After the Full-Level Boss Entered the Infinite Game By Mistake

Chapter 136.1 - Campus Oddities

Chapter 136.1 - Campus Oddities

Bai Lixin was assigned to a new dormitory. The room was also a four-room dormitory, but it was different from Class C. The space in the four-room dormitory was half that of Class C. There was also a matching bathroom in it, but it was very narrow.

The room had two beds, but no desks.

Not only that, but the beds were smaller than a normal single bed.

The bed was only 200 cm long and 60 wide, so Bai Lixin could just fit on it, but Su Fan, who was 195 tall, was miserable.

He was like a little bully who had taken over a cot, and only one word was written all over his face: aggrieved.

Because of their close scores, Bai Lixin, Su Fan and Xia Chi were still in the same dormitory, but the other person was in a precarious situation.

Apple face had 260 basic points, plus the extra points from deducting students’ points.

So his results were so close to theirs that he happened to be placed in the same dormitory.

When Bai Lixin walked into the dormitory, he saw Apple Face curled up in the corner of the bed, his eyes wide with surprise as he doubted his life.

Bai Lixin: “……”

Unlucky boy.

The atmosphere in the dormitory was a bit low. When Bai Lixin was washing up in the dark after the lights had gone out, he looked up and saw a miserable ghost hanging upside down on the wall.

The hair hang down before Bai Lixin’s face like a waterfall and Xiao Jing stared at Bai Lixin with tears flowing into his hair, “Wuuuu.”

Bai Lixin’s hand with the towel paused: “……”

Brother, why are you crying? Shouldn’t I be the one crying?

Bai Lixin wiped his face, and whispered soothingly, “Okay, no more crying.”

Xiao Jing choked, “It’s really Sheng’er, he came back.”

“His features have changed, he’s bald, and he’s sullen.”

“Wuuu wuu.”

Bai Lixin, “Uh, but Teacher Sheng’s hair doesn’t seem to have any problems.”

Xiao Jing, “His hair was much thicker in high school than it is now.”

Bai Lixin, “So what’s your plan? Do you want to go out with him?”

“No,” Xiao Jing denied the suggestion, “I don’t want him to see me like this. But why would he come back? He obviously hates this school more than anything else.”

Bai Lixin: “……”

That was a good question, in addition, Teacher Sheng clearly remembered Xiao Jing, but pretended not to.

There were advantages to having a small bed.

Because there was no extra space, Su Fan gave up on disturbing him at night so the next few days were uneventful.

Bai Lixin continued to use the morning exercise time to feed the little creature on the fifth floor.

As the amount of food increased each day, the little creature’s originally skinny body became fuller.

On the ninth day, Wensong High was supposed to have a third test, but for some reason, the test was canceled.

Those in Class A were still in Class A and those in Class B were still in Class B.

During the class break, Bai Lixin stood in the corridor, his gaze a little meaningful.

Su Fan, “What are you looking at?”

Bai Lixin looked at the corridor and the rest came over, “Have you guys noticed that the floor for Class B is more spacious?”

Zhou Guang and Li Cancan froze.

Li Cancan, “I noticed but I thought it was an illusion.”

“The queue used to be up to a hundred or so people when we went to the toilet, but there seems to be a lot less people nowadays.”

“But when did they decrease?”

Bai Lixin, “It’s not a sudden decrease, the classes made up of players haven’t changed, but I noticed that the class of NPCs has less people every other day.”

“But because of the narrow space and large number of people, the reduction in numbers is almost negligible.”

“But the difference has become more prominent over time.”

The group looked at each other, not knowing what Bai Lixin wanted to express.

Zhou Guang was a practical person so he immediately walked to the class of NPCs and did a quick count, then came back and said in a solemn voice, “God Xin is right, the class next door also started with 50 students but I counted only 35 students.”

Liang Xi, “Why are so many people missing? Did they gradually disappear over the past few days? I didn’t notice it at all. No, I should say I noticed it.”

