After the Full-Level Boss Entered the Infinite Game By Mistake

Chapter 157.1 - Strange Yanwang Town

Chapter 157.1 - Strange Yanwang Town

“…” Dijia looked around at the two Bai Lixins who were similar regardless of appearance or demeanor, and fell into a tangle, “Uh, what happens if I choose the wrong one?”

“You can take the one you choose and the other one needs to stay.”

They answered in unison again, without any differences or flaws at all.

Dijia: “……”

This was the biggest challenge he had faced since he had become King of the underworld.

He could not choose the wrong one, if he chose the wrong wife, it meant losing him forever.

Although he was the King Yama, Abyssal Hell was a special existence in the underworld.

Each level had its own administrator, who will judge or punish the souls who enter it according to the rules.

Even King Yama couldn’t interfere with the punishment. King Yama’s duty was to keep the whole underworld in order and harmony, the interchange between the yin and yang worlds, the life expectancy of human beings, and the punishment of souls are all roles of the ghost messengers in the underworld.

However, it wasn’t that King Yama didn’t have control over Abyssal Hell, he could enter it at will, judge prisoners, order ghost messengers o on.

The only thing he couldn’t do was use his power to interfere with the administrators of each level.

The fourth level, where he was now, was the Hell of Mirrors of Sin, also known as the Hell of Judgement.

When a soul has done something so secretive that it cannot be seen in the Water Mirror or the Karma Book, it will be sent to the fourth level for a second trial.

The Mirrors of Sin are said to be able to see through the deepest secrets of the soul, and all the filth can’t be hidden.

Dijia silently looked at the two of them and asked, “Did the Mirrors of Sin judge you?”

“It did, and I was sentenced to the sixth level of bronze pillar hell.”

Again, the exact same answer.

“Why are you here, Dijia?” The Bai Lixin to his right suddenly took the initiative to speak, “Did you come to see me on purpose?”

Dijia’s deep eyes looked at Bai Lixin on his right, he thought for a moment and replied, “I was on patrol when I saw you descend from the sky. I rushed over and happened to see you enter the teleportation.”

“But I didn’t come here on purpose either, the saint on the 18th floor has disappeared, I was investigating layer by layer and just happened to reach this floor.”

The Bai Lixin to his left frowned slightly, “Missing? Any clues?”

Dijia glanced towards the youth on his left again and spoke slowly, “No.”

Hearing Dijia’s answer, the left Bai Lixin’s eyes flickered only slightly, while the right Bai Lixin frowned.

Dijia calmly comprehended the subtle expressions of the two, and slowly approached them.

“Can I take a look at your left arm?”

Although the sin mirror could perfectly duplicate the other person, some marks might not be duplicated successfully.

For example, the Yama contract he had planted earlier.

The two Bai Lixins looked at each other and simultaneously rolled up their sleeves to the top, revealing two slender arms that looked like white lotus roots.

Same spots, same marks.

They each had a black ‘chain-wrapped’ mark in the arm, and a red mark on the wrist.

Dijia’s eyes suddenly sank.

Even the contract could be duplicated?

He scrutinized the two Bai Lixins once more, “Alright, you can put it down.”

Dijia pondered for two seconds before speaking again, “Can you please take off your clothes?”

Both Bai Lixins were stunned, looking at Dijia in surprise.

Dijia coughed lightly, his expression unusually serious.

“Yes, as far as I know, although the sin mirror can make perfect duplicates, it has a huge flaw.”

“Because of the mirror’s reflection, there will be a very obvious black mark at the tail bone of the duplicate.”

“Everything is for the purpose of discerning authenticity,” Dijia’s expression grew more and more austere. His back was straight and his eyes unblinking, “I have no selfish intentions whatsoever.”

The Bai Lixin on the left hesitated a little, while the Bai Lixin on the right took a deep breath and said with some embarrassment, “Since that is the case, then fine.”

With that, the Bai Lixin on the right placed both hands on his waist and started unbuckling his belt with embarrassment.

The actions that were supposed to be obscene were done in an indescribably beautiful and perfect way.

He turned around, his back to Dijia, both hands grasping his trousers as he prepared to slowly take them off. He turned his head to look back as he said, “You can see clearly, I definitely don’t have any black marks.”

With that, he started to pull them down with both hands, and at the same time, Dijia and the Bai Lixin on the left exchanged a glance. Before the right Bai Lixin could react, the left Bai Lixin gave a vicious kick, causing the right Bai Lixin to stumble forward two steps in a wretched manner. He stumbled several times before stabilizing himself.

