After the Full-Level Boss Entered the Infinite Game By Mistake

Chapter 131.1 - Campus Oddities

Chapter 131.1 - Campus Oddities

The atmosphere outside dormitory 501 was unusually eerie.

Xia Chi and Liang Xi didn’t dare to say a word as they quietly huddled in the corridor, staring at the time in the task bar that was gradually passing by.

Xia Chi: “Brother Liang, it’s almost 10 o’clock, why don’t we go in?”

Liang Gan gulped: “Okay….”

Xia Chi flashed a smile: “You’re older than me, respect the old and love the young, why don’t you go in first?”

“Oh,” Liang Xi smiled dryly, “you are younger than me, respect the old and love the young, so you go first.”

Xia Chi and Liang looked at each other, and then Xia Chi said, “Oh, it’s only 9:55, there’s still five minutes before lights out, why don’t we wait a little longer.”

Liang Xi: “Good idea!”

The corridor was empty, with only the dim voice-activated lights still dancing overhead.

The atmosphere was somewhat depressing.

Whenever the lights were about to go out, Liang Xi and Xia Chi would cough at the right time to turn the lights back on.

But no matter how eerie the atmosphere in the corridor was, they were still reluctant to step into dormitory 501 at this moment.

After all, compared to a hallway with a scary atmosphere, the boss on the other side was the real deal.

A player from next door came to take out the trash and saw Xia Chi and Liang Xi as soon as he opened the door.

“Fuck, who are you two trying to scare?” The player cursed, “Why is it you guys again? It’s almost 10 o’clock, be careful or you’ll be given a major demerit again.”

Xia Chi pulled up the corners of his mouth, smiling even harder than he was crying: “Thank you for the reminder, the room is hot so we came out to get some air.”


The atmosphere in dormitory 501 was ambiguous.

The young man was sitting on a stool in front of the desk with a red face and ears, and the white-haired man had his head lowered as he used a wool towel to wipe the young man’s body.

First the arms, then the waist and abdomen, then the legs, and even the crevices between his toes.

The soft white hairs on the young man’s glistening, fair skin stood up. In seeing the white-haired man change to a clean towel and start to wipe up his calves, he hurriedly said, “No, no, I can do it myself.”

“How can you do it yourself?” The white-haired man’s hand was so strong that it easily fixed the young man’s hand in place. “Don’t, how can you touch water when your wrists are injured?”

He carefully wiped along the tight lines, not leaving any grooves untouched.

As he wiped, the white-haired man spoke in a suppressed whisper, “That scum of a doctor, he actually hurt you.”

“He’s really not a good person, to use you as a mannequin.”

Su Fan sighed, ” I would never make you feel aggrieved if it were me.”

The man’s long fingers took Bai Lixin’s wrist and gently pulled it to himself.

He lowered his head, and his cold and hot lips landed on the red mark on Bai Lixin’s wrist.

For a moment, Bai Lixin had the unbearable feeling of both ice and fire.

Ice because the man’s body temperature was cold, hot because the man’s breath was hot.

Bai Lixin’s voice trembled, “You, what are you doing?”

“Of course I’m helping to treat your wounds.” The man’s lips pressed against Bai Lixin’s wrist, and his voice was a little muffled. “I’m not like that scumbag doctor who had a beastly face and only knows how to hurt you and makes you feel hurt and sad. ”

“I’m different, I only worry about whether your skin will hurt and if you’ve been crying.”

The man sighed softly, “It’s so sad. Your skin is already so delicate, how did it become like this? I really can’t bear seeing these injuries on you.”

Bai Lixin: “……”


Stop your green tea attack.

Don’t dare say those words again when the lights are out!

You’re not a good person either!’

Bai Lixin took a moment to look at the time on the task bar. “Why aren’t Xia Chi and Liang Xi back yet? The lights will be turned off in two minutes, go look for them.”

The lips that were moving suddenly stopped, and Su Fan stood up with a reluctant look on his face, not forgetting to help Bai Lixin straighten his clothes as he got up.

