After the Full-Level Boss Entered the Infinite Game By Mistake

Chapter 159.2 - Strange Yanwang Town

Chapter 159.2 - Strange Yanwang Town


In the live broadcast room

[Seeing that dog in the eighteenth hell and never to be reborn makes me relieved. ]

[Who is the dog? ]

[It’s that Huang Xiaolian, the villain in God Xin’s last campus copy, who used his identity to hurt students in various ways and killed many people. ]

[Damn, is there really such an evil teacher in the world? ]

[Relax, the net was wide open; hasn’t retribution come soon? ]

[The human trafficker was also well punished. ]

[Is that kind of punishment really painful? Why do I feel that such a punishment is not painful? Why do I feel that it’s not as scary as the copper pillar hell on the sixth floor? The soul is placed directly on the iron pillar and roasted. Hiss, it looks like it hurts. 】

[The effects are different, one is body pain, and the other is spiritual. For example, the human trafficker sold women and children to get rich, and he wasn’t repentant. Even if he were asked to jump in the fire, he’d just beg because of the pain in his body. To put it bluntly, he would be giving in to the pain.

But this kind of punishment hurts his guilt. Just like how his wife and children disappeared, other families went through this when he trafficked, so that feeling of guilt is tearing and conflicting. With the impact of constant conflicts and confrontations, mental torture is far more painful than physical torture. ]

[So that’s how it is. I seem to understand it after your analysis.]

[Yeah, I’m sensible. ]

[Hiss, okay. ]


Bai Lixin did not rush to lift the lid but circled around to observe it.

In the middle corner, he found a trace of red. The box was black with a red cover on it, so it was almost invisible without a magnifying glass.

But fortunately, he had keen eyes.

Bai Lixin squatted down and looked at the smudged red corner, and tried to touch it with his hands.

His hand was immediately dyed a faint red.

He put his finger under his nose and smelled it, it didn’t smell like blood but had a slightly sweet and greasy smell.

It smelled like a flower, and he seemed to have smelled it somewhere.

Bai Lixin pondered in his mind for a moment, and found a scent similar to this in the fragments of his memory.

He once smelled this scent in the sea of flowers on the other side.

But it’s just a part of the scent, and there was something else mixed in there.

As for what the adulterant was, Bai Lixin doesn’t have a definite answer right now.

He took out a plastic evidence bag and dagger from his backpack, and used the dagger to scrape off the red powder and put it into the bag.

After putting the things in the backpack properly, Bai Lixin continued his search.

From the outside, the saint’s prison was no different from others, there were no gaps or loopholes.

On the face of the box were his name and crimes.

[Prisoner: Saint]

[Sin: killing a god, recklessly changing the book of life and death, reversing the yin and yang worlds.]

[He will never be reincarnated! ]

Bai Lixin stared at the sins for a few seconds.

Just any one of these sins is a direct ticket to the 18th level of hell.

After finding no useful clues, Bai Lixin lifted the lid.

No punishment, no scenes.

It was pitch black inside.

The thick darkness was like a ferocious beast that seemed to be able to swallow everything in a second.

Bai Lixin stared at the darkness and wondered whether it returned to darkness because there was no prisoner in it, or if this darkness was the saint’s punishment.


While he was thinking, there seemed to be a sound coming from the dark box.

Bai Lixin’s eyes froze suddenly, and he looked at the darkness vigilantly.

—“So lonely.”

As if to provoke Bai Lixin, a voice came out of the box.

This time, it was much clearer than before.

—“Who are you, why are you looking at me?”

Bai Lixin’s head buzzed, and his eyes flickered.

Other prisoners couldn’t see what was going on outside their prisons, but this voice in this prison could see him.

And the saint was no longer there.

Since the system issued such a task, it proved that the saint was no longer there. Since the saint was no longer there, who did this voice belong to?

Bai Lixin asked cautiously: “Who are you?”

——”Won’t you know who I am if you come in?”

Bai Lixin: “…do you think I’m stupid?”

——”I know you, your name is Bai Lixin. I know your secrets and your troubles.”

——”You don’t belong to this world, you want to go to the 999th floor, you want to save people.”

Bai Lixin’s viscera was already throbbing violently, but the more he was like this, the calmer his expression became.

He responded with silence.

That voice sounded again.

——”I am a prophet, I know this world and everything in it, and I can answer your questions.”

——”As long as you come in.”

Bai Lixin let out a long breath, looked at the darkness in front of him, and suddenly laughed: “I won’t believe you know everything, unless you answer my question right now.”

——”What’s the problem? Tell me.”

Bai Lixin: “Can you explain the principle of the wave-particle duality of light? Or the anchoring principle of a spaceship jumping in space.”


Fuck, never heard of it!

Bai Lixin: “Oh, I see.”

“You are not a prophet, you just read my most urgent thoughts, but what you saw was only the tip of the iceberg.”

“So you can’t answer things that are beyond your understanding.”

