After the Full-Level Boss Entered the Infinite Game By Mistake

Chapter 126.3 - Campus Oddities

Chapter 126.3 - Campus Oddities

Countless rooms began to jump up and down excitedly, and with those extreme leaps, the one room that remained still stood out.

Bai Lixin looked around the small and quiet room and exclaimed, “It’s there!You’re great Liang Xi, you found the room.”

With those words, Bai Lixin quickly flew towards that room.

Liang Xi wiped his tears and dashed after Bai Lixin.


In the live broadcast room.

[I’m breaking down, family. Wuu, God Xin’s words moved me.]

[It turns out that Xia Chi and the others are very good in God Xin’s eyes.I always thought he was with them only because they met in the first trial, but it turns out that he really appreciates them.]

[But they have good qualities that we also have. So he likes us as well.]

[So, when we’re ordinary and have something to offer, we’re so good in God’s eyes. I always assumed that a man like him would only be interested in extremely intelligent people, but he prefers ordinary, flawed people.]

[As one would expect from a man I like, he is unique!]

[I’m going to keep chasing his livestreams!]


The room was dark, and there was a courtyard outside the door.

The room’s door was locked, and it was dark; everything blended into the darkness, rendering what was going on inside completely invisible.

Bai Lixin glanced at Liang Xi.

Without waiting for Bai Lixin to say anything, Liang Xi took a deep breath, and bravely walked to the door of the room.

He put away his wings and grabbed the chains with both hands.

Liang Xi kept repeating the words in his mind.

‘This is my dream; this is my memory; I am the master of this world; I can do anything if I want to!

I can open the shackles!’

Fear had faded and been replaced by confidence and there was determination in his eyes.

The wrist-thick chains and shackles were instantly reduced to pieces with a squeeze of his hand.

The door, which had been tightly shut, creaked open.

The lights in the dark room suddenly lit up one by one, seemingly welcoming the owner of the memory.

Liang Xi looked around at the familiar yet strange environment in front of him, paused for a split second, then gritted his teeth and entered.

Bai Lixin and Su Fan followed closely behind.

The ground floor was empty.

So Liang Xi went to the first floor.

It was peaceful and quiet everywhere until he entered the storage room and heard a commotion inside.

There was the sound of arguing and cursing.

The woman’s voice was very familiar, it was his mother.

Although the man’s voice was unfamiliar to him, he recognized it as his father’s.

The storage room door was closed, but the three men could see what was going on inside through a small crack in the door.

The woman: “You bastard, I worked for your family, gave birth to your son and raised him. All you know is to fool around outside!”

“It’s all your fault! You turned me from a young girl who didn’t know anything about the world into the ‘whining’ woman I am now!”

“Get out of here; I’ve already submitted evidence of your domestic violence to the court; I want to divorce you; I want to put you in jail!”

The man became enraged and grabbed the woman by the neck with one hand, yelling frantically, “You’re so bold! You bitch! If I’m trash then what are you? You’re a dog being ridden by trash! I’ll kill you if you retaliate! I’ll kill you!”

The thin, beautiful woman was suddenly slammed into the wall. When Liang Xi saw this, he pushed the door open and rushed over to save his mother.

His fingers grabbed the man’s arm, but he felt nothing.

He stumbled over his feet several times as the arm went straight through.

Bai Lixin said, “This is your memory, it can’t be changed.”

Liang Xi leaned against the closet, helpless as he watched his parents fight.

Had something similar happened in the storage room back then?

Why did he have no recollection of it at all?

An abrupt knocking sound suddenly rang out.

He followed the sound and was filled with surprise.

In the closet was a pair of frightened eyes peeking through the slit.

Liang Xi blankly stared at himself in the closet.

The boy in the wardrobe was crying and screaming as he pounded the closet.

“Dad, don’t hit Mom.”

“Dad, let go of Mom!”

The sudden sound from the closet drew the man’s attention, and his hands faltered as he stared at the closet in shock.

And the very moment he relaxed, then the woman felt the shelf behind her, found a knife and mercilessly stabbed the man in the neck.

