After the Full-Level Boss Entered the Infinite Game By Mistake

Chapter 156.1 - Strange Yanwang Town

Chapter 156.1 - Strange Yanwang Town

Inside Yama’s Palace, Dijia, the king of the underworld, was staring into the water mirror in front of him with an inexplicable expression.

The image was showing one of the prisons on the eighteenth level of hell, but the prisoner who should have been bound to it had disappeared.

Just as he was starting the investigation, his ears heard an abrupt and familiar voice. He pursed his lips and looked over as some familiar figures flashed by.

“Stop!” Dijia coldly ordered toward the door, “Come here.”

The two ghost messengers who hadn’t gone far stiffened at the sound of his voice, but resigned themselves to their fate and came in.

“Let me go!”

“I’m going to find my papa!”

“I don’t want to be a ghost officer anymore; damn it, you guys are bullying me because you are taller than me and have longer legs and arms; just you wait!”

Dijia looked at the cursing dumpling in Lao San and Lao Si’s hands and took a deep breath.

‘No beating, no scolding.

This little brat has Bai Lixin as a backer now; he’ll definitely report me if I beat him up.’

“What are you doing here?” Dijia’s patience was exclusive to Bai Lixin; he moved his eyes from Tuanzi to Lao San and Lao Si, asking, “Shouldn’t you be secretly protecting Bai Lixin at this time?

On hearing his papa’s name, the dumpling suddenly stopped bickering and looked up at Dijia, his black grape-like round eyes filled with shock.

Lao San hesitated for a second and said, “Lord Bai Lixin used Yama’s order just now, he told us to keep an eye on Master Tuanzi and take care of him.”

Dijia frowned slightly and asked, “Then where is he?”

Lao Si: “Ah, he’s outside the palace. He said that Master Tuanzi had suddenly disappeared and asked us to help find him.”

“Oh no!” Tuanzi suddenly shouted, “You two idiots, Papa is using a diversionary tactic; how could you have been fooled so easily? He must be planning to go to Abyssal Hell by himself.”

Lao San deflated and couldn’t help but spit out, “Aren’t you the same?”

Tuanzi: “……”

Wuuuu, you’re bullying me.

Dijia took a deep breath, and the quill in his hand was suddenly broken. “Three useless pieces of trash, none of them useful, and they still don’t know what to do next.”

“The incense-scattering ghost officer left his post without permission, he is grounded for one month.”

“You two of you neglected your duties, you will be fined one month’s salary.”

Lao San: “….”

Lao Si: “.…”

Tuanzi: “.…”

So fierce, wuuu.

Dijia watched the three ghosts leave indifferently and began flipping the water mirror in front of him.

He should have known what Bai Lixin was planning to do.

He had really underestimated Bai Lixin. At first, he thought he was just a fragile but determined human, but now he knows that there are sides to him that he doesn’t know.

How could he lie?

Moreover, he could lure the tiger away from a mountain?

How could the boy be so smart?

Isn’t he too good?

The man’s eyes flashed with admiration, but then the admiration turned to worry.

But this place was not like the real world, what if some bad or ugly ghosts appeared and scared his baby?


In the corridor, Lao San and Lao Si walked away with the somewhat sluggish Tuanzi in silence. After walking for a while, Tuanzi finally couldn’t hold back, and asked, “Why did Father know Papa? He even gave him the order of Yama?”

“When did he get so close with Papa? Did he sneak out to find Papa after scolding me?”

“That, is a long story,” the two ghost messengers looked at each other, and Lao San spoke with difficulty, “The thing is ……”

They told Tuanzi everything that happened from beginning to end; the little dumpling was wide-eyed and dumbfounded as he listened.

When Lao San finished, Tuanzi’s eyes were filled with shock. “Then that man in the mask is also Father?”

“So I changed my father to the same person?”

The dumpling suddenly cringed and said, “Uh, why hasn’t Father killed me yet?”

Help, he seemed to have put a green hat on his father!

Without the support of a new father, wouldn’t he have to continue living under Father Yama?

‘Where are you, Papa? Come and save me, I’m scared.’

Lao San: “I’m still thinking about this matter. Do you think the punishment should only be one month of confinement?”

Lao Si: “Is this the benefit of having someone behind you? King Yama has really changed. Color really makes the mind faint…”

“In the past, King Yama treated his subordinates with impartiality, but now, look at what’s going on here. This is too biased!”

“Look at how tolerant King Yama is of you, Master Tuanzi, yet you are only thinking of changing your father. New clothes are not as good as the old ones. How can a stepfather be better than the real one?”

Tuanzi’s heart was suddenly filled with guilt when he heard these words. He cautiously glanced in the direction of the hall and asked Father Yama’s two closest people, “According to you guys, it seems that I am indeed too unfilially. But what about my Papa? Will Father be angry at him for breaking into Abyss Hell?”

