After the Full-Level Boss Entered the Infinite Game By Mistake

Chapter 132.3 - Campus Oddities

Chapter 132.3 - Campus Oddities

“It’s probably because my brooch was taken away by the bad guy, and I want to find my brooch,” the girl paused before speaking

“It is very important to me.”

“Maybe I can’t leave until I find it.”

“You go.”

The girl walked to a dark corner not illuminated by the moonlight and sat on the floor, shrinking herself into a ball and blending into the darkness.

“Today is the happiest I’ve felt since I became a ghost, and probably the last.”

“Thank you for dancing with me and not being afraid of me,” she said sadly, “but I’ll be dancing alone again when you’re gone.”

“Who said you’ll be dancing alone!”

A voice suddenly interrupted the girl’s self-loathing.

Xia Chi was taken aback to see Fearful, who had abruptly spoken, quickly approaching the girl.

The girl looked at the sudden appearance of one of her kind in surprise, and was a little bewildered.

She then noticed her kind nervously stretching out two hands towards her and then forming a heart.

Fearful was tense, but he still said: “This body has liked you for a long time!”

“It’s been upstairs, listening to your footsteps as you dance, and often hears you talking to yourself about wanting a dance partner.”

“It has always wanted to come down and dance with you, and wanted to give you a warm and strong embrace.”

“But because it only had one arm, it couldn’t hug, lift, or catch you as you spun.”

“It didn’t have a head, so it wouldn’t have been able to chase your shadow or keep up with you when it mattered.”

“So it’s been hiding from you.”

“That was until today, when it found its head and arm, and here it stands.”

Fearful paused for a few seconds before taking a deep breath and saying solemnly, “It’s a bit abrupt, but this body has liked you for a long time.”

“Although it lacks elegance when dancing, it is capable of learning; it wishes to know if you are willing to teach it and allow it to dance with you.”

Fearful finished all the words in one breath and was now panting.

The girl sat in the darkness, frozen in place, staring at the spliced body in front of her. After a while, she slowly used the wall to support herself up.

She was about to open her mouth when Fearful hurriedly stopped her, “Hey, um… don’t be in a hurry to say no, it’s liked you for so long, so just think about it.”

The girl snorted with laughter, and the broken flesh on her face twitched in a frenzy.

“I wasn’t going to say no.”

“It was so sudden, and I can’t say yes right away.”

“But I can teach you to dance.”

The body immediately made a love heart with its hands, and sent heart shots towards the girl.

Xia Chi: “……”

Liang Xi: “……”

Crazy! Why the hell do ghosts have love, but they are still single dogs?

This dog food caught them off guard!

Xia Chi boldly pulled Fearful aside, then got together with Liang Xi and asked in a low voice: “Fearful, weren’t you afraid of that ghost earlier?”

Fearful blushed a little: “ I was a bit scared at first, but she danced so beautifully.”

“And, and,” Fearful stammered, “I had a sudden spiritual connection with the body, and I felt its feelings for her.”

“Do you know who that girl is? She was our year’s goddess! I didn’t recognize her at first and only recognized her later when she danced. Do you know how good she used to be? She wouldn’t have ended up like this if it hadn’t been for that incident. It’s my body that I’m afraid of.”

Xia Chi: “So can you control your body now?”

Fearful shook his head in embarrassment, “Not yet, I can only connect with it occasionally.”

“Maybe I’ve been away from the body for too long, so the nerves are broken and it will take a long time to fully integrate.”

Xia Chi looked at Fearful, and the girl who had shrank back in the corner and said, “Not bad, you could find love after turning into a ghost, I wish you all the best.”

Fearful blushed, “What are you talking

About. Nothing happened yet.”

“The girl just didn’t have the nerve to refuse. I can’t force her but will respect her wishes and guard her well.”

Xia Chi: “You are so timid, don’t run away when the time comes.”

Fearful hurriedly waved his hand, “I won’t, isn’t there a saying for this? Love will make people brave, I can’t afford to be afraid or timid now that I have someone to protect.”

In the live broadcast room.

[This dog food was wildly slapped in my face.]

[What ghost love story is this? The last part where Fearful sent heart shots towards the girl was a divine twist.]

[In conclusion, don’t underestimate yourself, just fall in love. When the time comes, your potential will come out.]

[The girl hasn’t said yes yet; don’t call it love; call it love when she agrees; call it friendship for now.]

[I don’t care what happens. Just go for it, Fearful!]

[Let’s first leave Fearful and look at God Xin’s dance. What’s the score?]

[Why are you fighting so hard? Are you high? What did God Xin mean when he said that dance cannot be defined? It means there is no framework, or standard, only the dance, and you still have the courage to inquire.]

[Oh but God Xin dances so well, how can he be so perfect, what is it that he doesn’t know? Wuuu, I’m chasing after a god, not a man. This man should only exist in heaven.]

[It’s difficult to become a god, what can’t he do except eat shit?]

[…… God Xin: thank you, uncle.]

[God Xin is a good dancer, Su Fan is also a good piano player.]

[That’s right, that’s right, I didn’t expect our boss Su Fan big to be so versatile and worthy of our God Xin.]

Su Fan walked over to Bai Lixin, who glanced at him and whispered, “You played well;many thanks.”

Su Fan simply drew a wet wipe from his pocket and assisted Bai Lixin in wiping the blood from his fingers.

While wiping carefully, he whispered, “As long as it is what you need, I will help you.”

“I will be your solid backing, so that you don’t have any worries.”

“Like playing a piano accompaniment, or helping to clean the blood stains on your hands.”

Just when Bai Lixin was about to feel moved, Su Fan changed his tune, “Unlike some people who only know how to make you angry.”

“Only know how to make you cry.”

“Such scum are simply not worthy to stand by your side.”

Bai Lixin: “……”

This green tea attacker, don’t you feel the pain on your face when you call your own soul fragments “scum”?

How many books on green tea literature did it take to get to this point?

In the live broadcast room.

[hahahaha, it’s out, it’s out! The green tea attack has come out again! Sure enough, happiness can only be obtained when your love and love rival break up.]

[I put myself in God Xin’s shoes and realized why scum use green tea attacks. If two attractive men pursue me at the same time, I’ll go with the one who keeps saying, “Good sister, my heart aches for you.” Tsk tsk tsk, hahaha. 】

[Laughing to death. God Xin: I have the world’s burden on my shoulders.]

[I’m just curious how the doctor would react if he found out what boss Su Fan has been up to, hahaha.]

[Mom, that would be quite the scene. I’ve decided to not sleep and squat here in the next two days so that I don’t miss the beautiful scene!]

Under Su Fan’s green tea stare, Bai Lixin decided to change the subject.

“Fearful, did you really commit suicide?”

Fearful was sending heart shots towards the girl when he heard Bai Lixin’s question and turned to look at him, “Yeah, why?”

While Fearful was looking at Bai Lixin in earnest, the body was still persistently firing heart shots.

“However, your body was later thrown into the biology laboratory on the second floor; there are rumors that you were murdered, and the murderer has never been found,” Bai Lixin said.

Fearful froze for a moment, even the body that had been sending shots of love stopped moving. “Maybe?”

“I don’t know what happened after that, but I remember it vividly, I did commit suicide.”

Bai Lixin pondered for a few seconds, “Then do you remember what year you died?”

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