After the Full-Level Boss Entered the Infinite Game By Mistake

Chapter 145.2 - Strange Yanwang Town

Chapter 145.2 - Strange Yanwang Town

“We keep the coffins in the backyard,” the peony on the proprietress’s head trembled. “Come on, I’ll show you around.”

Bai Lixin followed her to the backyard. After taking a step, he suddenly felt like he was being watched.

He stopped and turned around.

The paper figurines behind him were in the same position as before, motionless.

Bai Lixin scanned the room for a moment, then retracted his gaze and continued to walk.

Just as he took a step, the strange feeling of being watched reappeared.

He turned once more, and still, nothing was there.

“What are you dawdling about, guest?” The proprietress’s voice came from ahead, and only then did Bai Lixin casually respond and quickly walk up to her.

Once he left the hall, the feeling of being stared at disappeared completely.

Unlike the narrow hall, the backyard of the shop was large.

Rows of coffins were neatly arranged at the end, some with their outer layers sealed in black, others just polished and set aside to dry.

Bai Lixin’s focus was not on the coffins, but on the other side of the yard.

On the other side of the courtyard were piles of paper figurines, some of which had just been woven out of bamboo strips, some of which had been half glued, and more of which were already made.

Among them, he saw a few somewhat familiar shapes.

It was a wedding procession of paper figurines. The paper figurines were scaled down, almost to the height of a six- or seven-year-old child. They were uniformly dressed in red, and a red palanquin was placed in the middle of the procession.

Bai Lixin pointed to the palanquin: “What is this?”

The proprietress glanced at it and explained, “This is another guest’s custom-made order. He said he was going to have an underworld wedding and wanted to marry grandly and beautifully, so he had a custom-made procession made.”

“Guest, which coffin are you more interested in?”

Bai Lixin casually pointed to one: “This one, I think.”

In the next second, the proprietress became as enthusiastic as a social bull: “Oh, you have a good eye, this is made of fine ebony wood, and it is the best coffin in our shop now.”

” I’ll give you a discount if you want it and charge you only thirty.”

Bai Lixin was still staring at the bridal procession, it looked somewhat similar from a distance, but it was dressed differently up close.

This bridal procession should have nothing to do with the one he saw in the woods.

[Sister system.] Bai Lixin called out in his mind.

Escape System: [Yes, Master Bai Lixin, what can I do for you?]

Bai Lixin: [What does this paper shop proprietress mean by those numbers?]

Escape System: [It’s the trading currency of Yanwang Town, something similar to the mall points in the system.]

Bai Lixin: […… Do you think I’m stupid?]

Escape System: [Huh? No, Master Bai Lixin is so smart, how could he be stupid?]

Bai Lixin: [Then what made you think I don’t even know something as simple as how the numbers are a trading currency? Do I have to make it simpler and say what these numbers represent?]

Escape System: [Ahh…hehe…they refer to the number of incense sticks.]

[You go to the Yama Palace and King Yama will give you a certain number of incense according to your piety, then you use the number of incense sticks to buy things.]

[Yanwang Town does not trade with money, it uses incense sticks.]

[In other words, you are penniless, Master Bai Lixin.]

Bai Lixin glanced at the eager and expectant proprietress: “Ahem, I’ll go back and think about it and come back when I’m ready.”

Just as Bai Lixin was about to leave, the woman spoke up again, “How come? I know that you liked it, you won’t get a better offer in this town. I’m the most famous paper-tying craftsman in Yanwang Town, ask around, don’t you know my name?”

“Why on earth don’t you want to buy it?”

Bai Lixin: “……”

Don’t ask, I don’t have the money.

I’m a dignified god, when have I ever suffered from this lack of money?’

The proprietress added, “If you really like it, I can keep it for you, and you can come back for it when you have money.”

Bai Lixin’s earlobes reddened slightly: “……”

Don’t, I really don’t have any money.

Bai Lixin was almost at the door when he suddenly stopped, and his eyes fell on an object in a gap in the shelf.

It was a four-sided box, black on the outside, with a metal-colored key symbol on each side.

“What is this thing?” Bai Lixin quickly reached out and took the object into his hand, and then he heard the system prompt ring out.


[Congratulations player, you have found a secret random tool, this tool is S-rank, and it can produce S to B rank items, where you have a 99% chance of producing an item of S rank or above.]

[Friendly reminder: This is definitely a top-notch game benefit, please cherish it!]

Bai Lixin: “……”

I think this system is screwing with me.

