After the Full-Level Boss Entered the Infinite Game By Mistake

Chapter 135.1 - Campus Oddities

Chapter 135.1 - Campus Oddities

The night was silent and the sound of something sliding across the ground was very loud.

It was like the sound of an insect crawling on the ground.



Something was scurrying across the ceiling.

It was hanging upside down like a spider, its limbs gripping the ceiling and its long neck hanging down.

The thing quickly slid across the roof, its hair brushing against the faces of the sleeping players.

It first came over Liang Xi and Xia Chi’s bed.

—”They have blindfolds on.”

—”Blindfolds again.”

Without wasting much time, it moved nimbly and its head came to Su Fan.

—”This one’s not to be messed with, I’m not stupid.”

The people who were pretending to be asleep: “……”

Fuck, are ghosts so unscrupulous nowadays?

You choose to bully the weak?

It left Su Fan, and came to the top of Bai Lixin’s head.

—”Hee hee hee, this fine skinned one looks easy to bully.”

The head extended down again, almost face to face with Bai Lixin.

The creature let out a braying laugh from its mouth and leaned over to whisper in the young man’s ear.

—”Shh, shh, shh, shh.”

—”You want to pee, you want to pee.”

—”Shhhh, shhhh, shhhh.”

Everyone: “……”

Liang Xi gritted his teeth under the covers.

No wonder he peed himself for no reason that day… He was guided!

Damn it.

—”Why aren’t you waking up?”

After urging for a long time, Bai Lixin, who was like a sleeping beauty, tilted his head away but didn’t open his eyes.

The monster was getting a little annoyed.

Suddenly, the young man’s mouth opened slightly, as if to say something.

The creature came forward with curiosity and its whole attention was drawn to the young man’s mouth.

Just then, the young man opened his eyes without warning.

Pitch-black eyes and blood-shot eyes stared at each other.

Bai Lixin, “Hi.”

The blood-red eyes instantly contracted, and the creature froze for a second.

It was a bit shocked but it wasn’t a big deal.

Bai Lixin finally saw the red clothed senior, it was just as Xia Chi had described, the other party’s scalp was stitched together piece by piece, he wore blood red clothes and his body had morphed into the shape of a spider.

The pale, sunken cheeks were set with two red eyes that were now reflecting his face.

The face of this ghost was the same as Xiao Jing in the morgue.

The red clothed senior adjusted his position. He put his cheek next to Bai Lixin, coughed lightly and was about to speak when the other party took the initiative.

Bai Lixin, “Are you Xiao Jing?”

The red clothed senior went stiff, his expression suddenly turned to one of shame and anger.

He shouted, “No, I’m not Xiao Jing!”

Just as he stretched out his sharp claws to attack Bai Lixin, the other party suddenly held out his hand.

The furious red clothed senior saw what was in Bai Lixin’s hand and his arm suddenly stopped.

He stared at what Bai Lixin was holding blankly, ” Where did you find that?”

Bai Lixin, “In the classroom, is this your hair? It asked me to help find its owner.”

The upside-down ghost spun in place, staring at the hair excitedly but not daring to extend its hand.

The hair seemed to sense the other party too, and the strands sniffed the air like a puppy.

Immediately afterwards, the strands of hair bent in the air and formed a large heart shape.

It was as if a person raised both arms in a display of love.

The red clothed senior couldn’t hold back and his hands trembled as he cupped the long dark hair and rubbed it against his cheek excitedly.

The hair felt the familiar aura it had been searching for for so long, and the strands stretched over the red clothed senior’s shoulders and landed on his back, embracing him.


[Congratulations, player, for completing the task, you will be rewarded 6,000 mall points.]

The red-clothed senior sat cross-legged at the end of Bai Lixin’s bed and cried like a child.

Bai Lixin had slept without taking off his clothes, and he leaned lazily against the wall, staring at the two that had been separated for more than a decade.

After a long time, the hair flew to the top of the red-clothed senior’s head and quietly hung down.

Only then did the red clothed senior look at Bai Lixin, who had been waiting silently beside him, and said with some embarrassment, “Thank you.”

“Er, I just came out to take a stroll, nothing more.”

“Oh, I didn’t scare you, did I?”

Bai Lixin raised an eyebrow, “You’ve been sneaking around quite often.”

The red clothed senior smiled awkwardly, “How did you know my name? Did my hair tell you that?”

A strand of hair was nudged and it wrapped around the red clothed senior’s pinky finger.

Bai Lixin surveyed the red clothed senior who had his hair back, though his face was stained with blood and the long hair covered his thin cheeks, he looked better than his corpse at the morgue.

“It didn’t tell me,” Bai Lixin’s eyes fell on the bruises on the other party’s chest, “I’ve been to the morgue, your body was still there.”

He paused and tried to speak in gentler terms, “I’m sorry, I examined your body and found that you had suffered some injuries when you were still alive, do you mind telling me what happened before?”

Xiao Jing’s already bloodless face became even paler, and he flinched back, “I’ve forgotten all about it.”

Bai Lixin pursed his lips.

Xiao Jing wouldn’t say, so it wasn’t right for him to keep on asking.

Bai Lixin took out the pen case from his backpack and said, “I found this pen case in my desk, I was going to give the gift away for you.”

“Now that you are here, I want to ask, do you still want this gift to be given away?”

