After the Full-Level Boss Entered the Infinite Game By Mistake

Chapter 125.1 - Campus Oddities

Chapter 125.1 - Campus Oddities

Inside the brightly lit hospital room, Xia Chi and Liang Xi shrank into a corner in silent agreement.

In the treatment room next door, Bai Lixin was tied to the examination bed in the next room, and Dijia and Su Fan were staring at each other on either side of the bed.

Dijia: “Student Su Fan, since you are sick, you should go and rest well next door, I will examine Bai Lixin first. This involves a matter of privacy, so please leave.”

Su Fan gripped the edge of the bed and said, “Dr. Jia, I really have to question your medical skills. You said Bai Lixin has a heart condition, but I have checked and found nothing wrong with it.”

Dijia was serious: “That’s why I’m the doctor and you’re just a student.”

Sickness can take many forms.

Su Fan: “I’m a student only because I’m young, but it doesn’t make a difference. Meanwhile, despite having been a doctor for many years, you are still a school doctor, old thing.”

Dijia’s hand holding the thermometer paused: “……”

The wind began to pick up again, blowing things around the room, and the lights began to flicker.

The tit-for-tat continued, and the atmosphere became tense.

When he realized they were about to fight in the next second, the young man who had been lying quietly on the bed stretched out his hand and broke the straps that bound him.

The light that had just been repaired shattered once again, and the gust of wind abruptly stopped.

In the darkness, there was a cold snort of contempt from the young man.

He didn’t say anything, and yet he seemed to have said everything.

Dijia: “……”

Su Fan: “……”

Dijia laughed dryly as the oppressive atmosphere became even more oppressive. “I suddenly recall that the situation of the one known as Liang Xi appeared to be quite serious.”

“Let me treat Liang Xi first.”

“Do you think that’s okay, student Bai Lixin?”

Those who know current affairs are Jujie.

*Meaning -Only one who understands the current situation can become an outstanding person.

Su Fan: “……”

‘This old thing is pretty good.’

Bai Lixin: “Su Fan, what do you think?”

Su Fan, who was abruptly cued, became tense and said, “Yes, yes, Dr. Jia is correct.”

There was a rustle in the darkness and Bai Lixin silently got out of bed, “Since you all said so, then I’ll listen to you.”

He pushed the door open and walked straight out into the lounge, where Liang Xi and Xia Chi were.

Su Fan and Dijia glared at each other one more time before following Bai Lixin into the lounge.

The young man leaned against the wall, folded his arms across his chest, and propped one leg against it, his beautiful eyes casually sweeping a glance over Dijia and Su Fan.

The casual glance was like a small hook with spikes, hooking the tiger’s body.

That glance also appeared to be determining which one of them was better.

Dijia subconsciously straightened his back and scanned Su Fan secretly.

‘I’m one cm taller, humph, what a shorty.’

Su Fan’s expression was sullen. His already straight back straightened even more, and the chest muscles hidden beneath his shirt puffed out.

‘I am strong and powerful, what do you have?’

Dijia pursed his lips and held the scalpel like a flower in his hand, demonstrating the flexibility of his long fingers.

Xia Chi: “……”

‘I suddenly feel like these two are childish, like two big huskies.’

“Do the two of you want to go out for a dance?”

Bai Lixin raised an eyebrow, and Dijia’s face became solemn: “On the way back, I noticed Liang Xi’s face was pale, yitang is black, and there appears to be a slightly heavy shadow in his pupils, which is a sign of spiritual weakness.”

*Yintang is an important acupuncture point of the human body, located between the eyebrows. Healthy Yitang is rosy, while black is a bad omen.

“There’s not much ordinary doctors can do about supernatural things like ghosts moving into memories.”

He paused, and there was a bit of joy in his words, “But I am not your average doctor. I am not only skilled in treating the most common physical illnesses; I am also skilled in treating supernatural illnesses.”

Xia Chi: “And how would that be treated?”

Dijia: “There is one treatment plan. I hypnotize Liang Xi, put him into a deep sleep, and then guide him to force that ghost out.”

Liang Xi still looked desperate: “How should I force it out?”

Dijia: “Who is the most dominant in those memories?”

“That is, who is stronger, and always in the superior position?”

Liang Xi averted his eyes, “It’s my mother.”

Dijia: “You have to replace your mother and become the absolute master in your memories and dreams. You must rely on yourself to create a sense of oppression in the dream world and drive the ghost out.”

“However, this treatment plan is nearly impossible for you right now.” Dijia’s words shattered Liang Xi’s dreams. “If there had been enough time, I could have gradually given you some hints, and you might have been able to do this step through the superimposition of the hints.”

“But you don’t have time, I can tell that your mental state is on the verge of collapse; if you don’t defeat the ghost as soon as possible, it will soon take your place.”

Xia Chi exclaimed, “Take his place?!”

Dijia: “Liang Xi isn’t the first case of this type.I’ve previously been approached for treatment, and there have been both successful and unsuccessful treatments.”

Xia Chi’s face showed concern: “And what happens if the treatment fails?”

Dijia: “There is this saying that water ghosts need to find substitutes if they want to reincarnate after dying in vain, Liang Xi’s current situation is somewhat similar to this.”

