After the Full-Level Boss Entered the Infinite Game By Mistake

Chapter 160.2

Hi guys, am happy to collaborate with ckanda to continue this novel. 🥰 

I will be updating atleast one chapter from Mon-Thur!

He had just walked into the study when there was a sound of the door being opened.

Then came the sound of hurried, heavy footsteps.

“We are the Niu Tou and Ma Mian of Yama’s Palace; come out obediently, and we can still spare your life and give you a chance to explain yourself before the Great Judge.”

*Niu Tou and Ma Mian are Ox Head and Horse Face, the two guardians of the underworld according to Chinese mythology.

“But if you continue hiding, your soul will be scattered once we find you!”

“I’ll count to three. One, two –”

A gruff voice with a thick nasal tone came from outside, and Bai Lixin pressed himself against the wall. He thought it over for a few seconds and decided to walk out.

He had entered this room by accident, which is explainable, and if it’s a big deal, then he’ll bring out Yama’s Order.

Who was afraid of who?

Yama’s Order was such a good brick that there was no need to feel guilty for using it everywhere.

Bai Lixin took out Yama’s Order from his backpack, and as he was just lifting his feet to walk forward, his body was suddenly hit by an extremely oppressive aura.

His nerves tensed, but before he could react, a pair of slightly rough hands reached out from behind his body and covered his eyes.

Then in the next moment, there was a sound of fabric rustling, a sound that Bai Lixin was familiar with; it was the sound of a cloak opening.

The huge cloak went over the two, and a familiar masculine aura pressed against his body, making the already cramped air even thinner.

His eyes were still covered, and the man’s low, husky voice was very clear in the narrow cloak, as if it was pouring in from all directions. The voice tantalized Bai Lixin, as if it wanted to burrow into him through every pore of his body.

“Why are you always in such a mess every time I meet you?”

“Are you a natural troublemaker?”

“Your courage is also growing by the day, I first saw you in fake King Yama’s bed, then I saw you at the auction house of the Ghost Market, but the third time is even better, you went straight into Yama’s Treasury?”

“Where are you planning to go next time? Is it the bed of King Yama?”

Bai Lixin grabbed the man’s iron-like arm with both hands and said, “I can handle it.”

Dijia: “……”

Of course I know that you can handle it.

But if you can handle it, how will I take advantage of it?

This little idiot.

He went with the mother fox and blocked the spatial cracks from the first level to the eighteenth, but he couldn’t find Bai Lixin.

After sending the Mother Fox to the sixth floor, he went to check the water mirror, only to find that Bai Lixin had entered his Treasury room.

Tsk, what a shame! Why didn’t he just go to his bed?

Fortunately, he had recently ordered his people to clean his bedroom every day and to always put the freshest bouquet.

Unlike that time at the auction house, the inside of the cloak was now permeated with light, and while Bai Lixin could not see Dijia, Dijia could see Bai Lixin’s every move clearly.

But ……

Dijia’s gaze fell to his hand over Bai Lixin’s eyes; he couldn’t see the youth’s misty eyes, so he was a little regretful.

With this thought, his hand was immediately covered with a black mist.

When the black mist dispersed, he took his hand off Bai Lixin’s eyes, and the pair of starry eyes had become somewhat dazed.

A faint layer of black mist was covering the originally beautiful and clear pupils.

Bai Lixin was a little stunned. “What’s wrong with me?”

The man went from being uncomfortable at the beginning to speaking nonsense without blinking: “There is miasma in this room; your eyes have been contaminated after staying in this room for so long.”

“I could take you out, but this is the third time I’ve saved you; remember our contract?”

Bai Lixin followed the voice and turned his face towards the man, and he shook Yama’s order in his hand, “But I could do it myself…”

The man continued to scare the youth, saying, “Yes, but if you wait until you meet the Niu Tou and Ma Mian first and are imprisoned for two or three days before being taken to the judge or King Yama, I’m afraid there’ll be no hope for your beautiful eyes.”

“Once the miasma enters your body, it will gradually make you lose your sight permanently, and you might even die.”

“You can do it your way and wait, but your eyes can’t.”

The man suddenly stopped talking and looked down at the ground.

Bai Lixin had stomped on his foot, and the action was fast and precise, as if it had been aimed specifically at that spot.

Dijia looked at Bai Lixin suspiciously, but the other party still had that same terrified, puzzled face.

“I’m not blind,” the youth clutched his arm, all ten fingers embedded in his flesh out of fear, and eight small crescents were soon made on his arm. “Help me.”

Dijia: “……”

The boy must be like this because he was scared. He was so nice; he could never do such things on purpose.

