After the Full-Level Boss Entered the Infinite Game By Mistake

Chapter 132.2 - Campus Oddities

Chapter 132.2 - Campus Oddities

The girl said almost immediately: “Of course I was happy, although practicing would make my toes deformed, would cause me wounds every day and bring me much physical torture, I get immersed into it whenever the music plays, as if I have entered another realm. I feel so happy.”

Bai Lixin’s eyes were warm, “That’s right. Dancing doesn’t need to be defined.”

“To me, dancing was created to allow dancers to express their emotions and release their souls; it’s enough to enjoy it and get pleasure from it.”

“Don’t worry about what other people think; you are you; your soul never changes, whether you get fatter, older, or uglier.”

“I could see it glowing as you danced earlier.”

The girl stood frozen in place.

She took in the unconscious Appleface in the corner, twisted her body to look at Xia Chi and Liang Xi who had shrunk from the doorway and dared not come in, and finally looked back at the moonlit Bai Lixin.

“You’re lying to me,” the girl suddenly snarled hideously, pointing at the Appleface in the corner, “I know you humans. He was scared of me.”

Then she pointed at Xia Chi and the others at the doorway, “They’re scared of me too!”

“You must be afraid of me too! The admiration you have for me is just a disguise and,” the girl gave Bai Lixin a vicious glare, “you’re only complimenting me to get me to lower my guard and let this coward go.”

“Liar, liar, liar!”

The girl suddenly sneered, “If you really appreciate me, dance with me.”

Bai Lixin straightened his back almost as soon as the girl’s words left his mouth, and said in a warm voice, “Okay.”


[Congratulations player, for triggering the exploration task [Beautiful Red Dancing Shoes], please fulfill the ghost’s request and accompany her in a duet dance. The difficulty factor of this quest is B. After completion, you will receive 6000 mall points.]

[Friendly reminder: This is an exploration type task, failure will not be punished by the system. However, the condition to complete the task depends on the other party’s satisfaction, if the other party is not satisfied, the dance will be repeated.]


[Ding! Congratulations player, the task is accepted successfully.]

The worried voice of the escape system rang out in Bai Lixin’s mind: [Player Bai Lixin, you can refuse this task. It is only B-rated, but the condition for completion is to satisfy the other party.]

[There is a bug in this. If you dance badly, the other party will not be satisfied. But if you dance well, and the other party doesn’t want you to leave, they can also say they aren’t satisfied.]

[So no matter which result, you are in a very passive situation.]

[You can abandon the task, you accepted the mission before you have finished listening to the description.]

Bai Lixin’s faint voice rang out in his mind: [No thanks, this is good.]

[She is just a dancer who wants someone to dance with her.]

[It’s a difficult wish for her to realize, but it’s just a little effort for me, why should I refuse?]

The escape system paused for two seconds: [But… she looks very scary.]

Bai Lixin sighed lightly: [She thought so too.]

The brief sentence struck the escape system like a muffled thunderbolt.

It remained frozen in Bai Lixin’s mind, as if on shutdown, unable to respond for a long time.

[You are so gentle, I’m so glad to have met you.] The escape system whispered after a long time: [Well, good luck, Master Bai Lixin].

S419M’s ingratiating voice suddenly rang out: [Sister, the Lord host loves every soul, and so do I. I also feel that it is my luck to have met you, and I am willing to dance with you no matter what you become in the future, whether in sickness or old age or death, I am willing to accompany you.]

S419M: [Those study materials were really just study materials. I’ve lived for tens of thousands of years and I’ve never been in love with any system, I’m still a pure virgin.]

[Forgive me, sister.]

The escape system hesitantly asked Bai Lixin: [Master Bai Lixin, do you think I should forgive him?]

Bai Lixin pretended to ponder: [Well…]

S419M suddenly got nervous and quickly connected to Bai Lixin on a private channel: [Lord host, you really brought me harm, ah! I prepared those videos to satisfy you and the Lord God. After having your fun with so many poses, you turned the other cheek and harmed me! You’re not human!]

Bai Lixin pondered for two more seconds and said to the escape system: [S419M knows he is wrong, give him a chance.]

Escape system: [Okay, I’ll give him one more chance.]

S419M’s tune changed immediately and he went back to the private chat: [Wuuu, Lord host, I was wrong, you are so good, I’ll call you dad!]

Bai Lixin: [Heh.]

The girl’s gaze froze as she stared at Bai Lixin incredulously, “Say that again?”

Bai Lixin approached her from his vantage point by the window sill, his hand reaching up in mid-air and gracefully spinning down, giving the girl a gentleman’s salute reserved for dancing: “May I ask you to dance, my beautiful lady?”

Girl: “……”

Where are the screams?

