After the Full-Level Boss Entered the Infinite Game By Mistake

Chapter 145.3 - Strange Yanwang Town

Chapter 145.3 - Strange Yanwang Town

Bai Lixin walked up to the shop and casually pointed to a fairly well-tied wreath, asking, “Mister, how much is this?”

The shopkeeper glanced at Bai Lixin and smiled, “It’s very cheap, only one percent of one incense tile.”

The corners of Bai Lixin’s mouth twitched, “Do you sell coffins? Do you know how much an ebony coffin costs?”

The shopkeeper: “That one is not cheap, if you really want it, you only need this amount.”

With that, the man held out five fingers.

Bai Lixin’s eyes widened, “Five incense tiles?!”

So little?

“No, no, no,” the shopkeeper waved his hands in fright, “An ebony coffin is not worth that much, spare me, little brother, I wouldn’t dare cheat you. It’s only one-fifth of an incense tile, it really can’t be anymore!”

Bai Lixin: “……”

Fuck! It looks like he’s being cheated.

Help! Someone bullied him for being ignorant about money.

‘I’ve been tricked, I’ve never felt this stupid.’

I’m numb.’

Seeing that Bai Lixin’s face didn’t look good, the shopkeeper thought he was asking too much, so he thought for a moment, gritted his teeth, and changed his finger from “five” to “six,” saying, “Little brother, one-sixth! I’m really selling at a loss this time! I can’t reduce it any further.”

Bai Lixin: “……”

Brother, stop dropping it, the more you drop it, the more stupid I feel.

Damn black box, he wouldn’t have been interested if he hadn’t seen the “key” design on the box.

Dijia must carry this pot!


A man in the distance sneezed.

A small child immediately crawled over and said, “Father, are you all right? Did you get a cold?”

The man’s face was cold, he lifted a smooth chin and frowned: “I’m fine, you stay away from me, who’s your father? Go and spread incense; you’re not allowed to leave without permission.”

The little dumpling whimpered and ran away.

The man stared at the place where the fat dumpling had left and lowered his head to continue writing ……


A few minutes later, Samael sent a message: [I’m here, where are you? Come out.]

Bai Lixin: [One moment, I’ll come over right away. ]

Bai Lixin slowly left under the shopkeeper’s mournful and irritated gaze. He hadn’t gone far, and it took a few steps before he saw the big Yanwang Town Restaurant.

It was big and empty.

Bai Lixin: [Where are you?]

Samael: [I’m at the Yama Town Restaurant.]

Bai Lixin took another look at the empty restaurant. Something flashed through his mind and he hurriedly asked, [What is the street like on your side?]

Samael: [It’s empty, full of paper money, what’s wrong?]

Bai Lixin: [Is the Yanwang Restaurant three stories, with a flying bird carved on the top roof’s eaves?]

Samael: [Yes, what’s wrong?]

Bai Lixin asked a pedestrian passing by, “May I ask how many Yanwang Town restaurants there are in this town?”

The man gave Bai Lixin a strange look and said, “Of course there is only one; otherwise, why would it be called Yanwang Town Restaurant?”

After thanking the passerby, Bai Lixin hit the private chat window: [The one you entered should be the Yama Town I entered yesterday, the ground was full of paper money and empty. The Yanwang town I am now in has a lively street. I think there is distortion if there aren’t 2 Yanwang Town Restaurants in Yanwang town…… but I just asked a passerby and he told me there is only one Yanwang Town Restaurant.]

Samael: [Then how did you enter the distorted street?]

Bai Lixin patiently told Samael what he had just encountered, concealing the matter of the secret tool, and warned: [If you happen to enter that paper shop, make sure not to be fooled by the proprietress in there.]

Samael’s side was silent for a second: [You weren’t fooled, were you?]

Bai Lixin frowned: [Me? How is that possible?]

Samael: [En, I don’t think you’d be that stupid either.]

Bai Lixin: [.…]

It’s not a big deal if a smart person suddenly makes a stupid mistake!

Samael: [I’ll come to you as soon as I can, take care of yourself, don’t die, or I will be held accountable.]

Bai Lixin: [To whom?]

Samael: [The president was worried that you wouldn’t be able to handle it on your own, so he tampered with the designated copy card so that I could bind with you in order to protect you through this copy.]

