After the Full-Level Boss Entered the Infinite Game By Mistake

Chapter 124.2 - Campus Oddities

Chapter 124.2 - Campus Oddities

It wasn’t permanent, surprisingly, it wasn’t permanent!

He thought it was permanent so he risked offending others and reported them. He knew his level, he wasn’t good at studies, he didn’t play sports, and he would definitely be at the bottom in every exam.

That’s why he had hunkered down and waited until he was finally sure he could become council president before he got up and made the report.

But, surprisingly, it wasn’t permanent!

Apple Face was a little dizzy.

The headmaster didn’t seem to see Appleface’s despair, “But then, the grades are cumulative.”

“The next exam grade is stacked up on top of this one.”

There was an uproar among the students.

Headmaster, “That’s the rule in this school, well, class teachers, collect your people and dismiss the meeting!”

In the live broadcast room.

[I’m so happy, hahaha. I saw Appleface’s face go white.]

[He stepped on our God Xin to get to the top, I’ll see how many marks he can get on the next exam!]

[But this honesty exam is insane, the students report in front of the rest, so the spirit of cooperation and trust that had just been built up would surely be gone. In the future, they will have to guard against others in everything they do, and keep an eye on each other all the time.]

[Anyone can be a rival, and no one can be trusted.]

[And this is only the third day, it’s horrible.]

[That’s right, for this kind of copy, cooperation is key, even if there is a little internal conflict, they need to fight against the copy monsters together. But when things are done like this, the trust will go straight to the bottom. This school’s manipulative skills are amazing.]

[First set the rules, then emphasize the punishment, and finally get them to report themselves, gradually training the players into spies in their own camp.]

When the class was divided, Bai Lixin’s private chat window rang a little.

Bai Lixin opened it and found it was a message from Xia Chi.

Xia Chi: [Tsk, brother, listen to this skylight, it’s like setting us on fire.]

Bai Lixin: [Skylight?]

Xia Chi: [The headmaster, look at his glistening head, isn’t it like a skylight?]

Bai Lixin: […you’re quite talented. Anyway, did you leave the dorm at night?]

Xia Chi: [Yeah, I heard some movement in the toilet last night so I went out to have a look. So my roommate reported me.]

Bai Lixin: [What kind of commotion?]

Xia Chi: [It was quite scary, I found a hand in the toilet pit. It almost scared my soul away at the time. I was just about to run when the system issued me a task, saying that I should help this arm find its head.]

[Isn’t that funny? The school is so big, the arm doesn’t say anything, and there are no hints, so where am I going to find it?]

[It’s not like a pie falling out of the sky.]

Bai Lixin paused slightly, and if Xia Chi were by his side right now, he would have noticed that Bai Lixin’s expression was subtle and torn.

Is this the damn top luck value?

Bai Lixin: [The pie is falling, I probably have what you’re looking for.]

Xia Chi: [? Hey, hahahaha, brother, looks like my luck value is as good as ever.]

Bai Lixin: [……]

‘Lucky you.’

The number of players in the classroom dwindled, and finally, there were only 25 left.

The grumpy Teacher Zhao held back his irritation and started to make the roll call, taking away the last 25 people.

Xia Chi chuckled, completely devoid of the despair of being demoted from Class A to Class C. He immediately ran to Bai Lixin’s side, “Brother, I missed you so much!”

Teacher Zhao glared at them with a gloomy face and left in a rage.

Bai Lixin, “What have you discovered in Class A for the past few days?”

After re-shuffling the classes, the uniforms in Class C were now much more complicated, with a mix of three colors and Xia Chi was the only bright red one.

Zhou Guang and Li Cancan were still in Class B and had not changed.

Xia Chi, “There isn’t much, it’s just that I’ve been doing too many questions that I threw up.”

He thought about it, “I don’t know if it’s the studying that’s consuming some of my energy, but it doesn’t seem like there’s anything wrong with Class A except the intense studying.”

“What about Class C?”

Liang Xi chimed in, “Class C is wonderful, there are surprises and tasks everywhere, I picked up two at random.”

Xia Chi’s eyes lit up, “Tsk, tsk, is that so? No wonder my inspiration kept hinting at me to go to Class C.”

Bai Lixin suddenly stopped in his tracks and turned to look at Xia Chi. His mouth opened for a moment and slowly closed again, ultimately saying nothing.

Should he tell Xia Chi that there was a version of the senior sister in the Class C dormitory or not?

He remembered that Xia Chi seemed to be most afraid of Senior sister in red.

Xia Chi felt puzzled.

Why did he feel like his brother was looking at him with a strong sense of pity?

It should just be his illusion, right?

