After the Full-Level Boss Entered the Infinite Game By Mistake

Chapter 129.3 - Campus Oddities

Chapter 129.3 - Campus Oddities

The young man looked like he was from crying, his eyes were red and even the ends of his eyes were tinged with pink.

His walking posture was a little stiff, and he was trembling with the taller man’s support.

“Hold on. We’ll be there soon,” said the man.

The young man looked at the other party pitifully and quickly lowered his head.

A voice suddenly stopped them just when they were almost at the laboratory building.

“Doctor Dijia? What a happy coincidence! “What brings you here? Who is this?”

The young man suddenly went stiff, and he bit his lip as he buried his head into the other man’s arms, swallowing a sound into his stomach.

“Teacher Zhang,” the taller man’s distant voice rang out, “it’s a doctor who has just arrived at our infirmary. He isn’t feeling well so I’m taking him to the laboratory for some medicine.”

Teacher Zhang: “Oh, so it’s like that.”

“It’s mealtime, Dr. Dijia, don’t get so busy with work, your health is most important ah, our school can’t do without you.”

Dijia: “Oh, thanks for your concern, but I’ve just eaten.”

“Huh, but you didn’t go to the dining hall to eat. What did you eat?”

Dijia: “Nothing much, I drank some soy milk.”

Teacher Zhang: “Tsk, soy milk can’t fill you up, you need a meal.”

Dijia: “Thank you for your concern, we’ll leave you to it then, Teacher Zhang.”

Teacher Zhang: “Okay, okay.”

When Teacher Zhang left, Dijia whispered, “Okay, no one is around.”

The young man looked up, tears already falling from his eyes, and he begged, “Please shut it off.”

Dijia patted the young man’s shoulder soothingly. While his actions were gentle, his words were cold, “No, hang in there a little longer, it’s all for your health, come on.”

Bai Lixin: “……”

‘Shameless bastard.’

The originally ten minute walk took them an hour and a half.

By the time they got to the biology lab, Bai Lixin was completely limp.

Dijia took out his device and placed him on the only bed in the lab as Bai Lixin stared blankly.


In the live broadcast room





[…… What are you yelling about? Wasn’t it blacked out the whole time.]

[You don’t get it, it’s always black, but we can make it up.]

[Why was the screen black? We’ll work backwards. Only when it comes to extremely private things like sleeping will it be blacked out. The screen was black the whole time they were in the examination room, and it was black the whole time they walked to the laboratory building. When the screen lit up, Bai Lixin was lying there with a rosy look on his face. So guess what happened along the way?]

[Holy shit! I’ve realized it, thanks for the enlightenment, guys!]

[Ah, the big boss is a big boss, he’s playing it big!]


The young man gradually regained his strength after a long time. “Is this the biology laboratory?”

The lights were turned on, and there were many bottles and jars on the far side of the cabinet, as well as several human organs soaking in the yellow formalin solution.

A model of the human body could be found in a nearby corner.

It was a male model with half normal skin tissue and half muscle texture.

The eyelids around the eye sockets were gone on the half with the muscular texture, leaving only a huge eye hanging there.

The contrast between left and right was weirdly unsettling.

The biology laboratory was large, and there was a cabinet nearby that Bai Lixin couldn’t see inside for the time being.

Dr. Dijia made his way to the cabinet and rummaged for a while before he got out some bandages.

The nerves in the body of the young man who had just come to his senses immediately tensed.

“Dr. Dijia, what are your plans?” he inquired warily.

‘You haven’t had enough?

Although the walk here was really exciting and I also had a good time, can you take it easy?’

Dijia chuckled, “What are you thinking?”

He leaned forward, his dark eyes looking at Bai Lixin earnestly, “Why are you blushing? Do you want to continue exercising?”

“You, you exercise by yourself,” Bai Lixin shot back. “If you don’t have anything to say, don’t come near me!”

“You scratched me; I just want to wrap a bandage,” Dijia said, putting his hand to Bai Lixin’s eyes.

Bai Lixin tensed and examined Dijia’s hand. There were several ferocious scratches on the back of his hand and wrists that must have been made while he was enduring.

“Ah, I’m sorry,” he said awkwardly.

Dijia returned to the cabinet, found the medical box, and returned, saying indifferently, “I’m not good at bandaging myself; you help me.”

Bai Lixin realized he was in the wrong and carefully cleaned up Dijia’s injuries with the overhead light.

Dijia looked down at the young man, his dark eyes twinkling.

‘So cute, just like a kitten.

He not only looks like a cat, but he also moves and sounds like one.

I want to lick the kitten once more.

But not right now.

I still have some time.’

Bai Lixin was fast, and the injuries were treated in a matter of seconds.

He didn’t forget to make a bow for the man after tying the bandage.

“Don’t you have a mission to assist the head in locating its body?” Dijia’s gaze was fixed on the bow, and his voice was somewhat hoarse.

Bai Lixin: “Yeah.”

Dijia: “Come with me.”

Bai Lixin paused for a moment before stepping off the bed, his steps slightly awkward.

When Dijia saw this, he paused; he looked the young man up and down in confusion, then his eyes flashed, and he said, “Let’s go change your clothes first.”

