After the Full-Level Boss Entered the Infinite Game By Mistake

Chapter 161.2

Chapter 161.2

Dijia: “Where do you want to go next?”

Bai Lixin: “If possible, I want to check the Books of Life and Death. Dijia, can you take me to have a look?”

Dijia: “……”

Yes, yes! Of course I can!

Dijia put his fist against his mouth and coughed lightly, “It just so happens that I know where the Book of Life and Death is kept, come with me.”

The two continued to walk forward, their figures gradually disappearing at the end of the corridor.

From a distance, the sound of their conversation could be heard.

Bai Lixin: “Dijia, King Yama is the lord of the underworld, but why are his guards lacking? We’ve been walking for so long, how come we haven’t seen a single ghost?”

Dijia: “You know he is also the King of the Underworld, such a strong man doesn’t need guards.”

Bai Lixin: “Is King Yama very strong?”

Dijia: “Of course, the strongest in the underworld… no, the strongest in the world.”

Bai Lixin: “Hm, he sounds very powerful; what about compared to you? Who is more powerful among you two?”

Dijia: “Well, it’s not really good to compare us.”


On the originally ordinary wall, the framed figures suddenly moved.

“Wow, is that Wangfei?! He’s so good looking, no wonder King Yama hasn’t taken a wife all these years; it turns out that good times were ahead.”

*Wangfei is a title to the wife of a king

“Truly, the one who can make King Yama go down to the sea must be a mermaid, sure enough.”

“Wow! King Yama’s Wangfei touched me just now; his hand is so tender; I like this Wangfei.”

“Oh, King Yama likes him too, but be careful; I just saw King Yama glaring at you.”

“I wondered why King Yama suddenly came out and told us to hide; it turns out that he was afraid we’d scare Wangfei! Tsk tsk tsk. I didn’t think he was so wild! He directly kidnapped the person to bed!’

“By the way, King Yama sought me out a moment ago, inquiring about betrothal gifts and corresponding ceremonies.”

“Wow! Hey, hey, hey, we’re about to have a happy event in the palace!”

The flames swayed, and the little people engraved on the walls danced and sang.


In the live broadcast room.

[Wow, so these figures were all ghosts —isn’t this night walk of a hundred ghosts coming true? Who would have thought of that?]

[It seems to have occurred to God Xin; it looked like he noticed.]

[Well, ghosts are a form of existence different from those of us who have physical bodies. But these murals are alive; I would never have thought of it in that way.]

[ God Xin seemed so angry just now.]

[That’s not anger; that’s grief and rage, right?

[Think about it, if I were a villager and had to be killed like an ant to bring someone back to life, I’d be resentful too.]

[Yes, it’s not just being killed. I’m already angry because of this dog system that brought me into this game, let alone being killed. What’s the difference between them being killed without resistance and us being chased by ghosts and monsters every time? Pisses me off!]

[Haha, you’re hitting a sore spot.]



Dijia led Bai Lixin left and right and came to a closed red door.

Dijia: “This is the study where King Yama usually works, the Book of Life and Death is placed inside.”

Dijia was about to push the door open when two figures suddenly burst out of the study.

The two floated silently, one dressed in white and the other in black.

Four pairs of eyes met, and both parties froze.

Dijia: “……”

Ghost messengers: “……”

Ghost messengers: “Greetings-”

Dijia coughed hard and looked at Bai Lixin calmly: “Don’t panic; I used invisibility just now; no one else can see us.”

“These two are ghost messengers from the hall, and are responsible for cleaning King Yama’s study daily.”

The two ghost messengers, one in white and one in black, looked at each other for a moment, then looked at Dijia in unison.

White ghost messenger: “Uh, so we – can’t see anything?”

The black ghost messenger licked his lips and blinked at Dijia: “Y-yes?”

Dijia, who was glaring at them with a cold face, “……”

You two losers, hurry up and get lost.

The black and white ghost messengers finally understood. They immediately tilted their heads and casually went past Dijia and Bai Lixin, speaking as they walked, “By the way, do you know where King Yama is?”

“I don’t know, I haven’t seen him all day, it’s like he is invisible.”

“Wow, King Yama can become invisible, that’s great.”

Dijia: “……”

‘How did I not know that there were so many retarded ghost messengers in this palace?’

Bai Lixin blinked: “Dijia, you’re so good, so prescient, I didn’t even realize that you’d made us invisible.”