At seven o’clock in the evening, the new students of Class C went to the fifth floor classroom in a panic.

On seeing the dilapidated fifth floor, Xia Chi had a moment where he thought the inspiration in his brain had broken down.

This thing had been flashing abnormally lately, maybe he had over used it.

The lights on the stairs were somewhat broken, and under the flickering lights, he took a hard look at the corridor that was wrapped in rusty chains.

Something flashed by in the dark, empty corridor.

“Ah!” Xia Chi yelped, hiding behind Bai Lixin. He held Bai Lixin’s sleeve in a death grip and growled at Liang Xi, “Is this the surprise you were talking about?”

Liang Xi pinched his nose, “You are too easily scared, it’s a give and take, and in this case, there are a lot of tasks here.”

“I’m not lying about claiming two before.”

“One was to bury an aborted baby into the ground, and the other was to help a ghost named Xiao Guang find his way home.”

“I’ve already completed the first task. Although I finished the second one, I still don’t know how I did so. I was a bit scared at first, but it somehow completed itself.”

“And nothing was given out on those two tasks. I might have gotten lucky, maybe Xiao Guang found his own way home and the system thought I helped.”

Bai Lixin glanced at Liang Xi. “Liang Xi, have you been having nightmares for the past two days?”

Liang Xi didn’t know why Bai Lixin suddenly asked this, but he still admittedly replied, “Yes, they are all bad nightmares.”

Bai Lixin, “Sorry but I heard you talking in your sleep last night, are the nightmares you have been having about your childhood?”

“Ah,” Liang Xi blushed slightly and was somewhat ashamed. “Yes, yes. My mother used to put me in a small dark room when I was a child, and I was left with a deep psychological shadow. It caused me to be claustrophobic even later on in my adult life. I had to see a psychiatrist for a long time before my illness subsided.”

“These old memories were buried in the depths of my memory, maybe I’ve been so stressed at school that I started having these nightmares.”

The looks in Bai Lixin’s eyes deepened as he slowly asked, “This is the first time I’ve heard you say you’ve taken on such a task, what was the task about?”

Liang Xi, “It’s probably a kid, he said he couldn’t find his way home and asked me to take him home.”

Bai Lixin suddenly lowered his voice, “Was it to take him back to his own home, or to ‘home’?”

A cold question was thrown down, and Liang Xi suddenly froze in place, looking at Bai Lixin in shock.

“Shit, the task didn’t make it clear. It only said to find the way home, I, this…” Liang Xi looked at Lixin in shock, “You, you mean, Xiao Guang meant my home?!”

Bai Lixin’s eyes were deep and solemn, “it’s just my speculation, how much can you remember from what you dream of? Think hard about whether there is any extra person in the dreams.”

They were already walking into the classroom as they talked.

Bai Lixin and Su Fan went to their previous seats, and of course Xia Chi, the little tail went where Bai Lixin went. He saw Liang Xi sit down, and directly sat next to Liang Xi.

Because Baldhead was not reported, he had been promoted to class B. Liang Xi and Xia Chi turned around, Liang Xi looked at Bai Lixin in a daze, his face bloodless, “Now that you mention it, it seems to be the case….”

Liang Xi was now dizzy, he tried to restrain the urge to faint, his mind desperately trying to remember the scenes in the dreams.

The scenes that had been forgotten kept turning in his mind like a revolving lantern.

When his mother put him in the closet, there seemed to be a little boy with a pale face staring at him from the dark and gloomy corner of the room.

When he was playing with a ball in the yard, the ball seemed to roll to the feet of a little boy with a pale face.

When he was sleeping in bed, he seemed to see a pale hand reaching out from under the bed.

Liang Xi’s body shuddered uncontrollably and he gripped the edge of the table to calm his numb brain.

“I… I saw it.” Because of fear, Liang Xi’s voice took on a trembling tone, “There was a little boy with a ghastly white face that kept appearing in my dreams.”

“I… I don’t even know him.”

Bai Lixin pursed his lips, “He should be Xiao Guang. Liang Xi, you didn’t complete that mission by luck, but because Xiao Guang followed you back home.”

“It’s not his home he wanted to return to but yours, and he has found it through your memories.”

“Liang Xi, Xiao Guang has not only invaded your memories, but also your dreams.”

“If you don’t solve it soon, you will have your memories confused and in serious cases, it will even cause irreversible mental illness.”

Liang Xi looked at Bai Lixin in despair, “What should I do, God Xin Shen?”

“I didn’t know, I wouldn’t have taken that task if I knew it was like that.”

Bai Lixin, “Since he approached you, he probably would have broken into your memories even if you didn’t take the task.”

