After the Full-Level Boss Entered the Infinite Game By Mistake

Chapter 135.3 - Campus Oddities

Chapter 135.3 - Campus Oddities

In the live broadcast room.

[I think the way Chairman Huang looked at Bai Lixin was not right.]

[No, it’s not a guess, you’re right. Didn’t you see how dark his face turned when he looked at Su Fan.]

[But this old thing has got a lot of nerve, he still has the courage to want to do it with God Xin at his age?]

[If newborn calves are not afraid of tigers, then what about old ones? This old man is not afraid of the tiger.]

[Upstairs, that explanation is quite clever.]

[God Xin: We meet again, Teacher Zhao! Are you surprised?

Teacher Zhao: Don’t break the windows!]

[Hahaha, Teacher Zhao wanted to cross the bridge and tear down the bridge. He obviously relied on our God Xin to get to Class B.]

[But God Xin was also the cause as to why he changed the glass in the windows several times, hahaha. It’s a pain and a pleasure.]

A total of fifty people followed Teacher Zhao back to Class B.

The size of the classroom was one third that of Class C yet it had to accommodate fifty people.

The tables were so close together, not to mention that one had to walk out of the middle aisle sideways.

The seats were in four rows stacked next to each other, and the tables were smaller than normal, so there was a sense of oppression.

The room smelled heavily of sweat and every corner was marked by a few words.

—I’m crowded.

Xia Chi and Liang Xi almost threw up the moment they walked into the classroom, even Teacher Zhao, who had been particularly happy, went stiff.

Teacher Zhao: “……”

Wasn’t I fooled? No wonder that bastard teacher was so happy with switching classrooms.

Teacher Zhao immediately opened the window, and the clear and unpolluted fresh air came in, making the classroom a little fresh.

Teacher Zhao held back his vomit and once the students were seated, spoke with a cold face, “I will be your class teacher from today onwards”

“I know the environment in Class B is tough but everyone should hang in there a little longer.”

The classroom was crowded, but fortunately, the dormitories in Class B were humane.

Teacher Zhao quickly allocated the dormitories according to grades, and he had run out of patience by the time he read the last name. “You’re grownups, go find your rooms, learn to be independent.”

When the students were leaving, Teacher Zhao called Bai Lixin aside.

Teacher Zhao said in a low voice, “Although it’s not appropriate for me to say these things, I’d like to warn you not to get too close to Chairman Huang.”

“Some people may not be as kind as they appear to be, and some who appear fierce may not be bad people either.”

He paused, then pointed out, “For example, that Dr. Jia, he may be a sven scum, but he is not bad deep down.”

Teacher Zhao’s eyes flickered a little when he said this.

Bai Lixin looked at Teacher Zhao and also lowered his voice, “Teacher Zhao, how much did Dr. Jia pay you to say good things about him? I’ll pay double if you tell me everything.”

Teacher Zhao’s expression froze, “He said he would help me with five lessons.”

“Although I want a promotion, I’m too lazy to work. How can I refuse someone to do the work for me, huh?”

Bai Lixin glanced at the window on the wall, “What about the windows?”

Teacher Zhao gritted his teeth and looked depressed, “I didn’t know you guys were in my class when I said yes!”

“Damn it, I miscalculated.”

“So can you behave yourselves? I’m begging you.”

Bai Lixin smiled softly, “How can someone join the board if he isn’t good?”

Teacher Zhao: “……”

So annoying.

In the live broadcast room.

[Teacher Zhao: Another day of being plotted against, so worth it.]

[Teacher Zhao: Maybe I’m not a teacher, but a window repairer.]

[“The Repairman”.]

[Now I’m just curious about what will happen to Chairman Huang. Let’s not talk about God Xin killing him, Boss Su Fan and Dr. Jia, the two protectors, won’t let him live long, right?]

[Who told him to think of things he shouldn’t?]

[Chairman Huang had never appeared before, but now he suddenly made an appearance. What was he doing there after all the shit he’s done? Isn’t this making himself a target?]

[Having this kind of scum in the school is too scary.]

Bai Lixin did not follow the large group to the dormitory, but moved away from the crowd and walked to a deserted corner.

The red clothed senior hiding in the pen was released, and Xiao Jing curled up on the side, shivering.