Lao San: “Most likely, maybe King Yama will come to his senses after this incident.”

But Lao Si shook his head, “Not necessarily, *color makes the mind faint.”

* meaning lust or beauty makes people lose reason or do things they normally wouldn’t do.

A certain person, whose mind was already lost because of a certain beauty, had already found Bai Lixin in the water mirror. Not only did he not burst into rage, but he secretly changed into new clothes and groomed himself in the mirror for a good while before leaving.


[The [Portal] was used successfully, congratulations on entering the fourth level of Hell – the Hell of Sinful Mirrors].

*Author changed [Arbitrary Door] to [Portal]

[The number of uses remaining for [Portal] is 9, so please use it carefully.]

The moment Bai Lixin pushed the door open, he was shocked by the scene in front of him.

Before him were several mirrors; they were strewn all over the place, even above his head.

He looked into one mirror, and then “Bai Lixin” in the mirror was also looking at him.

But “Bai Lixin’s” eyes were a bit strange.

Although they were his reflections, a closer look shows that the reflections in each mirror were somewhat different.

Overhead, a majestic voice suddenly rang out. The voice was as loud as a torrent of bells, and the air seemed to ripple as it spoke, and the mirrors around him trembled uncontrollably.

—–“Who is this?”

Bai Lixin’s heart trembled as his mind came to a brief pause at the sound of the voice.

In that brief pause, he heard his own voice respond uncontrollably, “Bai Lixin.”

——-“Bai Lixin? Bai Lixin, look into the mirror of sin, the trial begins!”

The rumbling voice rang out again, and the mirror in front of Bai Lixin changed.

What had just been individual reflections had now become images, and the events that had happened to him before now appeared in the mirror like a revolving lantern.

Bai Lixin was instantly alert.

He silently drew his dagger from his backpack and watched the events in the mirror.

But fortunately, the mirror only showed the events he had experienced in this world and reverted to calm, leaving only a few simple images.

One image was of him breaking into a house, another was of him rescuing a mother and her children from a well.

There were also images of him rescuing Tuanzi and burning down the White Bone Palace.

The majestic voice of judgment rang out again.

— “Breaking into a house, stealing their identity, wearing their wedding clothes, and taking them without asking is stealing. He who steals shall be sent to the seventeenth level of hell for thievery.”

— “But the thief was actually saving someone’s life, and saving a life is better than building a seven-level pagoda, so the merit and demerit are offset.”

— “But burning someone’s house is a great crime.”

—“Bai Lixin deserves to go to the sixth level of Copper Pillar Hell! Catch him!”

As he spoke, all the “Bai Lixins” in the mirrors around him suddenly seemed to have a life of their own, looking at him with strange smiles.

It was the same face, but while Bai Lixin himself looked good and pleasing to the eye, the “Bai Lixins” in the mirror were incompatible and strange.

The next moment, the arms of the “Bai Lixins” suddenly lengthened, and they all attacked him.

With a cold glint in his eyes, Bai Lixin quickly took out his scythe from his backpack, waving and jumping nimbly in the air. He quickly weaved back and forth on the mirrored arms as he searched for a way out.

But the mirrors were all around him. They formed a sphere around him, and it seemed devoid of flows or cracks.

As he watched, the rubbery arms around him grew in number, densely packed like a spider’s web.

However, the tenser the situation became, the calmer Bai Lixin became.

Nothing was perfect, for even the creator was not perfect, so how could he create a perfect object?

Sure enough, just as the arms came at him again, Bai Lixin saw one of them flicker like a projection.

Seeing the arms coming at him from all sides again, Bai Lixin let out a low cry and, with the support of the arms, lashed up at the mirror with the dangling arm.

Without the expected impact, the mirror, which had appeared to be solid, deflated the moment it came into contact with Bai Lixin and instantly turned hollow.

Bai Lixin managed to escape through this narrow hole and make his way outside.

Outside was a white fog, and a path could be made out in the fog.

When he landed on the ground, he looked back and saw that there was nothing left behind him, no mountain of mirrors or those weird arms.

He wanted to take out the [Portal] from his backpack to continue down the path, but the system prompt rang out at that moment.


[Warning: Due to a powerful magnetic field, [Portal] is temporarily unusable.]

[Ding! An exploratory task is triggered.]

[Please break the effect of the magnetic field in order to continue on your way.]

[This task is mandatory with difficulty factor B. You will receive 6,000 mall points upon completion, and will be punished for failure.]

[Punishment: Beheading.]

[Time Limit: 60 minutes.]

[The countdown begins now!]

[Friendly reminder: Follow the road to find magnetic field image.]

The fog around him was dense, with no intention of dissipating.

A countdown timer had appeared on the taskbar, and the seconds were slipping away at a rapid pace.

Without wasting too much time, Bai Lixin took out his shield from his backpack, holding it in one hand and his scythe in the other, and moved cautiously along the path with only half a meter of visibility.

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