After the Full-Level Boss Entered the Infinite Game By Mistake

Chapter 151.2 - Strange Yanwang Town

Chapter 151.2 - Strange Yanwang Town


[Congratulations on completing the task [Disappearing Living Souls of the East]

Dijia had been silently watching Bai Lixin from the side, and through his conversation with the woman, he guessed what Bai Lixin had done.

It turned out that the young man was so kind-hearted, he not only helps humans, but even ghosts that were scary to humans.

What kind of pure soul did the young man possess?

He is so good.

Swirls flowed in Dijia’s dark eyes.

Suddenly, the token in his arms emitted a faint heat, followed by a voice that reached Dijia’s mind.

–Yama, we have finished investigating the area with the manzanita flowers, there is something that you may need to see in person.

–There is also some official business that you need to look over.

Dijia looked up at the sky which had turned from black to blue without him realizing it.

Time always flies when young people are together.

Dijia gave Bai Lixin a somewhat reluctant glance, “I have some things I need to do, are you going to the Ghost Market next?”

Bai Lixin let go of the hand that was twirling Dijia’s sleeve. “Mmm, goodbye.”

Dijia lowered his eyes, the corners of his coat were slightly creased from Bai Lixin’s actions. From the day he was born, he had never let anyone near him, let alone touch his clothes so intimately.

But for some reason, he had a twelve thousand percent patience when it came to the young man.

Dijia stared at the folds and could not help but recall the youth’s lazy and relaxed demeanor just now.

The tiny folds were branded into the corners of his clothes, like small snakes, they burrowed into his heart.

Aimlessly but tirelessly crawling around his heart, making it tingle.

Oddly enough, he heard himself say, “The ghost market is full of dead spirits of the underworld, you are a living person so you will be discovered the moment you enter.”

“Those dead spirits love the scent of the living and will tear you to pieces when they see you, like a demon seeing the flesh of a monk.”

Bai Lixin sat on the well, casually swaying his legs, and blinking his watery eyes at Dijia: “Then what should we do?”

Dijia secretly took a deep breath, pursed his lips, and said in a deep voice, “I have a solution.”

Bai Lixin: “What solution?”

Dijia’s eyes flashed, “Come with me for a moment.”

Curiosity immediately flashed through Bai Lixin’s eyes, and without hesitation, he jumped off the well and followed behind Dijia.

Dijia had been watching Bai Lixin from the corner of his eyes, and looking at his defenseless demeanor, he suddenly felt a bit ashamed, but he still said the words, “Just like I helped you hide your scent last night, I can help you hide the scent of the living as well.”

“As long as ……” He looked into the youth’s clear, innocent eyes and hesitated.

Bai Lixin stretched out his tongue and “unintentionally” licked his lips, “As long as what?”

The moment Dijia saw Bai Lixin lick his lips, the scene from the red wedding bed last night instantly filled his mind; his breath stagnated, and he gritted his teeth, saying, “I need to send my ghost qi into your body so that it can temporarily cover your living qi.”

For the sake of future benefits, Dijia also deliberately emphasized the word “temporarily.”

Bai Lixin’s face instantly flushed, he suddenly looked helpless, and even his voice trembled, “How, how will you transfer Qi? Is it difficult? Is it with the mouth?”

Dijia abandoned his conscience and nodded affirmatively with a serious face, not forgetting to add, “That is the only way!”


There were plenty of ways.

He could put his clothes on Bai Lixin and cover his scent as well.

But he didn’t want to do that.

The youth blushed even more, and he shrank his shoulders shyly. He looked away in some shame, and then back at Dijia with a red face, both resigned and helpless.

Dijia’s heart was about to melt.

How could he be so cute?

Help, I really want to take him into my arms and pet him.

Dijia played a game of retreating and advancing, “But, this is against etiquette, perhaps it would be better if….”

“No, it’s okay!” The youth’s eyes trembled slightly, he thought for a few seconds before finally making up his mind and nodding hard, “But won’t this wrong you?”

‘Wrong me?

Are you kidding?

I couldn’t be happier.’

