After the Full-Level Boss Entered the Infinite Game By Mistake

Chapter 138.2 - Campus Oddities

Chapter 138.2 - Campus Oddities

The timid young man took the cup of tea and was about to drink it again when the door to the room was suddenly pushed open from the outside.


The loud sound scared the young man, and he dropped the tea cup in fright. The cup fell to the ground and shattered into several pieces of porcelain.

Chairman Huang was gloomy, he looked at Teacher Sheng, who had opened the door, with vicious eyes: “You better have something important to tell me.”

Teacher Sheng looked at the wreckage all over the floor and at Chairman Huang, who was panting slightly, and his expression changed immediately.

Was he too late?

His eyes finally fell on the red-eyed Bai Lixin and carefully examined him. Although his hair looked messy, he was properly dressed.

Good, he made it in time.

The heart that was already in his throat slowly dropped, and Teacher Sheng said in a deep voice: “Chairman Huang, Master Dijia called and said that your medical report is out.”

Chairman Huang’s expression showed that he was not in the least bit worried: “Oh, I’ll go get it tomorrow. Hurry up and get out, or you can help me get it.”

Teacher Sheng: “He called to say that you must go and get it in person now, it sounded quite serious.”

Chairman Huang froze for a moment: “Is there something wrong with my health?”

Teacher Sheng: “I don’t know, I asked and he said that it was private and he would not tell a second person other than you.”

He paused and asked, “Are you going now?”

Chairman Huang looked at Bai Lixin, who had already drunk the medicine, and he hesitated a little.

Teacher Sheng said tentatively, “It shouldn’t be a big deal, it’s just for one night. Even if it’s cancer or a tumor, it won’t get any bigger, right? Maybe you can go tomorrow.”

Chairman Huang’s scalp tingled: “I’m going now!”

He turned to Bai Lixin and said in a commanding tone, “Student Bai Lixin, stay here and help clean the room. Don’t leave until you’ve cleaned up, there’s something else I want to talk to you about, so you’ll come back later.”

Bai Lixin’s head was bowed, and he looked very well-behaved. “Yes, Chairman Huang.”

He glanced at Teacher Sheng, who gave him a “hurry up and leave” gesture and left.

Bai Lixin was the only one left in the empty and messy room.

The moment the door closed, Bai Lixin’s expression changed abruptly, and the rabbit turned into a Tyrannosaurus Rex in seconds.

He calmly and boldly walked to the door of the lounge.

When playing ‘hide-and-seek’ with Chairman Huang earlier, he looked and touched around the office but found nothing special.

But would a sophisticated hypocrite put his trophies in a place where others could freely step in?

He would hide them in his private space.

He pushed the door open and entered the pitch-black room.

Bai Lixin moved his hands around the wall and found the switch. He pressed it, and the dark room was illuminated.

The lounge was almost as big as the outside, with a living room, a kitchen, and a dedicated bedroom.

On one side of the living room was a staircase that extended downward. The third floor was opened up to the second floor, creating a negative floor for the room.

Bai Lixin walked around the living room but didn’t see anything out of place, so he decided to continue his search in the bedroom.

Just as he was about to go to the bedroom, there was a “creak.” It was made by the door to the office.

Bai Lixin paused but didn’t panic.

Was Chairman Huang back?

No, Chairman Huang’s steps were heavy, this person’s steps were light.

As soon as the man opened the office door, he moved towards the door to the lounge.

The sound of footsteps was getting closer and closer, and Bai Lixin held his breath, gingerly walking to the wall and turning off the light.

A low laugh suddenly rang out.

While Bai Lixin was still puzzled, the man had already entered, and a huge black shadow came over him. The man grabbed Bai Lixin’s hand, trapping him on the wall.

“Su Fan?”

A husky voice rang out, “Yes, why are you hiding? Are you planning to sneak up on me?”

The man trapped Bai Lixin and had no intention of letting go even after his identity was confirmed.

The man’s powerful hormones were like spears with spikes, attacking Bai Lixin’s sensitive nerves constantly.

The room was obviously large, but Bai Lixin felt a little cramped and oppressed.

He straightened his shoulders and asked, “What are you doing here? Shouldn’t you be in class right now?”

In the dark, where Bai Lixin couldn’t see, Su Fan showed a murderous expression.

How could he study when someone wanted to make a move on his wife?

“I said I had a stomach ache and asked for permission to leave, and I ran into Teacher Sheng on the way.”

“Teacher Sheng was walking up and down anxiously. He kept looking at his watch, muttering things like, “Why isn’t he out yet?” and “He should have a stomachache by this time.”

Originally, Su Fan planned to appear like a hero rescuing a beauty, and show off his personal charms in the process.

Ahem, although he knew his wife definitely didn’t need saving.

Was it necessary for a poor boy to send flowers and gifts when chasing a rich woman?!

Even if the object of affection doesn’t lack, the thought counts!

That is called sincerity, not scheming.

Unfortunately, that bastard, Dr. Dijia, spoiled his plans.

Teacher Sheng called Chairman Huang away, so his wife probably knows that the doctor helped.

Damn it, half the credit was taken away just like that.

“Oh..” Bai Lixin’s eyes were shining in the darkness, his tone frivolous, “So you were worried, then I really have to thank you and Dr. Dijia, otherwise I wouldn’t have been able to check this room.”

Chairman Huang stayed here almost every day, he simply had no chance.

Although Chairman Huang had gone out, there was no telling when he would come back.

Su Fan stretched out his hand and turned on the overhead light, his dark eyes focused on the young man in front of him, “Where have you checked so far?”

Bai Lixin: “I was going to check the bedroom and the basement.”

“The basement? This is the third floor ……” Su Fan looked around and quickly saw the stairway extending downwards, a sneer came from the corner of his mouth, “Oh, there really is a basement, not bad for the chairman’s office.”

“Come on, let’s go to the bedroom first.”

Bai Lixin: “Alright.”

There wasn’t much in the bedroom—only a few simple clothes and a neatly laid bed.

They came out of the bedroom and walked to the basement.

The door to the room was locked.

But how could it keep out the two?

Bai Lixin took the wire out of his backpack and picked the lock open.

Su Fan: “I took the stairs when coming here. I glanced at the second-floor corridor and noticed it was a little shorter than the third floor.”

“Now I know why. The remaining part was affixed to the negative part of the third floor. This secret room is quite hidden.”

“And there was attention to detail. The number of offices on the second floor equals the number on the third.”

Bai Lixin: “It is easy to create an optical illusion, especially if one judges the length by the number of offices. This room could be described as the “perfect secret room.”

As he spoke, Bai Lixin pushed the wooden door open.

A chilly aura immediately rushed out.

There was light streaming in from below. Bai Lixin found the switch to the basement lights by the dim light, only to find that the basement was installed with a few LED lights emitting a dim glow.

Even with the basement lights on, it was still a bit dark.

However, there was enough light for them to make out the layout of the room.

It was a small converted home theater, surrounded by the best soundproofing materials. The wall was inlaid with a huge white curtain set, and a huge black bed was placed before the curtain.

In the corner was a shelf with several tapes.

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