After the Full-Level Boss Entered the Infinite Game By Mistake

Chapter 154.1 - Strange Yanwang Town

Bai Lixin picked up Tuanzi and shoved him into Dijia’s arms.

Tuanzi and Dijia, who froze at the same time, “??”

What do you mean?

Bai Lixin looked at the two of them and said earnestly, “I’m helping you cultivate a relationship in advance.”

He sat down on a bench at the stall and began to look around the auction house.

Dijia held the little dumpling stiffly, and said in a low voice, “What are you doing? Are you worried about the safety of those paper men?”

Bai Lixin chuckled, “I’m not the Holy Mother. That attendant said that the mysterious man who sends them humans would send a paperman to get the money. I’m waiting for that paper man.”

The little dumpling gradually relaxed, and his head, which was hidden in his mask, rose, and he sniffed Dijia. He then nuzzled against Dijia’s shoulder in excitement, and his mouth mumbled something.

Dijia became tense, and he could faintly hear the boy’s voice.

“Wow, this damn money smell is so good, King of Diamonds, Papa has a good eye.”

“Bad Father, you ignored Papa, but today’s Papa is too high and mighty for you. Hehehe, you’re going to regret it, you bastard!”

Dijia: “……”

Where is the pit, I want to bury this black lotus flower brat!

Bai Xin leaned on the small square wooden table, casually looking left and right with one hand on his forehead, looking bored like the most ordinary passerby.

The auction house was already in the more secluded part of the ghost market, and unlike the bustling streets earlier, there were hardly any people there.

Dijia poked Bai Lixin’s back. He looked around in confusion and saw Dijia pointing to a dark corner.

Bai Lixin hesitated briefly, then stood up and followed Dijia.

As Bai Lixin looked on in confusion, Dijia stretched out his hand toward the air, and a water mirror with a somewhat blurred image appeared in front of him.

He explained, “The picture is a little blurred because there are too many barriers in between.”

Actually, it wasn’t really like that.

He could have summoned a 100% clear water mirror, but Tuanzi was here.

Although summoning water mirrors was not his exclusive skill, no one in the underworld could achieve such clarity as he did.

If he used a water mirror with 100% clarity, there was a good chance that the boy would immediately discover his identity.

He didn’t want to reveal his identity in front of Bai Lixin, at least not now.

Sure enough, the boy looked into the water mirror vigilantly and relaxed when the blurred image appeared.

On the crystal face were several blurred figures.

They were all prostrate on the ground, and in front of them stood another blurred figure.

The figure was so black that all they could see was a silhouette; there wasn’t a face at all.

But the voice was clear.

— “Still no luck?”

—“No, no.”

—“Backstage is clear.”

—“Have you searched the basement?”

—“Yes, but we didn’t find anything.”

—“Damn it, it’s too late, the auction brochures have already been sent out. We can’t let the guests find out what’s going on and affect the reputation of our auction house.”

—“You guys, find a human and an infant spirit to replace them!”

—“But, won’t the seller find out?”

—“Well, do you have a better idea? We have to deal with it tonight. It’s a small matter to lose a guest’s item, but it’s a big matter if the reputation of the auction house is affected. Explain and apologize to the sellers when they arrive. We shall pay them regardless!”

—“If spending money can solve this problem, then we have a chance to live. Let’s get moving!”

The man giving the orders sounded like the tiger-masked manager, and the others heard the order and moved quickly.

The image in the water mirror moved along.

Because of the low resolution, Bai Lixin could only make out the changes in color blocks, from a large orange mass representing the light to a mysterious dark colour.

Then he heard a few miserable groans.

Several attendants were pulling something from a pitch-black area, the dark figure struggled, and Bai Lixin could still hear the desperate whimpers coming from the water mirror.

Another attendant went to another corner and pulled out something, the dark figure shook for a moment and suddenly let out a loud cry.

A woman, and a baby.

The auction was in full swing, and the woman was quickly given a change of clothes and pushed onto the stage.

The host’s voice rang out from the watery mirror.

“Here is the top-quality human!”

“To ask why she is the best, guests, first of all, she is a virgin.”

Cries of astonishment erupted from the stands.

“Secondly, she has a stunningly beautiful face and a meek nature.”

“Her goodness will only be known to those who own her.”

“The starting bid is 100 incense tiles.”

“110 incense tiles!”




The buyers began to place bids like hyenas that had caught a whiff of blood.

After several rounds, she was finally sold for 1,000 incense tiles.

Dijia glanced at Bai Lixin and asked, “What do you think?”

Bai Lixin: “Do you remember when I was caught by the fake Yama yesterday? I searched for a long time but didn’t even find a shadow of the bride. ”

“I wonder if the missing brides are hiding in the basement of this auction house.”