He held Bai Lixin’s foot and whispered with reluctance, “Alright, go wait for me on the bed, I’ll continue to help with your injuries when I come back.”

Bai Lixin blushed and kicked Su Fan.

Stay away from my bed! Green tea attack!

20 seconds later, Xia Chi and Liang Xi shrank back into the dormitory.

Bai Lixin had put on his socks and shoes, and even his jacket was neatly put on.

In seeing this, Xia Chi asked, “Brother, why are you dressed like this?”

Bai Lixin: “I’m going to explore the laboratory building at night. I got a clue from Dr. Jia, Fearful’s body should be on the fourth floor of the laboratory building.”

He carried the bubble-spitting mop with the human head from the toilet and looked to the three people, saying, “I’ll take Fearful directly to the body; you guys should go to bed early.”

Su Fan’s long legs walked directly to Bai Lixin’s side. “You think I’ll let you go by yourself? Give me the mop; I’ll hold it for you.”

Liang Xi and Xia Chi looked at each other with pale faces, and then Xia Chi came up to Bai Lixin and said, “Brother, don’t leave me, I’m coming too.”

“There is a ghost in red here, I only have guts when you’re here, so I won’t stay here for a minute if you go.”

Liang Xi nodded desperately, “Me too!”

As the clock struck, the bell rang out for the lights to be turned off.

Dormitory 501, which had been brightly lit a moment ago, was suddenly enveloped in darkness.

In the darkness, a voice as thin as a mosquito whispered, “Um, won’t anyone ask my opinion?”

Xia Chi: “Fearful, right? What’s your opinion?”

Fearful: “Uh, I’m afraid of the dark, do we have to go to the laboratory building? What if we run into that evil ghost that eats ghosts?”

Bai Lixin: “Do you want to stay here and wait for the evil ghost to come and eat you, or would you risk danger and get some results?”

Fearful whimpered, “Then, it’s better to have results.”

When the water in Fearful’s hair was almost dry, Bai Lixin fetched a flashlight from his backpack and restored a little light to the dark dormitory.

“I heard that there are teachers who patrol the school at night, so stay close when you enter the laboratory building and don’t get separated; also, try to use the lowest setting for lighting equipment like a flashlight.”

Bai Lixin calmly instructed, “If you do run into any danger or get separated, go to the physiology lab on the second floor.”

“Although that room has many organs, me and Dr. Dijia cleaned it out today, so there shouldn’t be any supernatural inventory.”

“Remember to send a message if there’s any danger.”

Xia Chi’s heart rose to his throat, and he nodded seriously and carefully, “Okay, brother, I’ll listen to you.”

“Uh ……” the corners of Bai Lixin’s mouth suddenly twitched, “Look at this brain of mine. Xia Chi, you don’t have to listen to me, we might have to rely on your luck at critical moments.”

How could we leave the cheat and listen to me, the God of Bad Luck?

One dares to talk, and the other dares to listen.

After instructing all the precautions to Xia Chi and Liang Ci, the group stood at the door and waited for a minute or so before they opened the door to the room and tiptoed out, leaning against the corner to where the stairway was.

They walked on tiptoe, so they didn’t make a sound, and the sound-activated lights remained off.

When they reached the stairs, Xia Chi and Liang Xi breathed a sigh of relief.

Xia Chi shivered and muttered, “It’s so scary, the dormitory building is so lively during the day and before the lights go out, but the moment the bell for lights out rings, everything is instantly silent, the contrast is really too great.”

Liang Xi kept up with Bai Lixin’s footsteps in front of him, while whispering in reply, “Xia Chi, I strongly suggest you stop talking. I am already scared, so can you stop scaring me even more?”

Xia Chi hurriedly apologized, “Sorry, Brother Liang, I’ll shut up immediately. It’s so hard.”

Liang Xi: “You’re talking a bit too much tonight.”

Xia Chi: “It’s all for courage.”

As the two people talked, they soon arrived on the first floor.

At the end of the second floor, there was a figure peeking furtively from the window of the corridor.

Suddenly, the man heard some faint sounds of footsteps and conversation.

