After the Full-Level Boss Entered the Infinite Game By Mistake

Chapter 144.3 - Strange Yanwang Town

Chapter 144.3 - Strange Yanwang Town

The thin brother’s face was also very pale, the area was silent, so he lowered his voice, but the volume was still a bit high: “I have been driving corpses for so many years, I am not afraid of anything, and I also pride myself on being more daring than others. But, I’m a bit scared of this town today.”

Fat brother: “Are those clients outside still unaware that Yanwang Town has been cursed? Why else would they have had us bring so many corpses?”

Thin brother: “Whether they know or not, we get money to do it. They asked us to drive the corpses, so we only have to do that and get our money. To put it bluntly, we are in the transportation business, we should not question our employers.”

The fat brother: “You’re right, I have to get money to get married, and my wife is still waiting for me at home. Hiss, where is that coffin home?”

He looked down the street for a moment, then his voice rose involuntarily: “I found it!”

His voice echoed through the empty streets, and then his voice echoed back

–“I found it.”

–“Found it.”

— “It.”

It was clearly the same voice, but it was inexplicably eerie.

It was as if it wasn’t his own voice, but something else had imitated his words and was standing in the distance and shouting back at him.

The fat brother was so frightened that he shrank back and whispered, “Come on, let’s go.”

The two of them quickly went in front of the coffin home, and the fish-belly white of the distant sky gradually began to be replaced by a fiery red sunrise.

Their movements became flustered, and the hands holding the whips and bells were becoming increasingly incessant.

The two men pounded hard on the doors of the coffin home, and once again, an eerie knocking echoed through the empty streets around them.

–Knock! Knock! Knock!

–Knock! Knock!

Just as the morning sun rolled fully into the sky, the closed doors finally opened.

The two men hurriedly drove the zombies into the courtyard, the bells in their hands shaking desperately, while the other hand took out some white powder from their pockets and sprinkled it over the zombies.

Suddenly, the zombies who were standing obediently fell to the ground, incapacitated.

Bai Lixin mixed in with the zombies, his eyes closed and ears pricked up.

“What took you so long to open the door?” The rooster crowed amidst the thin brother’s accusations, “Don’t the coffin homes stay open at night too?”

The fat brother was already sweating profusely, he wiped his forehead with his sleeve, his face pale as he looked at the sun slowly rising in the sky, his heart palpitating, “Luckily, we made it in time.”

The owner of the coffin home, an old man, spoke in a hoarse voice, “It’s not my fault, who doesn’t lock their doors at night nowadays? Ever since those two offended Lord Yama, people have been disappearing from homes, and we had no choice but to lock our doors.”

The old man glanced at the bodies on the ground and said, “So many this time?”

The thin brother took out a piece of folded paper from his bag and said, “Yes, there are a bit more, this is a list of these people, followed by the money given for incense and oil, respectively.”

The coins landed on the table with a clinking sound, “You can count them and see if it’s enough.”

“Hey, what’s the point? It’s not the first day we’ve worked together, do I still have to count the money you’ve given?”

Although the old man said this, his hands moved quickly, tapping the gold coins without any ambiguity.

“Yes, yes, the money is correct.” The old man’s hoarse voice slowly approached the corpses lying peacefully on the ground, “I still have to check the number of corpses.”

The old man propped up his cane, his somewhat heavy footsteps slowly stepping on the ground.

“Tsk, this boy is so young, a great age, and yet he is… eh.”

“This one was also in his prime.”

The old man’s voice got closer and closer, and suddenly, he stopped in front of Bai Lixin and said, “This one is so good looking, what a pity.”

Bai Lixin remained in the midst of the corpses, waiting for the old man to move on to the next corpse.

The next second, the old man’s words made him almost spit out in place.

“But it’s not a complete pity, Lord Yama might like such a beautiful face .”

“Don’t include this one.”

Bai Lixin: “……”

????? Like Lord Yama’s Pretty Lady?

Should he leave now?


In the live broadcast room.

[Hahaha, God Xin: Life is so hard.]

[God Xin: Evil, another day for dirty-minded people.]

[Help, help, help! I’m numbed by the paper money and the spirit invocation banners all over the place.]

[I’m going to explode. This is a cemetery thriller.

[I was frightened by the echo, I thought it would be followed by “hehehe”.]

[I’ve discovered that you don’t have to make up anything to become afraid. Our extended imagination gives us too much information about fear. For example, what was there to be scared of in Yanwang town? It’s just full of paper money and waving banners, we are constantly making up things like ghosts and monsters in our minds. It will be fine as long as we don’t go in that direction. But let me first rub my goosebumps away.]

[…… brother, I think you’re being funny.]

[Do you guys think that the seven deadly sins are a little weird?]

[The Seven Deadly Sins? What are the seven deadly sins?]

[It’s the vice president of the Sandsea Guild, Samael, the King of Wrath in the Seven Deadly Sins. I can’t see his face, but I feel like he kept looking at God Xin, perhaps it’s my illusion.]

[Ah, I wasn’t paying attention. Is he the one who just ran away? What the hell, even the vice president of the Sand Sea Guild is not a match for God Xin?]

[You’re high, brother.]


Bai Lixin felt a poke in his arm, and then the old man continued to look at the rest.

He reached the last three, and the fat and thin corpse drivers suddenly tensed up.

The old man stood in front of the three corpses and examined them for a long time. His eyes gradually changed from indifference to suspicion as he looked at the three corpses and then at the fat and thin corpse drivers in the distance.

Just when the fat and thin corpse drivers felt they had been discovered, the old man slowly asked, “What caused the scratches on the faces of these three people?”

The fat brother’s shoulders stiffened, and he subconsciously looked at his thin brother at his side.

The thin brother coughed lightly, a regretful expression on his face, “These three were also top-notch people, but they accidentally fell off a cliff when mountain climbing, their faces just happened to bump against the sharp gravel, and they became like this.”

“You must give these three people a good burial, they are too pitiful.”

The old man looked at the list, and nodded after a moment, “So that’s how it was, I understand.”

The thin brother tentatively asked, “Why are you asking us this all of a sudden?”

The old man: “No reason, just wondering why their faces were ruined like this.”

Both sides were astute people; as long as no one touched the leaves, no one would ask.

The corpse drivers saw that there were no other inquiries, so they did not dwell on it too much: “You confirm that there is nothing wrong, right? Then give us a certification stamp for the corpses of this trip so that we can also go back and hand it in.”

The old man looked at the two corpse drivers with a twinkle in his eye: “You have just come, haven’t you always rested in the town for a few days before leaving? Why are you in such a hurry this time?”

The thin corpse driver said, “No, we can’t stay a few more days, this brat’s wife is waiting, we made this trip to earn milk powder money.”

The old man’s somewhat dark gaze swept back over the two corpse drivers again, lamenting, “In that case, it’s not good for me to keep you guys, give me five minutes.”


Five minutes later, the old man handed the proof of delivery to the corpse drivers and watched the backs of the two people leave in a hurry, the look in his eyes gradually becoming strange.

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