The proprietress observed Bai Lixin’s face, and her expression once again overflowed with enthusiasm, “Guest, your vision is really too good!”

“This is an extremely good thing, it is the treasure of our shop, and it is because of this that we can’t sell it, it would be too insincere. So we decided to make it a giveaway, guests who have spent a minimum of 200 are eligible to have it.”

“Guest, do you want to think about it?”

Bai Lixin stared at the proprietress’ face, “……”

This treacherous merchant was definitely deliberate.

“Alright,” Bai Lixin picked up the four-sided box and looked at it before casually putting it down, “Can you keep the stuff for me?”

The woman’s eyes shone brightly, “Of course.”

Bai Lixin: “Then just keep the box I was looking at earlier, plus the coffin, and then you can help me match it with something practical.”

“Actually, it doesn’t matter if this is a giveaway or not, I’ll still be spending at least 200.”

“Give me three days at the latest, and I’ll come and pick them up.”

The proprietress: “I can only give you a day, we are a small business, we can’t keep the goods for that long.”

Bai Lixin thought for a moment: “OK, one day it is.”

The proprietress: “Okay, it’s a deal, little brother, let’s make a note so that we don’t renege.”

She took out a piece of yellow paper from her pocket, on which was written a sentence.


[One day after the agreement, the party who would have failed to complete this contract will be punished.]

Shop manager: Li Sanniang

Customer: ________]

Bai Lixin read through the contract and asked, “What is this punishment in the contract? What exactly does it mean?”

The proprietress’s eyes curved into crescent moons, and she smiled strangely, “Hee hee.”

“Whoever doesn’t complete the contract will become like those paper figurines.”

Then her expression changed and returned to its previous flattering look, “But no customer has broken the contract so far, and these paper figurines are made by my own hands, they are not real people, so don’t be frightened. Blame my craftsmanship for being so good that they look so lifelike.”

Bai Lixin: “……”

Stop explaining, it’s getting darker by the minute.

Bai Lixin wrote his name in the “customer” column and left the shop.

The fog outside had somehow cleared, and the street, which had been empty previously, was now very lively.

Bai Lixin looked back when he reached the end of the alley, and the paper-tying shop that had been there a moment ago had disappeared into thin air, replaced by a drab red brick wall.

Bai Lixin silently glanced at the wall and turned away from the alley.

The street was buzzing with people, with people coming and going.

It was a lively lane where things were bought and sold, with snack vendors, jewelry sellers, and antique painting and calligraphy sellers.

Bai Lixin took off his ancient Qing robe and remained in his white turtleneck. There was a steady stream of pedestrians around, wearing clothes not much different from his, so he quickly blended into the crowd.

The paper money scattered on the ground had disappeared, and the invocation banners and white damask hanging on the street were gone.

If it wasn’t for the stillness at his wrist, he would have thought that last night and this morning were a dream.

There was a chat notification, and Bai Lixin found that it was a message from Samael.

Samael: [Have you already entered Yanwang Town?]

Bai Lixin: [Yes, where are you now?]

Samael: [I’ve also entered Yanwang town, what buildings are around you? I’ll come to you.]

Bai Lixin looked at the building next to him: [There is a restaurant next to me with the words [Yanwang Town Restaurant] written on it, it’s quite big, can you see it?]

Samael: [I’ll look for it.]

Bai Lixin stood still, and checked out the taskbar while he waited.

20 players were participating in the game, but he only knew of Samael at the moment.

The copy started half a day ago, and none of the 20 people had died.

He didn’t know why Samael was being so proactive, but with the uncertainty of the situation, it was better to have one more comrade than one more enemy.

First, he would rejoin Samael and then visit Yama’s Temple.

Bai Lixin’s eyes swept across the bustling street and saw a young girl eyeing a piece of jewelry. She pulled a jade tile from her pocket and handed it to the merchant.

That jade tile should be the so-called incense.

“It’s just a jade bracelet, how can cost a whole incense tile? Why don’t you just go and rob people?”

An argument suddenly erupted in the crowd.

Bai Lixin followed the sound and saw a man arguing with a vendor.

The vendor held the table with a smiling face and explained, “Look carefully, customer, this is made of the legendary Lantian jade, a rare material in the world, so 1 incense tile is really not expensive.”

Bai Lixin froze.

The legendary Lantian jade cost only 1 incense tile, so what was the exact value of these incense tiles?

He suddenly had an ominous premonition, he searched the streets and soon found a paper-tying shop.

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