After the Full-Level Boss Entered the Infinite Game By Mistake

Chapter 130.3 - Campus Oddities

Chapter 130.3 - Campus Oddities

“Tsk!” After a long time, the doctor’s husky voice came into Bai Lixin’s red ears. “Although I couldn’t check for lies, it tastes sweet.”

“You also smell so good, you can’t be a bad boy.”

Bai Lixin: “…”


Help, I can’t win an ascetic doctor!

Where the hell did this dog learn to do so many tricks?

Damn, I’ve been completely suppressed.’

S419M: [Tsk, it’s over, Lord Host; it’s not the first time you’ve been suppressed anyway, so don’t sell yourself short and behave.]

Bai Lixin: [????]

‘How dare this small system laugh at me?’

Escape System: [Yes, yes, beautiful men love to lie, and lying is not a good virtue, it’s wrong of you, Lord Bai Lixin.]

[What is important about being human? It is honesty. Of course, the same goes for systems.]

Bai Lixin: […… heh.]

Escape System: [Why are you laughing?]

Bai Lixin: [Speaking of being honest, didn’t your brother tell you how suave he used to be? 】

Escape system: [Suave?!]

S419M screamed almost immediately: [Wuu, Lord host! Don’t talk nonsense!]

Bai Lixin: [Sister system, hasn’t Brother ever told you that he used to study thousands of “aesthetic human movements and communications”? You can still find them if you check his system memory.]

The escape system’s tone suddenly became cold: [Brother, is that true?!]

S419M stammered: [Ah, I, this… is all a mistake! I was young, ignorant, and thirsty for knowledge! You must believe me, sister! I have never done anything wrong to you, I am pure from the inside out! All pure!]

Escape System: [Bullshit, your heart is dirty! I won’t listen! Break up! Break up now!]

S419M: [Wuuu, sister, listen to my explanation!]

Bai Lixin now felt relieved.


In the live broadcast room.

[Is this a fight? This is obviously a flirting game!]

[I wondered, how could the big boss allow others to look at God Xin? It turns out that he already had the students under control. Tsk tsk tsk, being watched in full view—oh my god, my experience has awakened. 】

[The big boss really knows how to play, is this the knowledge reserve of intellectuals? The big boss understands all academic medical devices. God Xin just has to cry. He can be tough or soft or cute; he’s got perfect control over the different personas.]

[Hehehe, although the big boss was talking to God Xin, my face turned red. How can he speak so well? 】

[He seems rigid, but he is actually so good at the sweet talk.]


Footsteps came from outside, and Dijia pulled Bai Lixin up with some regret, not forgetting to help him straighten his clothes and take back his weapon.

Just when Bai Lixin had put the sycthe in his backpack, Teacher Zhao led 23 people from class C to the laboratory.

Teacher Zhao instantly froze: “……”

If it wasn’t for the sign saying [Biology Laboratory] that was hanging shakily overhead, he would have thought he was in the wrong place.

Teacher Zhao glanced at Dijia with sadness.

‘What is this?

Is this what you meant about letting our class have a biology class?!’

“As you can see, the classroom is already like this.” Dijia was extremely capable of changing his face; there wasn’t a single flaw on his serious face. “Since everyone is here, why not continue with the class?”

“But let’s temporarily change the biology class into a labour class.”

“Please clean up the place.”

Teacher Zhao: “????”

All players: “???”

What are you playing at?!

Su Fan saw Bai Lixin standing by the wall at a glance. He stepped over the broken glass and quickly walked over, immediately noticing Bai Lixin’s embarrassed expression and his red and swollen lips.

He lowered his head and saw Bai Lixin’s reddened wrists.

‘Damn it.

How dare you bully my wife like this?

Even if you’re a fragment of my soul, I can’t stand it!’

Su Fan took a deep breath and took off his jacket to cover Bai Lixin’s shoulders. Then he turned his head and gave Dijia a cold and fierce gaze, as if looking at a dead man.

Dijia froze for a moment.

Under Teacher Zhao’s astonished gaze, Su Fan pushed through crowd away and slowly took Bai Lixin with him.

Dijia watched their backs as they left, Bai Lixin’s steps were weak, and he even stumbled a little.

Seeing Bai Lixin’s back, Dijia suddenly felt some regret.

He had finally met someone he liked, but he seemed to have gone too far just now.

Bai Lixin wouldn’t be angry, would he?

Dijia hadn’t been afraid until now.

Once the idea that Bai Lixin would hate him was generated, it spread wildly, like an algae plant that invaded the sea, and it took over every crevice in his heart in a short moment.

Especially with that green tea attacker called Su Fan acting as a foil, it made him look even worse.

What to do?

For the first time, the calm doctor, who had always taken everything in his hands with ease, panicked.