The strange thing was that even under the circumstances, the other man still managed to keep his elegance, nudging his toes twice on the ground gracefully.

He fastened his belt and looked back at the two men warily, only to see the other Bai Lixin standing next to Dijia.

“You lost, are you convinced now?” The other Bai Lixin raised his eyebrow, looking as proud as a tiger.

“Bai Lixin” stood a meter away from the other two. He looked at the other Bai Lixin and then at Dijia beside him, and pursed his lips: “Why did you choose him and not me?”

Dijia shielded Bai Lixin behind him without a trace: “Because of shame.”

“I really didn’t think that the the sin mirror had such a flaw, if it was the real Bai Lixin, he would have refused to do as he was told out of shame.”

“He’s such a shy guy, he blushes when he’s asked to…… er, anyway, how could he possibly do that kind of thing.”

“You can copy the body and scent, but you can’t copy the feelings ingrained in the bones.”

“The moment you put aside your shame and dignity to prove you were the real Bai Lixin, you were exposed.”

“Bai Lixin” frowned at Bai Lixin, who was hiding behind Dijia, and suddenly sneered, “You tricked me? How dare you lie to me?”

“Ridiculous, it’s ridiculous.” He pointed at himself, “This is how the real Bai Lixin is, the real Bai Lixin is shameless enough to take off his trousers in front of you at will!”

“You think you’re so clever, being played and still thinking you’re a genius.”

“I concede, I lost, so go away.”

“But Dijia, remember what I said today, rejoice too soon and sooner or later you’ll be crying.”

Dijia lowered his dark eyes.

There was no telling who would be crying by then.

Sure enough, it was a fake.

The duplicate didn’t dwell on it much after he was recognized. He continued to maintain his “Bai Lixin” style of grace as his body gradually turned into a puddle of crystalline metallic silver liquid that flowed into the ground and disappeared into the fog

The crisis came to an end and Dijia let out a long, secret sigh of relief. He turned to look at Bai Lixin, grabbing his shoulder and looking him up and down, “Are you hurt?”

Bai Lixin’s hands gripped Dijia’s palm tightly, and his eyes looked radiant: “No, fortunately you were smart enough to see through the duplicate’s trick. Dijia, you are so good, you are always there when it matters.”

The voice was so soft and gentle that Dijia’s legs almost went weak.

“No, no, yes, yes, how can I make a mistake over such a simple matter.”

Shit, it wasn’t simple at all!

Fortunately, the duplicate was a billion times dumber! That stupid copy, how could it say that Bai Lixin was actually like that?

The youth was as noble as the moon and the wind, how could he be that loose.

If he was, why would he bother?

He would have been in bed already.

“However,” Bai Lixin’s beautiful eyes stared unblinkingly at Dijia, “how did you know I had that black contract mark on my wrist?”

Dijia’s heart skipped a beat.

Yes, how did he know?

The contract was a secret between the mysterious man and Bai Lixin, how would “Dijia” know about it.

“Contract? What contract?” Dijia raised his head high and told a lie without making a draft, “I don’t know, I only did it to see the red mark on your wrist.”

“By the way, what is the black mark on your arm?” Dijia took Bai Lixin’s wrist in his hand and rolled up the sleeve with a frown, “What’s going on? Does it hurt?”

“.…” Bai Lixin, “It doesn’t really hurt.”

You’re a good actor, I’m the one who lost.


[Congratulations, player, for completing the task and gaining 6,000 mall points, you can now use the [portal] to enter another hell dimension].


In the Live broadcast room.

[Pfft, Hahaha. The duel between two movie stars, the extreme tension is too much.]

[God Xin: Wrong payment after all.]

[Speaking of which, that duplicate failed because he was too sincere, he actually obediently took off his trousers when the big boss told him to, people would usually hesitate a bit, right?]

[Didn’t the duplicate say that the real Bai Lixin can take off his trousers in front of the big boss without shame. This might be the the only villain I pity, he’s just too innocent compared to God Xin.]

[Not only compared to God Xin, but he’s also as simple as can be compared to Big boss.]

[Duplicate: Damn, am I the villain or are you the villain? You know how to bully honest people! Damn it!]

[“The Villain”]

[The other reason is that the duplicate said that he is perfect from the beginning. As a perfect existence, how can he allow any flaws on his body? In order to prove his perfection, of course he will verify it immediately.]

[I can’t stop laughing, the Mirror Man said that God Xin is shameless. First savor those words. Is it because it’s alluring?]

[A man of culture doesn’t call it allure, he calls it God Xin’s way of romance.]

[Pfft haha, I must be getting old.]

[God Xin: Shut up! You’re making me lose face.]

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