After the Full-Level Boss Entered the Infinite Game By Mistake

Chapter 153.2 - Strange Yanwang Town

Dijia pulled off the cloak on his body, and it instantly seemed to take on a life of its own, spreading into a huge curtain that wrapped itself around both of them.

The cloak cut off everything outside, including the light.

Inside the cloak, Dijia pressed Bai Lixin against the wall, his body in zero contact.

Perhaps it was intentional or unintentional, but between Bai Lixin’s struggles, his arm brushed against Dijia’s waist and lower abdomen, and Dijia’s breathing instantly became ragged.

The youth’s head could only rest against his shoulder because of their posture, his warm breath gently blew on his neck and slid down the gap into his clothes, tugging at his heartstrings every second.

The muscles of Dijia’s body tensed Emboldened by the darkness, his hands crept up to Bai Lixin’s waist, pulling him harder against himself.

The force was so strong, as if he wanted to embed the youth in his own body.

The young man gasped in pain.

His voice was soft and melodious, with some indefinable sweetness, like a little kitten tangled up in a fence in May.

At that moment, Dijia felt his mind buzzing, in a trance, he felt as if his sanity and composure were waving goodbye to him.

Dijia gritted his teeth, took a deep breath, and his hand, which was propped up against the wall, turned white: “……”

Am I punishing Bai Lixin or myself?!

He secretly removed the mask that was in the way, brought his head closer to the youth’s neck, and sniffed the unique scent from the youth’s body.

He smelled good.

There was a faint milky fragrance, but it wasn’t sweet; it instead had the fragrance of the grass in the grassland.

He wanted to bite into it; he wanted to hear the youth’s voice again.

In the darkness, his eyes changed to a dark, thick color.

He pricked up his ears and listened to the movements outside the cloak.

In fact, those rabbit-masked attendants were nothing to fear, he could grind them to powder with his pinky finger.

The cloak was a domain boundary, and as long as it was open, the presence inside the cloak could not be detected. Moreover, there was plenty of room inside; they could even run laps without exhausting it.

But why would he tell the youth about it?

He was not stupid.

Dijia slowly lowered his head, his lips brushing Bai Lixin’s slender neck without a trace, and finally landed on the youth’s earlobe.

The moment he nibbled on the earlobe, Dijia heard the youth’s soft cry again.

The youth’s body tensed against his own, seemingly trembling with fear as the breath exhaled from his mouth gradually grew hotter.

“You, what are you doing?” He heard the youth’s trembling voice.

Dijia remembered that he had removed his mask, so he disguised his voice, “I’m tasting if it’s delicious.”

The youth’s entire body tensed, and his voice trembled as he asked, “You, you want to eat me?!”

Dijia became even more excited: “I’m a very picky eater, I don’t eat everything.”

The youth’s voice was still strained. “I don’t taste good.”

Dijia pondered for two seconds, “You can’t tell whether something is good or not without tasting it, can you?”

As he spoke, Dijia bit down on the slender and delicate neck.

The youth screamed in fright, and Dijia immediately scolded him, “Don’t make a sound, someone’s coming.”

The youth’s voice sounded aggrieved, “Then you still…”

Before he could finish his sentence, the sound of the door opening rang out from outside, followed by the rustling of footsteps.

The youth consciously covered his mouth with his hand, but his body was trembling from the tension.

Dijia’s eyes darkened, and his head moved slowly.

He followed the path of the warm veins, and Bai Lixin’s body trembled even more.

The attendants outside searched intently, and they could hear their voices from inside the cloak.

“Damn it, you still haven’t found him. It’s over, we’re finished! I don’t want to turn back into paper again.”

“And you think I want to turn back into paper? But if we lose these two precious commodities, Master will surely blame us.”

“Master is in charge of this whole ghost market, so he may not be able to know what’s happening in the auction house, right?”

“Heh, how can that be? Wherever there are ghosts, there are his eyes and ears. We can only pray that we can find the goods or that Master is in a good mood and won’t blame us.”

“And when will Master be in a good mood?”

“That? …… Heh heh heh, Master is never in a good mood.”

“Ahhhhh, help, then aren’t we finished?”

“What can we do about It? We are so miserable, even after getting life, we are only puppets of Master. Master can turn us back if he is not happy. Hmm, life is thinner than paper.”

The sound of footsteps slowly approached the area where the two were.

The youth’s back was pressed against the cold wall, he tilted his head back, his mouth hard over his mouth, and his eyes were filled with panic. However, Dijia didn’t care about what was happening outside and still went on with his actions.

“Let’s go, it’s all over, and there’s no sign of that human or the infant spirit here. We still have two more hours until the final auction, we can’t delay here.”

“Okay, let’s go.”

The two attendants quickly left the room, and the door was closed behind them.

The youth’s tense body relaxed, and he opened his mouth, his voice sounding a little hoarse: “Let’s go.”

Only then did Dijia reluctantly let go of Bai Lixin and put his mask back on.

At the same time, the cloak opened obediently and fell back on Dijia.

