After the Full-Level Boss Entered the Infinite Game By Mistake

Chapter 130.1 - Campus Oddities

Chapter 130.1 - Campus Oddities

Bai Lixin’s hand slid down the model’s shoulders and with a gentle squeeze, the model’s arm was removed.

The model wailed and it began to twisting and shaking rapidly.

In just a few moments, its belly faced up, its limbs completely folded over and its face became twisted as it split down the middle to reveal hideous blood-red octopus-like tentacles.

Dijia: “Tsk, how ugly.”

He pulled a scalpel from his pocket and pointed at the ugly model as he stood next to Bai Lixin. “Let me teach you a lesson live.”

The blood-red tentacles stretched out with their teeth bared, and Dijia easily squeezed a mouth with his bandaged hand.

“See this face, it is a very classic facial deformity, but it doesn’t seem like an aquired one.” Dijia said, “Although I don’t have the sophisticated instruments to do a test, it looks like it was caused by tissue proliferation, also commonly known as tumor.”

“If a tumor is benign and harmless, we usually choose to let it be for a while, after all, surgery is not always the first choice.”

A cold light flashed in Dijia’s hand and a piece of flesh flew away.

As the model screamed in pain, Dijia said solemnly. “But this patient’s condition is serious enough to interfere with normal life, and removing the excess tissue growth is beneficial to it.”

“Let’s continue down,” Dijia’s voice suddenly perked up, “the limbs are even more remarkable!”

“All are twisted and deformed, this is classic rheumatoid arthritis leading to joint contracture.”

“There is no complete medical cure for a disease like this, but it’s not hopeless.”

Dijia’s sinister chuckle rang out in the cramped corridor. The model shivered and cowered in the corner as Dijia walked closer, the tentacles on its face attacking crazily.

The doctor’s eyes were cold, and the arm holding the scalpel waved twice in the air, causing all the tentacles to fall to the ground.

“There you go,” the doctor flicked the scalpel and some of the blood immediately flew away. “All the patient’s tumors have been removed.”

The model had no where to retreat and the doctor’s hand slowly rested on the model’s joints. His hand gently broke them and the “click-click-click” of the joints and the screams of pain resounded through the floor.

The lights on the far side of the room suddenly came on and went off because of the model’s screams, which was bizarre to say the least.

The floor was so empty that Bai Lixin even heard echoes.

The model, which was trying to be scary a moment ago, was as weak as an ant in front of the two men and could only be forced to accept everything.

A minute later, Dijia straightened the model and turned to look at Bai Lixin, asking seriously, “Have you, learnt?”

“After a patient’s joints are twisted and deformed, we have to help correct them in time so as to ease the patient’s pain.”

What else could Bai Lixin do but nod?

Dijia stood up and retreated back to Bai Lixin’s side, directing his pocket towards Bai Lixin, “I have disinfectant wipes in my pocket, could you please get them for me?”

Bai Lixin got out the packaged wet wipes and then tore them open before handing them over, “Here.”

“Thank you,” Dijia took the wipes and meticulously wiped the blood off his fingers and every crevice on the scalpel.

He handed the scalpel to Bai Lixin, saying, “It’s rare to come across such a patient, this is a good opportunity for doing some practicals, you try it too.”

The model had gone mad with pain, and with a wail, it opened its chest towards Bai Lixin, revealing the heart that had been hidden inside.

The bright red heart was still pounding and the model whimpered and said viciously, “A man can be killed, but not humiliated!”

It yanked the heart out and crushed it, “I’ll fight you!”


[Congratulations, player, you have found the weak point of the evil ghost.]

[Friendly reminder: You can kill the evil ghost after cutting off its weak point.]

[Ding! Congratulations to the player, the weak point has been eliminated, the evil ghost is eliminated.]

[Ding! Congratulations to the player, bonus points earned.]

Escape System: [You are so lucky, Master Bai Lixin, the evil ghost revealed its weaknesses itself.]

S419M: [You don’t get it, this is the boss pampering him.]

Escape system: [Oooh, I’m so envious and touched, is this true love? Will Brother help me like this too?]

S419M: [Of course, little fool.]

Escape System: [Hehehe, I really didn’t make a wrong judgement, Brother is so nice.]

Bai Lixin looked at the evil ghost that was limp and dead on the ground: “……”

‘Killing 0000 enemies and damaging 1000 of your own?

I don’t understand, but I am greatly shocked.’

The model quickly broke down and disappeared into thin air.

Dijia sighed: “It seems the patient couldn’t bear the pain of the disease, it’s a pity that a life was lost like that.”