Dijia: “???”

He wasn’t discovered? Why was his baby so simple and kind, how could he let him out in the future without feeling discomfort? Won’t he sell himself and count the money?


In the live broadcast room.

[Hahaha, no guys, you shouldn’t laugh!]

[Big boss: damn it, these two are going to spoil everything with their poor acting skills.]

[Big boss stares at them in the background and falls into a deep state of contemplation.]

[God Xin: I’m still the best, I was able to hold back.]

[Two acting kings with two acting wastes, life just goes by in a blur.]

[Ghost messengers: I don’t know what happened at that time, but I was extremely scared. Fortunately, we reacted quickly enough, and in the end, we were able to remedy the situation with a divine stroke. King Yama will definitely praise us.]

[Hahaha, you’ve taken all the shoots from the mountain.]


Witnessing the two ghosts leave, the two pushed the door open and walked in.

The décor in the study was similar to that in King Yama’s bedchamber, with the same kind of simple yet grand and noble décor.

Dijia felt distressed at the thought of Bai Lixin having to look for the book, and directly pulled Bai Lixin to the back of the study, led him to a room with ease, and pointed to a huge book, “Here, this is the book of life and death.”

Anyway, my baby is so stupid, he couldn’t see through such lame acting skills, so it shouldn’t be a problem for him to be bold.

Bai Lixin: “……”

Are you not even pretending anymore?

Bai Lixin stared at the book of life and death that was about the height of a table and said, “There is only one book of life and death?”

Dijia: “Yes, it’s the only one, no one should deceive you.”

Bai Lixin: “I was planning to read the part that the Saint destroyed.”

Dijia: “Okay, I will find it for you. Sit down.”

He found a tall bench from the side, pressed Bai Lixin to sit down, and then skillfully flipped through the huge Book of Life and Death in front of him, speaking as he did so.

“The Book of Life and Death has been attacked twice in total, once by a monkey and once by this saint.”

“Because there are only two instances, the damaged parts are easy to remember.”

While speaking, his rapidly flipping fingers slowly stopped on a page, “This is the page that was destroyed by the saint.”

Dijia turned and gave Bai Lixin enough space.

Bai Lixin looked over; in the Book of Life and Death, each name was recorded on a new page.

After the name came the date of birth, the time of birth, the time of death, and the place of reincarnation.

On the page Dijia turned to, the right side was still intact, while the left side was badly ruined.

Scarlet blood stained the book of life and death, and black ink blotted a patch where the name should have been, making it completely impossible to see the name of the person on it.

Bai Lixin: “Yang Niang’s name is below this ink stain?”

Dijia: “Yes.”

Bai Lixin: “Before she can reincarnate, Yang Niang was told to atone for sins day after day at the Niahe bridge in the wind and sun and making Mengpo soup. But from the scope of the ink stain, it seems that more than one person was affected. Where are they?”

Dijia: “There were indeed some innocents involved, and although there was some helplessness, these people were brought back to the underworld. Because they cannot be reincarnated, we gave them all a place to return to.”

“Those who are capable became ghost messengers, and those who want to live comfortably were sent to the area of the living souls.”

“Although this was the saint’s fault, we had to take responsibility because failing to keep the Book of Life and Death safe rendered us derelict in our duties. Taking care of all those innocent victims was the least we should do.”

Bai Lixin: “So are all these people still under your surveillance? Are all the others normal, except for Yang Niang?”

Dijia: “Ma Mian and Niu Tou visit these people every year. I know what you are thinking, but all these worries have already occurred to us.”

“We have also wondered if someone here was using the saint, using him to go beyond the five elements and get their name out of the Book of Life and Death. But we have checked their lives thoroughly and didn’t find anything suspicious.”

“The annual visits in the name of pacifying and comforting were to see if they had any problems.”

“After all these years, they have been normal, the ghost messengers are dedicated to their work, and the residents in the living soul area are peaceful.”

Doubt flashed through Bai Lixin’s heart as he looked at the ink stain and spoke, “For the sake of removing all doubt, may I see a list of these people?”

Without saying a word, Dijia pulled a small booklet from the side and said, “It is a coincidence that I have to visit these people sometimes, so I happen to know where the booklet is kept.”

Bai Lixin: “……”

Why don’t we just have a showdown? He was about to lose the act.

The other side seemed to take him for a fool. This is being too arrogant!

He had never felt so angry.

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