Blood spurted from the wound, arcing through the air and some landed on Liang Xi’s face through the slit in the closet door.

Little Liang Xi flinched and he broke down and screamed, pounding on the closet door desperately.

The man fell to the ground in disbelief, covering the wound on his neck, and his eyes filled with disbelief and reluctance.

But no matter how loudly Liang Xi screamed, the woman only gave him a cold stare.

The woman looked at the locked closet door and silently left the room.

In the darkened storage room, little Liang Xi was left in the closet, his face still covered with spots of blood.

His violent father was now lying coldly on the floor, his gaze fixed on Liang Xi. His eyes were wide with rage, and his expression was ferocious, as if he resented little Liang Xi’s earlier yell.

Little Liang Xi was stunned and could only bear his father’s stare in silence.

Liang Xi’s hands and feet were cold as he looked at the scene before him in shock.

So this was what he wanted to forget?

His father abused his mother, and she killed him in return.

After a long time, his mother came up again.

She was dressed in a raincoat and carrying a large suitcase.

The woman did not take Liang Xi out of the closet, but struggled to stuff the man’s body into the suitcase.

Then she knelt and meticulously cleaned up the blood on the floor.

The woman appeared to be in a good mood, humming a song under her breath while cleaning.

When she reached the closet, the woman suddenly put her eyes to the slit and stared at the boy inside with cold and terrifying eyes.

Little Liang Xi screamed and cowered into a corner, shivering in fear.

After a brief moment, the woman quickly averted her gaze.

When all the blood stains had been cleaned up, the woman dragged the suitcase away.

Little Liang Xi fell into a deep sleep from the constant shock.

After another unknown amount of time had passed, the woman returned.

She opened the closet door and took out Liang Xi. Her eyes were cold as she looked at Liang Xi and said, word for word, “Dad just went away on business. Dad left today, and you didn’t see anything; do you hear what I’m saying?”

Little Liang Xi’s face was completely bloodless as he stared at his mother in horror.

“Liang Xi, Mom loves you.” the woman continued. ” You’ve now lost your father, and if you say what happened today out loud, you’ll also lose your mother. Then you’ll be an orphan with no one to love you.”

The woman shook little Liang Xi’s shoulders forcefully. “You don’t want that, do you? So forget everything you saw. Do you hear me?”

Little Liang Xi’s lips trembled but he nodded his head in half understanding.

Liang Xi stared blankly at the image in front of him, and the scene suddenly squeezed into his mind.

He remembered.

That day, it was just him and his mother at home, he seemed to have made some kind of mistake and his mother locked him in the closet.

Later, his father returned and crept into the storage room to look for something, but his mother barged in before he could call out.

After that was the scene of the two fighting.

He was only six years old and didn’t understand what was happening. He only knew that his father had bullied his mother, that his mother had been hurt and it was all dad’s fault so he had to protect her.

And just like that, his father was no longer in the picture.

This storage room and that closet became his greatest fear.

And his mother became strange after that.

She began to intervene into everything concerned with him and controlled his life.

He even had a pet cat called Little Black, which his mother beat to death.

He always blamed himself for whatever happened in this storage room as he grew older.

He kept this secret even after his mother died of illness.

He put the house up for sale after his mother died, but he didn’t dare to stay. He left the house and moved out of town.

Every night, images of the scene in the storage room resurfaced in his dreams, and he was on the verge of a nervous breakdown. He later chose therapy to seal the memories.

It turned out that this was the memory he had sealed.

Along with it was the guilt, and the bloody images!

Liang Xi looked at the face of his mother in front of him, and countless other sealed memories soon appeared.

After that, his mother discovered that he was afraid of this room, so she would lock him in there whenever he tried to rebel a little.

The painful memories he had forgotten came rushing back to him like a torrent.

Liang Xi collapsed to his knees, clutched his head, and wailed in agony.

At the same time, the surroundings began to shake violently and the ground began to crack in sections.

In the cracks in the ground, a snow-white rabbit poked its head out and beckoned them.

Bai Lixin pulled Liang Xi without hesitation and jumped through the crack!

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