After the Full-Level Boss Entered the Infinite Game By Mistake

Chapter 144.2 - Strange Yanwang Town

Chapter 144.2 - Strange Yanwang Town

The two corpse drivers let out a long sigh of relief and leaned back against the trunk of a tree in disarray, breathing heavily.

The thin brother wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and said, “Fuck, we shouldn’t have taken this trip.”

“Too much bad luck! I can’t believe we ran into a red and a white collision bane, damn, fortunately, we’re good at holding our breath.”

“Phew, phew,” the fat brother breathed in gulps of fresh air, “Stop it, brother, I almost suffocated just now, if those masters had left a breath later, I would have lost my life.”

The thin brother stood with his hand against the trunk of the tree and said, “Let’s go, my left eyelid won’t stop twitching. Let’s quickly finish this order, we should leave the hellish Yanwang Town quickly .”

“Wait, wait a minute,” the fat brother propped his hands on his knees, “let me rest for a while, I feel a bit short of oxygen.”

The thin brother looked around warily, his voice flustered, “Let’s rest while we walk, we can walk slowly. I’m afraid of the red and white masters coming back.”

Seeing that he couldn’t argue with his brother, the fat brother had to compromise, “Fine, fine, let’s go.”

Samael sent another message: [Start moving in one second].

He had just read the message when the two corpse drivers, one fat and one thin, walked the front of the group at the same time and raised the whips in their hands.

Bai Lixin followed the team and moved slowly, his mind still immersed in the two songs of the red and white team just now.

It was simply too magical.

He almost sang along just now.


In the live broadcast room

[Tsk, I should call God Xin a model worker, none of the donkeys on the production team are as diligent as he is, didn’t he just come out of school copy? How come he’s in another copy in the blink of an eye? And it’s an S-ranked copy this time?]

[What is the point of it being an S-class copy? The point is that God Xin is a zombie this time. Hahaha God Xin’s luck has never let me down.]

[The man in the hood seems to be a player too, I finally found someone as unlucky as God Xin. Hahaha.]

[He is the vice president of the Sand Sea Guild, called Samael, and known as the most mysterious man in the Sand Sea Guild. His face is always covered, so I guess even his pillow man doesn’t know his face.]

[Pillowman? He has a pillow man?]

[According to unverified gossip, he is close to the blonde magician in the Sand Sea Guild, they were seen coming out of the same room on several occasions.]

[Wow, that’s so exciting.]

[!!! I’m not, I’m not! I’m not related to Samael at all, don’t talk nonsense! I’ll rip your mouths off!]

[? Hahaha, is upstairs the blonde magician, or is it someone pretending to be him? Did we just eat a big melon in front of him? ]

[An explanation is a cover-up, a cover-up is an excuse.]

[Bah! There is no reason to cover up! I don’t want to have a relationship with a pervert like that! He’s a lunatic.]

[Don’t gossip, let’s just talk about the red and white collision, it’s too exciting! How weird is it to be on the verge of death and extreme tension?]

[Am I the only one who’s focused on the phrase “pretty girl” in the wedding procession? What kind of pretty girl is it?]

[Hahahaha, I’m sure she’s not as good-looking as God Xin. I’m not going to argue about it, God Xin is the best. ]

[Guess if God Xin’s excellent luck value will make him the Bride of Yama?]

The moon overhead had changed position, and the group shuffled around for a long time before the scene in front of them finally changed from the unchanging tree-lined mountain path to a not-so-turbulent river.

Samael: [Oh no, it’s time to cross the river].

Bai Lixin: [? How is that bad?]

Samael: [Do you have any floating props?]

Bai Lixin rummaged through his backpack and found a floating prop card he had stuffed in the corner: [I have one, why?]

Samael: [It’s good you have one, you’ll see why in a minute. Use this when you cross the river, and I’ll meet up with you as soon as possible.]

Bai Lixin was a little confused at first, but he understood when he saw the way the zombies crossed the river.

The two corpse drivers crossed the river on a small sheepskin raft, waving the whip in their hands as they moved.

The zombies behind them slowly followed, their bodies stiff and light, mechanically jumping onto the river water with such ease that the water only had a faint ripple.

These zombies were actually walking on top of the water.

The voice of the escape system rang out in Bai Lixin’s mind, [My lord, in the ancient corpse driving in Xiangxi, corpse drivers would use long wooden planks when moving corpses].

[They would first soften and rejuvenate some of the corpses with medicine, and then lift all the hands of the corpses onto the shoulders of the corpses in front of them, followed by a long plank of wood on the arms of the corpses.]

[Two corpse drivers, one at the front and the other at the back, would carry the corpses like a stretcher.]

[The art of corpse driving was later upgraded and improved, and the obtrusive planks were removed. Improved medicine that could make the corpse a briefly moving puppet was introduced, allowing the corpses to move according to the whips and bells of the corpse drivers.]

