After the Full-Level Boss Entered the Infinite Game By Mistake

Chapter 135.2 - Campus Oddities

Chapter 135.2 - Campus Oddities

In the live broadcast room.

[Wow, God Xin got a perfect score in Math, that’s awesome.]

[My mother shouldn’t see such a perfect person.]

[Would your mother force you to chase him?]

[No, she would grab my ear and put me in class: You, you, you! Study hard! Study hard if you’re still alive, learn from him!]

[Hahahaha, other people’s kids, I can relate, man.]

[Different places, same parents, I just want to ask, how do parents achieve total unity?]

[Perhaps it’s eight thousand years of ancestral genetic enhancement?]

[Hahaha, makes sense.]

“Su Fan, 137 in Chinese, 148 in Math.”

Players, “Wow!”

“Xia Chi, 125 in Chinese, 135 in Math.”

Players, “Tsk.”

Xia Chi: “……”

What the hell are you guys tsking for? I was a top student in the college entrance exams!

I was ten points above the first tier.

“Liang Xi, 120 in Chinese, 125 in Math.”

Teacher Zhao read the results one after another, and when most of the students had their report cards, Teacher Zhao stopped calling out names.

He patted the remaining report cards, “The school regulations emphasize honesty and trustworthiness during exams.”

“These remaining students cheated in the exams so their results in the two subjects have been nullified.”

“Congratulations on your continued stay in Class C.”

The faces of the players who had not yet been issued with their test papers turned white.

One of them stood up, “Did you make a mistake, Teacher? I didn’t cheat, I left all my books outside, and there were no students next to me.”

“Yes!” Another player came forward, “Me too!”

Teacher Zhao’s relaxed face tensed up and he said coldly, “The school does not misjudge, some of you copied from your books, some from other people’s papers and some used special means similar to communicators to pass on the answers.”

“I’m not wrong, am I?”

The faces of the players turned even more pale.

Two of them looked at each other, and both of them could see regret in each other’s eyes.

They were both uncertain about one question so they sent each other messages for the right answer. If they knew that even private chats could be judged as cheating, would they have lost their entire test score just for two points?

They wanted to die.

Whispers rang around.

“Anyone could see that it was a trap but some people still cheated.”

“Closing your eyes and fumbling is not as bad as a complete 0. What a loss.”

“Eh, so pitiful.”

Teacher Zhao, “Because this is your first offense, you will only be given a penalty of zero grade. You will be kicked out of school the next time you are caught cheating.”

Teacher Zhao, “All right, class is over, it’s time to go eat. Classes will be re-grouped in the common classroom at 6:30pm.”

Teacher Zhao was in such a good mood that he didn’t even say, “The school doesn’t keep rubbish and trash.” as he used to say, but instead said, “You will be kicked out of school.”

He finally broke out from the bottom of the food chain, could he still be bothered?

At 6:30pm, all the players gathered in the common classroom.

There was a long table covered with a red velvet tablecloth on the podium, and there was a huge projection on the screen.

[Wensong High School S432 Grade Three First Stage Examination Analysis Conference]

The teachers who should have been sitting in the middle of the podium were all standing on either side of the podium today, as if they were waiting for someone to arrive.

Bai Lixin and his group were sitting at the back. Bai Lixin sat up straight and looked at the teacher whispering something in the headmaster’s ear.

The headmaster’s expression suddenly became serious, and his usual arrogant expression became respectful.

He walked up to the podium, took the microphone and said in a loud voice, “Students! The school leaders attach great importance to your future, and this exam is of great importance to the school board.”

“I have just been informed that the chairman of the school board, Mr. Huang, is outside the lecture hall!”

The players had puzzled expressions but they still stood up obediently and burst into applause at the Headmaster’s request.

In the midst of the thunderous applause, a man in a wheelchair was slowly wheeled in.

The teachers, who usually scowled at the players and students, were all smiles at the moment, and they actively helped the man up the podium.