The long blood stained hands were propped up on the bed and Xiao Jing crawled over to look at the pen case Bai Lixin was holding.

The originally blood red eyes suddenly had a trace of despondency and sadness. Xiao Jing shook his head, and did not make a move to take back the pen box, but sat back down at the end of the bed, “Give it away? To whom? It’s been more than ten years, right? Sheng’er has already graduated from school.”

“I originally got him this for his nineteenth birthday but a lot of time has already passed now, there is no point in giving it.”

“A man who is still alive, and a long-dead soul—there is no need, and no chance.”

Bai Lixin quietly observed the other party’s expression.

At the mention of Sheng’er, there was only regret and sadness in the other party’s expression, not any resentment. Teacher Sheng could be ruled out as a suspect.

Bai Lixin, “If I said that Sheng’er is in the school at the moment? Would you still want him to get this gift?”

Xiao Jing looked up in surprise, “Still in the school? How is that possible? Hasn’t it been over ten years?”

The expression on his face suddenly tensed up, “Could it be that he also…?”

“No, no, no,” Bai Lixin hurriedly interrupted the red-clothed senior’s crazy association, “Nothing happened to him, he was a student here more than ten years ago, and he is now a teacher here.”

Xiao Jing suddenly chuckled upon hearing this, “Impossible, he would never come here as a teacher.”

“Like me, his family forced him here. We both hated this school, so how could he graduate and come back to become an executioner?”

“A dragon slayer who finally becomes a dragon? It’s impossible, he’s so upright, he wouldn’t turn out like that.”

Bai Lixin said in a deep voice, “But he came back and is now a member of the faculty. Teacher Sheng is probably around 40 and I heard him say that he used to be a teacher here, and he had a very good friend, but his friend died.”

“Doesn’t it add up?”

Xiao Jing’s chuckle came to a screeching halt. He looked at Bai Lixin hesitantly, and said in a very small tone, “Is what you say true? He really came back? You’re not lying to me?”

Bai Lixin, “I can only say that it is a possibility because I have never met the Sheng’er you speak of and I don’t know Teacher Sheng’s full name.”

The hair sensed Xiao Jing’s turbulent emotions, and it gathered around his shoulders as if giving him strength and support.

He took a deep breath, and said, “I want to see him!”

“Can you take me to him? I’m not strong enough to get out of here on my own. I can…” he paused, his eyes glancing at the pen in Bai Lixin’s hand, “That pen is mine, I can possess it.”

“I will not hurt him, I will only look at him from afar, please.”


[Congratulations player, for triggering the task – [Meeting] Please help Xiao Jing to meet his good friend, Sheng’er. The difficulty factor of this task is B. You will receive 6,000 mall points upon completion.]

[Friendly reminder: The system will not punish you for failure to complete exploration tasks.]

[Accept / Reject]

Bai Lixin pressed accept, “Okay, I promise you.”

The next morning, the little creature in the corridor was still fed.

Unlike the first exam, this one started at 9 am because the Chinese and math exams would take a longer time.

Chinese was in the morning and Math’s in the afternoon.

Perhaps the school did it on purpose, but the exam room was done in the usual classrooms, even the tables were not deliberately made into singles.

It was very easy to copy, all you had to do was glance to the side.

Not only that, there wasn’t even an invigilator in the Class C examination room.

This was clearly a trap but there were players who didn’t believe in evil and took take the risk.

By 5pm, the exams were officially over.

Before the players could enjoy the pleasure of having handed in their papers, Teacher Zhao walked in.

He was in good spirits and his previously unsmiling, stiff face had an unexpected smile on it today.

He was holding two bundles of exam papers and report cards in his hands. He stood behind the podium and looked around the room, his eyes lingering on Bai Lixin for a couple of seconds.

Teacher Zhao, “Ahem, students, it was destiny to have met in this class. Since there is a meeting, there will be a parting.”

“Starting tomorrow, I’ll be leaving Class C.”

The players looked at each other, somewhat at a loss for words.

Leaving Class C? Then there will be no class teacher in Class C?

Teacher Zhao, “There will be another teacher replacing me, I returned as your class teacher today because of today’s exam.”

“The school teachers worked hard to finish marking and I’m sure you’re all very curious about your results. I’ll start from the top.”

“Bai Lixin, 135 in Chinese and 150 in Math.”

The crowd: “…”

“Fuck, 135? That high? And a perfect score in Math?!”

“That is a proper academic bully in the real world, wouldn’t Qingbei welcome him?”

“That’s not even close to Qingbei, right? Don’t they need 150 points in all languages?”

“Are you sick? Don’t you know they deduct two points from the essay, and reading comprehension, ah.”

“But there are essays with perfect scores.”

“I didn’t say it’s impossible. Anyway, this is a very good grade for him.”

When Bai Lixin went to get his report card, Teacher Zhao deliberately shifted and said in a voice that only two people could hear, “Thanks to you killing so many ghosts, the school gave me so many points.”

“I’ll be the Class B teacher from tomorrow, although the time I spent with you was short, it was destined to be like that.”

Bai Lixin gave Teacher Zhao a very subtle look and said meaningfully, “Goodbye, Teacher Zhao.”

Teacher Zhao even went ahead to pat Bai Lixin’s shoulder, “Keep it up!”

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