“You’re just a con. Heh, it’s true all cats and dogs these days call themselves ‘prophets’.”

“So who are you?”

The voice didn’t speak for a long time, then it said:

——”I am the fragment of the saint.”

——”The saint abandoned me and left me here forever.”

—”I hate him.”

—”Help me get him back.”

Bai Lixin: “Why should I help you?”

——”You must help me if you want to save Yama. I saw that you like that bastard.”

——”I don’t like Yama at all, but I hate the saint who abandoned me even more.”

——”We are one, I am his evil side. He committed the evil deeds back then, and now he has thrown me away in order to be reborn.”

——”I’m not reconciled, why should I suffer in this dark cage while he lives?!”

——”I hate him, I hate him so much!”

Bai Lixin frowned and interrupted the voice’s complaints, “Please explain clearly, what will happen to Yama?”

——”Hahaha, he wants to create the most perfect demon baby, and put the soul of a saint into the demon baby to come back to life. The demon baby is made of the most extreme evil thoughts, and it is the nemesis of Yama.”

——”He wants to get revenge on Yama and wants to replace him!”

——”If you don’t help me, you will just watch your good lover die at the hands of the demon baby.”

——”The enemy of the enemy is a friend, and the two of us are now comrades in the trenches.”

Bai Lixin’s voice had some doubt: “The saint was still in the cage while the demon baby project was started.”

“There is still someone helping the saint, who is that person?”

——”That… I don’t know.”

Bai Lixin: “You don’t know?”

——”Its because the saint was rescued suddenly, I share memories with the saint, so I only know that it is a man in black.”

Man in black?

Bai Lixin: “Since you said that we are comrades-in-arms in the same trench, then you must always show your sincerity. Tell me the saint’s weakness, where should I go to find him, and everything else you know.”

—”Hehe, you are really good at negotiating.”

Bai Lixin: “Touché, if I hadn’t discovered your trick just now, wouldn’t I have fallen for your trap? You are not a good person, so don’t talk about morality with me here.”

——”Hahaha, does your Lord Yama know your true face? I suddenly admire you, and I’m curious how your Yama will face you after your disguise is peeled off layer by layer.”

Disdain flashed in Bai Lixin’s eyes, “Of course he’ll love me more, otherwise?”

——”Okay, okay. Very good, at least you’re more honest than that saint who is full of benevolence and morality. I like you very much. As a symbol of sincerity in cooperation, I will show you a way.”

——”The saint’s weakness is Mengpo. He will surely go back to find Mengpo once he is out. If you find Mengpo, you’ll have found the saint.”

——”Although the other man in black didn’t show his face, I have heard his voice. It was a man’s voice, and his voice was low.”

——”He has a very strange smell, very fragrant.”

Bai Lixin: “Is it the fragrance of manzanita flowers?”

——”Hmm, I don’t know what scent the manzanita flowers give off, but it could be. But when that you put it that way, it is indeed a scent of flowers.”

Bai Lixin silently took note of all these clues in his mind, “Okay, I will remember, I will catch the saint but I don’t guarantee that I will send him here intact.”

“Since he dares to threaten Dijia’s life,” the young man’s usually gentle voice suddenly turned cold, “then I will definitely make him die.”

——”Hahaha, scared?”

——”Okay, but I have to let you down on that. Do you know why he was only sent to the 18th floor of hell even after killing a god?”

——”Because he was already half a saint, his body doesn’t decay, and his soul is immortal.”

——”You can’t kill him, you can only seal him.”

Bai Lixin pursed his lips, and after a while, he asked, “Can you tell me what this darkness means to you?”

—”It’s ignorance and stagnation.”

——”He has always yearned for the light, wants to save sentient beings, and wants to become a Buddha immediately. His consciousness developed early, and all major events in the world cannot escape his eyes.”

——”This darkness blocks his strength and makes him blind.”

——”It is a kind of torture for him to lose the control and foresight of all things.”

——”What’s more, the flow of time is extremely slow in this darkness. Fifteen minutes seems like several years in the darkness.”

—”He as almost going crazy when someone suddenly appeared one day, claiming to be his believer, and discussed with him about fleeing.”

——”Oh, I was too naïve. I originally thought that the so-called fleeing was the departure of a complete saint. I didn’t expect the saint to forcibly tear his soul away from sin. What a joke! If you made a mistake, you made a mistake. Does he think that by separating from me, his mistakes suddenly disappeared? After all, I appeared because of his evil thoughts. What a coward! How dare he pat his ass and leave, garbage!”

Bai Lixin: “…”

What happened to your reservation from earlier?

Why did this speech suddenly sound like a lover’s quarrel?

All of a sudden, the voice became emotional.

——”That useless idiot! He abandoned his principals to plunge into a woman’s embrace!”

——”What’s so good about that woman? What kind of eyes does he have? I can easily find a hundred or a thousand women who are prettier than her!”

——”It’s really my fault for trusting him.”

Bai Lixin: “…”

I dare not say it, I dare not say it, I really dare not say a word.

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