Dijia’s eyes were slightly austere as he said earnestly, “It’s all for the sake of justice. If you can do this, then what of me?”

The man stretched out his hand and pulled the embarrassed youth into his arms with a gentle tug. He slowly opened his mouth, his slowed voice full of temptation, “Just close your eyes if you’re afraid. Come on, raise your head and open your mouth.”

The youth slowly closed his eyes and raised his long, slender swan neck.

From Dijia’s angle, he could see not only the taut lines of the neck, but even the blue veins beneath the fair, smooth skin.

The youth’s eyelashes trembled with nervousness, and the corners of his mouth twitched slightly, like a mimosa after a slight drizzle.

Dijia no longer concealed his desire, his deep eyes were gradually enveloped in a thick black mist, a swirling vortex flowing wildly within them.

He lowered his head and covered the youth’s delicate, soft lips with his.

At that moment, Dijia sighed silently.

He finally took the bright moon in the sky into his arms.


From the woman’s perspective, she could only faintly see the two people moving closer together.

She peeked over and suddenly heard an abrupt smacking sound of lips.

The child next to her grabbed her sleeve and asked in a milky voice, “Mummy, what is Brother doing?”

The woman’s face flushed furiously, and she quickly grabbed the wrists of the two children, saying, “Brother is busy, come on, mommy will take you to your room and change your clothes.”

The child was still unsure, so he blinked his beautiful eyes and asked, “Is Brother playing in the mud?”

The woman hurriedly nodded, “Yes, yes, yes, that’s right.”

The child pursed his lips and said, “Brother is so old and still playing in the mud, my sister doesn’t even do that anymore. Did Brother have an unhappy childhood too? Next time, I’ll take Brother to play hopscotch with me.”

The woman blushed and decisively took the two children into the house.

One could still hear the woman’s faint voice coming from inside the house, “You don’t understand, Brother just likes to play in the mud. Don’t disturb him.”

The ghost messengers in the distance covered their eyes with their hands but peered through the finger seams.

The four eyes were as wide as copper bells, and Lao San stammered, “This, this, this, what’s going on!”

Lao Si: “You, you, you, you’re asking me?! Then who should ask? Don’t ask, are you blind!”

Lao San just covered his face, he simply couldn’t bear to look anymore.

Was this their upright and plainspoken King Yama?! He was now a strange brother who deceives innocent boys!!!

No, this must not be their King Yama; he must have been possessed by an evil spirit.

No, no, King Yama was not possessed, he was charmed by the innocent little fox demon.

“Fuck! Between these two, who the hell was seducing who?!


In the live broadcast room.

[Hiss, omg, that smells good.]

[What a meal.]

[Three minutes have passed, tsk, tsk, tsk. This kiss is intense.]

[Ahh! Is this something we can watch? The system didn’t even block it, ahhhhh, the system is good!]

[Watching one minute is better than nothing, consider this a hidden benefit from the system, hahaha.]

[It’s clearly a hidden benefit from God Xin.]

[I just want to say that God Xin is really good, he doesn’t treat us like outsiders, hahaha.]

[True, true.]

[I didn’t expect the guy with the innocent persona to be unexpectedly fragrant.]

[Five minutes have passed while we were talking.]

[I bet they’ll take another ten minutes.]

[Big boss: who are you looking down on? At least 20 minutes.]

[God Xin: 20 minutes? Who are you looking down on? If you want to kiss, you have to kiss a full set.]

[How long is a full set?]

[Massage speech, 45-60 minutes.]

[Fuck, good brother, it’s still you who knows best.]


Dijia reluctantly let Bai Lixin go, his thumb wiping on the corner of the youth’s mouth to wipe away the excess water stains.

The youth’s lips were already swollen, and his eyes were brimming with mist. He looked up at Dijia and asked, “Well, is it done?”

Dijia’s heart trembled, but he still said the word out, “It’s still a bit short.”


In the live broadcast room.

[Hahaha, good guy, not bad for the big boss.]

[“Still a bit short”]

[I’m not educated, so I can only say “shit” when I open my mouth.]

[We don’t know what to say, we’ll send a string of numbers to the two of you: 66666]


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