“This baby might be fake King Yama’s.”

Dijia could not see Bai Lixin’s face behind the mask, but by the tone of the other party’s voice, he probably understood what he was trying to get at.

He frowned slightly.

What a stubborn boy! He’s always looking for a chance to throw himself into danger, but what else could he do but go along?

In the dark corner, the air suddenly became strange.

At some point, Dijia had placed Tuanzi on the ground and thrown him into the corner.

The little dumpling looked up at the two tall figures in front of him, knowingly covered his eyes, and turned his face toward the wall.

The young man seemed unaware of the fact that Dijia had unknowingly moved closer and closer to him. Just when Dijia was about to stick to Bai Lixin’s upper body, the image in the water mirror suddenly changed.

—“You have actually let two of the finest items of the night escape? I’ve just finished dealing with the two sellers.”

—“I’m glad that you ended up dealing well with the emergency.”

—“You are excused from death, but you still have to get punished.”

—“Fifty lashes each. I will forgive you if you finish them, but if you cannot, that’s your fate, and you can’t blame others.”

—“Go and receive your punishment.”

A dark, blurred shadow stood in front of all the attendants, some of whom cowered on the ground and shivered.

The dark shadow’s voice was hoarse and thick, sounding like the voice of an old man.

As the black shadow spoke, some of the prostrate attendants trembled and said, “Thank you, Master, for your mercy!”

Bai Lixin looked at the black shadow in the water mirror. If he was right, this was the master of the ghost market.

Although the image in the water mirror was a little blurred, he could still see that the black shadow had moved two steps forward.

When the black shadow fully occupied the water mirror, it suddenly turned back, and in the next second, the water mirror burst with a bang and disappeared.

“……” Bai Lixin: “Did the master of the ghost market discover us?”

Dijia’s eyes looked slightly cold, and the air around him gradually became oppressive.

At some point, the subtle sounds of the distant downtown that could still be heard disappeared.

The wind howled quietly.

The originally dark surroundings were now ink-black.

Suddenly, the howling intensified.

Dijia’s expression became horrified, and he took the still-confused Tuanzi in his arm, while the other took Bai Lixin, and he began to run wildly.

In the next moment, a black cloud of evil spirits with pitch-black bodies swooped toward them like a tsunami.

The darkness they felt just now was not real darkness, but a black canopy filled with evil spirits!

The evil spirits bared their teeth and roared, pressing towards them from all sides.

Bai Lixin took out his scythe from his backpack, and just as he was about to swing it, Dijia shouted from the side, “Go!”

Bai Lixin froze for a moment, and a heavy little dumpling was stuffed into his arms.

Dijia’s hands changed into claws that yanked hard into the void, ripping a hole in the dark void.

Dijia pulled Bai Lixin away and immediately leaped into the void.

The moment they jumped, the evil spirits that covered the sky roared and swooped over.

However, a second before they could pounce on Bai Lixin’s group, the rift completely disappeared.


[Lord host! Lord host!]

There was a noise in his head, and Bai Lixin shook his head and opened his eyes with difficulty.

S419M’s voice sounded again: [Lord host, you’re finally awake!]

Bai Lixin moved to rub his forehead but didn’t feel the mask.

The mask that hid his identity was gone!

He rubbed his forehead in a daze, and the moment he opened his eyes, a large swath of red was immediately reflected in his pupils.

It was as blinding as blood, as brilliant as boiling lava.

It was an endless sea of fiery red, the flowers were like thin red ribbons and had dots of red thread in the middle.

It was the ultimate in beauty, with no other color but red.

The wind blew gently, and the sea of red flowers swayed like an ocean or a wild, raging fire.

According to legend, such a garden of flowers existed in the underworld.

Could it be that he had now come to the Underworld?

Bai Lixin felt a little weak. He braced himself on the ground and slowly stood up. He looked around and saw the unconscious child at his feet.

But Dijia was gone.

The mask on Tuanzi’s face had also disappeared, and he was still asleep, his chubby face lying on the ground with a bit of mud on it.

Bai Lixin picked him up and cleared the mud off him. He was just about to wake the sleeping dumpling when he heard a conversation not far away.

“When you come to Naihe bridge, you need to drink Mengpo’s soup. Wash away the bitterness of the past, and forget everything that happened.”

“Drink this bowl of Mengpo soup and go on your way.”

Bai Lixin followed the voice and looked over, at the end of the sea of flowers was a foggy river with a wooden bridge over it. By the wooden bridge was an old white-haired woman dressed in green, her back hunched over as she sent a bowl of soup over.

T/N: chapter was short, no part 2.

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