After the Full-Level Boss Entered the Infinite Game By Mistake

Chapter 132.1 - Campus Oddities

Chapter 132.1 - Campus Oddities


After the crisp sound, the chubby person opened his mouth and burped.

Fearful: “Hiccup! That hit the brain, so good.”

Crowd: “……”

What kind of ambiguous words are those!

Bai Lixin collected his expression, coughed lightly and asked, “Fearful, how does it feel ……?”

At Bai Lixin’s words, Fearful glanced down, and suddenly retched: “Ugh, I’m a little dizzy.”

“I’ve spent my entire life on the ground; now I’m suddenly in the air, and I feel a little hypoxic.”

“Is this what it’s like to be high up in the sky? I haven’t felt like this in a long time, blergh!”

Fearful retched while crying, “Also, this body is so ugly and scary, wuuu.”

Xia Chi stared blankly: “……”

‘Wait, let me think of the right expression to use.

Forget about it; I’m not going to think about it or force myself to.

Just stay stiff.’

Bai Lixin’s mouth twitched as he took the other arm from his backpack and handed it over.

The sobbing Fearful took one look at Bai Lixin and continued to cry with his eyes closed.

The body’s arm, however, began to fumble in the air. It tentatively took the arm and clicked it into place.

After the arm was put on, it clenched its fist, as if enjoying the hard won body, and the two arms slowly embraced each other.

The pose was a little weird.

How to put it…

Cry by yourself and make yourself moved.


The system prompt rang out in Bai Lixin’s mind.

[Congratulations. The task is completed, and the player is awarded 6000 points. 】

Bai Lixin glanced at the taskbar. The task of helping Fearful find his body was completed.

Bai Lixin asked Fearful, “Fearful, can you control your body now?”

Fearful’s red eyes opened, he lowered his head as he dry heaved, his face flushed from suffocation.

A moment later, Fearful opened his mouth and said helplessly, “Blergh, no, I’ve failed.”

“Did the body become independent because too much time had passed?”

As if in response to Fearful’s words, one arm stretched out and gave a thumbs up.

–You’re right!

Fearful wanted to cry again.

The crowd: “……”

This is just outrageous.

Xia Chi: “Brother, we should leave since the task is done.”

Bai Lixin used the flashlight to look around the storage room. There was some old teaching equipment piled high with dust.

Without wasting more time, Bai Lixin nodded and said, “Okay, let’s go.”

Fearful followed the group out of the storage room.

Bai Lixin gave Fearful a glance, “Do you want to come with us?”

Fearful nodded, then shook his head.

“I want to stay here. It’s just that my body moved on its own.”

“I can’t control it.”

Bai Lixin’s eyes moved from the frightened, scared face to the body under below the neck and asked, “You want to leave here?”

The arm stretched out again and it gave another thumbs up.

The hands were then clasped together in a “plea” gesture towards Bai Lixin.

Bai Lixin: “Where do you want to go?”

A finger pointed downwards.

Fearful whispered, “I, I know, it wants to go downstairs.”

“It,” Fearful mouthed, “it means no harm. It’s like I can feel it; there’s something it wants to do.”

Bai Lixin swept his gaze over Fearful’s head and body before nodding, “Okay, let’s go together then.”

Xia Chi and Liang Xi followed Bai Lixin side by side, followed by Fearful’s spliced body. The heavy footsteps were rhythmic, and with each sound, Xia Chi and Liang Xi’s scalps tingled.

It was like a rollercoaster.

It terrified them; anyone being pursued by a terrifying spliced body would be terrified.

Xia Chi couldn’t keep quiet any longer. “Fearful, could you please stop being so frightening when you walk? I’m already scared.”

“I’m walking at the end, so I’m scared,” Fearful said, his lips quivering. “How about you two come at the back and I walk in front of you?”

Xia Chi and Liang Xi looked at each other: “……”

Was it better to have a spliced corpse walk behind you and feel your scalp tingle, or to have it walk in front of you?

Was that even a choice?!

Where is the third choice?!

Xia Chi laughed dryly and maintained the status quo.

The group walked down the stairs and arrived on the third floor.

When they reached the huge “3” on the stairs, Bai Lixin paused in his steps and glanced towards the long, dark corridor.

Xia Chi descended a few more steps and on seeing this, turned back and asked, “Brother, what’s wrong?”

Bai Lixin withdrew his gaze, “Nothing, keep walking.”

“Okay.” Xia Chi just wanted to quickly get out of this place, and he immediately quickened his pace.

He and Liang Xi turned a corner only to find Bai Lixin, Su Fan and Fearful standing before them.

Xia Chi hurried over and called out, “Brother?”

Bai Lixin turned around with a somewhat solemn expression on his face.

Bai Lixin’s eyes were bright in the dim light. He didn’t say anything, just moved his gaze from Xia Chi’s face to the sign in the middle of the stairs.

Xia Chi followed Bai Lixin’s gaze.

The dark red ‘3’ stood out.

Xia Chi’s legs suddenly went weak, and was quickly held up by Liang Xi who had also gone numb. He heard Bai Lixin say, “We didn’t move after you went ahead.”

“We’ve run into a ghost hitting the wall.”

