After the Full-Level Boss Entered the Infinite Game By Mistake

Chapter 138.1 - Campus Oddities

Silly me just realized I didn’t leave a message for the readers before going for the holidays 🙈, I’m really sorry about that. Anyway, welcome back from the holidays and Happy New Year 🎉.

Updates will be made from Monday to Friday once again.

Although some readers said they prefer moderate chapters between 1500-2000 words, please let me know whether you prefer chapters to be divided into three(1500-2000) or two (2800 words and above). I’ll go with majority.

Chapter 138.1

“It’s tough in class B, isn’t it?”

Chairman Huang’s back was slightly hunched as he stood under the yellowing photo and watched Bai Lixin with kindness.

The boy in the middle of the photo was smiling wildly, with his three top buttons undone. The students next to him were sitting or standing, but he was the only one with his legs crossed and his chin raised high in an arrogant manner.

Chairman Huang, who was below the photo, smiled even more gently.

Noticing Bai Lixin’s gaze, Chairman Huang turned and pointed to the boy in the middle: “Do you recognize him?”

“Hey, I can’t bear to look back on the past,” Chairman Huang let out a long sigh, “everyone has a rebellious period in middle school.”

The S380 class, this photo was taken more than fifty years ago.

Bai Lixin didn’t reply to Chairman Huang, and his eyes quickly moved from the arrogant boy in the middle and went back to the skinny boy in the corner.

He reached out and pointed, “Who is that?”

Chairman Huang: “Him? A pitiful boy.”

Chairman Huang sighed and instantly aged by several years, “Let’s not talk about the old days, let’s talk about you.”

“Class B is very crowded, isn’t it? Do you know why those in Class A stay in class A?”

Bai Lixin: “Yes, because they have the best teachers.”

Chairman Huang: “No, it’s a virtuous circle. You can change your fate if you get into class A.”

His voice gradually took on a compelling tone, “Do you want to join class A? You’re a rare genius, but it’s only because your overall score was less by over a hundred points that you’re not in class A.”

Bai Lixin spoke somewhat timidly, “It’s not like I can go there because I want to.”

Chairman Huang: “What if I can help you clear the demerits?”

Bai Lixin’s Bambi-like eyes glanced at Chairman Huang: “Is that possible?”

Seeing that the other party took the bait, Chairman Huang’s voice became even more gentle, “Of course, this kind of thing is very easy for the Chairman of the board.”

“But,” Bai Lixin lowered his head and fiddled with his fingers, “why are you being so nice to me?”

Chairman Huang: “Didn’t I tell you that I cherish talents, I don’t want pearls to get dusty. You are so good, you should have gone to class A. I actually resent the system at this school, where you have to carry the punishment forever whenever you break the rules. People inevitably make mistakes, and it’s okay to reform, not to mention that you’re still children.”

“Of course, there is another reason.” Chairman Huang calmly walked to the sofa and sat down, picking up the black tea in front of him and taking a sip, those beast-like eyes sizing up the young man.

“As I said earlier, you are very similar to my grandson, I just feel close to you.”

“Helping you is like helping him, just say the word, and I can help you erase your disciplinary record.”

“There’s not much time left for you, you have exams this afternoon, don’t you?”

“You may not understand what I’m about to say, but Class B’s resources are going to get tighter and tighter in the next few days, and you will be up against unimaginable challenges to cope with the scarce resources. Escaping from Class B is the most important thing you should do now.”

“So, do you need grandpa’s help, student Bai Lixin?”

Bai Lixin glanced hesitantly at the man sitting on the sofa like an emperor, “Since you know that Class B is under so much pressure, why do you let it remain like that?”

“How can you have motivation without pressure?” Chairman Huang put down his cup of black tea, his eyes regretful: “I am not a philanthropist; it’s the school’s rules, and we can’t help everyone. We can only help those who can within the scope of the rules.”

“I know you are kind, but you are not a savior, you can’t save everyone, and soon, half of Class B will be eliminated.”

“There are too many people now, which is not suitable for the overall development of the school, a class of 25 is the most suitable for teaching.”

