After the Full-Level Boss Entered the Infinite Game By Mistake

Chapter 127.2 - Campus Oddities

Chapter 127.2 - Campus Oddities


When Liang Xi woke up, he saw four people standing by his bed, staring down at him.

His face reddened and he spoke with embarrassment, “Why are you looking at me like that?”

Bai Lixin nudged his mouth towards a corner.

Liang Xi turned around and saw Xiao Guang, who had been chased out. “Wuu, I won’t, I won’t do it again,” he sobbed in the corner, shivering and whimpering.

“Wuuu, Liang Xi is so mean.”

“Liang Xi is big and bad.”

Liang Xi: “……”

Xia Chi dashed over, laughing as he heavily patted Liang Xi’s shoulder. “It’s good to be mean; we just have to be fierce to scare the hell out of the brats.”

Xiao Guang cried in the corner for a while, but no one paid attention to him and he gradually disappeared.

Liang Xi opened the task bar, the previous task was still marked as complete, and the time in the upper right corner had reached 9:30 pm.

Liang Xi was stunned and he quickly sat up from the bed, “9…it’s 9:30!”

“I can’t believe it’s already so late, I have to hurry back, it’s almost time to turn out the lights!”

Xia Chi: “We’re just waiting for you, we’ll go back when you’re rested.”

How could Liang Xi dare to delay everyone. He quickly got up and straightened his clothes. “I’ve already rested!”

“Bai Lixin, come here for a moment.” Dijia, who had been silent, called out to Bai Lixin and took him into the examination room.

Su Fan wanted to follow them in, but Dijia shut the door quickly.

The heavy door of the room slammed shut, stopping Su Fan outside: “……”

‘This shameless old thing, what does it want to do by hiding my wife?’

Outside, only a hazy outline could be seen through the frosted glass on the door. However, there was a gap at the bottom of the glass that allowed a glimpse of the inside.

Su Fan pressed his head against the gap in the glass and saw Dijia hand something to Bai Lixin before speaking.

He didn’t know what the door was made of as he couldn’t hear anything despite being pressed up to it.

The dog doctor was still wearing a mask, so he couldn’t read the dog doctor’s lips.

It was exasperating.

Bai Lixin had his back to him, and all that could be seen was his slightly nodding head, and then Bai Lixin appeared to say something in response.

After the two had said a couple of words, Bai Lixin turned around.

Su Fan immediately straightened up and leaned against the wall in a seemingly casual manner.

Bai Lixin walked out of the room with slightly red cheeks.

On seeing Su Fan, he paused and coughed lightly, saying, “Let’s go.”

On the way back, Liang Xi was relaxed.

The evening breeze blew and he sincerely expressed his gratitude to the rest.

“God Xin, Su Fan and Xia Chi, thank you, you helped unlock the knot that has been in my heart for many years.”

Xia Chi was a little curious, “What was the knot in your heart?”

“Do you recall what the system told us when we first entered the copy?” Liang Xi exhaled a sigh. “We came because we had a strong desire.”

“I just assumed the system had pulled the wrong person in because I had no desires. was just an honest vet who messed around every day.”

“It wasn’t until today that I remembered all the emotions I had buried and what was expected of me.”

“I’ve always regretted hiding the affair of my father’s death, and I wanted to tell the truth.”

“But my mother was already dead, and I figured that since she was gone, I’d leave the affair alone.”

“On one side was my mother and on the other was the truth.”

“I chose to forget in the end, but I still felt guilty deep down in my heart and wished to tell the truth.”

“It’s all right now, and this big stone that was weighing on my heart has finally been laid to rest. I’ve already considered it; when I return to the real world, I’ll go to the Public Security Bureau and tell them the truth.”

The campus was dark except for the lights of the dormitory buildings in the near distance.

“If that was your greatest desire, and you’ve already made the promise to fulfill it, is it still a desire?” Xia Chi asked quietly.

Liang Xi: “Yes. But, I have a new one. That is to leave here and tell the truth. ”

Xia Chi gave Liang Xi a thumbs up: “Liang Xi, you’re great.”

Liang Xi was instantly shy.

“Then again,” Xia Chi changed the topic, “where do I sleep tonight?” ”

“I’m no longer a Class A student, so does that mean my dormitory changed?”

“Also, the punishment for the small black room is still there.”

“How about you come to 501 first?” Liang Xi suggested. “Though it is a little crowded, there are four beds for five people.”

After saying that, the atmosphere suddenly became solemn.

Liang Xi noticed the strange reactions: “What’s wrong, did I say something wrong?” ”

Xia Chi: “When you were under hypnosis earlier, we received a system prompt that a player had died. ”

Liang Xi’s eyes widened: “A player died? How can it be? Aren’t the four of us the only ones sent to the small black room? ”

Bai Lixin: “It probably wasn’t because of a punishment. Any student who was punished has to be sent to the infirmary no matter how serious it is, but that student never came.”

“While accompanying you, I waited for the student’s body to appear in the infirmary, but it didn’t appear at all.”

Liang Xi: “Is it a student from class C?”