He paused in thought and continued, “I felt that there was more space when I went to the toilet, and I was just glad that I could solve my problem earlier, I didn’t realize that it was because the number of NPCs had decreased.”

“But does that mean anything?”

“Isn’t it good for us to have less people?”

Bai Lixin stood at the end of the corridor, and looked at the far side where people were coming and going, “Let’s check the other classrooms.”

The group didn’t refute, and they rushed off to look at other classrooms.

A few minutes later, they came back.

Zhou Guang, “There are 15 people missing in Class 2.”

Li Cancan, “Class 3 is missing 13 students.”

Xia Chi, “Class 4 is missing 14 people.”

Liang Xi, “Class 5 is almost the same, with 15 less people.”

It added up to more than fifty missing people.

Bai Lixin’s eyes fell on the Class B-1 that was the players’ classroom and said, “Guess when it’s Class 1’s turn?”

The softly spoken words caused several people to suddenly gasp.

Xia Chi, “But, no one made any mistakes.”

Zhou Guang was a little gloomy, “I don’t know if you guys have heard of this..”

“There is a saying that a teacher’s attention will be drawn to two kinds of students. One is the top academic bully, and the other is the naughty and disruptive ‘waste’.”

“The quiet mediocre students that have no presence are often ignored.”

“No one would even notice if they disappear because they have no presence. Class B at Wensong High School might be that kind of existence.”

“But they can’t just disappear for no reason,” Liang Xi stared at the Class 1 sign nervously, “Could we be overthinking it? It’s only the NPCs that disappeared, the players in our class haven’t disappeared.”

“The disappearance could be due to a shortage of resources.” Bai Lixin held his chin and analyzed, “When there is a severe shortage of resources in the animal world, some species will increase the survival rate by cutting their numbers.”

“But this is a game world, many things are not logical.”

Li Cancan brushed her hair behind her ears, and said with some fear, “If the disappearance of students in the NPC classes is just the beginning, then there is a chance this will happen in the class for players. But what can we do? Is there a pattern so that we can avoid disappearing?”

Bai Lixin, “I don’t know the pattern of the disappearances. But if we go by Zhou Guang’s analysis, the one with the least presence is the most likely to disappear, so try to increase your presence.”

Liang Xi’s face became pale, “But how do we do that?”

While they were still muttering, the system’s prompt suddenly rang out in their minds.


[Player death x1, there are 83 players remaining.]

[[Campus Copy] Survival time is 18 days, current game progress is 9/18 days. The initial number of players was 100, and the current number of players remaining is 83.]

Several people’s conversational voices came to an abrupt halt, they were baffled as they looked at the prompt in the task bar.

“A player has died?” Li Cancan lowered her voice, “Was it from Class B?”

The bell was about to ring and Bai Lixin walked into the classroom, “I don’t know, let’s count the number of people.”

They walked into the classroom and sat down in their seats. The teacher hadn’t come yet so Bai Lixin raised his head and swept his eyes around the classroom.

Some players hadn’t returned yet but the number of tables was still 50.

The players all heard the prompt, and with only a death announcement to go by, the message not only failed to inform the players, but also made them alarmed.

The system prompt suddenly rang out a second time.


[Player death x2, there are 81 players remaining.]

The whispers suddenly amplified.

“How did three people die in one go?”

“Did it actually happen? Were they players from our class? Or from another class?”

“There are several people from our class who haven’t returned, it can’t be them, right?”

“Hey, do any of you know the players who haven’t shown up?”

“A little bit, but I don’t know them. It’s crowded, who has time to remember anyone else? What did they look like again?”

“I don’t know them either, so let’s concentrate on living.”

Bai Lixin looked at his side.

He remembered that there were people in those seats.

They always had a very weak presence, sitting alone throughout class and after class, never speaking, and usually doing things alone.

The last three did not appear in the classroom even after the bell rang.

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