After the Full-Level Boss Entered the Infinite Game By Mistake

Chapter 129.2 - Campus Oddities

Chapter 129.2 - Campus Oddities

Bai Lixin followed Dijia down to the ground floor and then to the infirmary.

Bai Lixin: “Aren’t we going to the laboratory?”

Dijia’s knuckled fingers gently picked up the string of the mask and lifted it off, exposing the stunningly handsome face.

He cast a light glance at Bai Lixin. “Come on, do you really want to go to the laboratory building?”

“First, accompany me to the infirmary to get some medication.”

“All right,” Bai Lixin said.

Dijia unconsciously adjusted his pace to that of Bai Lixin as they walked down the long corridor.

“What did you discover in the small, dark room?” Dijia inquires.

“There are many torture instruments on the wall, and despite being cleaned, there was a bloody stain,” said Bai Lixin.

Dijia: “Countless people have been punished there. There is life and death.”

“I’m curious as to how you persuaded Teacher Zhao not to punish you.”

He went to the laboratory building after learning that Bai Lixin had been taken to the small, dark room and saw Teacher Zhao idling around outside. He then left since Bai Lixin was not in any danger.

Bai Lixin had nothing to hide and revealed his agreement with Teacher Zhao to Dijia.

Dijia paused for two seconds before saying, “Oh, so that’s how it is.”

“Heh,” the man chuckled. “It’s right when you think about it. Only Teacher Zhao at the bottom of the food chain would agree with your cooperation.”

“It would not be possible if it were someone else. You are lucky.”

Bai Lixin: “It’s not luck. I was 99% sure at that time. I have been observing him from the moment I saw him. Whether it was in the common classroom or at the dining hall, Teacher Zhao would lower himself before the other teachers.”

“But he is reluctant.”

“A person who is reluctant always has desires, and I managed to find his.”

Dijia: “Oh, so you are not only lucky, but also smart.”

“I’m looking forward to your performance.” The two men had already walked into the clinic, “As a reward, I’m going to give you a clue.”

Bai Lixin: “What clue?”

Dijia: “The clue to the ghost that eats others. But not now, I’ll tell you later.”

While talking, Dijia had opened the door to the examination room, “Come with me.”

After seeing the familiar and unfamiliar examining table, Bai Lixin hesitated for a moment, then walked past Dijia and entered the room.

As soon as Dijia walked in, he said to Bai Lixin, “Go and wash your hands.”

Bai Lixin walked over to the corner where hands were washed and disinfected after hearing the words.

He soaked his hands in water before rubbing them with a small bubble hand sanitizer.

He bowed his head to wash his hands carefully and his back was suddenly covered by a broad chest.

Bai Lixin froze, and a pair of hands appeared from behind him.

“How stupid! You don’t even know how to wash your hands. How can you be my class representative?” The man grabbed Bai Lixin’s hand, and naturally interlocked their fingers, stroking them back and forth.

Bai Lixin raised his head and looked in the mirror. The shrewd man stood close to the young man in front of him, and they seemed to be doing something intimate.

“Pay attention,” Dijia said, her bubble-covered fingers pinched. “Look down and learn.”

Bai Lixin blushed and lowered his head quickly.

The man’s hands were covered in bubbles as he rubbed back and forth.

The more bubbles there were, the more difficult it was to tell whose hands were whose.

However, they were easily distinguished.

Bai Lixin’s gaze followed the movement of his fingers. Dijia’s fingers were knuckled and articulated in comparison to his slender fingers.

“When washing your hands, remember the seven steps of hand washing.” The young man’s hand was held up in the slippery bubbles by the beautiful, knuckled fingers.

Bai Lixin didn’t know whether it was intentional or unintentional, but as Dijia washed his hands, his body and waist would come closer, and Bai Lixin could feel something hard from time to time.

They used five minutes just to wash his hands.

Dijia reluctantly let go of Bai Lixin’s hands only after every corner had been washed.

“All done,” Dijia suddenly exclaimed. “How about we conduct a simple examination?Come on, put your hands up against the wall.”

Bai Lixin: “??”

What’s the use of that?

“Your heart is beating a little fast. Did you have another heart attack?” Dijia brought Bai Lixin’s hands against the wall and said solemnly, “Tell me, did you exercise with the device I gave you last night?”

Bai Lixin blushed and shook his head. “No, no.”

“Why not?” Dijia reached into Bai Lixin’s pants pocket and rummaged around, “Where is the device?’

“I threw it away,” Bai Lixin said, shaking his head, “don’t rummage around, it’s not there.”

Dijia remained unmoved, his hands rummaging back and forth in the baggy pockets, not letting go of any corner, and he didn’t forget to ask, “Why did you throw it away?”

The hands propped against the wall began to turn white from force and Bai Lixin’s hand had a tremble, “It just…it wasn’t comfortable, so I threw it away.”

“Heh, bad boy,” Dijia finally removed his hand from the pocket. “Medicine is good for the sick, even if it’s uncomfortable. You have to endure it for the sake of healing.”

“I wanted you to exercise at night so that neither your studies nor your sleep suffer and that no time is wasted.”

“However, because you refuse to behave, I’ll have to force you to exercise.”

He pulled another oval device with a motor from the pocket of his white coat as he spoke.

Bai Lixin’s face turned green the moment he saw the device.

Brother, do you just keep such things in your pocket?

Bai Lixin subconsciously withdrew his hands and was about to step back, but while he was fast, Dijia was even faster.

Dijia easily pinned both of Bai Lixin’s wrists against the wall with one hand.

He used his own body to secure Bai Lixin from behind in order to control the fidgeting body.

“What is your reason for disobedience?” Dijia was irritated as his leg passed between the slender legs and his knee went against the wall. “Any further movement, and I won’t give you the clue.”

Bai Lixin stiffened to the point where he dared not move.

“I was wrong, doctor! Give it to me, and I will exercise tonight, okay?” he said, as he looked at the device in Dijia’s hand.

“Heh, telling wolf stories is pointless.” Dijia unbuttoned Bai Lixin’s pants, and with a quick tag, the cold rushed in.

Bai Lixin’s eyelashes trembled, and he closed his eyes subconsciously.

Dijia was blunt, “Open your eyes, I am helping you to exercise; you have to learn so that you can do it when you go back.”

The doctor’s hand pressed against Bai Lixin’s body, then paused.

“Why is it red and swollen?!” the man’s cold voice demanded.

Bai Lixin’s brow rested against the wall, and he could feel his cheeks burning. Only the cold wall could alleviate the sweltering heat.

“I… I’m not sure.” The young man responded.

The doctor’s eyes were gloomy, but his fingers continued to massage.

Just when Bai Lixin was about to collapse, Dijia finally locked the device onto him.

After helping Bai Lixin tidy up, he released his arms and the trembling young man slid weakly to the floor.

The doctor took a deep breath, and a swirl seemed to run through his dark eyes.

His chest rose and fell several times, and with great restraint, braced himself against the wall with one hand and flipped on the switch of the device.

Bai Lixin’s suddenly convulsed and he looked up at the man above him wordlessly, tears silently gathering in his eyes.

“Tch, why are you spilling it everywhere, let me help you clean up.”

After the last gulp, Dijia spoke up, his voice hoarse and sticky. “Get up, its almost time to go to the lab.”


The bell rang and it was time for students to go for lunch.

On the noisy campus, two people stood out from those who were darting about.

They were dressed in white lab coats and walked very slowly in the direction of the laboratory building.

Both wore blue masks on their faces; the slightly taller one wore gold-rimmed glasses, and while the other’s face was covered, his beautiful eyes, which looked like a sea of smoke, were visible.

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