After the Full-Level Boss Entered the Infinite Game By Mistake

Chapter 127.1 - Campus Oddities

Chapter 127.1 - Campus Oddities

When Liang Xi woke up, he found himself in a familiar cramped bedroom again.

Bai Lixin was gone, and so was crow Su Fan.

The room was crude and narrow, with a wooden bed and desk stacked in a crowded pile.

Liang Xi was in a trance for a moment, and a bit confused.

Everything that had just happened seemed to be an illusion.

But the layout of the room suggested that he was still in the dream world.

The room was dark, and there was a light on.

Just as he was about to get up and turn on the light, the door, which had been closed, was suddenly pushed open from the outside.

The light from the corridor poured in immediately, and at the same time two figures, one large and one small appeared in the doorway, blocking the only exit.

With their backs to the light, the pale yellow light haloed behind them, but left their faces hidden in the cold darkness.

Two pairs of eyes glowed brightly in the darkness, staring at Liang Xi eerily.

Liang Xi froze on the spot, he looked around anxiously, but he had nowhere to run.

Light and darkness collided as the three people confronted each other silently.

After a long time, Xiao Guang smiled and called out, “Brother.”

The voice was low and sharp, like a knife cutting into a rusty iron plate.

As soon as he heard this call, Liang Xi’s hair stood on end and every inch of his scalp began to tingle.

Xiao Guang: “Brother, I’m going to first grade soon, and Mom said she wanted to make a separate study room for me for the sake of my studies. Your room is just right, let me take care of it, okay?”

“Brother, this is for the best, you love me the most, don’t you? You’ll say yes, won’t you?”


Bai Lixin’s earlier warning hit his brain like a thunderbolt.

– “The last room must not be given up, if you agree to Xiao Guang’s requests again, you will really cease to exist.”

Now Xiao Guang stood before him, already invading the last bit of his personal space.

Liang Xi took two guarded steps back, leaning her body against the cold, hard corner of the table, and whispered, “Where will I live if I let you have this room?”

Xiao Guang frowned at his words and tilted his head in serious thought, “You can live in the storage room, don’t you like to play hide and seek? You spend a lot of time in the closet.”

Xiao Guang tugged at the hand of the woman beside him. “Mom?”

Liang Xi faced the light and looked expectantly at the woman whose face was hidden in the darkness.

The woman’s gentle voice rang out in the darkness, “Xiao Guang is right, Liang Xi can just live in the closet, let Xiao Guang use this room as a study.”

The woman sounded affectionate, but this sentence fell into Liang Xi’s ears like a heavy hammer, knocking his patience and last bottom line.

All the anger and grievances he had suffered since he was a child piled up into a ball and then completely exploded!

Liang Xi looked at the two people before him with anger. Bai Lixin and Su Fan were not around, there was a way to rely on but himself!


Liang Xi roared, his hysterical voice causing Xiao Guang and Mother Liang’s expressions to freeze.

He pointed at the small and crude wooden bed, “This is my room! This is the bed I sleep on!”

Then he pointed to the desk, “This is my desk!”

“And these,” Liang Xi picked up a book from the desk and casually flipped it over, “Look, the words written on this are all mine. It says Liang Xi here, not Xiao Guang!”

“This is my place, and I will never let you make it a study.”

Liang Xi spoke in succession and with each sentence, his body began to grow a little. By the time the last sentence was finished, he had changed from an eight-year-old to a thirteen-year-old.

Teenage Liang Xi walked past the dumbfounded two and opened the toy room. “And this, this is my toy room, the words on the gifts say “To Liang Xi”, even the pictures placed on the table are mine.”

“If I’m superfluous, then you are redundant,” said Liang Xi, who had grown by another five years. He looked down at Xiao Guang, who was only thigh high, and said angrily, “This is my home, and the woman beside you is my mother.”

“You parasite, who are you to invade my home a little?”

“It was only because I took pity on you so that you could enter my home and get a bite to eat.”

“And yet you want to occupy the magpie’s nest, testing my bottom line step by step, nibbling away at my existence little by little, wanting to replace me completely!”

Liang Xi’s body had completely transformed into its original size.

As Liang Xi let out accusation after accusation, Xiao Guang’s body gradually turned transparent.

There initial smugness and well behaved appearance had disappeared, only to be left with annoyance and anger.

Xiao Guang glared darkly at Liang Xi and turned to bury his head into the woman’s arms. “Mom, mom, look, Brother is bullying me.”

“He is shouting at me and rebelling. Quickly educate him!”

The woman frowned and her face which had been gentle just a moment ago, quickly twisted and distorted.

On hearing Xiao Guang’s cries, the woman’s body also began to twist, her body burst through her clothes as countless sharp barbs pierced through them.

The woman let out a terrifying roar, and the ground began to shake.

Within a few moments, the woman, who was as gentle as water a moment ago, had now transformed into a hedgehog-like monster.

The monster’s body was covered with thick spikes and the only soft part of its body was on its abdomen. The monster hid Xiao Guang at its abdomen, then rolled its body into a ball and began to attack Liang Xi.

Liang Xi was in shock and just when the monster was about to attack, a pair of white wings suddenly sprouted from his back.