The players watched this with a flash of disdain.

The man in the wheelchair had gray hair, his face was stiff, his eye sockets sunken and his face was covered with dense age spots.

He had a hawkish nose, a pointed chin and looked haggard.

This man was Huang Xiaolian.

The chairman of the board naturally sat in the middle, and the others hesitantly took their seats.

Headmaster, “This is the chairman of the school board, Mr. Huang.”

“He dedicated his life to Wensong High School and has always cared about the development of each and every student from start to finish.”

“Every year, at the end of exams, Chairman Huang goes out of his way to come here and present prizes to the best students, and this is no exception.”

“Bai Lixin, Su Fan, Xia Chi…”

The headmaster read a total of ten names, and Bai Lixin and the other two looked at each other before they joined the other seven to the podium.

Although Chairman Huang was old, his eyes were very bright.

His gray hair was meticulously combed, and his stiff face struggled to evoke a gentle smile.

His eyes swept over the faces of the students before his eyes finally fell on Bai Lixin’s face.

His old voice seemed to come out of his lungs, and he spoke every word with extreme difficulty, “Good, good.”

He only said “Good”, but he didn’t say what was good about it.

The headmaster respectfully turned to Chairman Huang, “These are the students who achieved excellent results in this exam.”

“This student in particular,” the headmaster pointed to Bai Lixin, “got a perfect score in Math.”

Chairman Huang chuckled, “So excellent, why are you still wearing the Class C uniform? Won’t you move up to Class A after this exam?”

The headmaster quickly flipped through the book in his hand and said awkwardly, “He can’t yet. Although he scored high in this exam, a lot of points were deducted in the previous one, so he can only be promoted to Class B.”

Chairman Huang’s bright eyes glanced at Bai Lixin again, “Class B? Well, the road to happiness is paved with hardship.”

Chairman Huang completely turned to Bai Lixin, “Bai Lixin, right? Come to me if you have any difficulties, I care about every student so I will help you as much as possible.”

In full view of everyone, Chairman Huang handed the award certificate to Bai Lixin.

Bai Lixin took the award certificate and asked after a two second pause, “Can I really come to you?”

“Of course!” Chairman Huang’s eyes brightened even more, and the corners of his lips curved up, “You can come anytime, my office is on the third floor of the office building. What’s the matter, have you encountered some difficulties?”

Bai Lixin pursed his lips, “No, I was just asking. Thank you, Chairman.”

Chairman Huang’s face was already full of folds from smiling, “You’re welcome.”

Then, Chairman Huang’s eyes fell on Su Fan’s face and he immediately showed a look of disgust, and his expression became indifferent.

When he reached Xia Chi, Chairman Huang took a long look but finally shook his head and murmured in a low voice.

“What a pity, a fool.”

Xia Chi: “????”

Fuck, who are you calling a fool!

The meeting was made annoyingly long because of the flowery chairman.

After blowing a bunch of rainbow farts, Chairman Huang finally left, leaving the headmaster and the rest behind.

It was already 8pm and as soon as Chairman Huang left, the headmaster’s expression immediately changed and the smile disappeared, “Alright, divide the classes and dismiss the meeting.”

The division was simple, efficient and quick!

First was Class A. When the Class A teacher had led the students away, Teacher Zhao walked forward full of airs.

“Ahem, those whose names I call out will come with me.”




“Bai Lixin, Su Fan, Liang Xi, Xia Chi, Zhou Guang, Li Cancan.”

Teacher Zhao’s expression stiffened for a moment.

The group walked forward and Bai Lixin shrugged at Teacher Zhao’s speechless expression, “Teacher Zhao, we have a good destiny.”

Teacher Zhao: “……”

Stay away from the windows in my class, don’t come over.

Teacher Sheng had punished Apple Face and he also did poorly in the exams, so he was directly checked out of Class A. However, he still had 260 points so he was finally assigned to Class B.

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