After the Full-Level Boss Entered the Infinite Game By Mistake

Chapter 156.2 - Strange Yanwang Town

Chapter 156.2 - Strange Yanwang Town

When he had walked for about ten minutes or so, a blurred black shadow slowly appeared in front of him.

The black shadow was indistinct in the fog, like the reflection of water.

Bai Lixin stopped in his tracks and asked cautiously, “Who are you?”

In response, the same words came back to him: “Who are you?”

The tone of voice, pitch, and volume were identical, and Bai Lixin froze for a moment.

The fog around him suddenly became turbulent and jumped like boiling water, and with the turbulence of the fog, the image in front of him began to gradually become clearer.

Bai Lixin saw the person in front of him clearly and was stunned.

In front of him stood another person.

It was not the image in the mirror, nor was it a reflection of water.

It was a completely three-dimensional person.

The same hair color, the same features, even the clothes on his body, and the weapons in his hands were the same.

The person in front of him was not the same as the one in the mirror, but the “Bai Lixin” standing in front of him was a complete and utterly perfect person.

He had the same calm expression as his usual self. His eyes were watery, and the corners of his mouth were slightly raised in a light smile.

It was a perfect duplicate.

Bai Lixin rested his scythe on the ground and looked the duplicate up and down, while the duplicate in front of him looked him over in the same way.

Even his expression was similar.

S419M: [Fuck, this is awesome, Lord host! If I wasn’t in the Lord host’s mind, I wouldn’t be able to tell which one was the real one.]

Bai Lixin’s eyes flickered slightly: [If it can make this kind of duplicate, don’t you think it can even duplicate you two?]

S419: [????]

Escape System: [????]

Fuck, how scary!

The duplicate on the other side spoke, “You’re quite perfect.”

Bai Lixin raised an eyebrow and said, “Thanks, so are you.”

Duplicate: “Of course I am, for not only did I copy what’s perfect, I even made up for your ugly flaws.”

“I’m the perfect Bai Lixin.”

“You can swear; I can’t.”

“You can play mind games, I can’t.”

“You can lie time and time again, but I can’t.”

“But I have the same strong physique and strength as you, as well as your weapons.”

“I have absorbed all your strengths and discarded all your weaknesses.”

“Only by defeating me can you leave the fourth level.”

“But how can you defeat such a perfect “self”? The biggest enemy is often not others, but ourselves, because you are the one who knows yourself.”

“ I have guarded this place for a long time and almost no one is strong enough to break through. This is because many do not have the courage to defeat themselves.”

“Will you be the alternative that surprises me? I’m looking forward to it.”

The duplicate’s eyes were indifferent, his eyebrow was raised and his knitted smile was the same as Bai Lixin’s.

Bai Lixin looked at the duplicate before him, but was somewhat disinterested.

In his long years, he was really just an ordinary human being at the beginning.

He had been born in a distant and insignificant Snow kingdom and was its second prince.

Even though he was nurtured by sages, he still had bad habits and emotions.

He could have stripped himself of those bad habits after becoming a god and became a being of nobility and grace, with the word “perfect” written all over his body.

But he did not do so.

He accepted his imperfections openly.

Not because he could not change himself, but because he did not want to.

He had the sanity of a god, but he also had the beating heart and strong emotions of a human being.

Even after becoming a god, he always remembered that he was once a mere mortal.

He felt the bloom and fall of life, stood at the top of the universe and looked down on the origins, withdrawn from the realm, and integrated into the realm.

Even he had doubts about whether this was the right choice.

That was until he saw this version of himself. At this moment, Bai Lixin was suddenly relieved.

The question that had plagued him for thousands of years had finally gotten an answer.

He had not made the wrong choice in the first place; it was by admitting his imperfections that he would look forward to and aspire to a more complete world.

Even Dijia was not perfect.

He gets jealous, angry, and confused, and he has the sadness and grief that big men hold back.

But it was these imperfections that allowed them to accept the rules of the imperfect worlds openly while constantly guiding the worlds towards a more comfortable development.

The duplicate was right when he said that only he knew himself.

He knew himself too well, and if he were to become a refined perfectionist, he would not be able to accept a world that was not perfect enough, and he would probably go down a path of no return in order to make the universe “perfect.”