“As for what to do, have you forgotten? Dr. Jia once said he would be the last straw for us on this campus.”

“Go find him!”

When it came to the name “Di Jia”, Su Fan pursed his lips, but didn’t say anything in the end.

He could still tell the difference between right and wrong.

No matter how unhappy he was, he could not show it.

This was the professional accomplishment of a green tea attacker.

Teacher Zhao knocked on the table, “You guys, the bottom four, are you done? You four have the worst grades, and you still have the face to chat?”

“Now I will announce the punishment.”

“Some of your classmates will be punished, and not everyone is qualified to go to the dark room. Only those with an average score below the penalty line will enter the dark room, and others will be given other kinds of punishments.”

Teacher Zhao paused and suddenly sneered, “You should also thank our bottom four.”

“The four have single handedly pulled down the penalty mark line for the whole year by themselves.”

“The punishment mark is -50, any points above that number is to go and run 50 laps around the playground.”

“The ones below this score, come on, small dark room.”

Liang Xi-60.

Bai Lixin-100.

Xia Chi-100.

Su Fan-100.

The crowd couldn’t even help but cast a grateful glance at these four.

They were warriors.

In the live broadcast room.

[Shit, who else was shocked by the conversation between God Xin and Liang Xi?]

[I would get goosebumps if I brainstormed my own childhood memories and saw a miserable white ghost watching me from every corner.]

[That is like hell on earth.]

[The world is all kinds of pain, it’s too much like the underworld.]

[Liang Xi looked miserable and scared silly. Liang Xi’s childhood memories sound miserable, being in a small dark room, being in a closet, and then there is a ghost staring at him, he is quite strong.]

[It seems like he still has to go into the small dark room. He might get directly scared to death.]

Just as Teacher Zhao was leading the four warriors towards the small dark room, Bai Lixin quickly poked Liang Xi who was in a trance, “Liang Xi, give me your phone!”

Liang Xi didn’t mind and handed the phone to Bai Xin as quickly as he could.

Bai Lixin got out the business card and quickly typed in a row of numbers on the phone.

Xia Chi asked in a low voice, “Brother, did you forget this is a game copy. There’s no signal on the phone, are you…”





Xia Chi: “……”

Sorry, it was him who was silly.

How dare he question Brother Bai Lixin’s actions! From today, even if Brother asked him to eat shit live, that shit would definitely be good medicine!

Bai Lixin frowned and looked at Xia Chi, “It’s me, Doctor Jia, I need your help.”

There was a pause, then the man’s low voice came over, “Where are you now?”

Bai Lixin, “In Class C on the fifth floor of the school building, I want you to…”

Before Bai Lixin could say anything, the phone was hung up.

On the podium, Teacher Zhao urged, “Hurry up.”

His words had just left his mouth when a tall man in a white lab coat stood at the classroom door like a steel plate, firmly blocking the path.

Teacher Zhao seemed a little afraid of the man in the white coat. He took a step back and his voice softened, “Doctor Jia, why are you here?”

Dijia didn’t even spare Teacher Zhao a glance as his gaze locked directly onto Bai Lixin.

He looked Bai Lixin up and down and only relaxed after making sure he was not injured, and turned to Teacher Zhao, “Was this the first exam?”

Teacher Zhao, “Yes.”

Dijia, “What is the situation of the four?”

Teacher Zhao, “What else could it be, they performed so badly, so they are to be sent to a small dark room.”

Dijia’s long fingers pointed at Bai Lixin, “He’s not, he’s my patient and he’s having a heart attack. He can’t go into the small dark room.”

Teacher Zhao looked at Bai Lixin in disbelief. “He looks quite healthy.”

The next second, Bai Lixin clutched his chest, wobbled and fell into Dijia’s arms. “It’s not just me, Liang Xi, his memories have been invaded by a ghost, help him.”

Dijia happily wrapped his arm around Bai Lixin’s waist and looked at Su Fan provocatively.

Su Fan’s face blackened instantly and the windows of Class C shattered with a loud bang.

Dijia snorted and pointed at Liang Xi, who was pale, “And him, he’s anemic, so he can’t go for the time being.”

“And me,” Su Fan said coldly, “I’m mentally exhausted.”

Xia Chi saw this and immediately covered his temples, “Ouch, there’s me, I’m in pain, it must be the tumor in my head that has started to hurt again.”

Teacher Zhao: “……”

‘Third-rate acting!

Could it be any more fake?!

Do you guys think I’m blind?!’

Dijia looked at Teacher Zhao coldly. “I’ll return them when they are cured, okay?”

Teacher Zhao hurriedly nodded: “Yes, yes!”

You may not return them at all ah!

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