After the Full-Level Boss Entered the Infinite Game By Mistake

Chapter 149.1 - Strange Yanwang Town

Chapter 149.1 - Strange Yanwang Town

The beautiful young man looked at the dumbfounded woman in front of him and spoke: “Next question, are you for sale?”

The woman covered her body: “What??”

‘I have dignity too; I only sell my art, not my body!’

Bai Lixin spoke generously, saying, “Let’s put it this way, I have plenty of money.”

With that, he twisted his thumb and middle finger and snapped his fingers, and a mountain of jade tiles fell to the ground.

Woman: “……”

Actually, if there is enough money, some things can be compromised, after all, there is no disadvantage.

Bai Lixin: “My paper-tying shop needs a manager. I want to sign a contract of sale with you for half a year. After six months, I will give you another 5,000 incense tiles, so think about it.”

The woman said decisively, “There’s no need to think about it, I agree!”

So he only wanted a store manager, why was there a little regret?

Bai Lixin took out a piece of paper from the drawer and wrote a contract in the same style as the woman.

After writing it, he asked the escape system: [Is this contract valid?]

The escape system: [Yes, the contract is binding as long as both parties agree and sign the contract. That is the rule of this world.]

After getting an affirmation from the escape system, Bai Lixin gave the woman the contract: “Look at it and sign it if you don’t have any questions.”

The woman held the contract in front of her and looked at it.

[The contract]

[B voluntarily sells herself to A for six months. During the six months, B completely belongs to A and all her actions are also bound by A. B will not harm or slander A, and A will not harm B’s life.]

[The time limit of the contract is half a year, after which the contract will be automatically null and void. B will then receive a lump sum of 5,000 incense tiles from the sale of her body. Any breach of the contract during the contract period will lead to punishment: to the eighteenth level of hell.]

[A: Bai Lixin]

[B: _______]

The woman looked back and forth, her gaze falling on the five thousand incense tiles.

She opened the paper-tying shop to extort money because she had done so much evil in the living world and she needed a large amount of incense to be reincarnated in the next life.

Now the money was close at hand.

Blinded by money, the woman quickly wrote her name on B in a flash: [B: Li Niang].

The moment the name was written down, a thick voice rang out in their heads at the same time.

[Contract reached!]

Bai Lixin put the contract away and looked at the woman in front of him with lazy eyes and said, “Li Niang, give me the 5200 incense tiles I gave you earlier.”

*5,000 for the sale of the shop, and 200 as agreed earlier. Another 5,000 was to be paid after six months.

Li Niang was stunned and asked, “Why?”

Bai Lixin casually leaned back in his chair, his slender fingers rhythmically tapping the table, “Your mine now.”

“It’s written in the contract; what’s yours is mine.”

“If you don’t want to be punished by the contract, quickly hand over the money.”

Li Niang’s face turned red and black for a moment; even the thick powder on her face couldn’t hide the changes to her complexion.

She reluctantly dragged out the small jade plaque she had just stuffed in the cupboard.

She watched Bai Lixin slowly put the jade plaque away, and her entire chest was dripping blood: “Will you return all this money to me?”

The young man continued to gently tap the table, his taps alternating between fast and slow, and with each tap, the sound was like a hammer hitting the top of Li Niang’s head.

The shop was very quiet, and the only sound in the somewhat gloomy paper-tying shop was the sound of Bai Lixin tapping the table.

It was only after a few seconds that Bai Lixin spoke slowly, “Well, please take care of me.”

Li Niang’s heart was about to break.

What was this?

Not only did she lose the advantage, but she also made a loss!

The shop was gone, and so was the money.

She had just gotten 5,200 incense tiles and before they could get warm in her hand, they fell back into Bai Lixin’s pocket.

Moreover, she had to work for Bai Lixin, wasn’t this being sold and counting the money?

How could she have thought that Bai Lixin was a foolish and wealthy tycoon? This was a wolf in sheep’s clothing.


The Underworld, in the Incense Hall.

Dijia took in everything in the water mirror and once again nodded in satisfaction, saying, “See, isn’t he witty and excellent?”

