After the Full-Level Boss Entered the Infinite Game By Mistake

Chapter 122.2 - Campus Oddities

Chapter 122.2 - Campus Oddities

The clean white walls were even left with scratches.

Bai Lixin: “……”

The infirmary would be destroyed if this continued.

Bai Lixin was also well rested by now, and he bent down to put on his shoes before looking up at Su Fan, “I’m well rested, let’s go back.”

Then he turned his head to look at Dijia, “Dr. Jia, I won’t bother you since Su Fan has come to pick me up. Your office also needs to be tidied up, so I won’t be in your way.”

‘Take a look.

What do you call this?

It’s treating both of you evenly!’

At Bai Lixin’s words, Dijia and Su Fan withdrew their gazes at the same time.

Dijia tidied his hair gracefully, picked up his jacket and put it on, then handed a sick note and medical record to Bai Lixin, “This is a two-day sick note, come back to me tomorrow if you still feel unwell. As usual, I’m always here.”

Bai Lixin was just about to take the sick note when another hand intercepted it.

Su Fan, “Put on your jacket, it’s cold. I’ll hold the sick note for you.”

Bai Lixin put on the jacket Su Fan handed him and stood up. His feet hit the ground, and he stumbled on his weak legs.

Dijia had just reached out his hand when a faster one reached over.

Su Fan directly pulled Bai Lixin and picked him up, eliminating any contact from Dijia.

Su Fan stared at Dijia, “Dr. Jia, there is no need to send us back.”

After saying that, he turned around and left with Bai Lixin in his arms.

He walked out some distance and Dijia could still hear the conversation between the two from behind.

Bai Lixin was a bit annoyed, “Hey, put me down, I’m an almost six-foot man, can you not use the princess hug?”

Su Fan said with justification, “But you don’t have the strength to walk, at this rate, we’ll reach when the dormitory lights are off and you’ll end up locked in a small dark room.”

Bai Lixin, “But you can’t use this position either!”

Su Fan, “If you don’t want a princess hug, then I’ll carry you on my back.”

Bai Lixin, “That’s fine.”

Dijia stood in the wrecked examination room in a gloomy and angry expression.

Ten minutes later, Su Fan carried Bai Lixin back to the dormitory building.

There were only ten minutes left before lights went out, and the others had already turned in, leaving only Bai Lixin and Su Fan.

As time was running out, the two quickly washed up and climbed into bed at the last minute before the lights went out.

In the darkness, Baldhead’s voice came apologetically, “Guys, I’m sorry about last night, I’ll try not to snore today, but what happens after I fall asleep is out of my control.”

Apple Face, “Don’t worry, it’s fine tonight, I’ve prepared earplugs, so you can sleep.”

Liang Xi, “I also prepared ear plugs, and I purposely went to the toilet earlier to check, there won’t be any disturbances this time, good night.”

Baldhead, “Okay, good night everyone.”

Bai Lixin squeezed the small mesh bag in his hand thoughtfully. Su Fan’s eyes were grimly bright in the darkness, somewhat like the eyes of a beast in the grassland.

Seeing the object in Bai Lixin’s hand, Su Fan asked in a voice that only two could hear, “What is that?”

There was an unknown fine powder in the mesh bag that gave off a faint fragrance.

“I don’t know, it’s something Dr. Jia put in my pocket,” Bai Lixin said. “He said it’s to repel mosquitoes and insects.”

Su Fan: “To repel mosquitoes and insects?”

Bai Lixin, “I woke up with a lot of red marks on my body today, and Dr. Jia said they were insect bites. He gave me this, saying that it would protect me against mosquitoes and insects.”

With that, Bai Lixin placed the mesh bag on the bed.

He rolled over and came face to face with Su Fan.

A stronger fragrance flowed into his nose, and Su Fan stared at the mesh bag, “Heh, Dr. Jia said the red marks were from insect bites?”

And be gave this?

There must be a demon when things go wrong.