“I also wanted to help it look forward to the future.”

Bai Lixin: “……”

Don’t you have any idea why it doesn’t want to live anymore?

“Ahem, Dr. Dijia,” Bai Lixin glanced at the sorrowful man and turned his head to the darkened corridor, “didn’t you just say you were going to take me to find body parts?”

Dijia tossed the used wipes in the trash and spoke indifferently, “Let’s go.”

The overhead lights came back on as the two walked around, and then quickly went out again.

Dijia led Bai Lixin to the jars of formalin in which organs were being soaked.

“What I’m about to say is still an odd campus story about Wensong High School.” Dijia grabbed a jar with a heart in it and placed it on the edge of the table, then casually sat in his chair and said, “A long, long time ago, there was an incident at Wensong High School.”

“A female student couldn’t stand the humiliation and jumped to her death after being molested by a teacher.”

“After that, in order to educate the students about life, Wensong High School added a life course.”

“They procured a number of models and some rubber body parts like the head, arms, legs and so on.”

“These rubber models were quite expensive, they weather and crack easily if they lack water, and in order to increase their shelf life, the school authorities soaked them in special water every after use.”

“Late one night, real-life parts suddenly appeared in the water.”

“The school authorities called the police at that time and the police quickly found the missing student, but the murderer was never found.”

“And ……” Dijia paused, “not only was the murderer not found, the head and an arm were missing.”

Bai Lixin: “The murderer has not been found even now?”

Dijia nodded: “That’s right.”

“It’s long past the retrospective period, its useless even if we find the murderer now.”

Dijia: “You said you have a head and an arm, perhaps those are the part that have never been found.”

Bai Lixin pursed his lips and lowered his eyes.

Fearful said that he committed suicide, but in Dijia’s story, the victim had been killed and then split up.

Which one was the right story?

Dijia noticed that Bai Lixin looked doubtful and asked, “What’s the problem?”

Bai Lixin told Dijia the problem and Dijia smiled after hearing it, “Ghosts don’t always tell the truth either.”

“Well, the story has also been passed down for so long that it might not be entirely true.”

Bai Lixin looked at the bottles and jars of formalin and asked, “What about those body parts? It can’t be these, right?”

Dijia raised an eyebrow, “Of course not, the parts were made into a model and placed in the storage room on the fourth floor. In fact, after the odd stories about the model surfaced, everyone thought it was that model causing trouble and it was immediately sealed up.”

“See, that’s how rumors are born.”

Bai Lixin’s heart moved slightly: “Then the fourth floor ……”

He was about to say something else when footsteps suddenly came from the corridor. In the time it took for the two of them to glance at each other, a female teacher walked in with nine students.

The teacher had a stiff face, sharp eyes, a high hairline and two large words seemed to be written on her polished head: “Strict Teacher”.

The nine students were all dressed in red uniforms, each with a dull expression, as if they were lifeless dolls.

Bai Lixin did not recognize any of them, so they must be NPCs.

The teacher obviously didn’t expect anyone else in the biology lab. She first looked at Dijia, measured Bai Lixin with her eyes and then looked at the corner where the model had been earlier.

“Dr. Dijia,” it seemed that Dijia’s ranking was high in the school as even the Class A teacher was respectful when she saw him. “What are you doing here?”

Dijia: “Are you here to give the students a biology lesson?”

Class A teacher: “Yes. That’s strange, where did the model go?”

Her students were already lined up in orderly rows. They stood frozen in place, waiting for the Class A teacher to give the order.

Bai Lixin blinked at Dijia.

Since they need a model, why don’t we go up to the fourth floor storage room and get one?

—-Let’s go, what are you waiting for?

Dijia glanced at the sluggish students, glanced back at the eager Bai Lixin and his deep eyes hidden in the darkness suddenly flickered.

“How can a model be as realistic as a real person?”

“Your class is lucky, it just so happens that I’m here. I’ll help you with this lesson.”

“You can go, let the students stay here.”

The class A teacher frowned, “Real person? What does that mean?”

Bai Lixin suddenly had a bad premonition and he immediately stood up, ready to walk towards the door.

Dijia were quick and his arm reached forward to grab Bai Lixin back. “The model broke down and I threw it away.”

He pulled Bai Lixin and faced the student. One hand lifted Bai Lixin’s chin while the other gently grazed Bai Lixin’s neck.

“Look, won’t he do?”

The class A teacher froze for a moment, suddenly understanding.

The serious face suddenly pulled a stiff smile, “It’s a blessing for the students in our class to have Dr. Dijia personally teaching them.”

“Then I’ll leave first and pick them up in half an hour.”

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