After the Full-Level Boss Entered the Infinite Game By Mistake

Chapter - ATFBETIBM 160.1

After closing the lid, Bai Lixin squatted on the ground and stared at the four corners of the box in a daze.

S419M: [What are you looking at, Lord host.]

Bai Lixin took the dagger out of his backpack and sent the flat part into the bottom of the box: [Nothing.]

S419: […… You’re not going to pry this box open, are you?]

The host was getting bolder and bolder, what is he doing now?

Bai Lixin tried to open the box, but it didn’t move at all. He gave up the action and sighed regretfully: [I was ready to handle whatever the consequences were, but I failed to open it. ]

S419M: […… why don’t you stop being arrogant and just pry the whole Abyssal Hell open?]

Bai Lixin: [Hiss, a gentleman does not ask whether taking his own money is stealing. I am a proper gentleman; how can I do such an unruly thing?]

S419M: [……]

I’m sure you’ve done worse than that.

Is it possible that you have some misconceptions about yourself?

Bai Lixin tidied up his clothes and took out the portal from his backpack: [Let’s go back the way we came, and see Mengpo.]

S419: [You’re not waiting for the Lord God?]

Bai Lixin opened the door and walked in: [It’s okay, he can find me.]

A white light flashed, and the portal quickly disappeared.



[Congratulations, [Portal] was used successfully, only 1 use is left.]

[Your current location is: [Underworld – Yama’s Palace].

Bai Lixin: [……]

Wait a minute, where is he now?

Yama’s Palace?

Wasn’t that the lair of the male dog’s waist?

So the question was, is this a marriage of a thousand miles or is it a meat bone walking to a dog?

The disadvantage of the portal is that although it helps him teleport around, the endpoint is random, making it impossible to choose a safe place to land.

Bai Lixin looked around, but he couldn’t tell which room he was in; judging by the layout, it should be some kind of treasure room.

The room was very spacious, but the wide array of items made it seem unusually cramped.

There were fine gold and silver porcelain items, mountains of golden stardust, and countless other treasures.

Deep in this room was another door. Bai Lixin walked past the treasures all over the floor without a change in emotion and soon came to the small door.

It had a latch, and next to the latch was a recessed groove that appeared to be the keyhole.

After staring at the groove for a couple of seconds, Bai Lixin slowly took Yama’s Order out of his backpack and snapped it on.

The latch, which had been tightly sealed, opened with a click.

The corners of Bai Lixin’s mouth twitched as he picked up Yama’s order and put it back in his backpack: “……”

Yama Order is a real model worker, it works wherever you require it to.

The inside was dark and had a slightly musty smell, giving off a sense of age.

Bai Lixin took out a flashlight from his backpack and turned it on, and the room inside was instantly illuminated.

It was a library, no smaller than the room outside. There were many shelves lined up in the room, each with a dense collection of books.

Bai Lixin walked to the nearest shelf, shone the flashlight on it, and was able to read the titles there.

[The Book of Events in the Underworld]

[The Sealed Archives of the Underworld]

[The Ten Most Vicious Cases in the Underworld]

Bai Lixin put the flashlight on the shelf, adjusted the angle, picked up “The Ten Most Vicious Cases in the Underworld”, and flipped through it.

The cases recorded in it were all incidents that caused the underworld to experience turmoil, such as Pangu opening up the heavens and the earth, the golden monkeys fighting in hell, and so on.

Bai Lixin turned the pages with his index finger and went through them quickly.

When he reached the last case, he paused.

The Evil Half-Saint’s Massacre

Bai Lixin turned the page.

[In the year 892 of the Underworld, the half-saint entered the Underworld, looking for a woman named Yingniang.]

[The Half Saint wreaked havoc in the Underworld, and although the ghost messengers were badly injured, none of them died.]

[The half-saint still had a conscience in his heart. But half a day later, the Half Saint broke into Yama’s Palace with a completely different nature.]

[His eyes were red and his face was blue, he looked like a demon. He killed King Yama and countless other ghosts, destroyed the Book of Life and Death, and fled with Ying Niang.]

[When King Yama died, the whole underworld was enveloped in chaos! The earth cracked, there were landslides, and a great disaster is coming!

[Fortunately, a new King Yama, Dijia, was suddenly born from the void. With one stroke of his hand, he was able to stop the fleeing half-saint and Ying Niang and poured half of his cultivation into the Underworld to pacify it, so that it could live in peace from the disaster. Since then, the breath of the underworld has been closely related to King Dijia’s. Although he was just born and had lost half of his cultivation, his divine power was still invincible!]

[The half-sister and Yang Niang were caught. Yang Niang’s name was removed from the Book of Life and Death so she could no longer reincarnate.] [Although Yang Niang was not at fault and did not deserve to suffer in hell, she was the source of all this misfortune. She was therefore condemned to serve as a Mengpo until the end of her days.]