Su Fan looked at the mesh bag warily, the irresistible fragrance kept flowing into his nose, and the strange scent rushed straight to his brain along his nostrils.

Su Fan’s brain buzzed and his consciousness drifted.

Before falling into unconsciousness, Su Fan used the last of his consciousness to grab Bai Lixin’s arm, “Throw it away!”

Then he fell headlong onto the pillow and fell asleep.

Bai Lixin raised his eyebrows and squeezed the mesh bag in surprise.

No wonder Dijia said that this thing could repel insects, it turns out that it was specially developed to make the main body fall asleep.

Bai Lixin poked the body that had fallen into a deep sleep and let out a chuckle.

Dijia was suppressed by a soul fragment, this guy will be angry and will definitely explode when he wakes up tomorrow.

He would probably have the heart to tear the soul fragment apart.

Bai Lixin sighed with a smile and placed the mesh bag into the pocket of the clothes hanging on the shelf, then closed his eyes as well.

In the middle of the night, the leaves on the balcony and on the campus swayed.

The silent room 501 was also met by the swish of something that came out of the silence of the leaves.

It was to this strange sound that woke Bai Lixin up.

He was conscious, but his eyes remained steadily closed, he even maintained a smooth, low breathing sound.

The sound was both like the heavy sound of shoes on the floor and the sound of fabric sliding on the ground.

But there was something different.

In his ears, there was Su Fan’s rhythmic breathing, the sound of Baldhead’s symphony snores and Liang Xi’s sleep talking.

Liang Xi was probably having a nightmare, and from Bai Lixin’s position, he could always hear the murmurs that came out of his mouth.

“No, don’t hit me.”

“I was wrong, Mum, don’t shut me in the closet.”

“It’s dark, I’m scared! I really won’t do it again next time.”

“It’s my fault, I’m to blame for Dad leaving.”

“I’m the freak, I’m the evil seed, Mom, forgive me.”

“No! Don’t kill Little Black!”

Liang Xi’s sobs slipped into Bai Lixin’s ears.

Bai Lixin did not know what had happened to Liang Xi as a child, but it was clearly not a happy past.

Some wounds, once inflicted, would take a lifetime to heal.

The strange sliding sound that appeared in the room stopped, and from the sounds of it, it sounded like it came from Liang Xi’s location.

Liang Xi was still dreaming, and the thing stood in Liang Xi’s place for a moment before it continued to move.

The sliding sound soon stopped again, this time in front of Baldhead.

Baldhead was snoring like a thunderstorm and had no intention of waking up.

Then the thing came to where Bai Lixin was.

An eerie breeze blew past his ears and Bai Lixin could feel the curtain in front of him being pulled open.

Bai Lixin calmed down and breathed steadily.

The thing lingered beside him for a moment, and just when Bai Lixin thought the other party was about to leave, the thing let out a grim, cold sound.

The voice was hoarse and cold, colder than even an icicle on a cold day in the waxing moon.

“Hehe, awake.”

“I know awake, I can feel awake.”

“Open your eyes, open your eyes quickly.”

‘So what if you know I’m awake?

I just won’t open my eyes.’

Bai Lixin rolled over and buried his head in Su Fan’s arms.

The creature stayed for a while longer, waiting for Bai Lixin’s eyes to open, and then reluctantly retreated.

The sound of sliding came again, this time towards the door of the room.

It seemed to find its visit unproductive and was ready to leave.

Just as the creature was about to reach the doorway, a strange sound suddenly came from the toilets on the other side of the wall.




It sounded like a leather ball hitting the ground.

But while the leather ball was hollow, this one sounded solid.

The sound went off a few times and then died.

In its place, the sound of flushing water suddenly rang out.

Liang Xi, who had been dreaming, suddenly sat up and muttered, “The sound of flushing water, the sound of flushing water!”

The creature that was about to leave, abruptly stopped in its tracks.

A wry laugh rang out.


“There, awake.”


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