Xia Chi: “I don’t know; we’ll find out when we go to the classroom tomorrow.”

Su Fan had a deep look in his eyes, “Maybe we don’t need to wait until tomorrow.”

Liang Xi: “????”

When they reached the dormitory building, Liang Xi finally understood what Su Fan meant by “we don’t need to wait until tomorrow”.

Dormitory 501, which was supposed to be a five person dormitory, had become a four person dormitory.

Su Fan and Bai Xin were separated, and each bed was labeled with a name.

Liang Xi and Xia Chi were on the two beds near the toilet, while Bai Xin and Su Fan were on the other side.

The dormitories were assigned based on class, and because there was one fewer person in class C’s dormitory, the player who died was undoubtedly a class C student.

Liang Xi: “The one who died was a player from class C.”

Su Fan glanced at Bai Lixin’s bed with some regret, “Yeah.”

Xia Chi’s bed was covered in two clean, gray school uniforms. Falling from class A to class C was not a psychological burden for him, and he immediately removed the class A school uniform jacket while shouting, “Fuck, this master can finally sleep until dawn tonight! No more waking up before the sun comes up. Long live Class C!”

“Long live 501!”

Liang Xi looked at him and wanted to laugh, “Is class A that scary? I heard that the dormitory environment for class A is very good?”

“What is the purpose of having a good dorm environment? You only get four hours of sleep!” Xia Chi sighed and pointed to his dark circles. “Take a look at this! I didn’t even have these when I was studying for the entrance exams!”

“I don’t want an exaggerated appearance of pomp, I want actual sleep!”

“Hahahaha, I’ll get a good night’s sleep tonight! Quality sleep, here I come!”

Quality sleep?

Liang Xi seemed to have remembered something, he silently glanced at Bai Lixin and saw sympathy in the latter’s eyes.

“I’m so sleepy, brother, I’m too sleepy to be polite to you so I’ll go wash up first.”

Before Liang Xi could even open his mouth, Xia Chi grabbed a change of clothes and rushed into the bathroom.

Liang Xi: “……”

He will probably meet the mop with the human head.

But it should be just a mop now, right?

Yeah, that’s probably it, what’s to worry about.

Xia Chi closed the bathroom door, casually put his clothes on the doorknob and approached the urinal on the far side as he unzipped his trousers.

The water flowed out in a gushing stream and Xua Chi let out a soft cry of comfort.

Suddenly, he heard a strange sound.

“Glup, glup glup.”

What was that? Bubbles?

Strange, where were the bubbles?

Xia Chi looked around in confusion and saw the bucket of water in the corner.

From this angle, he could faintly see a mop soaking in the bucket, and a black gauze floating on the surface of water, with a series of small bubbles coming out from the bottom of the water.

Xia Chi’s desire to continue peeing disappeared and a flash suddenly came to his mind.

A flash of inspiration? Was it to see what was in the bucket?

He carefully pulled up his trousers and approached the bucket warily.

Xia Chi placed one hand on the mop and was about to lift it up to get a better look when the floating mop head turned and revealed a pair of terrified eyes.

What was floating on the water surface was not black gauze at all, but black hair!

This was not a mop head, it was a human head!!!


A piercing scream came from the toilet, and the toilet door was quickly opened, revealing a pale-faced Xia Chi who jumped straight into Bai Lixin’s arms.

“Wuuuu, brother! Going to your toilet is so scary! There is a ghost in this dorm! There is a mop with a human head!” Xia Chi raised his head, tears welling up in his eyes. “Brother, this ghost simply has large eyes; it dares to run into your toilet and scare people; it doesn’t want to live!Wuu, brother, you must seek justice for me; that damned human head mop scared me to death!”

“Don’t be afraid; that’s the only place it stays; there’s more to be afraid of,” Bai Lixin said soothingly as he patted Xia Chi’s back.

Xia Chi’s body froze and he forgot to even cry.

He stood up and looked at Bai Lixin with a dumbfounded expression, “What?”

Bai Lixin smiled and coaxed Xia Chi to sit down, then he went into the toilet and brought out the bucket of water.

In the water, a head was facing down, its hair was spread out on the surface and bubbles kept coming to the water surface.


Glup glup.

Although Liang Xi had turned pale, he had grown accustomed to it.

And Su Fan was just looking at Bai Lixin with affectionate eyes.

Xia Chi looked at the bucket of water and then at the three other people in the room and felt despair.

What kind of dormitory was this!!!

It was as if he had just exited the wolf’s den and walked into the tiger’s den!

What kind of purgatory was this!


Bai Lixin chuckled, “Xia Chi, don’t you have a mission to find the head to the arm?”

“Take the arm out and let Fearful have a look.”

Xia Chi trembled, “Fearful?”

Liang Xi said with embarrassment, “It’s the name for the human head mop; it’s called Fearful.”

Xia Chi hugged the bed rail with one hand and wanted to cry, but he still took out the arm from his backpack with the other hand and handed it to Bai Lixin, “It’s called Fearful? But I’m the one who’s scared.”

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