After the Full-Level Boss Entered the Infinite Game By Mistake

Chapter 151.3 - Strange Yanwang Town

Chapter 151.3 - Strange Yanwang Town

After a long time, the token in Dijia’s clothes burned again, and only then did he let Bai Lixin go.

He carefully leaned the somewhat unsteady Bai Lixin against the wall, and said with a satiated expression, “The token I gave you can summon not only me but also ghost messengers.”

“Just take it out and say, “Come forth ghost messengers,” and they will come out. This token is of a very high ranking and is recognized by King Yama’s people; seeing the token is like seeing King Yama, so they will obey your instructions.”

“Let the ghost messengers take you to the ghost market and also protect you.”

“I will finish my work as soon as possible and rush over to you.”

“Protect yourself and don’t try to be a hero.”

King Yama, who had always cherished his words like gold, was now blurting out words continuously.

He just walked away when he suddenly thought of something and paused. He reached into the air and pulled a basket out of the void, saying, “This is a basket of incense, take it and just let me know if it’s not enough.”

The moment Bai Lixin took the basket, the system prompt immediately rang out.


[Congratulations, player! You have gained incense x200,000!]

[Wow, what a windfall! Player, you are so lucky!!!]

Bai Lixin: [……]

I have to say, it’s comfortable to have someone at the top.

With that, Dijia left reluctantly.

Bai Lixin took out his token and shouted into the air, “Come forth, ghost messengers.”

Lao San and Lao Si looked at each other and instantly moved from the far rooftop and appeared before Bai Lixin.

King Yama is really thoughtful.

He moved them from behind the scenes to the center stage without arousing suspicion.

Lao San glanced at the place where King Yama had disappeared.

King Yama used to be a model worker, not to mention being called to work, he would even take the initiative to get more work.

But what about now?

It took three calls to get King Yama back.

Lao San glanced at Bai Lixin. This beauty is a disaster!

King Yama even gave him the unique Yama order! King Yama’s order represents the personal presence of King Yama, in some places, seeing the order is even a greater thing than King Yama himself.

It was not an exaggeration to compare it to a jade seal, and King Yama just gave it to someone else?

Moreover a living person?

Just a kiss, and he’s already giving out his token?! Then if he gets to sleep with him later, won’t King Yama give them out as dowry?!

Lao San and Lao Si looked at each other and had an instant epiphany.

They bowed towards Bai Lixin respectfully and said in unison, “Greetings, Wang Fei.”

*Wang Fei- a title for the wife of a king.

Bai Lixin stumbled a little and said awkwardly, “I am not a Wang Fei, aren’t you mistaken?”

The two men continued to smile respectfully.

No, it’s you.

Even if we misidentify King Yama, we wouldn’t dare to misidentify you.

Bai Lixin patted his cheek and said, “Ahem, I want to go to the ghost market.”

Lao San patted his chest and said, “No problem, let’s go right away!”

Not to mention going to the ghost market, if you want to go to King Yama’s bed, we will also send you there, and by the way, we will pack up King Yama to warm your bed.

Bai Lixin: “……”

? I feel like these two ghost messengers might be a bit sick in the head.


In the live broadcast room.

[“The One Who Understands the Situation is the Hero”]

[How to Be a Good Ghost Messenger.”]

[“I think, therefore I am.”]*It means: The only thing I can be sure of is the existence of my own mind because I cannot doubt my mind when I doubt others.

[God Xin: I almost forgot to keep the act going.]

[Ghost messengers are more perceptive than Yama. That is to say, those on the sidelines are clear, and those in authority are ‘lost’.]

[Love not only makes people drunk, but it also feeds their IQ to dogs.]

[It’s been proven that staying away from love protects the brain.]


The dark street was lined with many small shops.

Bai Lixin wore a black cloak, covered by a giant hood, and a white demon mask covered his face.

The mask had two small holes for eyes, just enough for Bai Lixin to have a clear view of the scene outside.

He looked up at the sign at the top, the word “Ghost Market” in traditional Chinese characters was simply and crudely knocked in the middle.

Lao San and Lao Si were still dressed in black, their faces covered in thick black veils.

Lao Si explained, “The Ghost Market does not belong to any layer of hell, it is an illegal place born in the crevices of the underworld. Many things that cannot be sold in the open are sent to the ghost market for trading.”

“The ghosts who enter the ghost market to trade all have to abide by the rules of the ghost market, which is to not reveal their identities.”

“The trading currency in the Ghost Market is also incense, you can also barter for things, of course. Actually, some ghosts only accept barter trades.”

“Madam, there are all kinds of ghosts in the ghost market, so follow us closely, that auction house is not far ahead.”

Bai Lixin: “If it’s an illegal place, why doesn’t King Yama just ban it?”

Lao San: “It’s not that easy to ban. The Ghost Market is in the middle of the gap between the worlds of the living and the dead, part of it belongs to the living, and part of it belongs to the dead; the affiliation is not clear, so King Yama has no right to intervene in the management of the Ghost Market.”

