hold on just a little longer.”

Bai Lixin craned his neck, and his voice was tinged with a tremor: “What will he do to me?”

The doctor’s voice was slightly hurried, “I don’t know, what is he doing at the moment?”

Bai Lixin, “It’s like he’s kissing me.”


The doctor urged sharply, “And what? Tell me quickly.”

“And touching me.”

The oppressive feeling in the air increased abruptly.

The doctor’s voice sounded suppressed, “Touching where?”

The young man’s voice was a little flustered, but he still replied, “Neck, collarbone, stomach, waist.”

Doctor, “And?”

Youth, “Also…also my legs and butt.”

The young man bit his lip and suppressed a moan, not speaking again.

The doctor’s voice came again, but perhaps it was an illusion brought on by the darkness. The voice didn’t sound like it was coming from the mouth of the doctor, but more like the air vibrated and the sound came from all directions.

“You said he kissed you, where?”

The young man, “Forehead, nose, cheeks, lips.”

“Also the neck and collarbone.”

“Doctor, did you find the spare light?”

Doctor, “It’s hard to find, wait a little longer.”

The young man was silent for a few seconds before he spoke with a sob in his low voice, “Then, can you turn off the machine? You must have collected enough data, right?”

Doctor, “Sorry, I dropped the remote on the floor when I was looking for the spare light. I’ll turn it off when I find it.”

“It doesn’t matter if it remains on. it’s a good way to exercise your muscles, and it won’t hurt your body. You must be comfortable, right?”

“The look on your face just now shows that you’re very comfortable.”

“Isn’t that the expression of one who has vented?”

The young man just snorted sullenly and did not say anything.

The doctor’s voice coming from all directions was very calm: “I am a doctor, there is no need for embarrassment or secrecy before me. Don’t be shy, tell me the truth, okay?”

In the darkness, the young man spoke up with some embarrassment, “Yes.”

“Oh.” The doctor’s chuckle wavered around, “That’s why this spirit is attracted to you. It doesn’t matter, it’s not an entity and it’s all just an illusion. If you can’t fight it, just enjoy it.”

With those words, the doctor stopped talking.

There was silence all around, and the only sound in the pitch darkness was the sound of the hospital bed shaking.

There was no sound of the doctor’s footsteps or rummaging for something.

The young man whimpered helplessly; like a lamb to the slaughter, he was at the mercy of the unseen “spirit.”

The torment went on for an unknown length of time, and just when the young man’s sanity was on the verge of shattering, a faint light came on without warning.

The doctor sat back in the sliding chair, his body half-hidden in the shadow of the spare lamp.

He had put on a blue mask at some point, and his meticulously combed hair was a little disheveled.

He had taken off the white coat and put it on his lap, and his black shirt was open by two buttons. He looked as languid as a sleeping lion after a strenuous workout.

“That is the end of today’s examination,” the doctor’s voice sounded hoarse, and he ruffled his disheveled hair. “Here are tomorrow’s leave slip and medical case notes; let’s go back.”

The young man did not respond to the doctor, but laid on his back powerlessly, his whole body bathed in a mist of water.

The straps holding his limbs in place and all the measuring instruments fixed to his body had been removed.

His eyes were red, and his lips were like a red cherry.

The doctor took a deep breath, coughed lightly, and slid his chair over to the young man, helping him to straighten his clothes, asking, “Do you need another examination?”

The young man shook his head in disbelief, and the doctor chuckled.

The eyes hidden behind his glasses showed both satisfaction and discontent.

The time was too short, the time was up before the point was reached.

“It’s half past nine, and there’s half an hour before the lights go out, take a break, I’ll send you back later.”

The young man turned his head and said, “It’s already half past nine?!”

‘It was only seven when I arrived.

What a beast!’

The doctor smiled softly, “Yes, the time went by so fast.”

“Yes, it did.” A sullen voice came from behind the door. The white-haired Su Fan opened the door and walked in without invitation.

He sniffed the air and then looked at the limp Bai Lixin on the bed with a frown, squeezing a sentence out of his mouth, “Dr. Jia, my classmate has really worked hard to take care of you!”

Di Jia leaned back in his chair lazily and looked at Su Fan in a victorious stance, saying, “Heh, he looks more taken care of.”

Su Fan was simply furious.

Dijia was also going to die of fury.

Two pairs of sharp eyes collided in the air. The temperature in the air dropped sharply and the spare light that had just been found began to flicker again.

Bai Lixin sighed and asked in a hoarse voice, “What brings you here?”

Su Fan withdrew his gaze and looked at Bai Lixin. The eyes that were frosty just a moment ago immediately softened, “I came to get you, the street lights went out, and I was worried that it would be dangerous, so I came to send you back.”

Dijia sneered beside him, “I could send him back, what danger can there be?”

Su Fan replied to Dijia in a chilling voice, “Dr. Jia is a medical worker, after all, I wouldn’t want to trouble him.”

He could only defend himself against this dog soul fragment.

If it weren’t for his lack of power right now, he wouldn’t have just swallowed it when he came in or played these word games.

“I’m different,” Su Fan looked down at Dijia arrogantly, “I’m Bai Lixin’s desk mate, as well as his bedmate, it’s my duty to take care of him.”

“Hehe,” Dijia said without any hesitation, “I am the school doctor, so I am responsible for all students. Bai Lixin has a serious heart condition, which makes it all the more necessary for me to take special care of him.”

“Of course, not all students need me to act like this. For example, Su Fan, a student with strong limbs and a healthy body, does not need me to worry at all and does not need to run to the infirmary every day. It is better to leave time for the doctor and students who need it more.”

The two went back and forth, tit-for-tat, and the spare flickered violently.

Even two inexplicable gusts of wind began to blow around them.

The two chilling gusts of wind kept colliding in the air, the instruments on the wall kept swaying, and the medical sheets on the table were cut to pieces by the confrontational wind blades.

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