Dijia took a deep breath and pushed back Bai Lixin’s sleeves, revealing the black mark.

Placing his finger on the seal, Dijia asked, “You still remember our agreement, right? If I help you a third time, you have to grant me one thing.”

“I have helped you this time, so I’ll be collecting interest soon.”

“I hope you understand that.”

His baby was so good, he felt guilty for bullying him.

He obviously didn’t have to say anything more, but he just couldn’t resist reminding Bai Lixin over and over again.

Although Bai Lixin could not see, the eyes covered by the black mist had accumulated some watery mist and coupled with the beautiful and sensible face, it looked fun to pinch.

Dijia moved the hand Bai Lixin was holding.

“Have I ever told you that instead of making someone leave you alone, this well-behaved look of yours just arouses people’s desire to abuse?” The man’s voice suddenly became hoarse. His thumb pressed against Bai Lixin’s delicate arm, and he started kneading it.

Bai Lixin let out a soft cry of pain, his voice soft and sticky, as if a lark were singing.

Dijia felt every inch of his body harden.

He braced his hand against the wall, darkness running through his eyes.

Why was it that every time he tried to punish the youth, it most often turned out to be a disguised form of torture for himself?

Was he suffering from some major case of masochism?

Gritting his teeth in indignation, Dijia directly lifted his cloak and disappeared with Bai Lixin amidst the dumbfounded eyes of Niu Tou and Ma Mian.

Niu Tou and Ma Mian: “!!!”

What was that just now?

No way, that seemed to be King Yama!

But wasn’t Yama harsh on intruders?! Why was he holding one in his arms?

“Ahem,” Niu Tou spoke up, “So, the iron tree is blooming?”

Ma Mian: “Now that you have said so, I can no longer deny it.”

Niu Tou: “……”

Hey, will you die if you don’t talk back?

“Uh, two chiefs, so the sound that just made the push was.…”

Niu Tou: “Let me ask you first, is anything missing from the Treasury?”

Ghost Messenger: “No.”

Niu Tou showed a look of understanding and said, “All right, the case is solved.”

“In the world of the living, don’t men try to show off their wealth to their wives? This is the same reasoning as crows using colored crystals to decorate their nests during courtship, they are all trying to prove themselves by showing off.”

“It was probably Yama who brought the beautiful young man here to show this unbeatable wealth as a way to win his heart.”

“To sum it up, King Yama is deeply in love.”

“What? King Yama is in love?”

“Huh, King Yama has a wife?”

“What, Yama is getting married?!”

“Oh my, is Yama going to the bridal chamber tonight?!”


In the live broadcast room

[Hahaha, I’m laughing my ass off. Pass it on, King Yama is going to the bridal chamber now.]

[Not only is he going to get married, but his son is now enlightened and scattering incense.]

[ King Yama in the eyes of others: Marry a wife and have children to enjoy the happiness of a family.]

[ King Yama in the eyes of King Yama: Still a virgin, suffocating.jpg. Not only has he not hit a home run, but he is also being tricked by a movie king.]

[The reality Is too harsh.]

[King Yama: What?! I’m getting married? The eighteen styles of Dragon X will finally come in handy!]

[Mother Fox: You’re really good. You have your books, why grab mine? ]

[Hahaha, King Yama: You obviously gave it up yourself.]

[Why don’t you guys just write a book on comedy? I’d love to read it.]


Bai Lixin only felt a pair of strong arms wrap around his body, and in the next second, he was suddenly dizzy.

Before he could wake up from the dizziness, his body fell on a soft yet somewhat hard object.

Still unable to see with his eyes, he reached out and touched it, feeling the comfortably soft silk texture beneath him.

The texture was smooth and of excellent quality.

Next to him was the familiar sound of ragged breathing that was being suppressed but failing to do so.

Bai Lixin changed his position without a trace, seemingly docile, but actually teasing.

As a result, the sound of breathing beside him went up a few more notches.

However, instead of receiving the touch he expected, Bai Lixin heard the sound of a book being flipped through.

Bai Lixin: “????”

Flipping through a book?

No way, why go through a book at this time?!

Could it be that Dijia was trying to resist the desire and chose to read a book to reduce his fire?

But no, why was his breathing getting heavier instead?

Bai Lixin was at a loss, and he looked at Dijia with an increasingly bewildered expression.

Dijia hastily flipped through the eighteen styles, and with a sudden sigh, he stood up from the bed.

He suppressed his desire and spoke coldly: “I will come for the reward some other time.”

He liked Bai Lixin, but he didn’t want to have him in such an unclear manner.

He wanted to formally marry him.

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