He could be a savior, but he could also be an obsessive destroyer.

It’s all in the mind.

There was black and there was white, there was beautiful and there was ugly, and the world was never perfect.

So why cling to achieving perfection instead of accepting your own imperfections?

The duplicate frowned slightly and asked, “What are you smiling at?”

Bai Lixin’s cool expression relaxed more and more, “Nothing, you actually copied me, so I guess you also have a canon mouth. Don’t waste time, let’s fight.”

Duplicate: “That’s exactly what I want.”

As the words fell, the two figures instantly turned into two afterimages, clashing back and forth in the air!


In the live broadcast room

[Fuck, two God Xins! This is double the fun.]

[Double my ass, the real joy is having two big bosses! All I want now is my imperfect baby. I don’t want a perfect God Xin. I like a God Xin that deceives, acts, and teases ghosts. If God Xin doesn’t have these qualities, is he still God Xin?]

[Aren’t God Xin’s greatest traits being pure but lustful, as well as being a great fighter?]

[The world doesn’t have absolute perfection. Let’s talk about looks. How can one be considered perfect? There is no unified standard.

[Yes, and many indicators are defined by our preferences. For example, we say that fair skin is perfect, but there are places or people who think dark skin is good. Then there are personalities, some think gentleness is perfect, but some still think it’s better to be outspoken. ]

[The duplicate came up and claimed to be perfect, but he has already lost on that point alone because he cannot be absolutely perfect.

You can see that God Xin is already perfect, but he never calls himself perfect, he’s understated.]

[Wow, you guys know so much. Although I don’t understand much of it, I think you guys are making sense.]

[I often get ashamed because I can’t keep up with serious topics, you guys are so long-winded that all I can do is say “fuck” and “lick the face.” Are we watching the same stream?]

[Is that why God Xin likes to hang out with Xia Chi and the others, because they are dorky and imperfect? ]

[Most likely.]

[Although I’m happy to be cued, why are we tagged as dorky? Do you guys have some kind of misconception about us?]

[? Am I eating my melon?]


The two who were fighting suddenly paused and looked in a certain direction in unison.

The man was wearing a black robe with silver patterns running through the cuffs and corners of it.

The robe was fluttering in the wind, and although the man was walking slowly, it was as voluminous and raging as if he were riding on clouds, wild and unstoppable.

The duplicate smiled faintly and said, ”You like him.”

Bai Lixin also smiled, saying, “He’s handsome and strong, who wouldn’t like him? Don’t you?”

Duplicate: “I am you, you like him, so I must like him too.”

“But who does he like?”

“You disguise yourself as a little white lotus in front of him, would he still like you if he knew what you really are?”

“But I’m different. I’m not like that; I don’t have all those schemes and tricks; I’m just pure me.”

“I don’t like wasting effort, the two of us have been fighting for so long that we can’t tell who has the upper hand. I guess there won’t be a difference even if we fight for three days and three nights.”

“How about this? Let’s make a bet. Let’s see who the man picks, and the one who loses is considered the loser. How about that?”

“Try and guess, will he fail to tell us apart? Or is there a possibility that he can tell us apart, but pretends not to know, and prefers to choose the perfect me?”

Bai Lixin’s gaze fell on Dijia, who was hurrying over: “….”

Did this duplicate only get his face, but not his brain?

Wasn’t this a fucking giveaway?

Two seconds later, Bai Lixin collected his flickering gaze and said, “Alright then.”

This two-second pause made the duplicate think that Bai Lixin was scared.

Scared? You’re too late, I’ll show you that *the waves behind the Yangtze River push the waves ahead!

*A metaphor for a situation where new people/things with a certain accumulation have promoted the development of old people/things.

The two stopped fighting and landed on the ground at the same time, looking up at Dijia.

The two young men stood shoulder to shoulder with identical faces coupled with identical expressions, saying in unison, “I am the real Bai Lixin; who do you choose?”

Dijia stopped dead in his tracks, “……”

What kind of death-defying question was this?

Choosing the wrong one and you die?

The fog filled the air, and the atmosphere was solemn.

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