After the Full-Level Boss Entered the Infinite Game By Mistake

Chapter 148.3 - Strange Yanwang Town

Chapter 148.3 - Strange Yanwang Town

Bai Lixin was busy shoveling when Dijia suddenly pushed him aside and, without leaving room for argument, said, “Little one, just leave this to me; you go and watch by the side.”

Bai Lixin was slightly taken aback, “It’s okay, two people can dig faster.”

Dijia: “Trust me, I dig quite quickly. You just rest, you don’t need to bother with this with me around.”

‘As long as I’m here, you’ll be a little boy who doesn’t have to lift a finger!’

With that, Dijia lowered his head to dig the hole.

Just as he had said, he was really fast and even used his magic power.

After a few moments, Dijia suddenly stopped and said, “There’s something.”

Bai Lixin came over and saw the paper figurines inside the pit.

There were three figurines the size of a palm lying in the dirt. When the corpse drivers dug here yesterday, there were originally six corpses inside, three were taken out, leaving three in the pit.

Three paper figurines for three corpses—it couldn’t be a coincidence, right?

There seemed to be something on the faces of the paper figurines in the dirt. Bai Lixin bent down and took one out.

The paper figurine’s face was marked with scratches.

Dijia also picked up a paper figurine and scanned it carefully.

Bai Lixin asked under his breath, “Is there a spell that can turn a human into a paper figurine?”

Dijia said, “I’ve heard of scattering beans and getting soldiers, but I’ve never heard of turning people into paper figurines.”

“But it’s not impossible, strange spells appear in the earthly realm from time to time, it’s not surprising that a spell that turns people into paper figurines appeared.”

Bai Lixin glanced in the direction of Yanwang Town: “Then if humans can turn into paper figurines, is it possible that those papers we saw in the coffins… were all humans?”

A sentence caused the air to freeze instantly.

In the live broadcast room

[Fuck…that thought, someone, bring my quilt sealing technique over.]

[So there’s a villain who turned all the residents in Yanwang town into paper figurines? That should be the same person who put the monk’s golden body in King Yama’s stone statue, right? There’s also that old man who turned into a human after eating the fruit, so the question is, was he originally a human, or a paper figurine?]

[Could that villain have turned a human into a paper figurine and a paper figurine into a human?

[Speaking of the golden body, the system says that eating it can lead to immortality? Isn’t that eating the monk?]

[Hahahaha, what? Do you want a bite?]

[Hiss, brother, don’t scare me. I’m just saying, ah. But please forgive me, I was just trying to show off .]

[God Xin has completely fooled the big boss. King Yama is bending over backward to dig a hole for him, tsk tsk, if that’s not love.]

[“God Xin and his twenty-four good boyfriends”]

It was almost dawn by the time the pit was refilled.

There were 2 hours left before Bai Lixin’s deadline with the proprietress of the paper-tying shop.

After restoring the scene to its original state, Dijia picked up Bai Lixin and quickly moved over the roofs of the houses.

The wind blew gently in the foggy morning, rolling up the young man’s sleeve and revealing a red mark.

Dijia was looking over when his eyes suddenly caught sight of the mark, and he stopped abruptly.

The mark was a pattern of a manzanita flower, the red color stood out on Bai Lixin’s fair arm, making it look seductive.

Dijia pulled up Bai Lixin’s wrist and pointed at the mark: “What is this?”

Bai Lixin: “I pretended to be a zombie to blend in yesterday, and that old man made the mark at that time.”

Dijia’s eyes darkened: “If I’m not wrong, this should be the mark of the bride the old man spoke of just now—you’ve been chosen as the bride of the fake King Yama, Bai Lixin.”

However, Bai Lixin looked unbothered: “I know, the old man said it earlier.”

Dijia: “Then how can you remain this calm?”

Bai Lixin: “I originally wanted to investigate the reason for the disappearance of those brides, and last night’s substitution was also for that purpose.”