*From folklore -water ghosts refer to people who died accidentally or committed suicide by drowning. They wait in the water, the lure, or force people to fall into the water and die to become their substitute.

“The ghost is just watching because he can’t do anything about it, but once he learns all of Liang Xi’s movements and verbal expressions, that ghost will completely occupy his body and imitate Liang Xi.”

“In many cases, it can be mistaken for the presence of a second personality.”

“Well,” Dijia sneered, “the ‘first personality’ will completely disappear after the ‘second personality’ appears. ”

Liang Xi’s already pale face became even paler.

He hadn’t expected the situation to be this serious; he’d been having nightmares for a few days.

If Bai Lixin hadn’t discovered a problem, he wouldn’t even know how he died.

He had always slept well, but these days he would wake up at the slightest breeze. Was it because his body was trying to save itself?

Bai Lixin: “So is there another option?”

“There is one more,” Dijia said, “invasive interference.”

“Hypnotize someone powerful enough, and I’ll use the apparatus to connect their dreams.This way, the other party can interfere with the ghost’s actions and help Liang Xi drive it out of the dream world.”

Bai Lixin straightened up from the wall, “I can do that.”

Xia Chi who was just about to open his mouth quickly discarded that thought, his face showing embarrassment.

‘Ugh, I want to say I can, but I really can’t.

I’m too timid, wuuu!’

Su Fan: “How many can you connect? If it’s possible, I’d like to go in with Bai Lixin.”

Dijia looked at those present, “Three.”

Despite his displeasure, Dijia endured for the sake of Bai Lixin’s safety and declared, “I will send you all in.”

“Invading the dream world is a dangerous thing, especially if it is generated under fear, you may encounter many bizarre situations.”

“I’ll keep an eye on you from outside, and if anything goes wrong, I’ll wake you up as soon as possible.”

Dijia wanted to follow them but he had to act as a guard on the outside.

Bai Lixin and Su Fan spoke in unison, “Okay!”

Ten minutes later, Liang Xi, Bai Lixin and Su Fan took off their coats and lay down on the bed.

Instruments with magnetic tabs and those for sensing the pulse and heartbeat were attached to them.

Dijia’s expression was more serious than never before, “We need a safe word before we proceed with hypnosis.”

“Your consciousness will be quickly drawn out of the dream state and awakened with this word.”

“We’ll go with ‘rabbit’.”

He approached Bai Lixin and looked down at the young man in the hospital bed. His fingers smoothed back the stray strands of hair around Bai Lixin’s ears, saying, “Don’t worry; I’ll let you keep watch. Remember that everything in the dream world is made up.”

Bai Lixin: “Okay, I’ll remember.”

Su Fan’s cold voice rang out from the hospital bed next to him, “Wait a moment Dr. Jia, my hair is sticking to my face. Help me with it.”

Dijia, who had an affectionate expression a moment ago, now looked disgusted.

He took large steps towards Su Fan and, with a heavy hand, assisted Su Fan in fixing his hair.

One was lying down, the other stood, and each glared more ferociously than the other.

Dijia stretched his index and middle finger and pointed at them with his own eyes, and then pointed at Su Fan.

‘I’m watching you. Don’t try to do anything.’

Su Fan sneered, and looked away with disdain.

‘This old thing, you only know some dirty tricks like using medicine to make me unconscious.’

Dijia’s pupils contracted.

‘Your methods are not as clean as they could be!

The two locked gazes on each other, but it appeared like an affectionate gaze to others

Xia Chi suspected it was two attackers working together and attacking each other.

He gave the “forlorn” Bai Lixin a pitying glance and said word for word: “Brother, you still have me! We are scarce!”

Bai Lixin: “……”

This unlucky boy, what was he making up in his head again?


In the live broadcast room.

[Help, help, this damned shura field, this tension! Why did I get fortunate to witness this! It’s so amazing, the corners of my mouth haven’t dropped. I love this drama so much!]

[Hahahaha, me too! god Xin is too powerful]

[Powerful indeed! Hehe, they’re already competing for favor; what more can we expect? In the future, after negative zero distance, they will start asking God Xin who is stronger, who is faster, who is fiercer, and who lasts longer, right? ]

[Hahahahaha, that sounds awesome. I can already see it. My nose even starts bleeding just thinking about it!]

[Negative distance pk is elementary, if you suddenly figured out you are competing with an attacker, you would rather become invincible by working together. 】

[Fuck, hahaha, upstairs, you are so awesome. You are really getting more and more imaginative! 】

[I’ve already imagined some of their plays, blindfolded physical identification. After being blindfolded and asked to guess who it is, he will be punished if he guesses incorrectly.]

[?!!! Hahahaha, there are God Xin’s punishments and the attackers’ plans being seen through. How did these two figure it out?]

[*To say a thousand words is to say ten thousand, we can only use our imagination. 】

*To say a thousand words is to say ten thousand- it means that no matter how much or how little is said, it is all a conclusion.

[The bet is on, brothers and sisters. Big boss vs. Su Fan, who can win God Xin’s favor? 】

[‘m betting on the big boss, he’s the official match!]

[I’m betting on Su Fan! Love grows with time! They go to class together, eat together, and even share the same bed!]

[Love over time? Tsk, the verb or action?]

[Ah, this is the charm of profound words!]


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