The hair that had a consciousness hugged his overly thin body from behind, trying to convey some strength to him.

Bai Lixin pursed his lips and quietly waited for Xiao Jing to recover.

Xia Jung had possessed the pen and he put it in his backpack so he immediately felt the change in the pen.

As he walked to the podium, he clearly felt Xiao Jing’s trembling.

It wasn’t just fear, but also hatred and resentment.

And this trembling reached its peak the moment he took the award from Chairman Huang.

It was self-evident who had hurt Xiao Jing that year.

This is true of many who do evil; after the first time, they will want to do it again.

Especially when they are not punished in the first incident, the excitement from breaking the law fuels the nerves of the wicked and makes them more aggressive.

While it was uncertain as to whether the dancing girl was the first victim, Xiao Jing was by no means the last.

Does he meet the students after every exam?

He was supposed to encourage the students, what kind of sordid reasoning did he have in doing what he did?

In the hallowed halls of the school, those who stand at the podium are almost like a holy writ to the students.

It is a disaster the moment someone is not in line.

Bai Lixin looked at the trembling Xiao Jing and did not say much.

The matter had fermented over time, and the knot that had long been difficult for him to untie could not be untied with a few words.

If he wanted to help Xiao Jing, he could only do so by cutting off the source.

When it was almost ten minutes before lights out, Xiao Jing was able to break free from his overwhelming fear and grief.

He was about to look up and say something to Bai Lixin when a cold voice suddenly came from not far away.

“Who’s there?!”

Bai Lixin was standing at the corner of the wall, and Xiao Jing was standing in a blind spot.

Xiao Jing, who was about to say something, poked his head out to glance outside, and his expression froze.

He turned into a wisp of smoke in the next instant and burrowed into the pen.

Bai Lixin paused for a few seconds and slowly stepped out of the darkness.

“Good evening, Teacher Sheng.”

Teacher Sheng recognized the student in the corner and froze for a moment, “You?”

His gaze was sharp as he looked down at Bai Lixin, his tone questioning, “Lights go out in ten minutes, what are you doing here if you’re not going in?”

“Were you waiting for me specifically?”

Teacher Sheng withdrew his gaze, his expression growing colder, “Because of your persistence, I will take a look at the pen and see if I recognize it.”

The pen in the backpack couldn’t stop shuddering, and it shrunk inside, refusing to come out.

Bai Lixin pondered for two seconds and said, “I’m sorry, I think I made a mistake, forgot my previous words.”

“I came out for some air, I’ll go back in, Teacher Sheng.”

Seeing Bai Lixin walk into the dormitory building without looking back, Teacher Sheng, who had been putting up a front, panicked.

He quickly chased after Bai Lixin, “Student, wait a minute.”

Bai Lixin stopped in his tracks and looked at Teacher Sheng with a slightly puzzled look.

Teacher Sheng looked at his toes awkwardly, “It suddenly occurred to me that I do have a friend called Xiao Jing.”

“Can I take a look at the pen?”

He took a deep breath and compromised, “Just one glance.”

The pen in Bai Lixin’s backpack trembled a little and was no longer so resistant, but it still refused to come out.

Bai Lixin had no choice but to say, “I found this fountain pen in an old table hole, it’s been there for some years.”

“To be honest it wasn’t a particularly expensive gift.”

“Do you really want to see it?”

Teacher Sheng stiffened, “It’s not up to you as to whether it’s expensive or not. I won’t grab it, I’ll just take a glance, okay?”

“It may not be valuable to you, but it could be priceless to someone else.”

The fountain pen had relaxed and Bai Lixin took the pen case out of his backpack and delivered it to Teacher Sheng.

Teacher Sheng’s shoulders were straight, his expression still cold, but his trembling hands and eyes betrayed him.

He held the pen case in both hands, and carefully opened it.

He opened it slowly, as if he were opening the most precious of treasures.

A somewhat old fountain pen lay quietly inside.

He took it out and gently rubbed the writing on the surface with his fingertips.

His gaze was focused and serious, and his whole attention was on the pen, he even forgot about Bai Lixin.

It was only when the bell for the five-minute countdown to lights out suddenly rang that Teacher Sheng woke up as if from a dream.

He reluctantly put the pen back in the case and gave it back to Bai Lixin, “Here you go.”

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