Xia Chi stammered and repeated, “Ghost…ghost hitting the wall? Isn’t this.. isn’t this a plot only found in movies?”

What the hell!

Bai Lixin: “Something wants us trapped on the third floor, and the student president’s screams from earlier should be related to it.”

Xia Chi scowled, “Do you think that apple face is okay?”

Bai Lixin: “There’s no death notification from the system, the person should still be fine.”

“Come on, let’s go to the third floor and take a look.”

With that, Bai Lixin lifted his foot and walked towards the long and dark corridor on the third floor.

Su Fan was like a big dog that followed Bai Lixin, so Xia Chi and Liang Xi had to go as well.

Only Fearful was a little torn.

He was about to faint from fear, but his body was rushing forward with impatience.

Four people and a corpse came to the corridor.

Perhaps it was his imagination, but Xia Chi thought the third floor corridor was darker and quieter than the fourth.

He compared the length of the corridor to the fourth floor, and the number of steps he had just taken should have brought him to the end, but this corridor seemed to go on forever.

Suddenly, they heard a low, eerie music accompanied with the sound of footsteps.

Xia Chi tensed up and instinctively moved to Liang Xi’s side.

Liang Xi sounded equally terrified as he asked, “What, what’s that noise?”

Xia Chi froze for a moment.

How come Brother Liang Xi’s voice seemed to be coming from behind?

He turned his head and glanced at the back. Liang Xi was looking at him with a tense expression.

Xia Chi: “……”

‘Brother Liang Xi is behind me, then who am I holding?’

Xia Chi stiffened.

He twisted his head and slowly turned to look at his side. He saw Fearful’s pale face looking back at him, and the other party smiled dryly, “Hi.”

Xia Chi: “……”

Damn it! Hi, my ass!

Xia Chi’s hand went limp, but thanks to Liang Xi’s quick thinking, the two brothers decided to huddle together for comfort.

Contrary to the two of them, Fearful’s body heard the sound and instead quickened its pace, taking the screaming Fearful straight to the front.

It walked quickly and came to the dance studio in a flash.

Its quick steps became hesitant, and it gradually came to a halt.

Bai Lixin quickly caught up and came to a halt in front of the door. The sliding door in the classroom was not tightly closed, revealing a thin slit.

He and Su Fan looked at each other, and Bai Lixin pulled the door open.

The pale moonlight shone through the window, and a young girl danced to the sound of the music in the hazy moonlight.

Her body was distorted and her face was a bloody mess, but she still enjoyed the music and swayed her hips with pleasure.

She was so absorbed in the music that she didn’t seem to notice the door being opened.

The spliced body by Bai Lixin’s side swayed twice, the index fingers of its hands moving against each other in a bashful manner.

Bai Lixin raised an eyebrow in surprise, and asked in a whisper, “You like her?”

The fingers paused, and one of the hands formed a fist and raised a thumb.

–You’re right!

Fearful was terrified of the girl that looked like a zombie, and just as he was about to scream, his body blocked his mouth in a flash.

Fearful’s face turned red and his eyes were about to pop out of their sockets.

Bai Lixin scanned the dance studio and noticed the unconscious Appleface in the corner.

Appleface’s trousers were wet, as if he had peed in fear.

Xia Chi and Liang Xi only glanced inside and quickly hid behind Bai Lixin, never peeking over again.

Hear no evil, speak no evil.

It now made sense.

The music finally reached its climax and the stiff and twisted body of the girl in the dance studio began to unfold and distort in a bizarre way.

Sometimes the waist would fold over to the legs, sometimes the body would flip back at 720 degrees.

The clicking sound of misaligned joints would mix in with the sound of the music, making it sound even more eerie.

The music eventually faded, and the girl gathered her body from the various difficult moves. She made her final move at the end of the final note.

Applause erupted unexpectedly, and to the group’s surprise, Bai Lixin stepped into the dance studio, as he clapped his hands. “That was a good dance.”

The girl’s bloodied face turned a hundred and eighty degrees on her neck, her face was too warped to make out an expression, but astonishment could be seen in her lifeless eyes.

She had gone too long without an audience and without hearing praise, so Bai Lixin’s applause and compliments made her a little overwhelmed.

The girl stood up from the floor in embarrassment and even made an effort to organize her messy skirt.

She lifted herself up, and asked Bai Lixin shyly and expectantly, “Thank you.Did I really dance well?”

“Yes, really well.” Bai Lixin stepped out of the darkness into the moonlight.

The moonlight hit the young man’s face, making his otherwise flawless skin glisten.

“I can see your love for dancing in your movements. You are excellent.”

“You danced not just with your body, but also with your soul.”

“You are a soul born of dance.”

The girl stared at Bai Lixin in fascination.

Her soul had been trapped here since she jumped off the building; how long had she gone without hearing someone praise her?

“Do you really …… think I’m a good dancer?” The girl shrank back and suddenly felt inferior. “My body is twisted and distorted and I dance like the walking dead in a zombie movie.”

“I’m ugly.”

Bai Lixin, bathed in moonlight, slowly leaned the windowsill. He opened his mouth and asked quietly, “Did you feel happy when dancing to the music earlier?”

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