“Come on, I have an office here; you can wear my clothes for the time being.”

Dijia led the way, and Bai Lixin paused for a few moments before following the other man’s lead.

After the two had gone and reached a quiet corner of the biology lab, the model suddenly turned its head.

It grinned and stiffly exposed its teeth.


In the live broadcast room.

[Shit, can someone tell me what’s wrong? Why does he need to change? Is God Xin going to wear the big boss’s clothes? He has to undress to do that, right?]

[Isn’t it just another excuse for intimate contact?]

[Hahahaha, I’m brainstorming a 100,000 word mini-essay.]

Brothers and sisters, let’s first forget God Xin going to change your clothes, the system will block the screen anyway. Didn’t you notice that the model suddenly moved a little?]

[I’m done. I’m scared to death. The camera suddenly gave a close-up and I just happened to be eating. I ended up spitting my food.]

[I’m numb. I don’t know if it’s a good ghost or a bad ghost, can God Xin discover it?]

[Who cares if it’s a good ghost or a bad ghost, they’re all good ghosts under God Xin’s hand. God Xin can even make friends with a mini boss, so what are you afraid of? It’s the ghosts that should be afraid, okay?]

[Ah, it makes sense. 】


The two reappeared from their offices a few minutes later.

“Is just wiping enough?” Dijia asks. “Why don’t you simply change your clothes?” Isn’t it unpleasant?”

Bai Lixin was at a loss for words when confronted with someone that was supposed to be an academic: “…”

He just changed his school uniform. He had a replacement in his backpack and put it on without telling Dijia.

The two returned to their previous location. Bai Lixin took a look around and frowned as his gaze swept over the model.

Dijia followed his gaze, and the two stared at each other without saying anything.

Bai Lixin approached the model calmly and inquired, “What were you saying earlier?”

“Oh,” Dijia walked over as well, “I inquired whether you’re still looking for those body parts. I have a few clues.”

Bai Lixin touched the model’s muscles with his fingertips: “The school’s model is so realistic, as if it were made of a real human body.”

“Is that so?” Dijia moved forward, “Let me feel it.”

Just when Dijia’s hand was about to touch the model, Bai Lixin suddenly raised his head and brought his face close to the model’s eyes and roared, “Ah!”

“Fuck! Ghost!” The model which had been standing quietly suddenly screamed and ran towards the corridor, leaving the two of them behind.

Bai Lixin and Dijia exchanged a friendly smile before chasing after it.

As they chased, Bai Lixin touched his face and sighed, “I never thought that one day, I would be able to scare ghosts with my face.”

Dijia: “……”

‘Who can dare say that, maybe that model with no eyes.’


In the live broadcast room.

[Tsk, it’s been a long time since we’ve had an “she runs away, he chases, she can’t fly”. But each is just as exciting as the last.]

[ Hahaha I’m dying of laughter. This model is one of the fastest ghosts I’ve ever seen. One minute it’s scaring us, the next it’s screaming.]

It’s true what they say: all ghosts and monsters are just little cuties in the face of absolute reality. The model may be active right now, but if we were the ones confronted with it, we would be the ones being bullied and running around.]

[ So this is how God Xin clears the copy, it’s so therapeutic. I even feel fine.]

[…… I want to eat the food I spat out earlier.]

[Yuck, bro, it’s okay for you to eat shit, but don’t say it out.]



Bai Lixin spotted the model at the end of the corridor two minutes later.

“Please don’t kill me, I’m only frightening at best, and I’ve never done anything bad,” the model trembled and cowered in the corner.

“So you were going to scare us earlier?” Bai Lixin slapped the model on the head.

The model’s head wobbled like a rattle and it to its knees, begging for mercy, “I’m sorry, I’m just used to it, I find that scaring people is fun. I was wrong, I was really wrong.”

“I just like to play pranks.”

Bai Lixin looked down at the model and said coldly, “Really, just pranks?”

“From what you’ve said, you only scare people when they show up, right?”

“So no one has ever fallen down the stairs because they were distracted by your prank?”

The model’s body suddenly stiffened, and it didn’t dare to look up at Bai Lixin.

“Speaking of which,” Dijia interjected, “a number of strange rumours have been circulating around Wensong High School, one of which is about models.”

“It’s said that there’s a model in the laboratory building that attacks anyone who comes too close.”

“Some people were hurt by it, and people rarely came to the laboratory alone over time.”

“It turns out that someone was actually injured,” says Bai Lixin.

When the model realized it had been exposed, its teeth slid open, revealing a bloody mouth.

With a ferocious face, it suddenly charged at the two men as quickly as it.

Bai Lixin drew the dagger from his backpack in a flash of lightning, mercilessly stabbed the model in the brain.

The model screamed and tried to back away, but Bai Lixin grabbed it by the neck and it couldn’t even move.

A system prompt rang out.

Escape System: [Find the weak point of the ghost in order to kill it.]

[Friendly reminder: The weak point is an extremely hidden part of the ghost, please observe carefully in order to find it.]

Kill the ghost by finding its weak point?

Bai Lixin’s gaze swept across the ghost from head to toe, not sparing a single pore.

Soon, his eyes rested on a point.

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