[This method also allows zombies to step on the water like a mayfly floating on the surface, and the tension of the water holds them up.]

Bai Lixin: [So that’s how it is.]

As Bai Lixin spoke to the system, the corpse drivers suddenly let out a loud shout: “You get back!”

Bai Lixin looked out of the corner of his eye and saw that Samael had quickly broken away from the group and was quickly moving toward the dark woods.

The zombies stood frozen in place. The fat brother saw the man running away, and his clumsy round body was about to lunge and turn after him, but before he could adjust his direction, he was yanked back by his thin brother’s bamboo-like arms, “Wait, don’t chase him.”

The fat brother rode the sheepskin raft and wondered, “Why, ah? We’re already missing two corpses, it’s become even harder to deliver with another one missing.”

The thin brother pointed overhead, saying, “Look at the sky, it’s going to be light soon, that zombie is running so fast, we can’t catch him.”

“We’ll lose more than we gain if we get ourselves killed trying to catch him.”

“If we can catch two corpses, we can catch one more corpse, we’ll just get three other corpses and muddle through later.”

The fat brother looked at the moon overhead and nodded through clenched teeth, “Okay, let’s do it! We’ve got to hurry!”

When it was his turn, Bai Lixin took the floating prop out.

[Ding! Congratulations, player, floating prop x1 has been activated. This prop is consumable, the number of times it can be used is 1.]

[After using this prop, your body will become low-weight and float on top of any material for 5 minutes.]

A faint white light slowly appeared on Bai Lixin’s body, and he suddenly felt light, as if he was going to float from the ground in the next second.

He blended in with the zombies and logically crossed the river.

After crossing the river, Bai Lixin saw a majestic gate appear before him.

Stone and metal were piled on top of each other, and there was a beast’s head with wide eyes and an open mouth at the top.

Sharp spikes made of metal were set into the sides of the gate, which glowed coldly in the moonlight.

At first glance, it looked as if they were about to walk into the mouth of the beast and become its meal.

Above the top of the beast’s head were two words written in big letters: Yanwang Town.

The moment he saw the gate with the beast’s head, the fat brother, who had been anxious, finally breathed a secret sigh of relief: “Brother, it’s not easy. We’re finally in Yanwang Town. Where can we find some corpses?”

The thin brother swept his eyes around the gate and raised his head to sniff the air with his nose for a moment, saying, “I smell them, follow me.”

Bai Lixin: “.…”

Oh no, this is still a dog of a corpse driver.

The corpse drivers moved with the zombies along the outer wall of Yanwang Town, they walked around the corner and finally came to an area where the ground was a different color from the rest of the soil.

The topsoil was fresh, and it looked like it had just been moved.

The thin brother sniffed around the area and then nodded, “Here it is, I smell bodies in there, hurry up and dig, it’s going to be dawn soon.”

The two were men of action, they took some folded shovels out of their backpacks and started to frantically dig into the earth.

In just ten minutes, they had dug through the ground and grabbed three corpses from inside.

“Nice fresh corpses, the bodies aren’t completely stiff yet.” The fat brother took out some medicine and sprinkled it on the corpses. A minute later, the already dead bodies suddenly jumped up on their own and silently moved to the end of the line.

Bai Lixin glanced at the corpses out of the corner of his eye, their faces were crisscrossed with scars, and the faces were bloody, as if they had been scratched by some beast.

The thin brother’s voice was a little happy: “These corpses’ faces are already ruined, these are better, they save us the effort.”

The fat brother looked at the hideous faces in horror, his voice had a tremble: “But big brother, don’t you think these corpses are weird? With injuries like that, won’t we be discovered?”

The thin brother: “Heh, who would dare to expose it? These corpses are soft, and they look like they have just died, they were hastily buried here without a funeral, they are like a shameful secret no matter how you look at it.”

“They buried them dishonorably, how can someone dare come forward and identify them? They’d rather remain silent.”

“Change these men into our special corpse clothes, no one will find out.”

The fat brother was still a bit scared, but since his brother had said so, he had no choice but to do as he was told.

The two of them quickly found three sets of ancient Qing clothes in their luggage and put them on the three corpses, and they put yellow papers on the disfigured faces.

By the time all this was done, the moon had already set and the sun was rising.

The two men hastily filled in the ground, and the thin brother said anxiously, “It’s almost time for the cock to crow, we don’t have much time, let’s go!”

They walked into Yanwang Town at a panicked pace, Bai Lixin did not turn his head because he had to play the role of a zombie, but he could still see the scene in front of him and on either side of his eyes.

The ground was covered in paper money, the white and yellow papers scattered all over the place.

On both sides of the street, everywhere you looked, were white invocation banners, and every now and then, a white damask hanging in front of a door could be seen.

The streets were now empty and without a single person, and just looking at the paper money on the ground and the invocation banners and white damasks around, it was hard to imagine that this was an inhabited town.

The fat brother gulped: “Brother, it wasn’t like this the last time we were here, was it?”

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