Ghost messengers: “……”

Yes, King Yama is right; he is such a trickster.

Does he need protection?

Don’t be blinded by beauty, King Yama; what kind of enchantment has this fox spirit put on you?

Open your eyes and see that he is playing the tricks that you hate most!

Where is your integrity? Where is your cynicism? Where is your benchmark for heaven and earth?


In the live broadcast room.


[“He’s Excellent”]

[“Double Standard Dog”]

[Ghost messengers: I believe you’re a ghost, wake up, King Yama, don’t be charmed by the fox spirit!]

[King Yama when other people play tricks: how sinister and cunning!King Yama when God Xin is playing tricks: Baby Xin is so cute.]

[Love makes people lose themselves—the big boss said to himself years later]

[Money can make people lose themselves and eventually fall into traps set by the enemy. –Li Niang’s self-report years later.]

[Li Niang: Money comes and goes. It poured through my left and right hand, and finally flew away, leaving me destitute.]

[Li Niang: The paper figurines are gone, the shop is gone, and even the brain is gone. Please don’t call me Li Niang in the future, call me Li.]

[Hahahaha, the boss upstairs, are you going to take all the bamboo shoots from the bamboo forest, or are you trying to make me laugh myself to death so you can inherit my mall points?]


“Master, then do you also want these paper figurines?”

Li Niang frowned and spoke with difficulty.

Bai Lixin replied, “Since my paper-tying shop connects the earthly and living soul realms, can it also lead to the real underworld?”

Although Li Niang was reluctant, she still answered seriously, “Only to the first level.”

My paper tying shop……

My paper-tying shop?!

It’s mine! It’s Li Niang’s paper-tying shop!

“Knock, knock, knock,” the sound of a knock suddenly came from outside the paper-tying shop.

Bai Lixin looked at Li Niang, who hesitantly said, “I’ll see who it is.”

“Strange, my shop only entertains one customer at a time; there shouldn’t be anyone knocking on the door since you’re inside.”

She mumbled something under her breath and slowly walked to the door.

The door opened, and in the white mist stood rows of white-faced, red-cheeked paper figurines dressed in blood-red clothes.

The red man at the head of the line clasped his hands and bowed in a ninety-degree salute, and as he bent over, there was the “click-click-click” sound of bending bamboo joints.

The paper man lifted his head, and his eyes, cut from black paper, looked straight at Li Niang in front of him and remained motionless for a second.

After a second, the paper man tilted his head, and the bamboo joints at his neck clicked, he sang. “It’s strange; it’s strange. I’m here to deliver an engagement letter, but why is the bride making such an ugly face? Is it because she doesn’t want to be King Yama’s wife?”

Li Niang frowned and said, “What nonsense are you speaking of? Get lost.”

Bai Lixin poked his head out at this moment, and the rows of paper people looked over in unison.

The paper man at the head of the line sang again, “It’s strange, it’s strange, it turns out that the bride was just shy, so she hid. Don’t be afraid; I am a soldier of King Yama. King Yama wants to get married, so I am here to give you an engagement letter.”

The paper man bowed and presented the red invitation with both hands, and sang, “There is a pretty lady in the house that made King Yama smile once he saw her. A big red palanquin will soon come to welcome the bride.”

“Gold, silver, and treasures are the betrothal gifts, and a wedding dress has already been delivered. If the door is knocked on three times, the palanquin will come at an auspicious time. I also ask the bride to dress up early so that she can go to Yama’s bed tonight.”

Bai Lixin didn’t accept the invitation, but the paper men didn’t get angry. They placed several large red boxes in front of the door of the paper tying shop in an orderly manner and placed the letter on top of one of the boxes.

After doing this, the row of paper people bowed towards Bai Lixin and sang, “The letter has been delivered, we will come to pick up the bride on the day.”

They were about to turn and leave when a voice stopped them.

“Wait,” Bai Lixin suddenly spoke up and called out to the row of paper people, “I have liked King Yama for a long time, it is better to do it now than later; why don’t you come and pick me up tonight.”

Paper people: “???”

It’s the first time I’ve seen such an eager bride!

Li Niang: “???”

‘What the hell is going on in this man’s head?’

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