He frowned at the mess on the ground and felt a bit uncomfortable.

“Doctor Dijia, are you alright?” A voice brought Dijia from the despair that Bai Lixin hates him.

Dijia looked up at Teacher Zhao, and from the corner of his eyes, he saw Xia Chi and Liang Xi in the distance.

The somewhat clueless eyes suddenly lit up.

Right, these two little guys are very close to Bai Lixin, they must know what Bai Lixin likes.

“I’m fine,” Dijia curtly said to Teacher Zhao and walked straight towards Xia Chi and Liang Xi.

Xia Chi and Liang Xi were hiding in a corner, whispering to each other.

Xia Chi: “What do you think about what just happened?”

Liang Xi: ” Boss Su Fan is jealous, right? What do you think of the wreckage all over the floor?”

Xia Chi lowered his voice: “It should be from when the boss doctor was beaten up by my brother. I noticed that his white coat was torn and had cuts, it must have been caused by my brother.”

“Hiss,” Liang Xi drew a cold breath, “God Xin is really ruthless. I noticed the tear was at the waist, if it were a little closer, the doctor would be gone. God Xin is so ruthless that he won’t even spare him.”

Xia Chi snorted proudly, “My brother wouldn’t lose his temper for no reason, it must be the doctor who did something wrong. Since he’s so clueless, kick him, the next one will be more well behaved.”

Liang Xi: “Yes, there’s still a Su Fan anyway.”

Dijia, who was approaching, heard the conversation between the two, and his face turned green.

Kick him?

The next one will be well behaved?

The more Xia Chi and Liang Xi talked, the more they shrank into the corner.

As the two chatted animatedly, the overhead light was suddenly enveloped by a dark shadow.

The two men looked up, and their expressions froze in unison.

The doctor imitated the pose of the two men; he crouched on the ground expressionlessly and looked at them.

“Ahem, let me ask you a question.”

Xia Chi’s scalp tingled, and he spoke up tremblingly, “Please…please ask!”

Doctor: “I have a friend who seems to have accidentally angered someone.”

Xia Chi’s inner gossip spirit suddenly came to life, “How did you anger God Xin?”

The doctor’s expression froze, and then he said seriously, “It’s a friend of mine.”

Xia Chi hurriedly changed his tone: “Oh, yes, yes, how did one of your friends anger God Xin?”

“……” The doctor opened his mouth and looked at Cia Chi coldly. His mouth opened and closed several times before he said weakly, “You don’t have to care about that, what do you think he likes? What should I send him to make him forgive my friend?”

Xia Chi immediately wimped out at the doctor’s glowering eyes.

He exchanged a glance with Liang Xi, and Liang Xi shrugged helplessly.

What did God Xin like?

They didn’t know either.

He was so strong that he got everything he wanted for himself.

Moreover, he had no desires or needs in that he even let them have all the prop cards he got.

They didn’t know what he liked.

But the doctor’s cold and slightly expectant eyes were right in front of them.

Xia Chi gulped and tried to remember.

“Oh, how about this.”

He stumbled over his words, ” Apologize, well, the setting has to be right.”

“Offer a sincere apology by a river surrounded by flowers, sincerity is the key, and I think if you’re sincere enough, the other person will forgive you.”

That’s how they do it in idol dramas, they say film and television come from life, so it must be right!

The doctor frowned slightly and said, “That simple? Is there more?”

“It does seem a little simple,” Xia Chi laughed dryly, “I remembered, when apologizing, make sure to prepare a gift. To take the other person’s heart, you must first erode the other person’s defense with material things.”

In idol dramas, the bosses give away several carats of diamond rings, luxury houses, and cars, right?

The doctor suddenly came to a realization, “Okay, what does Bai Lixin like then? What should I… what should my friend get?”

Xia Chi racked his brain, and a flash of light came to his mind, “Isn’t my brother catching evil spirits these days? Give him that!”

The doctor was enlightened, “Yes, you’re right.”

He gave Xia Chi a look of satisfaction and said, “I understand what to ……my friend understands what to do. You guys are good, you did a good job. I’ll give each of you five extra points when class is over.”

Seeing that the doctor was leaving, Xia Chi hesitantly called out to the doctor to wait.


In the live broadcast room.

[Hahahaha, help, I can’t stop laughing! One dares to ask, one dares to speak, and one dares to listen.]

[“I have a friend”]

[Is it only now that the big boss has realized that he has a love rival? Hahahaha, only a love rival can stimulate the desire to fight among men.]

[God Xin, the winner of life, hahaha.]

[*What a Xiongjing society! I’m already looking forward to how the doctor’s gift is going to be delivered.]

*A competition between men.

[Hahahaha, I don’t know why but I want to laugh so much!]

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