[The Half Saint was forever condemned to Abyssal Hell and shall never be reborn.]

Bai Lixin slowly closed the book and fell into contemplation.

From this case, he had actually gotten several key pieces of information.

First, Mengpo’s name was Yang Niang, such a clue should not be disregarded.

Secondly, it was clearly recorded that the saint did not kill anyone when he first entered the underworld, and even when he fought the ghost messengers, he only beat them up but no one died.

Thirdly, there was a half-day gap between the time the saint first came to the underworld and when he reappeared. Not only did he go on a killing spree, but he also destroyed the Book of Life and Death. What happened during this half-day may be the key to what he has become.

Fourthly, there was the Book of Life and Death. It is said that the Book of Life and Death was destroyed, but for some reason, he suddenly became interested in this destroyed Book of Life and Death the moment he said this sentence.

Was it only Yang Niang’s Book of Life and Death that was destroyed? Or was another book also destroyed? If another book was destroyed, whose was it and where are they now?

The fifth point was Dijia. It is said that in order to save the disintegrating Underworld, Dijia poured half of his cultivation into the Underworld and became closely related to the Underworld.

What does this linkage mean? What was the significance of this point? Does his mood affect the Underworld? Or was there some other connection?

The short, 100-word introduction to the case was very sloppy, but he still got some information that he did not know before.

He placed the book in its previous position and walked forward with his flashlight raised.

There were some other books in the room, but he wasn’t interested after skimming through them, as none had any relation to the case.

After failing to find any other clues in the room, Bai Lixin did not linger and exited the room, closing the door behind him.

He walked through the room full of treasures, treasures that were coveted by other eyes, but were like pieces of broken iron in Bai Lixin’s eyes.

He quickly walked through the treasures and soon arrived at the entrance of the room.

The door was tightly closed, and when he tried to push it open, it shook twice but did not open.

The door should have been locked from the outside.

With one hand on the wall and one on the iron handle, Bai Lixin was pondering whether it would be appropriate to break out or whether it would be more decent to use the [portal] when he suddenly heard whispers outside the door.

“Did you feel it shaking just now?”

“I felt it, did someone break in?!”

“But how is that possible? We’ve been guarding this place, even a fly can’t get in.”

“Let’s go in and take a look, we can’t afford something going wrong. This is the Treasury in Yama’s palace. There are many exquisite treasures inside; we’re done once they’re missing.”

“But, logically speaking, there shouldn’t be –”

“Never mind whether there is or isn’t. Take a step back, duty demands that we inspect the Treasury as long as suspicion arises.”

“Then hurry up and get the two chiefs, three keys are needed to open the Treasury; where are the chiefs now?”

“They are making their rounds of the secret passages now, but they should be here soon.”

Bai Lixin’s ear was pressed against the door frame; even his breathing slowed down.

A moment ago, he had been thinking there was no one outside, unaware that this room was always guarded by soldiers.

It took three keys to open it, so the concept of security in the underworld was quite advanced. It was quite similar to the model used by some security workers on the Blue Star and banks that keep precious items.

It was easy for problems to arise if the key was in one hand, so there are usually several keys, and each key is kept by a different person.

These should preferably be competitors or those who do not have any working relationship with each other.

Only in this way can the items’ safety be guaranteed, although there have been cases where all three key holders have defected, though it is rare.

So over time, three key holders became the safest way to go.

This is why they often refer to the three keyholders as the “golden triangle”, to describe their solidity.

It was hard to say who would be more embarrassed if they came in later, so to spare each other the embarrassment, Bai Lixin decided to slip away.

He gingerly took out [Portal] from his backpack and was just about to mention a teleportation location when the system prompt suddenly rang out.


[Friend reminder: [Portal] has entered a cool-down state due to repeated use within a short period of time; currently, [Portal] is in the process of re-booting; the boot time is 30 minutes; please wait patiently.]

[For 30 minutes, players can’t use [Portal. Thank you for your support.]

Bai Lixin stared at the couldn’t-be-simpler door in front of him: “……”

‘I don’t understand, why is the cultivation type [Portal] relying on an intelligent system carrying such flaws?’

Fuck, what kind of nondescript setting was this?

Are you sure you’re not playing with me?’

Bai Lixin took a deep breath and threw [Portal] into his backpack.

Outside the room, the sound of conversation rang out again.

“Chief, you’re here, it’s time to inspect the warehouse.”

“You guys aren’t usually this excited, what just happened?”

“Er, well, just now, I thought about it again, and it could have been the wind.”

“Hmm? It can’t be the wind, the wind can’t get in there! Open the room and turn on all the mechanisms in the secret passages! Check the place thoroughly, you shouldn’t even let an ant go!”

“If you find any intruders, kill them without mercy!”

There was the sound of the key turning, and Bai Lixin chose to retreat to the darkened study after a moment.

These were Dijia’s men after all; he didn’t want to fight them.


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