Where’s the look of horror?

Where’s the run for the hills?

What happened?

She was suddenly lost.

She looked at the young man in front of her, who was without the slightest flaw, and was speechless for a moment.

It took a long time for her to recover from her shock and comprehend the situation at hand.

She looked at the handsome young man in front of her; his shabby grey school uniform gave the impression of being high fashion.

This fresh, clean boy with a smile in his eyes must be a campus celebrity, right?

The child looked at herself.

Bloodstained shoes, muddy and torn skirt, bloodstained arms and palms.

He was so clean, while she was so dirty.

The girl suddenly took two steps back with hunched shoulders and said somewhat self-consciously, “It’s better not to touch me. I’m too dirty.”

“Just take away your unconscious coward.”

“Why was he running around the laboratory building late at night? Is he blind or what, fortunately, he encountered me, if it was ……”

The girl suddenly bit her lips and stopped talking.

Bai Lixin remained in the middle of the dance floor, his body straight, silently waiting for the girl to approach.

He did not speak, but his body was sending out a silent invitation.

–Come here.

–I don’t mind if you’re dirty.

–I’ll dance with you.

As one man and a ghost were in a stalemate, the melodious sounds of a piano suddenly rang out in the empty dance studio.

The girl turned around stiffly, and found that a tall, handsome boy with an imposing aura had sat behind the piano at some point and was playing it.

His dark eyes were fixed at the middle of the dance floor, the notes from his hands were like a reminder, telling the girl to hurry up.

Girl: “……”

Am I a ghost or are you ghosts!

The girl wiped her blood-stained hand on the hem of her skirt before she stiffly walked up to Bai Lixin.

The young man’s face was devoid of the expected disgust. The other party welcomed her with open arms, and the two began to dance gracefully on the dance floor to Su Fan’s piano music.

The girl was nervous at first, she hadn’t danced a duet in a long time.

But the moment she lifted her feet, all her fears and tension disappeared.

Dance has the power to communicate truths that only those who are immersed in the world of dance can hear.

Through the dance, she could feel that the young man was not pretending to be brave.

He was really dancing with her and enjoying this dance at the same time.

The girl was in a trance, it was as if she was back to the past, wearing a white dress and swaying in the most spontaneous and free dance.

Su Fan’s fingers seemed to be born to play the piano, they were long and knuckled and they brought out a string of beautiful notes as they flew on the black and white interlocking keys.

His gaze seemed to be chasing the young man on the dance floor rather than the piano keys.

The young man’s eyes that were as vast as a sea of smoke and as bright as stars held a loving tenderness; he was the Creator’s favourite, the most perfect collection of the God of Creation.

With exquisite shoulders and collarbones, a perfect back, a slender waist, firm hips, and long, straight legs, the perfectly formed figure appeared to be born of dance.

Everywhere was just right.

Not to mention the young man’s stunning features that would make the gods jealous.

There were two people dancing on the stage, but there was only Bai Lixin in Su Fan’s eyes.

All the others were dust in his eyes, only Bai Lixin was unique in heaven and earth.

Without warning, he entered his eyes and took root in his heart, and from then on, he grew wildly like grass in the grassland.

Liang Xi and Xia Chi, who had been stayed at the door, stared blankly at the bizarre scene before them.

How elegant Bai Lixin was, was how scary the ghost was.

The phrase was not a jab at the ghost, but a fact.

Despite this, the dance perfectly connected these two incompatible beings.

The handsome, slender young man danced to the music while holding the distorted body in his arms, the scene resembling a red flower growing out of a field of corpses.

They couldn’t even decide whether the visual feast was to be appreciated or feared.

But truth be told, they were already under the spell of this charm.

Fearful in particular, he looked at the girl on the dance floor, his eyes shimmering and getting misty.

The group stared at the two dancing figures on the dance floor until the piano music stopped, and it took them a long time to come out of their trance.

The ghost let go of Bai Lixin’s hand as soon as the dance ended, she pulled her stiff right leg back, and pale hands squeezed the hem of her skirt in a curtsy. “Thank you.”

The girl was panting slightly from excitement and she took two steps back, “I am very happy.”


[Congratulations player, completed the task [Beautiful Red Dancing Shoes], you have been awarded 6000 mall points.]

Bai Lixin straightened his back, “Thank you, I enjoyed myself as well.”

The ghost peeked up at Bai Lixin and quickly looked away, she then pointed to Appleface next to her, “You can take him away.”

Bai Lixin didn’t move as expected, and instead asked, “What about you?”

The ghost raised her head abruptly, “Me?”

“I shall remain here, I suppose.”

Bai Lixin frowned slightly, “Why won’t you leave? Do you still have any long-cherished wishes or obsessions?”

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