In the dimly lit room, the dark eyes hidden behind the mask stared at the youth in front of him.

The youth’s head was lowered, and he was doing his buttons in a panic with trembling fingers.

There were faint traces on the fair skin that faintly glistened under the light.


In the live broadcast room.

[Damn, what happened?]

[“The Aftermath”]

[“The proper use of a cloak”]

[God Xin: I am so dedicated that I cooperate with the performance.]

[Hahahaha, taking the  bamboo shoots.]

[Tsk, tsk, tsk. So these attendants are actually paper figurines? Aren’t they like those red-clad palanquin-bearers and that fake Yama?]

[The number of times the paper figurines have appeared in this copy is quite high.]

[But how can lifeless paper come to life? Legend says that only ancient gods like Nuwa can create life. Isn’t making paper come to life a bit scary?]

[It’s pretty scary, I feel like God Xin has a tough nut to crack this time.]

[I just want to know, when will the big boss and God Xin have a wedding?]

[“The Innocent King of the Underworld and the Beautiful Zombie.”]

[“The zombie in King Yama’s bed” ]

[Since you can throw titles, then give me the content too, ah! I want content!]

[Okay, okay, I’m writing.]


“The attendants are gone, but you can’t stay here, you have to leave immediately.”

“I already took out the boy you were with.”

Dijia brought up two fingers as he spoke, “This is the second time I’ve saved you.”

“If I save you a third time, I will let you fulfill my contract.”

Panic suddenly flashed in the youth’s eyes as he looked at Dijia warily, “You said you’ll eat me, but you promised not to order me to kill myself.”

Dijia froze for a moment, and the man who had never smiled suddenly laughed, his voice suddenly mysterious, “There are different kinds of eating.”

“And it’s not just killing to eat.”

“I tasted it briefly just now, and it tasted pretty good. I don’t know what price I’ll make you pay, let’s wait for the third time.”

Dijia said as he opened his wide cloak and easily wrapped it around him and Bai Lixin , “Come on, I’ll get you out of here.”



[“Pure Immersive Acting”]

[“If This Isn’t Flirting”.]

[I’m going to die laughing, the big boss is still trying to scare God Xin, not knowing that God Xin is the wolf.]

[Big boss: Hey, I’m still too green.]

[I want to know, how does God Xin do it without laughing?]

[“The Professional Training Course for a Good Actor”]


Dijia easily escorted Bai Lixin out of the auction house, and at a food stall not far from the auction house was a masked child sitting at a bench and swinging his legs in boredom.

The moment Dijia put Bai Lixin down, the chubby child immediately jumped from the bench and ran towards him.

Before he could even stand on his own, the little dumpling jumped straight into his arms, crying sweetly and coquettishly: “You’ve finally come out, Papa! I thought you didn’t want me anymore, wuuu. Tuanzi is very pitiful, his bad father already abandoned him, you can’t leave Tuanzi, Papa.”

Dijia clenched his hand into a fist.

This filial son doesn’t forget to make accusations every three sentences.

Bai Lixin picked up the little dumpling and asked, “How did you get out?”

Little dumpling: “I was brought out by two people I don’t know. I was waiting for you in my seat when a lot of rabbit-masked men suddenly entered the auction hall.”

“They kept searching around and chanting things like “infant spirit,” “quality human,” and all that. I was worried about you, but when I tried to sneak away to look for you, I was suddenly blindfolded by two men and fell unconscious.”

“When I woke up, I found myself outside, and there was a note on the table asking me to wait for you here.”

“Although I do not know who it was, they didn’t seem malicious, so I waited here.”

Bai Lixin gave Dijia a look, pretending not to know that Lao San and Lao Si did it. “Did you do that? Thank you.”

Dijia gave the little dumpling a sidelong glance and said, “You’re welcome.”

The little dumpling looked back and forth at Bai Lixin and Dijia several times, then he suddenly stepped on Bai Lixin’s arm and stood up, his short arms wrapping around Bai Lixin’s neck as he whispered.

“Papa, this one seems good.”

“I scatter incense in the underworld, and I can smell how much incense one has.”

“He’s so rich! Not at all worse than bad Father, so I am sure he won’t let you suffer!”

“He even saved me, much better than that bad Father who only chased Tuanzi away.”

“Papa, why don’t you make him my new father?”

Bai Lixin: “……”

Silly boy, you’re really a sheep entering a tiger’s mouth.

He’s your bad father. Surprised?

Dijia: “……”

Can I just bury this boy who denigrates me at every turn?


In the live broadcast room.

[“Surprised or Not?”]

[“Fated to be your father”]

[“What’s Yours Will Always Remain Yours”]

[“Father Fell From Heaven”]

[A world of family ethics where only the dumpling gets hurt]

[In a sense, does this count as a family of three finally reuniting?]

[If you do the math, isn’t reuniting across copies more festive than the New Year’s Festival ?]

T/N: I like using “young man” while my editor prefers “youth”, I usually change it back but I’ll now be leaving it as is.

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