Dijia: “So, if it hadn’t been for me, you would have reached that man’s lair? But I ruined everything, so you want to do it again?”

Bai Lixin shrugged, “I don’t think it matters whether I want to or not, and even if I didn’t, I’m already marked. What can I do?”

“Look on the bright side, I’m safe as long as you’re here. Since I am marked, it means that God wants me to investigate this. You don’t have to worry too much.”

Dijia stared at Bai Lixin as he looked toward the rising sun in the distance. He finally suppressed the fire in his stomach and gathered all the patience he could muster to say, “Wait for me.”

As he said this, the rooster crowed.

In the next second, Dijia also disappeared from the spot.

At King Yama’s palace, the man slowly opened his eyes, and the incense stick next to him burned out.

He called out in the empty palace, “Someone come!”

Six men wrapped in black robes instantly appeared in the originally empty hall.

The man spoke coldly: “Help me investigate a few things.”

“First, go to the Naihe Bridge and find out what Mengpo has been doing recently and whether she has made any small moves.”

“Second, go to the Sea of Flowers on the other side and see if there is any unrest.”

“Third, go to the eighteenth level of hell ……”

The man suddenly stopped talking, and after a moment’s silence, he changed his words and said, “I’ll do the third one myself.”

“And then there’s a fourth,” he thought for a moment and pointed to two of the men, “You two remain here, the others can go.”

The ghost messengers were very efficient, and they quickly dispersed at King Yama’s order. Two remained trailing behind King Yama, wondering what medicine he had taken.

King Yama brought them to a water mirror.

It immediately showed a blurred figure moving through the fog.

The figure ran around for a while and soon turned a corner with an alley and a paper-tying shop at the end.

In the scene, the young man pushed the door and walked into the paper-tying shop.

The two ghost messengers looked at each other in puzzlement, then at King Yama.

King Yama’s face was heavy at the moment; his usually deep and frightening gaze was now more frightening than ever.

–What is going on with that man?

–If you’re asking me, then who should I ask? But looking at King Yama’s heavy face, this man must have done something.

–He seems to be a living person, a living person who has entered the paper shop of a living soul! No wonder King Yama is so angry, King Yama is the most upright person, this man is finished!

The image in the water mirror rippled, and in the next second, the ripples dissipated and the image changed.

In the picture, an obese woman with a thick layer of powder on her face came to meet the young man from earlier.

The obese woman took out a contract, the young man held out his hand in the air, and a large pile of jade tiles fell out.

Ghost messengers: “!!!”

How could there be so many incense tiles!

First of all, he was a living person, and second, even if he was a living soul, he definitely shouldn’t have this much incense!

Could it be that this person used some trick to steal incense?

No wonder King Yama was so angry.

While the ghost messengers were shocked, the woman in the water mirror was also very shocked.

The thick powder was covering her face, but the ghost messengers could still feel the woman’s shock.

Then they heard the calm voice of the young man in the water mirror, “Madam, how much is your paper tying shop? I want to take over it.”

The proprietress gritted her teeth, “5,000 incense tiles, do you have it?!”

The ghost messengers nodded vigorously: ‘Yes, do you have it?’

In the next second, a pile of incense tiles fell on the proprietress’s head, nearly knocking her unconscious.

The calm King Yama suddenly let out a laugh, and the ghost messengers became terrified—even their bodies trembled.

King Yama laughed? What is this, the end of the world? Was he laughing in anger? This man is truly finished!

Then, in the next second, they heard King Yama say, “Good.”

“I thought he only had goodness in him, I’m glad he’s finally learning to protect himself.”

Ghost messengers: “?”

Who is King Yama talking about?!

King Yama pointed to the young man in the water mirror and asked, “How’s that? Isn’t he cute?”

“ I want you to keep him safe at all times for the next few days.”

Ghost messengers: “????!”


You call this thing that throws money at people cute?

Are you sick, King Yama?

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