He patted the sofa beside him and said, “Don’t just stand there, Xinxin, come and sit here with Grandpa.”

Bai Lixin: “……”

‘Ew, I’m getting goosebumps.’

“Chairman Huang,” Bai Lixin became very respectful, his eyes shining with admiration. “You are really so gentle and kind. You just said that skinny boy is pitiful. What happened to him?”


In the live broadcast room

[Shouldn’t God Xin be thankful for the Cheongsam copy? Otherwise, would it be this easy to act pitiful? He’s like an acting demon.]

[There are no flaws. Who wouldn’t say, “Poor little thing, let brother care for you”?]

[ Tsk tsk tsk, the poor thing really looks pitiful, and it can beat people to death.]

[Don’t you think that the skinny boy with messy hair in the corner of the yellow photo looks like that little creature on the fifth floor of the school building? And “Xinxin”? Worthy of the scum of the earth.]

[I would advise this scumbag, Huang, to kill himself so that he can be a more decent person.]


Chairman Huang was not impatient when he saw that Bai Lixin was not coming to sit down.

He was now the hunter, and Bai Lixin was his prey.

A hunter should be patient with his prey.

“You were in Class C previously; do you remember the traces of the fire in Class C?”

Bai Lixin: “Yes, I wondered why it wasn’t redecorated when it was renovated.”

“That room was renovated many times, but it would revert to that state a day after.” Chairman Huang pointed to the yellowed picture on the wall and said, “Everyone in that photo died except for me and that pitiful skinny boy.”

“Everyone said the class was haunted by a ghost, and the school authorities didn’t bother renovating that classroom anymore and left it as it was.”

“I forgot the boy’s name, but I remember his nickname, everyone called him ‘House Dog’.”

“He started that fire.”

“His family was poor, he wasn’t good-looking; he did not like to clean up, and his hair was always messy. The class hated him and often bullied him. They often carved embarrassing words on his body with a knife, and even put a dog chain around his neck and made him bark like a dog.”

“I would always help him whenever this happened, but the bullying probably made him snap.”

“A rabbit can jump up and bite when pushed.”

“Not only did those students repeatedly fail to change their ways, but they intensified their bullying. One time, a student hated his ugliness and welded a huge iron mask to his face. Fearing that it would fall off, he added many steel nails.”

“House Dog went completely crazy. He killed everyone in the classroom and set fire to it.”

“He turned into a complete monster. The fire couldn’t kill him, bullets couldn’t pierce him, and knives couldn’t cut him.”

“In the end, I tricked him into that gate on the fifth floor and locked him in.”

“One wrong step led to all this. Those people wouldn’t have died if they hadn’t bullied him in the first place, if he had fought back a bit earlier, maybe he wouldn’t have suffered so much. If he had been a little more open, he might not have become a monster.”

“Karma. It was probably fate.”

“Thinking back, it was probably because of my kindness back then that I was able to survive that disaster.”

“This incident had a big impact on the school, but it was bound to happen. Sometimes I wonder if the students who bullied House Dog would still be alive if I had been braver and stopped them in time. The immense guilt tortures me every night, and I came back to this school after graduation to redeem myself.”

” I put that picture up there to remind myself, “*don’t do evil because it’s small, and don’t do good because it’s small”. So when students are in trouble, I make sure to help them in any way I can.”

*Meaning-don’t do bad things because they seem minor, and don’t be indifferent because it seems like a minor act of good.*

“Perhaps it was because of my good deeds that I was rewarded. The school leaders appreciated me and entrusted me with important responsibilities, and I gradually reached the position I am in now.”

“But I don’t dare slack off even after retirement. I will give a helping hand whenever I meet a student in need.”

Bai Lixin slightly supported himself against the wall, his eyes moistening with every sentence Chairman Huang spoke.

By the time Chairman Huang finished speaking, Bai Lixin had covered his mouth with both hands and was so moved that tears welled up in his eyes, “Oooh, it’s really touching.”


In the live broadcast room

[Wuuuu, such a touching story, I’m about to be moved to death, blergh!]