He looked over and saw a flash of several dark figures at the stairway.

Appleface, who was conducting a dormitory inspection, stared in disbelief.

Were those players just now?

Who were they? What are they planning?

Going out after the lights are out? That’s a big score!

It looked like there were several of them, this was all meat.

Apple face, who had been worried about his grades earlier, immediately regained his energy. He knew exactly how many points would be deducted for breaking this rule as he had stepped on the people in dormitory 501 to get to the top.

Although he was number one, he still knew how much he had.

Even if he spent all his energy on deducting points everyday, the effect would be minimal.

For a normal disciplinary offence, 10 points would be deducted from the offender, while he is awarded only one point.

But going outside at night was a different case.

It’s a major offence, and he could get as many as the points deducted.

There were three or four of them just now. If he caught them all, he would score three or four hundred points!

Appleface walked to the stairway anxiously, but could only see the group walking down to the ground floor hall.

Should he go after them?

But it was so dark outside, would there be any danger?

But what if he didn’t go after them? Wouldn’t the duck in his mouth fly away? He would also fail to secure first place and become a laughing stock, and he might also become an easy target for Bai Lixin and the rest.

Appleface’s eyes suddenly brightened.

Could that group of people have been Bai Lixin and the others?

Bai Lixin seemed to be close to Dr. Dijia, and if he was risking a major demerit, didn’t that mean there was a bigger temptation out there?

If he followed them quietly, and then popped in when they found good, wouldn’t he be able to kill two birds with one stone?

But it was still a bit dangerous, should he call another person from the student council?

No, he can’t.

If he called someone else, he’d have to split the hundreds of points that should have been his. Why should someone get a piece of the pie he made himself?

If that student council member gets so many points, he might be pushed out.

The good stuff was his, and so were the points.

He couldn’t tell anyone, he could only get it himself!

Appleface was gradually enveloped by greed, and desire finally overcame fear as he quickly rushed down the stairs and quietly followed the people in front of him.


The lights were all out in the dark and empty campus.

Xia Chi was just about to turn around when Bai Lixin called out, “Don’t turn around.”

Xia Chi frowned: “Brother, there seems to be someone following us.”

Bai Lixin: “I know, it’s the student council president with the apple face.”

Liang Xi whispered with anger, “Why is he following us? Does he want to give us a big demerit and step on us to get to the top again?”

“Let’s give him a fat beating, damn it.”

Su Fan was very uninterested. “Don’t pay any attention to him, he’s just an ant, he’ll suffer later.”

At Su Fan’s words, Xia Chi and Liang Ci instantly became tense.

Brother, what do you mean by this?

He’ll suffer?

I’m afraid that when the time comes, we’ll be the ones to suffer first!

Appleface followed them quietly, always about six or seven meters away from Bai Lixin and the others. He kept thinking about how good his stalking skills were, not knowing that he had already been discovered.

He watched as the four people made their way towards the laboratory building and quickly walked in.

Appleface hesitated for a moment, but fearing that he would lose them, his steps became much faster, and he followed them onto the building.

Just as he walked into the laboratory building, he saw a shadow at the corner of the stairs.

He took a deep breath, and as soon as he thought of those grade points and mysterious rewards, the fear caused by the darkness was suppressed by greed.

Appleface took a deep breath and immediately followed them up the stairs.

Soon, he arrived on the third floor.

He stood at the entrance to the stairs on the third floor and hesitated for a moment.

Did they go to the fourth floor or stop at this floor?

Just as Appleface was debating which way to go, he suddenly saw a flash of dark shadows at the end of the dark corridor.

‘Aha! I’ve finally found them!’

Appleface’s spirits lifted, and he immediately tiptoed towards the end of the corridor.

The corridor was not long, and he heard a rustle of leather shoes at the end.

Why were these people sneaking around?

The room at the end of this floor was a dance studio, but rumors had it that a female student had jumped off the third-floor stairs after being molested by the teacher, so the dance studio had been left unused.

Appleface gulped and cautiously felt his way to the door of the dance studio.

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