“Mom,” Liang Xi spoke calmly, “the sharp thorns on your body have already hurt me.”

“But I have flown to a height you cannot touch.”

“What knocks me down will eventually be the wisp of wind that sends me soaring.”

The anger faded from Liang Xi’s face as he calmly looked down at the monstrous woman roaring at him. “I know you love me, and I know you want to control me.”

“I know Dad hurt you and my heart aches for you, but I will not let that heart ache be the weapon you use to attack me again.”

“This is my dream and my memory. I am the master of this world. I allowed you to live here, but you are not allowed to be so reckless.”

With that, Liang Xi’s body started lengthening, and within a few moments, he easily went through the roof of the house, his head soaring to the sky.

The huge house from his memories was now so small, the bed he once struggled to climb up was now easily stepped on.

Even the woman who used to be a shadow over his life was now just a grain of corn under his feet.

Liang Xi’s middle and index fingers easily picked up his monster-mother, opened her abdomen area and brought out Xiao Guang who was now as weak as an ant.

Xiao Guang had long been dumbfounded.

He stared at the behemoth in front of him blankly, and went on his knees on Liang Xi’s fingers, his face pale as he begged for mercy, “I’m sorry, I’m sorry.”

“I was wrong, I was really wrong.”

“I just wanted a home.”

“I didn’t mean to hurt you, if I really did, I would have just kicked you out in the first place. I just wanted a mom, and a brother, a lively and happy family.”

“Please, please, don’t kick me out. Let me stay, I’ll be a good boy from now on and never make trouble again, okay, Brother?”

Liang Xi looked at the begging brat coldly and refused outright.

“I’m soft-hearted, but I’m not stupid.”

“You didn’t let me stay because you liked me and didn’t want to hurt me, you were just scared of being alone and wanted to simply have someone your own age to keep you company. That person could be me, or it could have been anyone else. But you had to choose me because you had no one else.”

“This is my place, and you’re in no position to negotiate with me.”

“Do you think that I’ve always liked you?”

“I’m telling you clearly now, I don’t like you at all. I hate people who invite themselves, I hate people who get things without working for it, and I hate people who have ugly hearts.”

“You’re not welcome here, please leave my world!”

With those words, Liang Xi flicked his fingers before Xiao Guang had the chance to beg and sent him flying.

After getting done with Xiao Guang, Liang Xi looked down at his hedgehog mother in his hand.

The woman had gradually calmed down and was quietly creeping up Liang Xi’s hand.

Liang Xi bent down and placed her in front of the flower bed in the garden. His fingers reached into the flower bed and gently dug out a decomposing corpse from the soil.

Liang Xi squatted down and looked at his mother who had a dull expression.

“Mom, do you know what my biggest knot is?”

“It’s the viciousness you had that day, and the harm you did to me.”

“It’s also the fact that I failed my parents.”

“I had the opportunity to help you when Dad was abusing you, and I had the means to help Dad get justice after you killed him.”

“I felt so guilty and that’s why I sealed this memory.”

“Mom,” Liang Xi’s body dwindled down to his original adult size. “Go and turn yourself in.”

“I’ve been to a lawyer before, this is a case of excessive self-defense and the sentence will be quite heavy.”

“But you’ll always be my mother and he quickly no matter what happens. I’ll wait for you and when you get out, I’ll take you to watch the sunrise, we’ll travel together, do all the things you once wanted to do, but never had the chance to, okay?”

“I know you always wanted that.”

“And I know it was the promise Dad made to you in the beginning.”

“I’m sorry for not protecting you, Mom.”

With that, Liang Xi looked at the corpse, “I’m sorry, Dad.”

In her daze, the hedgehog had changed back into a woman.

With red eyes, she looked at Liang Xi guiltily, kneeling down and covering her face helplessly.

“No, I’m the one who should say sorry,” Mother Liang cried bitterly, tears glowing through her fingers. “This was supposed to be a matter between your father and I, but I transferred the hurt your father did to me to you.”

“I’ve hurt you so many times over the years.”

“Xixi, I’m really sorry.”

“I don’t deserve to be your mom.”

Liang Xi hugged his mother tenderly, “Mom, don’t worry, when I return to the real world, I will go to the relevant authorities and tell the whole truth.”

“I always wondered why this game summoned me, I was like a zombie going through life, so I didn’t have any desire at all.”

“Only today did I realize that my desires had long been buried deep in my heart.”

A ray of light broke through the clouds in the sky.

A familiar gentle and warm voice of a young man rang out from the sky. “Liang Xi, it’s time to wake up.”

Liang Xi gently patted the woman’s back, and all the grievances and pain were released at that moment.

“Mother, I’m so glad to be able to see you again.”


In the live broadcast room.

[Tch, it’s a success, congratulations to Liang Xi on his rebirth from the ashes!]

[Finally, the grand finale to the mega-series of the bun against the odds. I was overjoyed the moment the bear child, Xiao Guang was ejected.]

[So God Xin and crow Su Fan were already out?]

[Didn’t you see the rabbit earlier? The doctor said earlier that ‘rabbit’ was the keyword to waking them up.]

[Ohh, so that’s how it is.]

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