[I suddenly have more respect for God Xin Shen, how did he develop this level of bullshiting?]

[I would have been moved if it weren’t for Chairman Huang’s lecherous expression at the window and the dancing girl, who clearly pointed out the culprit. 】

[It’s probably because of these superb acting skills that he deceived so many people.]

[I used to think he was a bad guy, but I’ve realized that he’s poisonous and bad.]

[So the skinny boy in the photo is really the boy God Xin feeds daily.]

[Good grief, “House Dog”? He forgot his name, and only remembered that he was called House Dog? I don’t believe a word this Chairman Huang says; I don’t believe he could be so nice as to help that boy, he must be making things up.]


Chairman Huang watched Bai Lixin’s eyes fill up with tears, and his expression became excited for a second before quickly returning to normal.

He stared at the tears that were about to fall from the corners of Bai Lixin’s eyes with fiery eyes, panted heavily a few times, and slowly restrained himself. “It’s what I should do.”

He took out a tissue and hobbled to his feet, slowly walking to Bai Lixin.

Bai Lixin was 180 cm, while Chairman Huang was only 168, so he could only tilt his head up to see Bai Lixin’s face.

Perhaps Chairman Huang found that Bai Lixin was so tall, so he raised the tissue high up, but he still couldn’t reach Bai Lixin’s eyes.

Chairman Huang’s expression froze and his arm dropped awkwardly. He handed the tissue to Bai Lixin, saying, “Wipe your tears, my child.”

‘Shit, it was out of reach.’

Bai Lixin panicked and quickly backed away, saying as he ran, “No, no, no, I’m just a poor student; I’m not worthy of taking your tissue.”

Chairman Huang’s expression stiffened even more, and he could only chase after Bai Lixin, “Don’t worry, treat me as your grandfather. Isn’t it normal for Grandpa to give you tissues to wipe your tears? You don’t have to feel burdened.”

Just when Chairman Huang had reached Bai Lixin, Bai Lixin whimpered and ran away like a frightened little rabbit.

The two ran around the office like this.

Bai Lixin ran in different locations each time. He ran from the sofa to the desk, then from the desk to the bookcase, and sometimes he would “accidentally” touch the bookcase with his fingers, dismantling the contents.

The desk and the bookcase gave off loud sounds, and the faster Bai Lixin ran, the more embarrassed Chairman Huang became.

As Bai Lixin ran around, Chairman Huang, whose patience had been completely exhausted, stopped, angrily slapped the desk, and roared, “Enough!”

Bai Lixin stopped abruptly and turned to Chairman Huang with a bewildered and innocent look on his face.

Chairman Huang was out of breath. He supported himself with one hand on the desk, and the other at his waist, coughing and panting heavily, saying, “Don’t run, I won’t wipe them for you.”

“I’m not like you youngsters who are so physically fit.”

“You should be tired after running for so long. Come sit down and drink some tea to moisten your throat.”

‘Damn it, how can this little thing run so well? I’m exhausted.’

He was gasping for breath, but this little thing had nothing to do with it, he didn’t even taste any oil or salt.

He wondered if he was really stupid or just pretending to be stupid.

Whether he was really stupid or just pretending to be stupid, drinking the tea would make him “blossom”.

The red-eyed young man shyly waved at Chairman Huang in rejection, and Chairman Huang could no longer maintain his disguise. His amiable expression disappeared, and he threatened: “I am the Chairman of the School Board; my words are this school’s imperial decree, if I tell you to drink, you drink.”

Chairman Huang circled the room, cabinet doors and drawers were open, and the place was messy. “Look at what you did to the room!”

“Hurry up and drink, then put the room in order afterward.”

Bai Lixin hesitantly came to the coffee table and, under Chairman Huang’s gaze, drank the tea in one gulp.

Chairman Huang’s eyes flashed with success. He stopped panting, and his voice became much smoother as he went to the sofa and poured another cup of tea, urging, “Drink another cup.”

One cup would take half an hour to take effect; two cups is 15 minutes.

Heh heh.

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