“It is precisely because of this that the Ghost Market has become a place of lawlessness. But there is a master of the ghost market, and it is said that that ghost keeps many evil and resentful ghosts, so whoever dares to act wild in the ghost market will be punished by the master of the ghost market.”

Bai Lixin: “In the gap between the worlds of the living and the dead? So those who come here could be ghosts or people?”

Lao Si suddenly elbowed Lao San, and the latter coughed lightly, “That’s right in theory, but ghost qi in the ghost market is much heavier than the living one, moreover, the ghost market is mostly filled with harsh ghosts, so if there is a breath of a living person, it is easy to be besieged by ghosts.”

He paused, “That’s why that person gave you ghost qi; it’s definitely for the sake of justice, not for any selfish reasons.”

Lao Si covered his face.

Brother, what’s the difference between that and “there are no three hundred silver teals here”?

What difference do you think there is? Do you think this little vixen can’t hear it?

Bai Lixin nodded seriously. “You’re right, Dijia is a good man; he’s doing this for justice.”

Lao Si rubbed his face, “……”

Fuck! You really did not hear it?

King Yama and his beloved are a perfect match.

Bai Lixin listened to Lao San’s explanation and did not forget to look around the ghost market.

All the ghosts in the market wore masks on their faces, as Lao San had said.

But ghosts are odd looking, so some of them can be easily identified by other signs even if they were wearing masks.

The one in front of them, for example, had a big belly and six arms, so it was easy to identify him.

Lao San sensed Bai Lixin’s doubts and explained: “What you see is just an illusion, the mask on your face is called a nightmare mask, and wearing it can hide your original face and body. You may look different in the eyes of others, and it comes out randomly.”

“For example, if I see you as an old man with a cane, Lao Si might see you as a little boy with a lollipop; each ghost sees a different picture.”

Bai Lixin came to a realization: “So that’s how it is; I see, I was hasty.”

In the time the three people spoke, they had arrived in front of the Ghost Market auction house.

In front of the door to the auction house stood two masked men who were carefully checking the tokens in the hands of the visitors.

Bai Lixin walked over and took his token out.

One of them got the token and studied it for a long time, then he handed it to his companion, who also looked at it for a long time.

Seeing this, Lao Si asked, “What? Is something wrong?”

The man’s laughter came from behind the mask, while his companion gave the token back to Bai Lixin, saying, “There’s no problem, you can go in.”

The three were about to walk forward when the two men suddenly stretched out their arms to block Lao San and Lao Si.

“A token can only allow one guest; may I ask where your tokens are?”

Lao San and Lao Si frowned, and Lao Si said in a stern voice, “I just saw someone enter with an entourage using his token. Why are you treating them differently?”

The man smiled and waved his hand and said, “It’s not the same token. That customer is a frequent visitor and is already a member, so he can bring people in as he pleases. If you two do not comply, we will have to ask the master of the ghost market to come and decide.”

Although the words were spoken with a smile, the tone was full of threats.

Lao San and Lao Si looked at each other, a little annoyed.

Damn it, one day I’m going to have to take down this shitty auction house of yours.

Bai Lixin gave them a look and said, “It’s okay, I’ll just go in myself.”

Lao San still had some hesitation, “But ……”

If anything happens to you, King Yama will peel off our skins!

Bai Lixin was already heading inside: “I’m already here; I’ll go in and take a look; otherwise it’ll be a pity.”

No matter how entangled Lao San and Lao Si were, Bai Lixin still took the token and walked into the auction house.

They watched Bai Lixin’s back disappear at the entrance, and quietly walked to the corner.

The two pondered for a moment, but decided to report the matter to King Yama.


The auction house was located on the ground floor, and the seats were in semi-circular stands, arranged from low to high from front to back.

There were rows of torches hanging on the walls, but the light brought by these torches could be said to be minimal, it illuminated the surroundings just so that the guests would not walk around in the dark.

Although the dimness brought a bit of inconvenience to the eyes, it added some mysterious privacy to the guests.

But compared to the darkness of the stands, the auction stage was very bright.

Bai Lixin was about to find a hidden corner to sit down in when he suddenly felt a gentle tap on his back.

He looked back and saw a masked man in an auction house uniform standing behind him. “Good day, guest. You have a special token, so I will personally take you to your exclusive place; please follow me.”

Bai Lixin frowned slightly but whispered in response, “Okay.”

The attendant led Bai Lixin through the crowd. The crowd grew smaller and smaller as the man took him backstage.

S419M’s voice rang out in his head: [Lord Host, something is not quite right.]

Bai Lixin: [I can see that, but let’s see what they are planning to do.]

After turning another corner, a force suddenly hit Bai Lixin’s shoulder.

Bai Lixin felt his shoulder go numb for a moment, and he turned around suspiciously.

The eyes behind the mask showed surprise.

Bai Lixin rubbed his shoulder and asked, “Should I have fainted?”

The man panicked even more, and his voice unconsciously rose, “Of course you should! I used all my strength!”

“Alright then.” With that, Bai Lixin rolled his eyes back and fainted.

The attendant: “???”

Is this okay?!


In the heated auction hall, the host suddenly shouted out excitedly.

“Today’s items include a rare treasure that you have never seen before!”

“A human!”

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