[You live up to your reputation, you actually got a zombie role? ]

Bai Lixin found a place to sit down, [So you mean, you got a zombie role because of me?]

Samael: [Otherwise? How could I be so unlucky?]

Bai Lixin: [……]

‘Fuck, that is even more unpleasant than knowing that I was set up by the paper-tying proprietress.’

It was as if he was the only clown here.


In the live broadcast room.

[Hahaha, God Xin is about to cry.]

[God Xin: When have I ever suffered this kind of grievance?]

[Baby shouldn’t mind, baby shouldn’t take it to heart, who wouldn’t want to coax this kind of baby.]

[I really feel bad for God Xin, but I just can’t stop laughing. Someone explain what’s happening to me, I don’t want to laugh at him, I just simply can’t help it.]

[Don’t hold back, just laugh, pfft.]

[God Xin: In the end, I’m still the only one with bad luck.]

[I can already feel God Xin’s grievance through the screen.]

[God Xin feels so wronged in this copy, how cruel will he be in his retaliation? You’ve got a lot of time on your hands, we need to silently dedicate a song for the boss of this copy.]


Bai Lixin patted his cheeks and stood up from the steps after calming down, and then asked a vendor next to him, “Brother, do you know how I can get to Yama’s Temple?”

The little brother, who happened to have no business, turned his head to chat with Bai Lixin: “I see you are new here, who on this street doesn’t know Yama’s Temple.”

He raised his hand and pointed in a direction, saying, “You go down this road, walk for half an hour or so and you will see a temple, that’s Yama’s Temple.”

“Go in and pay your respects to the Four Immortals, then go into the temple and ask for incense. You must be pious when you ask, the more pious you are, the more incense you can get.”

Bai Lixin: “So how much incense can the average person get?”

The vendor: “It’s not certain, not a lot, but it’s usually one tile. The more incense tiles you have, the better your life after reincarnation. You should come to me if you want to buy jewelry; it’s really good quality.”

Life after reincarnation?

Bai Lixin silently observed the vendor, the other party looked normal and was breathing normally, he did not look like a dead person, and he even had a shadow under his feet.

So he then asked, “What do you mean after reincarnation?”

“Huh,” the vendor froze, then it dawned on him, “That’s right, you’re new here, so you don’t know.”

“Don’t look at us now; we might look normal, but we’re not living people anymore, we’re living souls.”

“The underworld is now full, many people are queuing up to be reincarnated every day. People like us have died but have not yet entered Yama’s Hall to be sentenced, so we are stranded in the empty crevices of Yanwang Town.”

“When it’s our turn, ghost messengers Niu Tou and Ma Mian will naturally come to pick us up, so we prepare ourselves with paper money to bribe those messengers so it won’t be too hard on the way.”

*Niu Tou (Ox-head) and Ma Mian (Horsehead) are messengers of the underworld according to Chinese mythology.

“But the paper money is also bought with incense tiles, which are related to our future reincarnation, so we can’t waste too much on it. But you’ve just arrived, and you don’t have incense tiles, so you certainly can’t buy those useless things.”

Bai Lixin: “……”

He was chatting nicely, how come he’s suddenly giving me goosebumps?

But don’t worry, little brother, you’re standing in front of a “Yanwang Town loser” who has a debt of 200 incense tiles.


The vendor looked Bai Lixin up and down: “I don’t think you’ve done anything bad, so don’t worry, I heard that King Yama and the Judge know right from wrong, they won’t misjudge. Don’t be afraid.”

He looked a little regretful, “You were still so young. What a pity. We don’t have the chance to live in this life, but you will in the next.”

Bai Lixin was equally comforted, “You too, thank you.”

After bidding farewell to the vendor, Bai Lixin followed the man’s instructions and found Yama’s Temple.

He first stood in the courtyard and worshipped in all directions before walking into the Temple.

The temple was very large, and the huge and solemn statue of King Yama sat at the front.

Bai Lixin folded his hands and said in his heart: “I want to be rich overnight!

Just as he finished his thought, a jade tile hit him on the head.

Bai Lixin rubbed his head and looked up, and his pupils suddenly contracted.

Countless jade tiles fell from the sky, crackling and falling like hail and burying him inside.

Bai Lixin: “……”

Does this Yama King have some kind of big pie?

Was he trying to smash him to death with jade tiles?

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